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Mohammed Zahir Shah

Mohammed Zahir Shah (Pashto: محمد ظاهرشاه, Dari: محمد ظاهر شاه; October 15, 1914 – July 23, 2007) was the last King of Afghanistan, reigning for four decades, from 1933 until he was ousted by a coup in 1973. Following his return from exile, he was given the title 'Father of the Nation' in 2002, which he held until his death.

Family background and early life

Zahir Shah was an ethnic Pashtun who was born on 16 October 1914, in Kabul, Afghanistan. He was the son of Mohammed Nadir Shah, a senior member of the Barakzai royal family and commander in chief of the Afghan army under former king Amanullah Khan. Nadir Shah assumed the throne after the execution of Habibullah Ghazi on 10 October 1929. Mohammed Zahir's father, son of Sardar Mohammad Yusuf Khan, was born in Dehradun, British India, his family having been exiled following the Second Anglo-Afghan War. Nadir Shah was a descendant of Sardar Sultan Mohammed Khan Telai, half-brother of Amir Dost Mohammad Khan. His grandfather Mohammad Yahya Khan (father in law of Amir Yaqub Khan) was in charge of the negotiations with the British leading to the Treaty of Gandamak. After the British invasion following the killing of Sir Louis Cavagnari in 1879, Yaqub Khan, Yahya Khan and his sons, Princes Mohammad Yusuf Khan and Mohammad Asef Khan, were seized by the British and transferred under custody to the British Raj, where they forcibly remained until the two princes were invited back to Afghanistan by Emir Abdur Rahman Khan in the last year of his reign (1901). During the reign of Amir Habibullah they received the title of Companions of the King (Musahiban).

Afghan detainees at Guantanamo Bay

According to the United States Department of Defense, it held more than two hundred Afghan detainees in Guantanamo prior to May 15, 2006. They had been captured and classified as enemy combatants in warfare following the US and allies invasion of Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban and disrupt terrorist networks. Originally the US held such prisoners in sites in Afghanistan, but needed a facility to detain them where they could be interrogated. It opened the Guantanamo Bay detention camp on January 11, 2002 and transported the enemy combatants there.

The United States Supreme Court's ruled in Rasul v. Bush (2004) that the detainees had the right of habeas corpus to challenge their detention under the US Constitution. That summer, the Department of Defense stopped transferring detained men to Guantanamo. On September 6, 2006 United States President George W. Bush announced the transfer of 14 high value detainees to Guantanamo, including several Afghans. Other Afghans have been transferred to the camp since then.


Coordinates: 33°N 65°E / 33°N 65°E / 33; 65

Afghanistan i/æfˈɡænstæn/ (Pashto/Dari: افغانستان, Afġānistān), officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country located within South Asia and Central Asia. It has a population of approximately 32 million, making it the 42nd most populous country in the world. It is bordered by Pakistan in the south and east; Iran in the west; Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan in the north; and China in the far northeast. Its territory covers 652,000 km2 (252,000 sq mi), making it the 41st largest country in the world.

Human habitation in Afghanistan dates back to the Middle Paleolithic Era, and the country's strategic location along the Silk Road connected it to the cultures of the Middle East and other parts of Asia. Through the ages the land has been home to various peoples and witnessed numerous military campaigns; notably by Alexander the Great, Muslim Arabs, Mongols, British, Soviet Russians, and in the modern-era by Western powers. The land also served as the source from which the Kushans, Hephthalites, Samanids, Saffarids, Ghaznavids, Ghorids, Khiljis, Mughals, Hotaks, Durranis, and others have risen to form major empires.

War in Afghanistan (2001–14)

The War in Afghanistan (or the American war in Afghanistan) is the period in which the United States invaded Afghanistan after the September 11 attacks. Supported initially by close allies, they were later joined by NATO beginning in 2003. It followed the Afghan Civil War's 1996–2001 phase. Its public aims were to dismantle al-Qaeda and to deny it a safe base of operations in Afghanistan by removing the Taliban from power. Key allies, including the United Kingdom, supported the U.S. from the start to the end of the phase. This phase of the War is the longest war in United States history.

