Recent papers in mtDNA
The THI4 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes an enzyme of the thiamine biosynthetic pathway. The plant homolog thi1, from Arabidopsis thaliana, is also involved in thiamine biosynthesis; but was originally cloned due to its capacity... more
Abbreviations: atp6 and atp8, genes for ATP synthase subunits 6 and 8; cox1-3, genes for subunits I-III of cytochrome c oxidase; cob, gene for cytochrome b; nad1-6 and nad4L, genes for subunits 1-6 and 4L of NADH dehydrogenase; rrnL and... more
Mitochondrial dysfunction is a hallmark of cancer cells. Consistent with this phenotype mutations in mitochondrial genome have been reported in all cancers examined to date. However, it is not clear whether mitochondrial genomic status in... more
1 Molecular phylogenetic relationships were investigated in 6 species of Chinchillidae (Chinchilla lanigera, C. brevicaudata, Lagidium peruanum, L. viscacia, L. wolffsohni, and Lagostomus maximus), 1 species of Dinomyidae (Dynomys... more
Parnassius apollo (Linnaeus, 1758) is probably the most renowned Eurasian montane butterfly. Its specialized ecology makes it very sensitive to habitat and climate changes, so that it is now experiencing range contraction and local... more
The vaquita, Phocoena sinlls, is one of two critically endangered cetacean species, and is listed as an endangered species in both the United States and Mexico. These listings result from a small population size, estimated to be 224... more
Now published at DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0876
We conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses to confirm taxonomic relationships and to delimit distributional ranges of Siberian salamanders, Salamandrella keyserlingii and Salamandrella schrenckii, and to elucidate the origin of the... more
Two subspecies of waterbuck ( Kobus ellipsiprymnus ), common ( Kobus ellipsiprymnus ellipsiprymnus ) and defassa ( Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa ), are recognized based on differences in rump pattern, coat colour and geographical... more
We sequenced 965 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b from 102 woodmice ( Apodemus sylvaticus ) collected from 40 European localities. The aims of the study were to answer the following questions. (i) Did the Mediterranean... more
The origin and demographic history of the ethnic populations of China have not been clearly resolved. In this study, we examined the hypervariable segment I sequences (HVSI) of the mitochondrial DNA control region in 372 individuals from... more
Although fossil remains show that anatomically modern humans dispersed out of Africa into the Near East ;100 to 130 ka, genetic evidence from extant populations has suggested that non-Africans descend primarily from a single successful... more
The first documents mentioning Jewish people in Iberia are from the Visigothic period. It was also in this period that the first documented anti-Judaic persecution took place. Other episodes of persecution would happen again and again... more
Polymerase chain reaction-based methodologies have been developed for the identification of three commercially-relevant penaeid shrimp species, these were: Litopenaeus vannamei, Penaeus monodon and Fenneropenaeus indicus in food products.... more
Reunion Island is a French territory located in the western Indian Ocean. The genetic pattern of the Reunionese population has been shaped by contributions from highly contrasting regions of the world. Over the last 350 years, several... more
In 1981, a double burial from the 9 th century was excavated at Gerdrup, north of Roskilde. The grave contained remains of the bodies of a woman and a man. The woman was buried with a spear, whilst the man had apparently been killed... more
This paper presents circumstantial evidence that the mating system of the North American pocket gophers (Rodentia: Geomyidae) is a promiscuous one, with female choice at its base. A molecular marker (a length variant in the mitochondria1... more
The mtDNA composition of two Muslim sects from the northern Indian province of Uttar Pradesh, the Sunni and Shia, have been delineated using sequence information from hypervariable regions 1 and 2 (HVI and HVII, respectively) as well as... more
The mitochondria have several important functions in the cell. A mitochondrial dysfunction causes an abatement in ATP production, oxidative damage and the induction of apoptosis, all of which are involved in the pathogenesis of numerous... more
Dispersion map of ancient and modern MtDNA H2a1 carriers
We investigated the bio-geographic ancestry of Argentineans, and quantified their genetic admixture, analyzing 246 unrelated male individuals from eight provinces of three Argentinean regions using ancestry-sensitive DNA markers (ASDM)... more
The name “Wampanoag” means “Eastern People” or “People of the First Light” in the local dialect of the Algonquian language. Once extensively populating the coastal lands and neighboring islands of the eastern United States, the Wampanoag... more
От издателя В монографии демонстрируется возможность глубокой исторической реконструкции эволюции мифологических систем на основе системного анализа фольклорно-мифологических и генетических данных. Особое внимание уделяется происхождению... more
Haplogroup T is composed of two main branches T1 and T2. The two of them have very different distributions, which are diametrically opposed in most regions.
Few academic studies to date have clearly distinguished haplogroup HV0 from haplogroup V for the simple reason that V and most of its subclades can only be identified through mutations in the coding region of the mitochondrion, and that... more
We analyzed 375 base pairs (bp) of the first hypervariable region (HVS-I) of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and intergenic COII/tRNA Lys 9-bp deletion from 47 Karkar Islanders (north coast of Papua New Guinea) belonging to... more
[Overall Survey of the Saami maternal lineages] Saamelaisista on kerätty viime vuosikymmenten aikana lähes 1000 äitilinjanäytettä. Tästä laajasta aineistosta ei milloinkaan ole muodostettu kokonaiskuvaa, vaan geenitutkimuksissa on yleensä... more
This paper discusses first results of the interdisciplinary research of DNA and the genetic diversity of Buryats, acquired through the full genome analysis (Next Generation Sequencing).
A look into the genes of Spanish and Portuguese people using Y-chromosomal, mitochondrial and autosomal DNA.
Mitochondria are essential organelles for cellular integrity and functionality maintenance and their imparement is implicated in the development of a wide range of diseases, including metabolic, cardiovascular, degenerative and... more
Mitochondrial haplogroup HV is a Middle Eastern maternal lineage associated with the diffusion of agriculture. Its largest subclade, HV1 correlates with the diffusion of Y-DNA haplogroup T during the Neolithic period.
Aquitaine on the road of Oedipus? The Sphinx as a prehistoric story. Different lines of evidence point to the resettlement of a large part of western and central Europe by populations from the Franco-Cantabrian region during the Late... more
Haplogroup I is a fairly rare matrilinear lineage, being found in average in 2% of Europeans and under 1% of Near Easterners. Slightly more elevated concentrations are found in Daghestan, notably among the Dargins (6.5%), Chechens (6%)... more
The Kalmyks is single human population in modern Europe professing Buddhism. The ancestry of the Kalmyks were ancient Mongol tribes and then the Oirats, who lived in West Mongolia during XI-XVI centuries AD. The Oirats existed as the the... more