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The Book of Revelation
Are the Trumpets Sounding?

In Revelation, trumpets are symbols of a warning message. As we near the end expect warnings in many forms that the end is near and that people need to start thinking about eternal realities and make the right choices. Remember, "God is not willing that any should perish." (1 Peter 3:9)

Note that I am simply sharing items of interest. That does not imply that I agree with everything presented.

"And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars ... nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes ..." (Matt 24:6-7)

Prophecy News - 2012 June

Are Revelation's Trumpets Sounding?

Calamity Upon the Earth -- Three Months In 2012
By: Fidochave 213 / You / April 3, 2012

An eye-opening video of what is happening to poor Planet Earth. There really are a lot of strange things going on. This is really kind of scary. View the video below.

There are many signs happening all around the earth. People are waking up to these strange developments and wondering what is about to happen.

Stealth Fighters
The plane was "absolutely' suited for taking
on more sophisticated adversaries.

U.S. Deploys Fleet of Sophisticated Stealth Planes to Air Base in SW Asia
The Extinction / April 28, 2012

Iran -- America's most sophisticated stealth jet fighters have been quietly deployed to an allied base less than 200 miles from Iran's mainland, according to an industry report, but the Air Force adamantly denied the jets' presence is a threat to the Middle East nation."

Click here to read it all

Saber Rattling Continues -- Iranian Admiral: 'We Can Move a Vessel Within Three Miles of New York City'
The Extinction / April 29, 2012

Iranian Submarine
Iran could use a commercial vessel sailing
under the flag of another country to approach
the American shoreline to strike.

Iran -- An official of the Iranian military said last week that the country's navy has the ability to move a naval vessel within three miles of the East Coast of the United States. Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi, speaking on Tuesday to students of the University of Yazd, Iran, at the anniversary of a failed U.S. military operation in April 24, 1980 (Operation Eagle Claw), said that 'The power of our naval forces is such that we have a presence in all the waters of the world and, if needed, we can move to within three miles of New York.'

"The top ranking naval officer added: 'The Americans' only tool to rule the world is their naval dominance of the Persian Gulf, and they will face any other power that threatens their status.'"

Battle Plan for Iran 'Ready' -- US Envoy to Israel / May 17, 2012

Two United States Air Forces F-16C's.

"The Pentagon has a ready plan for a military attack on Iran, the American ambassador to Israel warned days before a key meeting over the controversial nuclear program of the Islamic Republic.

"Western countries and Israel are exerting pressure on Iran to stop uranium enrichment, saying that Tehran is secretly trying to build a nuclear bomb. Iran insists that its nuclear program is strictly civil.

"'It would be preferable to resolve this diplomatically and through the use of pressure than to use military force,' US Ambassador Dan Shapiro said in remarks about Iran aired by Israel's Army Radio on Thursday.

"'But that doesn't mean that option is not fully available -- not just available, but it's ready. The necessary planning has been done to ensure that it's ready,' said Shapiro.

"The conflict is to be discussed in Baghdad on May 23, when envoys from the P5+1 group, which includes Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the US, are to meet Iranian negotiators. The previous round of talks was held in Istanbul on April 14."

Click here to read it all

Jerusalem: the Bells of War Are Ringing
By: Brad Macdonald / The / May 17, 2012


"War is always imminent in Israel. The challenge is not in forecasting the conflict, but in anticipating when exactly it will happen, and more importantly, making sure we never grow deaf to the bells of war.

"While everyone remembers the Six-Day War, Krauthammer wrote, 'less remembered is that [on June 1, 1967] the nationalist opposition ... was for the first time ever brought into the government, creating an emergency national unity coalition' (emphasis added throughout). Four days later, the reason for Israel's hasty political consolidation became evident when a united and stable government ordered a deadly preemptive strike on Egypt's army.

"The formation of a national unity coalition was a precursor to war.

"On May 7, 2012, almost 45 years later to the day -- with Israel once again 'desperate and alone,' in a 'fearful, desperate' state -- Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emerged from midnight talks to suddenly and unexpectedly announce that he had formed the largest national unity government ever in Israel's short history.

"As in June 1967, Israel's government is today more united and stable than ever.

"Why now? Is it possible, as Krauthammer suggests, that war might soon erupt? 'War is not four days away, but it looms,' he wrote. 'Israelis today face the greatest threat to their existence -- nuclear weapons in the hands of apocalyptic mullahs publicly pledged to Israel's annihilation -- since May '67.'"

Click here to read it all

Buy Your Way to Heaven! The Catholic Church Brings Back Indulgences
By: Jason Cochran / AOL Daily / February 10, 2009

Catholic Indulgences
Karen Nassauer, left, and Octavia Andrade at
church in Queens. Indulgences are being
offered at churches in New York City.

"These days, you can get a deal on anything. Even salvation! Pope Benedict has announced that his faithful can once again pay the Catholic Church to ease their way through Purgatory and into the Gates of Heaven.

"Never mind that Martin Luther fired up the Reformation because of them.

"The New York Times reports that even though the church officially broke with the age-old practice -- you do something good, and the Church will help absolve you . . . The Catholic Church had technically banned the practice of selling indulgences as long ago as 1567."

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28)

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