Dark Money: The Stopper Files, #5
About this ebook
Merlin Arthur Dragon, Interpol's one and only Stopper, is pulled into the world of dark money, political corruption, espionage, and murder. Tasked with ferreting out ambitious politicians turned into Russian agents in the American, Canadian, and British governments, Merlin collides with the world of a ruthless Russian oligarch and his violent henchmen. How far will he need to go to terminate the threat?
Eugene Lloyd MacRae
Eugene Lloyd MacRae lives on Canada's South Coast in Ontario. He is the author of the Rory Mack Steele series of novels and several family history books. He began writing novels after a near-fatal heart attack in March, 2012 left him lying in bed with little to do. He began pecking away on a Blackberry Playbook he had bought 2 months before and the characters that emerged kept him company.
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The Stopper Files
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Dark Money - Eugene Lloyd MacRae
Chapter 1
MY NAME IS Dimitri Starkov, and I will see to it that your family is sent to Siberia."
Despite the naked threat, the man in the thousand-dollar-suit simply straightened a lapel as he calmly sat enjoying the warm sun on the Washington, DC rooftop terrace. The succulent scent of buttery croissants from a nearby bakery drifted on the air. I know who you are Dimitri. You've spent time at my cottage in Maine. Remember? You have to understand–
No, I do not.
Starkov turned abruptly from his stance looking out over the city. "It is you that needs to understand. I own you. I own you—what is your American expression? I own you lock, stock and can"
Barrel. The expression is...lock, stock, and barrel, Dimitri. And you have to understand that the information your man asked me for is highly sensitive intelligence that will put a target on my back if someone–
I - don't - care. I want what was asked for.
Starkov advanced across the terrace, scowling, And my threat of Siberia is not an idle one. Your daughters—who are very beautiful teenagers—and your lovely wife will need heavy clothing to survive the cold winters–
Mr. thousand-dollar-suit scowled back, Damn it, Dimitri, we're Americans! And we're not living in your country. This is the United States of America. You can't just threaten people with the hollow specter of your Siberia–
Starkov stopped ten feet from his guest and stood with his feet astride. You have heard of rendition? Your country engages in the practice. In case you are not familiar with the term, that is where you take people from one country to another, and you put them in a deep, black hole. You Americans know this practice well...it is where you kidnap someone you call a terrorist and take them–
You listen to me. I'm a United States Senator. And I will not be threatened like this.
Then how would you like to be threatened?
Starkov asked. I can issue threats in any way that you desire. It makes no difference to me. And your position does not matter to me. What does matter is that I can...what is that other expression you love in your movies? I can drop a coin...? No, I can drop a dime on you. That is the one. I can drop a dime on you. Do I make myself clear, Mr. United States Senator?
His jaw grinding, Mr. thousand-dollar-suit sat there, staring bullets at the Russian.
Or do I make a visit to your lovely family?
Raising a hand in surrender, Mr. thousand-dollar-suit closed his eyes, Fine. Just leave my family out of it.
"I will. As long as you give me reason to. And as long as you give me the intelligence information I have asked for. Keep in mind that I have helped you to get what you wanted. Now you will help me to get what I want. That is the arrangement."
Chapter 2
MERLIN ARTHUR DRAGON sat in a large comfy chair, his feet up on an ottoman, drinking a coffee and watching his blue, wooly Chartreux cat trying to catch the birds sitting on the other side of the window. Jigs would pounce, and then slowly look under his paws, assuming he had caught his prey. The birds would occasionally flap their wings when he jumped at the glass, but on most occasions they simply looked at the cat on the other side of the window pane, considering him entertainment rather than any kind of danger. Merlin couldn't help but smile, Jigs, you do realize those are just birds and not chickens?
The cat looked at him, his ears perking up. He loved the bits of chicken Merlin—and neighbor Jamie Hartman—would occasionally feed him as a treat.
Sorry, I didn't mean to mention your weakness–
His special cell phone rang on the small glass table next to him. It was connected to Interpol's I-24/7, secure global police network, and there were only a few people who had the number.
Merlin looked at the phone. He was Interpol's one and only Stopper, tasked with stopping the bad guys by whatever means necessary. The thing was—his assignments usually came through that phone using Interpol's proprietary encrypted messaging app. Not a personal call.
The cell phone rang and jangled on the table.
Voice communications were encrypted as well but this was still unusual. Picking the cell up, Merlin pressed the answer button and held the phone to his ear. He simply listened.
Mr. Dragon?
The voice sounded familiar.