In 2001, U.S. President George W. Bush demanded that the Taliban hand over Osama bin Laden and expel al-Qaeda; bin Laden had already been wanted by the United Nations since 1999. The Taliban declined to extradite him unless given what they deemed convincing evidence of his involvement in the 9/11 attacks and declined demands to extradite other terrorism suspects apart from bin Laden. The request was dismissed by the U.S. as a delaying tactic, and on 7 October 2001 it launched Operation Enduring Freedom with the United Kingdom. The two were later joined by other forces, including the Northern Alliance. In December 2001, the United Nations Security Council established the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), to assist the Afghan interim authorities with securing Kabul. At the Bonn Conference in December 2001, Hamid Karzai was selected to head the Afghan Interim Administration, which after a 2002 loya jirga in Kabul became the Afghan Transitional Administration. In the popular elections of 2004, Karzai was elected president of the country, now named the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.


Afghanis-tan (あふがにすタン Afuganisu-tan, see note on name below) or Afghanistan is a Japanese yonkoma manga, originally published as a webcomic, by Timaking (ちまきing). It is also the name of the heroine of the manga. The manga is nicknamed Afgan (あふがん Afugan)


Afghanis-tan illustrates the modern history of Afghanistan and its neighboring countries, starting from the imperialist era in the 19th century, through moe anthropomorphism. The title character, a short and clumsy bishōjo, is a national personification of Afghanistan. Other female characters personify the nearby nations of Central Asia, such as Pakistan and Uzbekistan. Nations that have fought wars in Afghanistan at various times, such as Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States also make appearances. The Taliban government and Al-Qaeda terrorist group are also represented in the comic.

Each yonkoma strip is accompanied by an "Afghan Memo" that explains in prose some of the background and history of the nations depicted. Additional pages give short biographies of the characters.


Famous quotes by Zahir Shah:

"The only thing I did in Afghanistan was farming. I did not do anything else in the country."
"So far, we've received three dead bodies and 20 wounded."
"As I got out of the mosque, a PK (Russian-made) machine gun bullet hit me in my belly and after that I don't remember anything."
  • What Afghanistan Was Like Under The Last King | Zahir Shah Documentary

    The recent history of Afghanistan has been filled with war and conflict. As a result, many Afghans look to the reign of the last King, Zahir Shah with a sense of nostalgia for a time and place that was once peaceful and stable. From his accession to power in 1933 until his deposition in 1973, the country went through a range of social, economic and political changes. King Zahir Shah’s reign saw Afghanistan embrace modernisation, in a bid to meet the challenges of surviving in a modern world. The modernising drive of the royal family certainly succeeded in improving the Afghan economy and enhancing the state’s capacity; but its policies and initiatives also unleashed a wave of effects which would ultimately play a part in the monarchy’s downfall. FREE NEWSLETTER: https://mailchi.mp/a69f93...

    published: 23 Apr 2021
  • Afghan King & Queen 1963 Visit to U.S. Reel America Preview

    Full 30 minute program debuts Sept. 27 at 4pm ET on C-SPAN3

    published: 21 Sep 2015
  • Afghanistan - Death of King Zahir Shah

    (24 Jul 2007) 360310 AP Television Various Rome, Italy - 23 September, 2001 1. King at his residence in Olgiata, on the outskirts of Rome, meeting the UN delegate for Afghanistan, Francesc Vendrell, during talks prior to US military strike on Afghanistan Rome, Italy - December 2001 2. Close up Shah 3. President Hamid Karzai and Shah walking back through gate 10:06:23 530749 Late king Zahir Shah laid to rest in capital AP TELEVISION Kabul - 24 July 2007 4. Various, Afghan guard of honour carrying coffin of King Zahir Shah 5. Mid shot, honour guard around coffin 6. Wide shot of tomb where King Zahir Shah's body will be interred STORYLINE: Mohammad Zahir Shah, the last king of Afghanistan, who returned from three decades of exile to bless his war-battered country's fragile...

    published: 21 Jul 2015
  • Former king at his Father's tomb

    (19 Apr 2002) 1. Wide of tomb of former king's father 2. Wide shot of car convoy 3. Pan right of convoy carrying Former King, Mohammad Zaher Shah, flanked by security 4. Cars arriving at tomb 5. Cutaway of security guard 6. Various of Zaher Shah and Interim Leader Hamid Karzai walking past camera 7. Wide shot of Zaher Shah approaching tomb 8. Zaher Shah praying at tomb 9. Wide of Zaher Shah touching tomb and kissing boy 10. Wide exterior of tomb with press 11. Zaher Shah getting into car 12. Various of cars leaving - driving past camera STORYLINE: Former Afghan King Mohammad Zaher Shah visited his father's tomb outside Kabul on Friday. Nadir Shah, Zaher Shah's father, was assassinated before his son's eyes 68 years ago. Now accompanied by interim Prime Min...

