Entries opening soon

The Impact Awards celebrate Australian IT and digital channel projects, innovations, campaigns, initiatives and people that have made meaningful impact for end-user customers, partners, distributors or vendors in the previous calendar year.

This year, we are excited to announce a significant expansion of these awards. To better recognise the scope of Australian channel partnerships, we invite partners, distributors and vendors to enter the nine main award categories.  

  • Partners, be recognised for projects that created tangible impact for your customers
  • Distributors, earn praise for tangible impact you helped deliver for a partner/vendor and (if applicable) the end-user organisation (with your partner/vendor's help)
  • Vendors, celebrate tangible impact you helped deliver for a partner/distributor and (if applicable) the end-user organisation (with your partner/distributor's help)

The winners will be announced at the Gala Awards Dinner on Thursday, 14th August 2025, at the Sheraton Grand Mirage, Gold Coast, during the Pipeline conference. Join us as we applaud the firms and people that exemplified channel excellence in 2025.

How do I enter?

Entry information coming soon. 

The 2025 Award Categories 

Note: Partners, Distributors & Vendors can enter the following categories. We will announce three winners in each category – a Partner, Distributor & Vendor winner. 

Business Transformation 

This award recognises Australian channel projects, campaigns, programs, initiatives, services or offerings that helped transform an end-user customer, partner or distributor’s operations, delivering more efficient operations and/or profit growth. Projects eligible for this award harness the power of data, modernise internal systems and transform the way they do business. This could include modernisation or migration projects, creation or adoption of new applications, realising value from data, or finding new ways to delight end-customers. 

Workforce Empowerment 

This award recognises Australian projects, campaigns, programs, initiatives, services or offerings that made an end-user customer, partner or distributor’s staff more productive. This includes projects that promote flexible working, enable mobile workforces and create the workplace of the future. This includes telecommunications and connectivity, including smartphones and tablets. Projects centred on unified comms and activity-based working also fit this category, as do contact centre builds, networking projects, and deployment of bespoke apps to staff - anything that makes a team measurably more efficient. 

Modernising Infrastructure 

This award recognises Australian projects, campaigns, programs, initiatives, services or offerings that moved end-user customer, partner or distributor’s IT infrastructure to modern platforms: to support cost savings, efficiencies, growth and innovation. This category includes upgrading compute, storage, core networking or converged systems, end-user devices or printing. It also covers the migration of customer, partner or distributor data and applications to new infrastructure platforms. Data centre improvements also fit. 

Trusted Systems 

This award recognises Australian projects that improved end-use customer, partner or distributor resilience through efforts to protect their assets and data, protect transactions, enhance security, ensure business continuity or boost an organisation’s ability to recover from a disaster. The category considers consultancy and advisory services as well as completed projects. 

Network Evolution 

This award recognises Australian networking projects that connected end-user customer, partner or distributor teams and organisations, sped up communications and broke down silos between teams, data and environments. This category fits telecommunications and network infrastructure projects, including moving to software-defined networking. 

Customer Experience 

This award recognises Australian projects that helped end-user customers, partners or distributors better service their customers in a digital, mobile world. This could include websites, mobile applications, or any technology deployed in the service of customers. If you delivered a brilliant digital experience for a client’s customers in 2023, enter this category! 

Innovation Award 

This award recognises innovation in Australia by partners, distributors or vendors that addressed the challenges of their organisation or fellow channel businesses, and (if applicable) end-user customers' challenges. This entry should be based on a discrete project, program, campaign, initiative or offering. For example: a partner breaking new ground in Australia with its own IP, or a groundbreaking distribution services or marketing model, or a vendor's market education program that connects partners and customers in a new way. Applicants must have progressed beyond the R&D phase and exhibit substantial growth potential by actively scaling their products through direct or channel sales. Vendors entering this category should know that weight will be given to innovation that benefits your channel partners, not only your customers.

ESG Award  

This award acknowledges Australian projects, campaigns, programs, initiatives, services, or offerings by partners, distributors or vendors that have contributed to positive environmental, social or governance outcomes – either directly or by working with the channel. This entry should be based on a discrete project, program, campaign, initiative or offering. For example: a program that improved the use of recycled materials by partners, a project that reduced energy usage by your business, initiatives that have fostered inclusiveness, better outcomes for the disadvantaged or vulnerable, and policies or initiatives resulting in ethical business outcomes.

Leadership award 

This award honours exceptional channel leaders from partner, distributor and vendor businesses who have demonstrated significant, meaningful impact in their business and/or the wider IT channel or public through their leadership role. For example, they may have defined and driven values or strategies that led to measurable financial success, employee engagement, customer satisfaction or public good.


Channel’s Choice Awards

No nominations accepted. Winners chosen by popular vote

Channel’s Choice - Partner of the Year  

The Alliance, a partner group, will vote for the Impact Awards partner finalist, such as an MSP, reseller, integrator or consultancy, that exemplified the best of Australian channel partners in 2023. For example, they may have led the way in terms of financial success, evolving their business model, achieving significant customer impact, innovation, market expansion, collaboration or contribution to the health of the Australian IT channel. 

Channel's Choice - Distributor of the Year 

Partners and vendors vote for the IT distributor they think exemplified the best of IT distribution in Australia in 2023. For example, they may have led the way in terms of helping partners achieve financial success, helping partners evolve their businesses, helping partners achieve significant customer impact, helping partners innovate, helping partners expand their market, or collaborated or contributed to the health of the Australian IT channel. 

Channel's Choice - Vendor of the Year 

Partners and Distributors vote for the IT vendor they think exemplified the best of IT vendors in Australia in 2025. For example, they may have led the way in terms of helping partners or distributors achieve financial success, evolve their businesses, achieve significant customer impact, innovate, expand their market or collaborate, or for their contribution to the health of the Australian IT channel. 

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