Recognizing the voice as belonging to Constable Samantha Powless, Merlin wondered what was going on. Sammy was part of the Bear Island Police Service—which meant she was a member of the Temagami First Nation, an Algonquinn Indian band—and was attached to Interpol, working for Evelyn O'Toole. But other than being drawn in accidentally and working with him on his last case, she had nothing to do with his assignments. His blood ran cold and he wondered if something it happened to O'Toole or Director Aubrey Laurent again. They were still in a specialized hospital, recovering from an assassin trying to kill them using a nerve agent developed by the Soviet Union decades ago. The plot was put in motion by an arms dealer seeking revenge on everyone involved in thwarting ones of his plans to steal the wealth from an African nation. That everyone included getting Merlin to come out the shadows so they could kill him.
Sammy? What's wrong?
You had me worried there for a minute. I thought I had the wrong number.
I don't usually get calls through this phone. And when I do, it usually turns out to be a problem.
Sorry about that,
Sammy said. But Director Laurent asked me to call you.
Removing his feet from the ottoman, Merlin sat forward, Is everything okay?
Oh...yes. Sorry about that. I obviously had you worried. No, the director called me and asked me to call you to tell you that you have an assignment. He said your limousine would be waiting for you? Must be nice.
Silent for a moment, Merlin said, That's it? Why wouldn't he just send me a text message or...just call me himself? This doesn't make any sense.
What can I tell you? I'm not a part of...well... I guess you could say I'm not part of the loop. All I know is what I know. And that's absolutely nothing.
Jigs pounced against the glass again, held his paws together and then lifted one slowly to peek to see if he had the bird. Disappointment ensued and the wooly Chartreux eyed the birds striding confidently on the other side of the window pane.
Merlin cursed softly under his breath.
I'm sorry,
Sammy said, I wish I could give you more information. But that's all I have.
Shaking his head, Merlin said, "No, that's not it. I just can't.... He grimaced and slid the ottoman away with his foot,
Thanks for calling."
I can tell something is wrong. Is there something I can do to help?
He stood up, Thanks for calling again, Sammy. I appreciate it.
There's nothing to appreciate. I'm just doing my job and relaying a message.
She was quiet for a moment and then said, Talk to me, Merlin. I owe you big time for saving me from a fate worse than death.
I did? Seems to me I put you in more danger than you deserved.
Talk to me,
Sammy insisted. What can I do to help?
Merlin watched Jigs stretch and then jump down, heading for his water bowl. It's just... I have a cat. When I go on an assignment, I usually have a neighbor babysit for Jigs. But the thing is...she's away right now.
He ran a hand over his hair. "I guess I can take him to the vet and board him there but...it sounds dumb, but he's my best friend and...."
No, it makes sense now.
What does?
What the director said to me. Or at least asked me. He wanted to know if I liked cats. He knew you needed someone to take care of the cat. Actually, I think he knew you wouldn't go on an assignment... maybe even quit?
Merlin felt sheepish, Dumb isn't it?
Actually, loyalty can be a rare thing in many ways,
Sammy said. Your loyalty for Jigs is part of who you are. Give me the address to your apartment and I'll stay with him.
Yeah. In fact, I'm going to send a message to Evelyn O'Toole to let her know that I'm going to be on assignment as well. Jigs will have a 24-hour guard from a member of the Bear Island Police Service.
Chapter 3
AN HOUR LATER, the armored limousine dropped Merlin off in a private and secure area at the Ottawa Macdonald–Cartier International Airport. It was raining lightly. Go-bag in hand, Merlin took the airstairs two at a time and ducked into the Bombardier Global 8000. The ultra long-range business jet was on constant standby for his use. The permanent crew consisted of two serving members of the Canadian military; the pilot, Captain Charity Sherrell and the co-pilot, Captain Faith Saab.
Dropping the go-bag on one of the plush seats, Merlin flapped his arms, sending drops of water from his suit jacket flying in every direction. The fresh smell of coffee carried on the air. The main cabin area on this luxurious jet contained just four plush seats, two of them with a table. The area in front of them contained a long sofa, a television, and a mini-bar. Beyond that was a doorway that led to a galley that was fully stocked if he needed a meal or just a coffee. And beyond that was a suite with two single beds, a private washroom, and a true stand-up shower. Merlin removed the damp jacket, setting it on the back of the seat above the go-bag.
The pilot, Captain Charity Sherrell, appeared from the back and headed to the airstairs, Welcome aboard, sir. Saab is running through the checklist and take-off is in five.
Thanks, Captain. Any idea where we're heading?
Not yet. I imagine the orders are coming through as we speak.
The airstairs closed in place with a thick whump. Sherrell efficiently headed up the aisle toward the front, Please buckle in, Sir.
Sitting in the plush window-seat next to the go-bag, Merlin pulled his cell phone out and quickly composed a text message to the Director; Onboard and in the air. He set the phone next to the go-bag and buckled in for takeoff.
The TechX high bypass turbofan engines came to life in a deep, buzz-saw moan, sending the sense of immense power surging through the cabin.