    published: 21 Jul 2015
  • Roi Mohammad Zahir Shah

    L'entrevue avec son majesté Mohammad Zahir Shah, le roi d'Afghanistan.

    published: 24 Aug 2022
  • King Zaher Shah returns after 29-years in exile

    (18 Apr 2002) 1. Wide shot of guard of honour at the airport preparing for the arrival of Afghanistan's deposed king, Mohammad Zaher Shah 2. Soldier checking guards uniforms as another soldier sweep the red carpet 3. King's plane coming in to land 4. Plane taxiing on runway past military guard 5. Plane stopped in front of waiting crowd 6. King and interim Afghan leader, Hamid Karzai, exiting plane. King is applauded as he walks down stairs. 7. Various of King meeting with people - shaking their hands, hugging and kissing them 8. Wide shot of scene 9. King's car driving away, crowd applauding as it drives past STORYLINE: Afghanistan's deposed King, Mohammad Zaher Shah made a historic return to his country on Thursday, ending his 29-year exile in Italy. Many believe the ...

    published: 21 Jul 2015
  • Late king Zahir Shah laid to rest in capital

    (24 Jul 2007) SHOTLIST 1. Various, Afghan guard of honour carrying coffin of King Zahir Shah 2. Mid shot, Afghan officials 3. Wide shot, crowd around coffin 4. Mid shot, honour guard around coffin 5. Various, officials filing past coffin to pay respects 6. Mid shot, women watching 7. Wide panning shot of people filing past coffin 8. Wide shot of Eidga mosque 9. Various, soldier on armoured vehicle saluting at head of funeral procession 10. Afghan president Hamid Karzai and other Afghan and international officials arriving for prayer ceremony 11. Various, Afghan and International officials offering prayers 13. SOUNDBITE: (Dari) Mohammad Sharif, local resident "When he came back to Afghanistan he established the unity among the Afghans whish was missing for years. So I hop...

    published: 21 Jul 2015
  • Obituary of deposed Afghan King Zahir Shah

    (23 Jul 2007) SHOTLIST Kabul, Afghanistan - 18 April 2002 1. Various of King Zahir Shah getting out of plane and standing on Afghan soil after 23 years in exile, being met by then Afghanistan interim leader and later president Hamid Karzai and officials, honour guard and wellwishers at the airport Kabul, Afghanistan - April 1982 2. Wide of march marking the anniversary of the Marxist Revolution in Afghanistan 3. Medium shot of podium with Soviet-backed Afghani president Barbak Karmal and other officials Afghanistan - date and location unknown 4. Various of Russian soldiers in fire battle with Mujaheddin rebels 5. Various of Mujaheddin with a tank 6. Close up of Mujaheddin fighter 7. Wide of Mujaheddin walking in mountains Dasht-E-Haji, Afghanistan - 26 July 1997 8. Wide of r...

    published: 21 Jul 2015
What Afghanistan Was Like Under The Last King | Zahir Shah Documentary

