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Is Iran Nuclear Yet?
Prophecy News - 2010 November

The prospect of iran with nuclear capability is making the Middle East region and the world increasingly nervous. Lately, there have been calls from even Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., Qatar etc to deal with the problem of Iran. The Saudi King called for "the head of the snake" (Iran) to be cut off.

In this month's newsletter, there are more items related to the Middle East and the tensions with Iran. I seem to feature this often but it is very serious and looking more threatening all the time. If you haven't read it, see my study on Daniel 8 to see why I think it is so important and how it fits in with Bible prophecy.

Again the global financial crisis is heating up. Also, talk of Sunday laws are in the news again hinting at a future threat to our religious freedoms.

Note that I am simply sharing items of interest. That does not imply that I agree with everything presented.

Is Iran Nuclear Yet?
Prophecy News - 2010 November

Iran Has Gone Nuclear As the West Vacillated
By: Reza Kahlili / The Washington / August 27, 2010

iran nuclear

"Russia turned on the switch to Iran's first nuclear power plant on Aug. 21 after repeated delays and more than 15 years of construction. The hard-liners in Iran celebrated it as a victory over 'the Great Satan,' repeating the famous phrase by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, father of the Islamic revolution. Their message: America can't do a damned thing.

"The Iranians have managed to open a second front for their nuclear bomb project. The Bushehr nuclear power plant is now untouchable because any military action against its reactor containing plutonium would lead to widespread deadly contamination throughout the region."

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GOP Senator: Consider Neutering Iran's 'Ability to Wage War'

By: Jill Dougherty / / November 6, 2010

gop senator

Halifax, Nova Scotia (CNN) -- A leading Senate Republican voice on defense issues said Saturday the United States should consider neutering Iran's navy and air force if Tehran does not halt its nuclear program.

"Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, speaking at the Halifax International Security Forum in Canada, told reporters that there will come a point where Iran's nuclear program will reach the state that a conventional limited air strike 'won't take them out.'

"'We're probably even past that point,' he said.

"'Instead of a surgical strike on their nuclear infrastructure, I think we're to the point now that you have to really neuter the regime's ability to wage war against us and our allies. And that's a different military scenario. It's not a ground invasion but it certainly destroys the ability of the regime to strike back.'"

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MI: Next Conflict Will Be Bigger, Broader, Deadlier
By: Rebecca Anna Stoil / The Jerusalem / November 2, 2010

next conflict

"Outgoing head of Military Intelligence Maj.-Gen. Amos Yadkin may have initially waxed sentimental on Tuesdsay during his final appearance before the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, but the MI head later gave a stark warning regarding Iran's nuclear program, and painted a grim portrait of what Israel's next war could look like.

"'The next conflict, even if it is limited in scale,' warned the former IAF general, 'will be much bigger, much broader, and with many more casualties than we saw in Operation Cast Lead or the Second Lebanon War.'

"Pulling no punches, Yadlin warned that the cutting-edge anti-aircraft system that Syria has purchased from Russia could send the IDF and IAF's capabilities 'back to their status in the 1970s Suez years,' according to a source present at the meeting.

"Yadlin also disclosed that Israel had detected the Iranians laying the groundwork for two new nuclear sites -- but did not reveal their locations.

"'Iran is the greatest threat to Israel and to the well-being of the entire region,' he said."

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Excerpts from: The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor / November 2010

smoldering fire

"'Israel must be wiped off the map.' --Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

"While Americans are distracted at home with an ailing economy, alarming unemployment, concerns about domestic terrorism, skyrocketing taxes, and the creeping interference of big government, a smoldering fire continues on the other side if the world.

"If the combustible situation in the Middle East is not stymied, our domestic concerns will become moot in the face of a global threat that could bring the world as we know it to its knees.

"While the region has always been a hotbed of global conflict, the stage is being set now for one of the most dramatic and dangerous showdowns in global history."

WashPost: War with Iran Would Rescue Economy
By: Daniel Tencer / Raw / October 31, 2010

war with iran

"Washington Post political correspondent David Broder has kind words for President Barack Obama in in his opinion column Sunday, arguing that it isn't the president's fault the economy is stuck in reverse.

"But the four-decade-plus veteran of Washington politics offers a startling solution to the president's political and economic woes: March off to war with Iran.

"The president, who is 'much smarter' and 'more inspirational' than any of his opponents, could benefit from a confrontation with Iran because it would strike up a war machine that would pull the US out of economic stagnation, Broder argues.

"He writes that there are 'essentially' two ways that an economy can be grown: Through the natural economic cycle, and through war."