A moment later, the plane was running smoothly along the taxiway to the runway, rain dancing off the window. As soon as the executive jet was aligned for takeoff on the runway, the power was applied. The turbofan engines growled deeply against gravity.
Merlin was pressed back in his seat by the 16,500 lb thrust from the engines and the water began to streak hard across the heated, water-repellent glass windows. Seconds later, the business jet rose from the tarmac, soaring into the dark clouds. Before they even leveled out above the rainstorm, Merlin sent the text that he was in the air. That done, he put the cell back on the seat.
The cabin bell dinged.
Removing his seat belt, Merlin was up and heading for the galley. He made a coffee and headed back to his seat. After only a few sips of the hot beverage, his cell phone buzzed. Setting the coffee in the cup-holder, he checked for the expected message on the phone. True to form, it gave him the day's code for the electronic locker that was in the suite situated further back in the plane. Setting the phone down. Merlin headed to the suite to get his orders. Retrieving a thick envelope, he returned to his seat.
The envelope was labeled Dark Money; Case #647321. Unsealing the envelope, he slid out a large number of files and reports onto the table and he began flipping through the pages. Dark Money referred to cash from unknown sources that is spent to influence, and change political outcomes. Dark Money groups spend millions of dollars to shape elections without revealing where the money comes from. They also used dark money to influence things like policy, public health initiatives or get their preferred judges in place. It often came from rich people who wanted to influence things to their advantage, like getting lower taxes or keeping some business enterprise free from government regulations.
Merlin scanned the rest of the page. He didn't really care about politics, even if the underlying corruption from dark money was a threat to democracy. And rich people spending money secretly to get what they wanted wasn't really news to him. But as he scanned the document, he found one section interesting. It referred to the development of techniques now being used to throw elections and referendums. It was developed by the tobacco industry who deliberately hid the fact they knew for forty years that cigarette smoke contains cancer-causing particles. It was an art later refined by biotechnology, fossil fuel, and junk food companies. Interesting but not earth-shattering for someone who listened to the news over the years.
Flipping the pages, Merlin found his target was Dimitri Starkov. He was a Russian oligarch who had rapidly accumulated immense wealth during the era of Russian privatization. In Starkov's case, he was ex-KGB, the main security agency for the Soviet Union, and had gotten his hands on a Russian diamond mine, the largest in the world. Like the other oligarchs, he was close to the Russian government and worked hand-in-glove to push Russian-centered political agendas. He was also suspected of being heavily involved in laundering illicit money into dark money. And then Merlin realized his assignment. Dimitri Starkov was using that dark money to not just influence politics. He was using it in two other ways. One was what the Russian's called Kompromat—short for compromising material. They collected damaging information about a politician, a businessman, or some public figure, using it to create negative publicity or for blackmail and extortion if a target was elected or appointed to government positions. The threat of publicly revealing that dark money was the driving force behind a person's success in business or politics could be used as Kompromat.
Starkov was also using dark money to blackmail people in political circles to become Russian agents. Astonishingly, some political figures were so ambitious they willingly—and knowingly—traded access to the money for the power they could achieve. Starkov was operating his scheme in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. There was a fear he had already gotten at least one person on the inside of each government. There was no telling the secrets they could steal or the damage they could do to the security of the free world.
Without a doubt, these governments were feeling their normal counter-intelligence methods were not working as well—or as fast—as they needed. Merlin's mandate was to do whatever was necessary to stop Dimitri Starkov and his schemes, a no-holds-barred service. And since he worked for Laurent secretly, that gave these governments plausible deniability.
A light beep sounded and then Sherrell's voice came over the intercom, Sir...our orders don't have a destination. Apparently, we are to get airborne and wait for instructions from you.
From me?
Yes, sir.
Confusion set in for Merlin. That didn't make any sense. And then it struck him. The Director was still in the hospital. The assignments he gave to Merlin were known only to a few people. In fact, it was usually the head of a country, a President or Prime Minister, who called Laurent directly to get an unsolvable problem solved one way or the other. And as fast as possible. Laurent wasn't in any position in the hospital to do much research to help him out. There could be prying eyes and everything had to be kept in a tight circle. No, Merlin was on his own right now. Hold on for a few minutes.
Yes, sir.
Merlin quickly ran through the case reports, looking for clues on where they should go. There wasn't a lot. The Russian wasn't married and had no kids. There was no record of a girlfriend. He had an opulent home in Moscow, an apartment in London, England, and a condo in Washington, DC. There wasn't much personal information beyond that.