What Afghanistan Was Like Under The Last King | Zahir Shah Documentary

  • Order:
  • Duration: 29:03
  • Uploaded Date: 23 Apr 2021
  • views: 753119
The recent history of Afghanistan has been filled with war and conflict. As a result, many Afghans look to the reign of the last King, Zahir Shah with a sense of nostalgia for a time and place that was once peaceful and stable. From his accession to power in 1933 until his deposition in 1973, the country went through a range of social, economic and political changes. King Zahir Shah’s reign saw Afghanistan embrace modernisation, in a bid to meet the challenges of surviving in a modern world. The modernising drive of the royal family certainly succeeded in improving the Afghan economy and enhancing the state’s capacity; but its policies and initiatives also unleashed a wave of effects which would ultimately play a part in the monarchy’s downfall. FREE NEWSLETTER: https://mailchi.mp/a69f93be6c66/hikma-history-newsletter - Become a Patron for as little as a dollar a month to vote on upcoming and keep the movement going! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=12397811 Massive thank you to our Patreons: Elman Ammar TheBactrianGambler Preston P Adam Mohammad Areeb Awais Omar Farid Ibrahim Ari Joshua Bilal Kjetil Haseeb Nahid Amir Mahmoud Joel CoreBard - Join our social media community: Twitter: https://twitter.com/HikmaHistory Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikmahistory/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HikmaHistory/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hikma... #AfghanWar #AfghanKing #AfghanHistory Images Used: Hubert Śmietanka Françoise Foliot Gerd Eichmann Paul Dober Aulfat Rizai J. Ollé KKB ANBI Marek Gawęcki DrRandomFactor Music Used: - The beautiful rabab music you hear in the video is Qais Essar. Check out his music at: http://www.therabab.com/​ https://qaisessar.com/​ https://www.instagram.com/q_essar/ Doug Maxwell - Arabian Nightfall (Sting): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bRzD... Epidemic Sounds Ugonna Onyekwe - Casual Desire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDzXnPeF-Ds Passage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLw1n7IEyL4 If any of the images or songs are yours, please let me know I will amend them. Please don't report me straight away! 0:00 Intro 1:15 1901-1933 Context 4:45 Consolidation of authority 10:02 First Democratic Period 15:36 Pashtunistan 19:11 PM Daud & Rapid Modernisation 22:43 Constitutional Decade
Afghan King & Queen 1963 Visit to U.S. Reel America Preview

Afghan King & Queen 1963 Visit to U.S. Reel America Preview

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:32
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Sep 2015
  • views: 963703
Full 30 minute program debuts Sept. 27 at 4pm ET on C-SPAN3
Afghanistan - Death of King Zahir Shah

Afghanistan - Death of King Zahir Shah

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:28
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Jul 2015
  • views: 18975
(24 Jul 2007) 360310 AP Television Various Rome, Italy - 23 September, 2001 1. King at his residence in Olgiata, on the outskirts of Rome, meeting the UN delegate for Afghanistan, Francesc Vendrell, during talks prior to US military strike on Afghanistan Rome, Italy - December 2001 2. Close up Shah 3. President Hamid Karzai and Shah walking back through gate 10:06:23 530749 Late king Zahir Shah laid to rest in capital AP TELEVISION Kabul - 24 July 2007 4. Various, Afghan guard of honour carrying coffin of King Zahir Shah 5. Mid shot, honour guard around coffin 6. Wide shot of tomb where King Zahir Shah's body will be interred STORYLINE: Mohammad Zahir Shah, the last king of Afghanistan, who returned from three decades of exile to bless his war-battered country's fragile course toward democracy, has died, said President Hamid Karzai on July 23rd. He was 92. A weak but well-meaning monarch during his 40-year reign, Zahir Shah was a symbol of yearned-for peace and unity in a nation still struggling to emerge from the turmoil that began with his 1973 deposing in a palace coup. When the fall of the Taliban at the end of 2001 offered fresh hope for national reconciliation, many clamoured for Zahir Shah's return - not only from exile but to retake the throne. Shah was born on October 15, 1914, the only surviving son of assassinated King Nadir Shah, and was educated in Kabul and in France. Shah was proclaimed king on November 8, 1933, within a few hours of his father's assassination, and adopted the title Mutawakkil Ala'llah, Pairaw-i Din-i Matin-i Islam (Confident in God, Follower of the Firm Religion of Islam). During the early period of his reign (1933-46), the young king reigned while his uncles Muhammad Hashim and Shah Mahmud Ghazi ruled. But in 1964 he imposed a new constitution which excluded members of the royal family from certain government positions, provided for a bicameral parliament, free elections, a free press, and the formation of political parties. It ushered in a period of unprecedented political tolerance.Foreign aid from East and West kept flowing into the country, and Kabul experienced considerable growth. Zahir Shah toured Afghanistan on several occassions and frequently travelled abroad. In 1973 while on holiday on an Italian island off Naples, Shah's cousin Muhammad Daud staged a coup and established a republican government with himself as president. After 40 years of rule in Afghanistan, Zahir Shah went into exile in Italy. During his exile Afghanistan suffered a Soviet invasion which triggered a decade of civil war. The Taliban, which means Students of Islam, emerged in 1994, pledging to bring peace to Afghanistan. Many blame the Taliban for increasing the suffering of Afghanistan's already impoverished people with their harsh rule and continued campaign against the opposition. In 1991, Zahir was stabbed in an assassination attempt at his villa in Olgiata, on the outskirts of Rome. For the next decade he kept a low profile and was rarely seen in public. But as the US prepared for a military strike on Afghanistan in retaliation for the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, there was a flurry of diplomatic activity around the king. He was regarded as a unifying figure among Afghanistan's various ethnic groups. It was also thought he could play an important role in forming a post-Taliban transitional government. Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork Twitter: https://twitter.com/AP_Archive Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APArchives ​​ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/APNews/ You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/087e24d245b8c71ec2ee8794025ea195
Former king at his Father's tomb

