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World War 3 - How Will it Start?

World War 3 could be started by a US/Western Powers attack on Iran. It seems to fit the prophecy of Daniel's vision. Both the US and Iran are rapidly arming for it. Keep watching this newsletter for updates and please do check out daniel chapter 8.

Note that I am simply sharing items of interest. That does not imply that I agree with everything presented.

"And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars ... nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes ..." (Matt 24:6-7)

Prophecy News - 2013 March

Word War 3 - How Will it Start?

Chossudovsky: US Will Start Word War 3 by Attacking Iran
By: Michel Chossudovsky / Business / February 19, 2010

Can we be certain a collapse will come, and why?

"Controversial Canadian foreign policy analyst Michel Chossudovsky recently told Russia Today that any military action against Iran will ignite a regional war from the Mediterranean to China. After that, Russia and China will become involved, sparking a global war.

"What's more, he says that it really does not matter what Iran says or does. It is not a nuclear power any more than Iraq was a hotbed of weapons of mass destruction. The only thing holding back an attack on Iran is the lack of public support in the US and Europe. If the public's mood changes, we're going to war, Chossudovsky says."

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Whether it will turn out to be World War 3 or not, the US is definitely preparing:

We Have Prepared a Military Option for Iran, US General Says
By: Aaron Kalman / The Times of / March 5, 2013

James Matis
James Mattis

"Sanctions are not preventing Iran's nuclear progress, the US Army commander in the Middle East told Congress on Tuesday, adding that he had prepared a military option.

"'I think we have to continue sanctions, but have other options ready,' said Mattis, of the Central Command, to the Armed Services Committee during an official hearing."

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Iran is also preparing and, it seems, would be quite happy to see World War 3:

U.S. Warned: Al-Qaida Hit Squads Coming
By: Reza Kahlili / / February 23, 2013

World Trade Cnter
If in the next 6 months America does not
accept Iran's nuclear program and does
not ease sanctions or military confrontation
occurs, the terrorist assets have been
ordered to carry out their missions.

UPDATE: The source informed WND hours after this story was posted that the Islamic regime ruling Iran is in preparation for a major cyber attack very soon on major U.S. facilities -- to send a warning to the U.S. that the regime is capable of harming America's infrastructure. It would be intended as a message to the Barack Obama administration that Iran's nuclear rights must be accepted and sanctions relieved.

"Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has given the green light to the guard commanders to publicly make statements attacking the U.S. and the current negotiations and the head of the IRGC, Mohammad Ali Jafari, is to make a major speech in this regard."

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There is actually another trigger point. Doesn't seem as likely to lead to World War 3 but it at least adds to the "rumors of war."

North Korea Threatens U.S. With Preemptive Nuclear Strike
By: Jack Kim and Louis Charboneau / Yahoo! / March 7, 2013

North Korea Threatens US
North Korea threatens nuclear attack on U.S.

SEOUL/UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) -- North Korea threatened the United States on Thursday with a preemptive nuclear strike, raising the level of rhetoric as the U.N. Security Council approved new sanctions against the reclusive country.

"North Korea has accused the United States of using military drills in South Korea as a launch pad for a nuclear war and has scrapped the armistice with Washington that ended hostilities in the 1950-53 Korean War.

"North Korea threatens the United States and its 'puppet,' South Korea, on an almost daily basis."

Gun Shops Face Massive Ammunition Shortage
Gun enthusiasts are buying firearms with unparalleled zeal. As a result, ammunition is in short supply nationwide.
By: Aaron Smith / CNN / March 12, 2013

Ammunition shortage
Cabela's soars on strong gun sales.

"'We can't get any inventory within a 100-mile radius,' said Mark Campbell, owner of Mid America Arms in St. Louis. He's having a hard time keeping ammo in stock. 'It started right around the election, as soon as President Obama mentioned gun control. But right after the school shooting in [Newtown] Connecticut, that's when it went crazy.'"

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US Plans to Allow Spy Agencies to Monitor Every Citizen's Finances -- report
Russia / March 14, 2013

Monitoring Citizens
Every year, 15 million 'suspicious activity
reports' are filed to the US Treasury.

"Washington is reportedly considering opening all US financial records to national intelligence agencies in order to prevent future crimes. Only the FBI has had unlimited access to such databases; other agencies had to file case-by-case requests.

"The Obama administration is preparing legislation to enable the country's numerous security and intelligence agencies to spy on the accounts of US citizens, Reuters has revealed. The scheme's stated aim is to help to identify and track terrorist cells, expose money-laundering schemes, trace criminal syndicates and curb corruption.

"The plan, dated March 4, is in its early stages but appears to have no judicial obstacles, as US legislation does not prohibit the exchange of information between government bodies. However, human rights activists have already criticized the plan."

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Will the Chinese Renminbi Replace the U.S. Dollar as the Primary Reserve Currency of the World?
By: Victor Huerta / / October 5, 2012

Reserve Currency
The consequences for the United States
are going to be absolutely catastrophic.

"All over the globe international agreements are being made to move away from the U.S. dollar and to use other currencies in global trade. The second largest economy in the world, China, has been particularly aggressive in seeking to change the existing financial order.

"The mainstream media in the United States is almost entirely ignoring these developments, but the truth is that all of this is a very, very big deal."

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Okay, So It's Not the End of the World (or World War 3) -- But What On Earth Is Going On?

Feb 2013 strange events

Click on the image to watch a short YouTube presentation concerning the slew of disasters that rocked our planet in February 2013.

Interesting View of the Sun

Sun activity
Click the image above for an interesting video of solar activity. This looks like it is raining fire and is happening on the surface of the sun 93 million miles away. Good thing because the temperature of this rain is almost 50,000 degrees celsius (almost 90,000 degrees F). Keep in mind that this summer we are expecting a solar maximum in the 11-year sunspot activity cycle.

World War 3 will come. The Bible prophesies wars and rumors of wars along with many other problems. Seems to me that we arecoming to a crisis sooner or later - and quite possible sooner.

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28)


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