Dive into a scintillating mystery and fast-paced action with a Police Procedural. These mysteries follow daring, justice-minded police officers as they wade through clues and search for answers. From minds like Michael Connelly and James Patterson come fascinating, suspenseful tales about the Good Guys finding the truth.

Dive into a scintillating mystery and fast-paced action with a Police Procedural. These mysteries follow daring, justice-minded police officers as they wade through clues and search for answers. From minds like Michael Connelly and James Patterson come fascinating, suspenseful tales about the Good Guys finding the truth.

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About Police Procedural

Police Procedurals often cast Police Officers as the main characters and it is through their eyes that the universe, and the crime, are told. This often leads itself to a us-versus-them outlook between the police officers and the criminals that they are trying to catch, but occasionally there's more to the story than meets the eye. Police Procedures focus on the mechanics of police detective work and the inner lives of the police officers themselves. These are traditionally Mystery novels that follow the plot structures and expectations of a mystery. Therefore, while each crime, officer, and universe is different, the reader is able to make reasonable leaps into familiar worldbuilding between novels. These differ from the Hard-Boiled Detective subgenre, which centers more around the police sleuthing. While Crime novels focus on a criminal who needs to be apprehended and the Private Detective, Law Enforcement, or Independent Sleuth who is searching for them, Mystery novels focus less on the moral issues of the crime and more on the classic whodunit question from the first page: it is through the Police Officer as Protagonist that the universe’s morals are shown. Examples of Police Procedurals include: The Law of Innocence by Michael Connelly and Before She Disappeared by Lisa Gardner.

Police Procedurals often cast Police Officers as the main characters and it is through their eyes that the universe, and the crime, are told. This often leads itself to a us-versus-them outlook between the police officers and the criminals that they are trying to catch, but occasionally there's more to the story than meets the eye. Police Procedures focus on the mechanics of police detective work and the inner lives of the police officers themselves. These are traditionally Mystery novels that follow the plot structures and expectations of a mystery. Therefore, while each crime, officer, and universe is different, the reader is able to make reasonable leaps into familiar worldbuilding between novels. These differ from the Hard-Boiled Detective subgenre, which centers more around the police sleuthing. While Crime novels focus on a criminal who needs to be apprehended and the Private Detective, Law Enforcement, or Independent Sleuth who is searching for them, Mystery novels focus less on the moral issues of the crime and more on the classic whodunit question from the first page: it is through the Police Officer as Protagonist that the universe’s morals are shown. Examples of Police Procedurals include: The Law of Innocence by Michael Connelly and Before She Disappeared by Lisa Gardner.