Former king at his Father's tomb

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  • Duration: 2:36
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Jul 2015
  • views: 386208
(19 Apr 2002) 1. Wide of tomb of former king's father 2. Wide shot of car convoy 3. Pan right of convoy carrying Former King, Mohammad Zaher Shah, flanked by security 4. Cars arriving at tomb 5. Cutaway of security guard 6. Various of Zaher Shah and Interim Leader Hamid Karzai walking past camera 7. Wide shot of Zaher Shah approaching tomb 8. Zaher Shah praying at tomb 9. Wide of Zaher Shah touching tomb and kissing boy 10. Wide exterior of tomb with press 11. Zaher Shah getting into car 12. Various of cars leaving - driving past camera STORYLINE: Former Afghan King Mohammad Zaher Shah visited his father's tomb outside Kabul on Friday. Nadir Shah, Zaher Shah's father, was assassinated before his son's eyes 68 years ago. Now accompanied by interim Prime Minister Hamid Karzai, Zaher Shah was able to re-visit his father's resting place and pay his respects. Nadir Shah's once-glorious columned crypt has been devastated by rockets and gunfire and as Zaher Shah entered the building he gazed at the holes punched in the dome above. Friday was the first time Zaher Shah ventured out of his house in Kabul after returning a day earlier. Exiled in Italy for 29 years he was accompanied on his return trip by Afghan Interim Leader Hamid Karzai - who was also with him for Friday's visit. Zaher Shah will convene a grand council, or loya jirga, in June that will select a new government, but his role in Afghanistan is now largely symbolic - there are no plans to restore the monarchy. Many Afghanis credit Zaher Shah with keeping Afghanistan at peace during his 40-year rule, and hope now that he has returned he will be a unifying force in the otherwise divided country. Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork Twitter: https://twitter.com/AP_Archive Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APArchives ​​ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/APNews/ You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/08006f06849c8e3c7ebf49d4c03ec6de
Roi Mohammad Zahir Shah

Roi Mohammad Zahir Shah

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  • Duration: 3:36
  • Uploaded Date: 24 Aug 2022
  • views: 4248
L'entrevue avec son majesté Mohammad Zahir Shah, le roi d'Afghanistan.
King Zaher Shah returns after 29-years in exile

King Zaher Shah returns after 29-years in exile

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:50
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Jul 2015
  • views: 76785
(18 Apr 2002) 1. Wide shot of guard of honour at the airport preparing for the arrival of Afghanistan's deposed king, Mohammad Zaher Shah 2. Soldier checking guards uniforms as another soldier sweep the red carpet 3. King's plane coming in to land 4. Plane taxiing on runway past military guard 5. Plane stopped in front of waiting crowd 6. King and interim Afghan leader, Hamid Karzai, exiting plane. King is applauded as he walks down stairs. 7. Various of King meeting with people - shaking their hands, hugging and kissing them 8. Wide shot of scene 9. King's car driving away, crowd applauding as it drives past STORYLINE: Afghanistan's deposed King, Mohammad Zaher Shah made a historic return to his country on Thursday, ending his 29-year exile in Italy. Many believe the monarch's return will help bring stability to Afghanistan in the wake of the US-led defeat of the Taliban regime and also to unify ethnic and tribal groups. The King stepped off his plane at Kabul airport to be greeted by a waiting crowd of dignitaries, who applauded as he stepped back on home soil. Flown in on an Italian military aircraft, Zaher Shah was accompanied by Afghanistan's interim leader Hamid Karzai and six Afghan Cabinet ministers. An honor guard stood on either side of a red carpet laid out at the base of the steps of the plane. Dozens of tribal leaders wearing traditional tunics and turbans waited for the royal entourage to arrive. Zaher Shah shook hands and hugged some of the supporters before leaving the airport in a waiting car. In June, the former monarch is to preside over a grand national assembly of tribal leaders and other Afghan representatives who will select a transitional government that will rule Afghanistan until elections. Zaher Shah was dethroned in 1973 by a cousin, Mohammed Daoud, while vacationing in Italy and has lived there ever since. Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork Twitter: https://twitter.com/AP_Archive Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APArchives ​​ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/APNews/ You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/b77c06b7f6eb67f70660aa78d915bf05
Late king Zahir Shah laid to rest in capital

