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This course is an online awareness training for first responders on rail safety and response to rail incidents. First responders receive instruction in safety precautions for both normal railroad operations and during an emergency response, as well as in emergency response planning, basic hazmat awareness, understanding railroad paperwork and CN’s response process.
This course provides an overview of railroad equipment featuring various types of rail cars, including tank cars and their valves and fittings, with information on locomotives and their potential hazards.
CN’s Dangerous Goods Officers have been providing training for communities’ first responders for over 30 years. Contact your local CN Dangerous Goods Officer or download the list of training courses available to your response agency.
CN’s Dangerous Goods Team conducts training of first responders and assists local emergency planning groups to prepare for a rail incident. This critical training focuses on response to railroad incidents, such as derailments, hazardous materials incidents and spills. CN’s Dangerous Goods Team works with the community to coordinate and plan the training, and delivers it all free of charge. Contact CN Dangerous Goods Team to plan your training.
CN partners with industry associations to promote and offer emergency preparedness and safety-related training to first responders.
Chlorine Safety Tour / Anhydrous Ammonia Training Tour
Training packages provided courtesy of TransCAER® (Transportation Community Awareness and Emergency Response) and industry associations such as the Chlorine Institute and Fertilizer Institute.
Transportation Rail Incident Preparedness and Response (TRIPR)
The TRIPR training program was created by various industry associations such as the Association of American Railroads, TransCAER® and the (U.S.) Federal Railroad Administration. Designed to prepare responders in the event of an incident involving flammable liquid unit trains.
American Petroleum Institute (API) Crude By Rail Course
The API’s crude by rail safety course, presented as a manual and video.
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) - Ethanol Emergency Response Coalition
A joint effort of the RFA and TransCAER®, the Ethanol Emergency Response Coalition course focuses specifically on response to ethanol incidents.
Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) – Canadian Emergency Response to Flammable Liquid Incidents in Transport Level 1
This course is the first part of a 3-level training program. Level 1 is an awareness course designed for all emergency responders and for emergency planners and is available online for free. Level 2 is at the operations level, and it consists of online content as well as hands-on training delivered locally or at the regional level. Level 3 is a two-day live fire course taught at specialized facilities. To get more details about level 2 and 3, refer to your local CN Dangerous Goods Officer
Level 1 Course
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) Locomotive Emergency Response Operations
The FRA Locomotive Emergency Response Operations video describing response operations involving locomotives.
The FRA Train Crew Rescue Video and FRA Rail Safety for Emergency Response Services Video describing the rescue and extrication train crews from locomotives in an emergency.
CN Railroad Emergency Preparedness Guide
The CN Railroad Emergency Preparedness Guide was developed to assist local emergency response organizations in their efforts to plan for and respond to railway-related incidents or emergencies. Designed to augment local response plans, it can also be used as a reference resource, covering key information needed for emergency planners and responders.
Field Guide to Tank Cars
The Field Guide to Tank Cars is intended to be used by emergency responders and others involved with railroad tank cars. It provides information on the types, safety systems, stenciling, and markings of tank cars used to transport regulated (hazardous materials/dangerous goods) and nonregulated commodities.
2024 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG)
The North American Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) iis used by first responders during the initial phase of a transportation incident involving dangerous goods/hazardous materials. This book is also available as a mobile application.
Fire Protection Research Foundation - High Hazard Flammable Train (HHFT)
The following documents were created to assist emergency planning and responder personnel in preparing for and responding to High Hazard Flammable Train emergencies, with topics that include Incident Management, tank car awareness and tactical considerations at an incident.
The AskRail® app is a safety tool that provides first responders and Emergency Community Centers (ECCs) immediate access to accurate, timely data about what type of hazardous materials/dangerous goods a railcar is carrying so they can make an informed decision about how to respond to a rail emergency. AskRail is a backup resource if information from the train conductor or train consist is not available.
The app is available for download from Apple iTunes and Google Play stores. Complete the registration process in the app on your device, and you will receive an email notification once your registration has been approved. Once you have received approval, the app will become fully functional and ready for use.
For any questions about the app, send an email to AskRail
2020 Emergency Response Guidebook
The 2020 Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) has been developed by the (U.S.) Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) to provide emergency responders with a go-to resource to help deal with hazmat incidents during the critical first 30 minutes. The app is available from Apple iTunes and Google Play stores.
WISER (Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders)
WISER is a mobile application designed to assist first responders with hazardous materials incidents. Developed by the National Library of Medicine, WISER provides a wide range of information on hazardous substances, including substance identification support, physical characteristics, human health information and containment and suppression guidance. All applications can be accessed through the WISER website.
FIRST Responder Support Tool
The First Responder Support Tool is an app providing police, firefighters, security and emergency management personnel easy access to map-based standoff distances and hazmat spill evacuation areas. The app is available from Apple iTunes stores.
FRA Crossing Locator
The Federal Railroad Administration publishes a free app which provides users with mapping and data for grade crossings, including the USDOT crossing number and the emergency telephone number of the operating railway.