Pulling his cell phone, Merlin looked at the screen. Its advanced facial recognition software knew it was him and automatically unlocked the special features. Now connected to Interpol's I-24/7, the secure global police network, he had top-level access to the databases that held information from the nearly two hundred member countries of Interpol. A search on Dimitri Starkov returned an interesting hit on his passport. The United States Department of Homeland Security showed Dimitri Starkov entering the country at John F. Kennedy International Airport ten days ago. It wasn't Washington, DC but it did put him inside the United States. It was highly possible the man would end up in Washington sooner or later.
Merlin hit the intercom button, Set a course for Washington DC. Set down wherever you can and I'll make my way from there.
Sherrell's voice came back a moment later, We can fly into Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Arlington, That's the primary airport serving Washington, D.C.
Sounds good.
Do you want us to radio ahead and rent you a car?
That sounds good.
Any preference?
Merlin shook his head as he looked at the rain streaking the window, No. And knowing you two...I'm sure you'll surprise me.
Light laughter and a 'chick magnet' comment came across the intercom.
Chapter 4
THE SUN BROKE THROUGH the dark clouds as the Global 8000 made the turn to set down on the tarmac of Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. The rain had stopped but the water glistened off the buildings, traffic, and lights in a variety of colors as Arlington and Washington spread across the landscape. The center of so much political power, it made sense that Dimitri Starkov had a condo here. A question stood out though. What reason, what scheme was the Russian working on or hatching in New York?
Forty minutes later, Merlin used his special Interpol passport to move through customs without a single question. Or a search. What it did draw was a questioning look from the two customs officers, obviously not used to his level of clearance and authority. His passport was tied into the government offices of every member country of Interpol, allowing him to move freely across every border in the world. Merlin wasn't worried about hiding his identity at this point and he was learning to assert the power and push back on any aggressive stance on the part of the customs officials. Plus, in his job, the phrase 'time is of the essence' was true.
The concourse was busy and noisy as he headed for the rental counter to pick up his car. As usual, he was traveling light. He wore a dark suit, striped tie, and white shirt, planning to blend in with the other executives, lobbyists, and politicians who frequented life around the political power structure. The shirt pocket held three items. A credit card and a debit card for any expenses during the assignment. The other was a Shomer-Tec Carbon Fiber Ventilator. It was made of ultra-stiff hollow carbon fiber tubing and looked like a standard cheap black pen with a standard pen cap and a pocket clip. But concealed under the cap was a sharp point cut on a bias. The other end was covered with a slightly tacky material to enhance the grip. His first, and only, attempt to use it as a last-ditch weapon had failed. But it added to his tools and enhanced his chances of survival in a tight situation.
The suit jacket covered his conceal holster in the waistband of the pants over his back right pocket. The holster held his special, 9mm Beretta PX4 Storm Subcompact handgun. Made from carbon fiber, it could pass through metal detectors without a problem. It also had Smart Gun technology—the grip had an internal scan of Merlin's palm print and the weapon couldn't be fired by anyone else.
The dress boots he wore had shoelaces with blacked-brass tips. One tip on each lace was actually a boot-lace handcuff key.
His 'escape belt' was made of 1.5" nylon webbing, completely non-metallic, and was part of the field kit used by some of Canada's elite forces. The inside of the belt buckle itself held a non-metallic handcuff key and a ceramic razor blade held in place by a Kevlar lanyard. The inside of the belt webbing had dozens of elasticized compartments containing another non-metallic handcuff key, 4.5 feet of Kevlar survival cord, the Escape Stick by Shomer-Tec, a 4-piece, titanium lock-picking kit, and an American Liberty nickel. You turned the nickel to heads-up, slid a fingernail clockwise along the edge and a small blade of hardened stainless steel rotated out. All you had to do was slip it into your pocket and it was doubtful anyone patting you down would be concerned with a small coin, if they even detected it. Around his wrist, he wore a Pyro-Band bracelet. It had an integral ferrocerium rod that served as a connector as well as a fire source. Rapidly scraping the rod with a sharp edge, such as a knife blade, would send out a shower of sparks to ignite tinder to start a fire.
The go-bag he carried contained his Interpol badge, his credentials, another shirt, and a change of socks and underwear.
Merlin spotted the rental counter and made a beeline to get the final item he needed to start. A vehicle.
At the sound of his approaching footsteps, a young woman appeared from behind a divider and glided toward the front counter. The light scent of orange blossoms preceding her as she beamed a smile at him, Yes, sir, how may I help you?
The name is Merlin Dragon. I'm here to pick up a rental. He slipped the credit card from his shirt pocket and held it out,
You can use this for the charges."
Taking the credit card, the young woman moved to a computer and began typing. She smiled and gave a nod, Yes. We have a Porsche 911 GT2 RS reserved.
Yes, sir. Is there a problem?
Uh...no...my assistant told me it wasn't available.
Merlin shook his head to himself. Sherrell had surprised him with an exotic car. An expensive exotic car that had to cost nearly four hundred thousand dollars.
The young woman smiled, So she surprised you?