Late king Zahir Shah laid to rest in capital

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  • Duration: 2:13
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Jul 2015
  • views: 53698
(24 Jul 2007) SHOTLIST 1. Various, Afghan guard of honour carrying coffin of King Zahir Shah 2. Mid shot, Afghan officials 3. Wide shot, crowd around coffin 4. Mid shot, honour guard around coffin 5. Various, officials filing past coffin to pay respects 6. Mid shot, women watching 7. Wide panning shot of people filing past coffin 8. Wide shot of Eidga mosque 9. Various, soldier on armoured vehicle saluting at head of funeral procession 10. Afghan president Hamid Karzai and other Afghan and international officials arriving for prayer ceremony 11. Various, Afghan and International officials offering prayers 13. SOUNDBITE: (Dari) Mohammad Sharif, local resident "When he came back to Afghanistan he established the unity among the Afghans whish was missing for years. So I hope we can follow his footsteps and carry on with the unity and brotherhood with each other." 14. Mid shot people sitting 15.SOUNDBITE: (Dari) Haji Sayed Abas, local resident "His death is a big loss, and no one can fill his place as a leader or as a human being. But I hope our people will follow the path he had chosen." 16. Wide shot of tomb where King Zahir Shah's body will be interred STORYLINE; Dignitaries, lawmakers and family members said goodbye to Afghanistan's last king during a ceremony that began at the presidential palace in Kabul on Tuesday. Zahir Shah died on Monday after a long illness at the age of 92. An honour guard carried a coffin draped in the Afghan flag containing the body of Mohammad Zahir Shah to a viewing stand under the shade of pine trees in the palace grounds. The coffin, led by an armoured military vehicle was then taken through Kabul's silent streets vehicle to the Eidga mosque for a prayer ceremony President Hamid Karzai, wearing a traditional blue and green Afghan robe, Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband and US Ambassador William Wood were among those attending. Afghan politicians and family members stood solemnly as a message was read from US President George W. Bush, who called Zahir Shah "a monumental figure in Afghan history" who "supported the goal of a representative and freely elected government in his homeland." Zahir Shah's death ended the last vestige of Afghanistan's monarchy. His death triggered three days of national mourning for a man still feted as the "Father of the Nation" since his return from exile after the 2001 ouster of the Taliban. Zahir Shah's body was later due to be buried in a hilltop shrine in Kabul next to his late wife and other members of the royal family. Police increased their presence in the area of Maranjan Hill, where local and foreign dignitaries were expected to pay their last respects for a man who oversaw four decades of relative peace before a 1973 palace coup ousted him and war shattered his country. Kabul's police chief said police were stationed at distant high points where militants could launch rocket strikes at the hilltop funeral site. Though he was not always effective during his 40-year reign, Zahir Shah is remembered warmly by his conflict-weary countrymen for steering the country without bloodshed. Born Oct. 15, 1914, Zahir Shah was proclaimed monarch in 1933 at age 19 within hours of the death of his father, King Muhammad Nadir Shah, who was assassinated before his eyes. His neutral foreign policy and limited liberalisation of a deeply conservative society managed to keep the peace - a golden age in the eyes of many Afghans pained by the extremism and slaughter that followed. Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork Twitter: https://twitter.com/AP_Archive Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APArchives ​​ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/APNews/ You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/e20c936df7303a4803202d74a567167c
Obituary of deposed Afghan King Zahir Shah