For more information and instructions on how to download the app, please visit the FRA web site.
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards
The NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (NPG) is a source of general industrial hygiene information on several hundred chemicals and classes. The information found in the NPG can help users recognize and control occupational chemical hazards. The NPG is available in pdf or as an app on Apple iTunes and Google Play stores.
The NFPA Hazmat FLIC provides on-scene incident commanders with guidance material for managing emergency responses for high hazard flammable train and petroleum pipeline emergencies. The app is available from Apple iTunes and Google Play stores.
Most of CN's network has transitioned from paper copies to electronic versions of shipping documents and train consists for the transportation of dangerous goods / hazardous materials. Both the Canadian and U.S. governments have recognized that transporting hazardous materials by rail using electronic consists offers an equivalent level of safety to traditional paper methods. As a result, railroads have been authorized by both governments to adopt this modernized system.
The transition to electronic shipping documents introduces new ways for first responders to access critical information during emergencies. At CN, we believe that careful planning and preparation are essential for effective emergency response. This is why we collaborate closely with the communities we serve to ensure they are well-prepared.
To support this effort:
Email Chris
Email Dylan
Email Zachary
Email Branden
Email Matthew
Email Keith
Email Abigail
Email Greg
Email Kenneth
Email Mark
Email D'Shawn
Email Micheal
Email Anthony
Email Mahboubeh
Email Vanessa
CN operates in nine Canadian provinces, and we share information on the dangerous goods transported through them. See what we move through each province and learn how to register your community’s emergency planning officer to receive detailed dangerous goods reports.
Canada’s major railways worked with Transport Canada and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to build upon the existing process for providing dangerous goods reports to communities. The current practice has been to provide historical dangerous goods information to emergency response agencies that register through a Transport Canada process.
Under Protective Direction 36 legislation, these reports contain more information about dangerous goods and registered communities now also receive an annual report which provides information on the type of dangerous goods moving through a jurisdiction which can be shared with the public. As well, CN publishes on its web site information about the DG moving through each province on its network.
CN has long shared dangerous goods information with local communities, but this new process now allows communities to designate and register an Emergency Planning Officer (EPO) through the Canadian Transport Emergency Centre. To register an Emergency Planning Official (EPO)or any change of address, contact information must be provided to the following address:
Canadian Transport Emergency Centre (CANUTEC) Place de Ville, Tower C 330 Sparks Street, 14th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A ON5 Attention: Director of CANUTEC Canadian Transport Emergency Centre (CANUTEC)
CN continues to work with rail industry partners, municipal leaders and government to advance our collaboration with communities on emergency response planning and how to better share relevant information on dangerous goods traffic.
In addition, CN publishes information about the dangerous goods moving on its network through each province. Click on the name of each province for information about the percentage of CN traffic that was loaded with Dangerous Goods, as well as information on the top 10 products shipped through the province in the last calendar year:
British Columbia (PDF)
Alberta (PDF)
Northwest Territories (PDF)
Saskatchewan (PDF)
Nova Scotia (PDF)
Manitoba (PDF)
Ontario (PDF)
Quebec (PDF)
New Brunswick (PDF)
CN provides hazardous materials data to emergency planners throughout all 15 states in which we operate. Learn how to request a detailed report for your emergency response planning purposes.
Upon written request, CN will provide emergency response agencies or planning groups with specific commodity flow information covering all hazardous materials transported through the community.
Emergency Response agencies seeking hazardous material information can email our Dangerous Goods Team to request a Commodity Flow Information Request form. Commodity Flow Information Request
As part of our safety preparedness work and commitment, CN performs specific risk assessments on railway lines carrying certain amounts of dangerous goods as specified in Transport Canada’s Rules respecting Key Trains and Key Routes, looking at factors such as population and emergency response capabilities. Under these Transport Canada Rules, CN reaches out to Canadian municipalities to seek input on safety and security concerns on Key Route risk assessments.
For information about Transport Canada’s Rules Respecting Key Trains and Key Routes please visit their website. For more information or to submit your municipality’s input for key route risk assessments please contact us.
The AskRail® app is a safety tool that provides first responders and Emergency Communication Centers (ECCs) immediate access to accurate, timely data about what type of hazardous materials/dangerous goods a railcar is carrying so they can make an informed decision about how to respond to a rail emergency. AskRail is a backup resource if information from the train conductor or train consist is not available.
CN Dangerous Goods Officers are highly trained and experienced personnel, strategically located across our network, equipped with specialized tools and resources to provide 24/7 emergency response and hazmat expertise. A CN DGO provides competent system wide support and subject matter expertise to all functions within CN enabling safe and effective management of dangerous goods related issues. They implement a system-wide community outreach program to improve community awareness, emergency planning and incident response for the transportation of dangerous goods. Reach a CN Dangerous Goods Officer
Class One Freight Railroads:
Passenger Railroads:
If you need more information on training, would like to request training from CN, or have a non-urgent question email email our Dangerous Goods Team or find the CN Dangerous Goods Officer nearest you.