Kitchen Tips In the Kitchen The Allrecipes Showstoppers: Our Top 10 Recipes of All Time In the past 25 years, Allrecipes has published over 55,000 recipes. Here are the ones you've loved the most. By Allrecipes Editors Published on October 19, 2022 When Allrecipes first launched in 1997, we didn't publish all recipes. In fact, we only published cookie recipes (we started out as There were no meatloaves, or casseroles — just cookies. Our first recipe ever published was this Neapolitan Cookies I from Missy, which currently has a 4.5 star-rating and 95 reviews. It's safe to say we've changed since then, but what hasn't changed is our overall mission: to celebrate the expertise of home cooks and provide inspiring tips and recipes. In the past 25 years, our Allrecipes community and editors have published over 55,000 recipes — you've shared the apple pie your grandmother used to make, and your husband's favorite pasta recipe that you've been making for years. Today we're taking a step back — because it is our 25th birthday, after all — and honoring our top 10 recipes of all time. These are the recipes that you've made over and over again, that have racked up many millions of views over the years. To really put them on a pedestal, we've also asked some of our favorite cooks to make one of the recipes and tell us why they think it's a showstopper. And yes, one of the recipes in the top 10 just so happens to be a chocolate chip cookie. 1. Good Old-Fashioned Pancakes Publish Date: September 13, 2000 Developed By: dakota kelly You can't beat a classic — and this old-fashioned pancake recipe (submitted by Dakota Kelly way back in 2000) is all the proof you need. "This is a great recipe that I found in my Grandma's recipe book," Dakota said. "Judging from the weathered look of this recipe card, this was a family favorite." The Allrecipes community obviously can't get enough of these deliciously fluffy pancakes: This powerhouse recipe has racked up almost 18,000 ratings, and over 14,000 reviews since it was published. Get the recipe: Good Old-Fashioned Pancakes Meet Your Maker: Deb Perelman is the blogger behind Smitten Kitchen and the author of multiple cookbooks, including Smitten Kitchen Keepers and Smitten Kitchen Everyday. You can find her on Instagram at @smittenkitchen. 2. Banana Banana Bread Publish Date: July 13, 2000 Developed By: Shelley Albeluhn This banana bread is not only Allrecipes' #2 recipe of all time, it has made headlines! Recipe creator Shelley Albeluhn was featured in the Toronto Star in 2019 and revealed that she never expected her banana bread hack to lead to millions of views and over 16,000 ratings. As she explained in the article, "I remember thinking: 'Let's see how banana-y we can get this, so let's put in another banana, and then another and another.'" Turns out Shelley's extra-fruity take on banana bread has made thousands of home cooks happy since she shared her recipe 22 years ago.Get the recipe: Banana Banana Bread Meet Your Maker: Madeline Park is the blogger behind Cafe Maddy. You can find her on Instagram @cafemaddy. 3. Easy Meatloaf Publish Date: January 17, 2000 Developed By: Janet Shum First published January 17, 2000, Janet Shum's classic meatloaf recipe has been saved, printed, rated, and reviewed thousands of times. Topped with a tangy ketchup-mustard glaze, it's a simple comfort food recipe that checks all the dinner boxes: economical, easy, and ready in just over an hour. It makes terrific leftovers, too! Check out this rave review from last month: "Fantastic meatloaf—makes great sandwiches the day after!" – Janice Farrell KillingerGet the Recipe: Easy Meatloaf Meet Your Maker: Jae Lee is the chef and owner of Nowon in New York City. You can find him on Instagram @yo.jaelee. 4. World's Best Lasagna Publish Date: November 15, 2000 Developed By: John Chandler John Chandler's famous lasagna is truly "The World's Best." Since it was posted 22 years ago, this top-rated recipe has taken on a life of its own: John and his lasagna have been featured in The Washington Post and on Good Morning America. Community members love it for its relative ease, its basic ingredients, and its adaptability (reviewers love to share how they tweaked the recipe to make it their own). Unfortunately, John unexpectedly passed away earlier this year — read all about his life and legacy here.Get the Recipe: World's Best Lasagna Meet Your Maker: Andy Baraghani is the author of The Cook You Want to Be. You can find him on Instagram @andybaraghani. 5. Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Publish Date: April 20, 1998Developed By: Dora Dora shared her recipe for chocolate chip cookies back in 1998, and it's evident this was before the days of recipes preceded by lengthy anecdotes and endless tips. Quite the opposite, Dora's introduction to the recipe was short and sweet, just four words that sum up these cookies perfectly: "Crisp edges, chewy middles." And what else do we need in a chocolate chip cookie, anyway? This recipe has delivered time and time again and has certainly earned its title of "best" — Dora's cookies have gone on to be Allrecipes' top cookie recipe of all time and the #4 most-viewed recipe on Allrecipes overall. With over 18,500 ratings, they're the most-reviewed cookies on the internet with at least 880,000 cookies made (that means at least 55,000 gallons of milk for requisite dunking!).Get the Recipe: Best Chocolate Chip Cookies Meet Your Maker: Matt Broussard is a chef and influencer. You can find him on Instagram at @acooknamedmatt. 6. Taco Seasoning Publish Date: February 11, 2002 Developed By: BILL ECHOLS Recipe creator BILL ECHOLS shared his recipe for homemade taco seasoning in 2002, which means it's been spicing up meals for two whole decades now. Why is this recipe so beloved by the Allrecipes community? The warm and smoky spice blend is easy to make with ingredients many home cooks already have on hand, such as chili powder, onion powder, and paprika. "Just the right blend of everything," says reviewer Suzanne Allen. "Now I don't have to skip over a recipe because I don't have the seasoning 'envelope' on hand." She's far from the only one who can't get enough of this taco seasoning recipe — it has more than 7,000 rave reviews!Get the Recipe: Taco Seasoning Meet Your Maker: Chelsea Miller is the owner of Chelsea Miller Knives. You can find her on Instagram @chelseamillerknives. 7. To Die For Blueberry Muffins Publish Date: August 18, 1998 Developed By: Colleen With more than 11,000 five-star ratings, you know these blueberry muffins have got to be good. Published on Allrecipes way back in 1998, reviewers have been sharing their muffin tips and happiness for more than two decades. A review from community member nonsuchbaker passes on muffin-making knowledge to all the newbs out there: "For beginner muffin makers it is crucial to know not to mix the batter too long or else you will end up with tough, poorly risen muffins."Get the Recipe: To Die For Blueberry Muffins Meet Your Maker: Jessica Hirsch is the founder of lifestyle brand and production company Cheat Day Eats. You can find her on Instagram @cheatdayeats. 8. Oven-Roasted Asparagus Publish Date: July 10, 2010 Developed By: swedishmilk The newest recipe in Allrecipes' top 10 of all time exemplifies simplicity at its best. Recipe creator swedishmilk shared this recipe back in 2010 and it's been a runaway hit ever since, especially during asparagus season. There's no better way to enjoy in-season asparagus than this simply-seasoned, oven-roasted method. Need convincing? Take it from reviewer Laura: "I have been cooking asparagus for years, many different ways. This is by far the best."Get the Recipe: Oven-Roasted Asparagus Meet Your Maker: Grace Young is a cookbook author, historian, and activist. You can find her on Instagram @stirfryguru. 9. Mom's Zucchini Bread Publish Date: June 13, 1998 Developed By: v monte A hit since it was published in the summer of '98, this zucchini bread has been a favorite from the start. Ratings launched before the ability to add reviews, so the first 10 reviews weren't submitted until the summer of 2000...but they were all positive once they started rolling in: "It's the best zucchini bread I've ever tasted. My boys love it. It is very easy to make. I recommend it to everyone." – PHOLMAN 9/04/2000Get the Recipe: Mom's Zucchini Bread Meet Your Maker: Stephanie Izard is a chef and TV personality. You can find her on Instagram @stephanieizard. 10. Fluffy Pancakes Publish Date: June 18, 2009 Developed By: kris Back in 2009, kris submitted her recipe complete with a delicious-looking photo of a stack of pancakes topped with strawberries and whipped cream. A rave review from October 2022 just might say it best: "like a blanket for your mouth." Let's get cozy!Get the Recipe: Fluffy Pancakes Meet Your Maker: Shota Nakajima is a chef and TV personality. You can find him on Instagram @chefshota. Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! Tell us why! Other Submit