Obituary of deposed Afghan King Zahir Shah

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:12
  • Uploaded Date: 21 Jul 2015
  • views: 13280
(23 Jul 2007) SHOTLIST Kabul, Afghanistan - 18 April 2002 1. Various of King Zahir Shah getting out of plane and standing on Afghan soil after 23 years in exile, being met by then Afghanistan interim leader and later president Hamid Karzai and officials, honour guard and wellwishers at the airport Kabul, Afghanistan - April 1982 2. Wide of march marking the anniversary of the Marxist Revolution in Afghanistan 3. Medium shot of podium with Soviet-backed Afghani president Barbak Karmal and other officials Afghanistan - date and location unknown 4. Various of Russian soldiers in fire battle with Mujaheddin rebels 5. Various of Mujaheddin with a tank 6. Close up of Mujaheddin fighter 7. Wide of Mujaheddin walking in mountains Dasht-E-Haji, Afghanistan - 26 July 1997 8. Wide of rocket launcher firing with Taliban soldier using communication radio in the foreground 9. Various of Taliban soldiers 10. Wide of rocker launcher firing Near Bagram, Afghanistan - 11 November 2001 11. Wide of bomber B-52 flying overhead 12. Wide of explosions and smoke from the bombing Jabal Saraj, Afghanistan - 11 November 2001 13. Various of Northern Alliance soldiers on tank checking equipment Rome, Italy - 23 September, 2001 14. Various of the King at his residence in Olgiata, on the outskirts of Rome, meeting the UN delegate for Afghanistan, Francesc Vendrell, during talks prior to US military strike on Afghanistan Rome, Italy - 30 September, 2001 15. Various of a visit by a US delegation to the King as the US looked to him to play a key role in marshalling anti-Taliban forces as the King was widely seen as a unifying figure among Afghanistan's many ethnic groups Spinboldak, Afghanistan - 9 December, 2001 16. Man with bike that has a picture of the king attached. 17. Close up picture (an example the king's popularity remained during his exile) Rome, Italy - December 2001 ++NIGHT SHOTS+++ 18. Karzai and Shah walking out to waiting media 19. Close up Shah 20. SOUNDBITE (English) Hamid Karzai, interim Afghanistan president: (after greeting King Shah) "This gives me tremendous hope that under the guidance of the Holy Koran and his majesty's blessings I am going back home." 21. Cutaway press 22. Karzai and Shah walking back through gate Kabul, Afghanistan - May 2002 23. Various of the King walking with a help of his aides Kabul, Afghanistan - June 2002 24. Various of the King presiding over the Loya Jirga (a Pashtu phrase meaning "grand council") - a meeting of the country's leaders Kabul, Afghanistan - 14 December 2003 25. Various of the King and president Karzai during the opening ceremony of the constitutional convention Kabul, Afghanistan - 12 December, 2002 26. Various of the King attending the funeral of his son Shah Mahmoud Zahir STORYLINE: Mohammad Zahir Shah, the last king of Afghanistan, who returned from three decades of exile to bless his war-battered country's fragile course toward democracy, has died, said President Hamid Karzai on Monday. He was 92. A weak but well-meaning monarch during his 40-year reign, Zahir Shah was a symbol of yearned-for peace and unity in a nation still struggling to emerge from the turmoil that began with his 1973 deposing in a palace coup. When the fall of the Taliban at the end of 2001 offered fresh hope for national reconciliation, many clamoured for Zahir Shah's return - not only from exile but to retake the throne. Shah was born on October 15, 1914, the only surviving son of assassinated King Nadir Shah, and was educated in Kabul and in France. It ushered in a period of unprecedented political tolerance. Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork Twitter: https://twitter.com/AP_Archive Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APArchives ​​ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/APNews/ You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/8bd1a0bc7112b569ce4a046fbc109012
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What Afghanistan Was Like Under The Last King | Zahir Shah Documentary