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Israel Slams Catholic Statement on Mideast, Singling Out Archbishop By: CNN Staff / / October 24, 2010

israel slams

Jerusalem, Israel (CNN) -- A top Israeli official on Sunday criticized a new statement from Catholic bishops on the Middle East and blasted the remarks of a Catholic archbishop who spearheaded the statement as 'libel.'

"On Saturday, Catholic bishops from the Middle East concluded a two-week conference in Rome, Italy, with a call for the international community, especially the United Nations, to work 'to put an end to the occupation' of Palestinian territories.

"On Sunday, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon criticized that concluding statement of the conference, called a synod.

"Ayalon singled out the remarks of a Catholic archbishop who said at the conference that Israel is not the Jews' promised land.

"'We Christians cannot speak of the "promised land" as an exclusive right for a privileged Jewish people,' Archbishop Cyril Salim Bustros, who leads the Greek Melkite Church in the U.S., said at the conference's final press conference on Saturday. 'This promise was nullified by Christ.'

"'There is no longer a chosen people -- all men and women of all countries have become the chosen people,' Bustros said."

Eleven Signs We're On The Verge Of A Global Currency Crisis
By: Michael Snyder / Business / November 10, 2010

eleven signs
The Economic Collapse

"Over the past several decades, the U.S. dollar and other major currencies around the globe have been continually devalued, but they have still remained stable enough for trade to flourish and for the world to enjoy an unprecedented era of prosperity.

"However, that all may now be changing. Many analysts now fear that the new $600 billion program of quantitative easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve may set off a round of 'competitive devaluation' across the globe that could precipitate a global currency crisis.

"The U.S. dollar was the first fiat currency to ever be used as a true reserve currency literally all over the globe. For decades, nearly the entire world has had a tremendous amount of faith in the U.S. dollar and in U.S. government debt. If the world was to lose faith in the U.S. dollar and the U.S. government debt, the entire global financial system would crumble. Unfortunately, thanks to the foolish actions of the Federal Reserve, it looks like that is exactly what is starting to happen."

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Is the Deficit Commission On to Something?
The jaws of debt are about to devour America. If you want to escape the financial carnage, get ready to run.
By: Robert Morley / The / November 16, 2010

jaws of debt

"Last week, President Obama's bipartisan deficit commission released a draft report on fixing America's budget problems. The Examiner called it 'shock therapy' for America. CNN said it was a 'call for action.'

"America's problem is that 40 cents out of every budget dollar spent is borrowed. The government will add $1.3 trillion to the national debt this year alone.

"Read that again. Forty percent of America's current federal expenditures is borrowed. How long can you borrow 40 percent of your yearly salary on credit cards and personal loans before the interest payments leach the life out of you and you start defaulting?

"At present, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid take up all of federal revenue, reported the authors. 'The rest of the federal government, including fighting two wars, homeland security, education, art, culture, you name it, veterans -- the whole rest of the discretionary budget is being financed by China and other countries,' said Alan Simpson of Wyoming.

"What has America become when entitlement programs take up 100 percent of tax revenue?"

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The EU Must Keep Sunday, Says Catholic Church The / November 18, 2010

must keep sunday

"The Catholic Church wants Sunday observance enshrined in EU law. The European Parliament is debating changes to its Working Time Directive. The Vatican wants a clause in this law that would force every citizen in the European Union to rest on Sunday.

"A hideously socialist piece of legislation, the Working Time Directive currently makes it illegal for those working, with some exceptions, in the EU to work for more than 48 hours a week.

"The Brussels-based Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the European Community (COMECE) agrees, recommending the directive should say "the minimal weekly rest must include Sunday."

"The Working Time Directive will be discussed once more in December, and Europe's Catholic bishops want this issue brought up.

"The pope has been a strong advocate of the revival of Sunday keeping. 'Without Sunday [worship] we cannot live!' Pope Benedict XVI declared during a mass on September 9 last year, stating that it was a 'necessity' for all people.

"The prospect of a European government so powerful that it could declare one specific day a day of rest is a frightening one. This would be an EU willing and able to enforce lifestyle changes on its subjects, whether they liked it or not. It would be a Europe that enforced a state religion -- Catholicism. The enforcement of Sunday worship will be the mark of a powerful, Vatican-allied, European superpower."

Summary: At the rate we are going, we may soon see Iran with nuclear weapons. This is a state whose president has publicly stated his belief that the state of Israel should be wiped off the map. Any war in that part of the world would have terrible human consequences as any war does and also have the potential to spread. Oil supplies would be an obvious casualty, greatly affecting the oil-dependent life of the western world.

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh." (Luke 21:28)

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