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The actress is an avid reader and shares the books she loves monthly.
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These original works from celebrated authors were produced by Everand.
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Our extensive selection of bestselling ebooks truly has something for everyone. Bestselling self-improvement titles — from the likes of Mark Manson, Rachel Hollis, Stephen R. Covey, and more — offer a deeper relationship with the self, whereas our curated selection of contemporary fiction helps you connect with compelling stories beyond your immediate setting. Interested in keeping up to speed with the current political moment? Our selection of political ebooks offer both intrigue and insight. If you’re more interested in exploring a new hobby or deepening an existing one, we recommend exploring our cooking, food, and wine ebooks as well as our home and garden titles. We have also compiled the best of the best, from Pulitzer Prize winners to classics that have stood the test of time. Our Everand Editors’ Picks are updated weekly to showcase the books that we can’t put down. With a Everand ebooks subscription, you can access these titles and more through any web browser, Android, or iOS device.

Our extensive selection of bestselling ebooks truly has something for everyone. Bestselling self-improvement titles — from the likes of Mark Manson, Rachel Hollis, Stephen R. Covey, and more — offer a deeper relationship with the self, whereas our curated selection of contemporary fiction helps you connect with compelling stories beyond your immediate setting. Interested in keeping up to speed with the current political moment? Our selection of political ebooks offer both intrigue and insight. If you’re more interested in exploring a new hobby or deepening an existing one, we recommend exploring our cooking, food, and wine ebooks as well as our home and garden titles. We have also compiled the best of the best, from Pulitzer Prize winners to classics that have stood the test of time. Our Everand Editors’ Picks are updated weekly to showcase the books that we can’t put down. With a Everand ebooks subscription, you can access these titles and more through any web browser, Android, or iOS device.