The recent history of Afghanistan has been filled with war and conflict. As a result, many Afghans look to the reign of the last King, Zahir Shah with a sense of nostalgia for a time and place that was once peaceful and stable. From his accession to power in 1933 until his deposition in 1973, the country went through a range of social, economic and political changes. King Zahir Shah’s reign saw Afghanistan embrace modernisation, in a bid to meet the challenges of surviving in a modern world. The modernising drive of the royal family certainly succeeded in improving the Afghan economy and enhancing the state’s capacity; but its policies and initiatives also unleashed a wave of effects which would ultimately play a part in the monarchy’s downfall. FREE NEWSLETTER: https://mailchi.mp/a69f93be6c66/hikma-history-newsletter - Become a Patron for as little as a dollar a month to vote on upcoming and keep the movement going! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=12397811 Massive thank you to our Patreons: Elman Ammar TheBactrianGambler Preston P Adam Mohammad Areeb Awais Omar Farid Ibrahim Ari Joshua Bilal Kjetil Haseeb Nahid Amir Mahmoud Joel CoreBard - Join our social media community: Twitter: https://twitter.com/HikmaHistory Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikmahistory/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HikmaHistory/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/hikma... #AfghanWar #AfghanKing #AfghanHistory Images Used: Hubert Śmietanka Françoise Foliot Gerd Eichmann Paul Dober Aulfat Rizai J. Ollé KKB ANBI Marek Gawęcki DrRandomFactor Music Used: - The beautiful rabab music you hear in the video is Qais Essar. Check out his music at: http://www.therabab.com/​ https://qaisessar.com/​ https://www.instagram.com/q_essar/ Doug Maxwell - Arabian Nightfall (Sting): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bRzD... Epidemic Sounds Ugonna Onyekwe - Casual Desire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDzXnPeF-Ds Passage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLw1n7IEyL4 If any of the images or songs are yours, please let me know I will amend them. Please don't report me straight away! 0:00 Intro 1:15 1901-1933 Context 4:45 Consolidation of authority 10:02 First Democratic Period 15:36 Pashtunistan 19:11 PM Daud & Rapid Modernisation 22:43 Constitutional Decade
What Afghanistan Was Like Under The Last King | Zahir Shah Documentary
The recent history of Afghanistan has been filled with war and conflict. As a result, many...
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Afghan King & Queen 1963 Visit to U.S. Reel America Preview
Full 30 minute program debuts Sept. 27 at 4pm ET on C-SPAN3
published: 21 Sep 2015
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Afghanistan - Death of King Zahir Shah
(24 Jul 2007) 360310 AP Television Various Rome, Italy - 23 September, 2001 1. King ...
published: 21 Jul 2015
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Former king at his Father's tomb
(19 Apr 2002) 1. Wide of tomb of former king's father 2. Wide shot of car convoy 3...
published: 21 Jul 2015
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Roi Mohammad Zahir Shah
L'entrevue avec son majesté Mohammad Zahir Shah, le roi d'Afghanistan.
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King Zaher Shah returns after 29-years in exile
(18 Apr 2002) 1. Wide shot of guard of honour at the airport preparing for the arrival...
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Late king Zahir Shah laid to rest in capital
(24 Jul 2007) SHOTLIST 1. Various, Afghan guard of honour carrying coffin of King Zahir S...
published: 21 Jul 2015
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Obituary of deposed Afghan King Zahir Shah
(23 Jul 2007) SHOTLIST Kabul, Afghanistan - 18 April 2002 1. Various of King Zahir Shah ...
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Mohammed Zahir Shah

Mohammed Zahir Shah (Pashto: محمد ظاهرشاه, Dari: محمد ظاهر شاه; October 15, 1914 – July 23, 2007) was the last King of Afghanistan, reigning for four decades, from 1933 until he was ousted by a coup in 1973. Following his return from exile, he was given the title 'Father of the Nation' in 2002, which he held until his death.

Family background and early life

Zahir Shah was an ethnic Pashtun who was born on 16 October 1914, in Kabul, Afghanistan. He was the son of Mohammed Nadir Shah, a senior member of the Barakzai royal family and commander in chief of the Afghan army under former king Amanullah Khan. Nadir Shah assumed the throne after the execution of Habibullah Ghazi on 10 October 1929. Mohammed Zahir's father, son of Sardar Mohammad Yusuf Khan, was born in Dehradun, British India, his family having been exiled following the Second Anglo-Afghan War. Nadir Shah was a descendant of Sardar Sultan Mohammed Khan Telai, half-brother of Amir Dost Mohammad Khan. His grandfather Mohammad Yahya Khan (father in law of Amir Yaqub Khan) was in charge of the negotiations with the British leading to the Treaty of Gandamak. After the British invasion following the killing of Sir Louis Cavagnari in 1879, Yaqub Khan, Yahya Khan and his sons, Princes Mohammad Yusuf Khan and Mohammad Asef Khan, were seized by the British and transferred under custody to the British Raj, where they forcibly remained until the two princes were invited back to Afghanistan by Emir Abdur Rahman Khan in the last year of his reign (1901). During the reign of Amir Habibullah they received the title of Companions of the King (Musahiban).

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