While hiking the Appalachian Trail near Allentown with his children, the author came across a massive bear ambling through the woods. Encounters with animals are not uncommon for hikers. (Ed Riggs photograph)

I love to talk about hiking and backpacking which, for any regular readers of this column, comes as no surprise. When I am asked to give a talk about hiking, backpacking, the Appalachian Trail, or being out in nature, I almost always say “yes”, but that answer always comes with a warning of sorts: I could talk about this for hours and hours.

When talking with groups, the most enjoyable part of any of my presentations is the question-answer period at the end. I love being surprised with different questions, and using my personal experiences to answer them. I have often thought of having a t-shirt made that lists the answers to the top 10 questions that I get almost every time I give a talk.

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