Recent papers in Urology
is a common electrolyte disorder that frequently is overlooked and undertreated. Although the pathophysiological process of hyponatremia is complex, arginine vasopressin (AVP) is a common etiologic factor. Excess AVP release by osmotic or... more
Background: During bladder filling, the trigone contracts help keep the ureteral orifices open and the bladder neck shut. The trigone generates spontaneous activity as well as responding to neuromuscular transmitters, but the relationship... more
The first full-time professorship for urology at a German university was established in 1937 and in 1942, a rare teaching qualification (Habilitation) for urology was granted, both at the prestigious Berlin University. At the same time,... more
We determined whether chronic testicular pain is related to pelvic floor overactivity after ruling out other disease pathology. Materials and Methods: A total of 41 patients with chronic testicular pain evaluated at our Pelvic Floor... more
It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more
Introduction. Urolithiasis is one of the common disorder with which about 1/5th is found in the ureter, of which 2/3rd is seen in the lower ureter. Medical expulsive therapy is one of the routine modalities of treatment which uses various... more
Purpose: We determined whether biofeedback enhanced pelvic floor exercises begun 6 weeks after radical prostatectomy improve the early recovery of continence. Materials and Methods: We randomized 30 patients who underwent radical... more
We appreciate the authors 1 for their study concluding that bladder pain syndrome (BPS)/interstitial cystitis (IC) severity may not increase the likelihood of suicidal ideation except via severity of depression symptoms. Here we would... more
Purpose: The intrarenal resistive index is a physiological parameter that indirectly reflects the degree of resistance in the intrarenal vasculature. Resistive index measurements have been advocated for the diagnostic evaluation of... more
to establish the diagnosis of this rare malignancy were too restrictive.
Fluoroquinolones are the most commonly used prophylactic antimicrobials for ultrasound-guided transrectal prostate biopsy due to their broad pathogen spectrum, pharmacokinetics, bioavailability and ease of oral administration. However,... more
Purpose: To our knowledge epidemiological data on the incidence of failed hypospadias repair and the number of patients seeking further surgical treatment remain unknown. We report an observational, descriptive survey of patients who were... more
Objectives. To investigate the effectiveness and morbidity of percutaneous laser endoureterotomy in the management of ureterointestinal anastomotic strictures after radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. Methods. Between May 1997 and... more
Purpose: We assess the efficacy of intravesical administration of oxybutynin chloride in patients with interstitial cystitis.
The correlation between timing of the primary neurosurgical repair and urological prognosis in infants with open spinal dysraphism remains unknown. We investigated the impact of primary repair timing on neurogenic bladder prognosis in... more
We categorized trends in failure of the stone baskets as reported in the United States Food and Drug Administration Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience database. Materials and Methods: We queried the online database using the... more
OBJECTIVE To assess the effect of smoking on sperm vitality, sperm DNA integrity, semen reactive oxygen species, and zinc levels in fertile men. METHODS One-hundred sixty men were investigated. They were divided into 2 equal groups:... more
PURPOSE To evaluate patients who cyst hydatid (CH) in their retroperitoneal space and organs in order to determine a standard treatment option for CH. MATERIALS AND METHODS The files of 56 patients who were treated for CH in our clinic... more
The purpose of this guideline is to provide a clinical strategy for the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction. A systematic review of the literature using the Pubmed, Embase, and Cochrane databases (search dates 1/1/1965 to... more
Purpose: Tookad® is a novel intravascular photosensitizer. When activated by 763 nm light, it destroys tumors by damaging their blood supply. It then clears rapidly from the circulatory system. To our knowledge we report the first... more
The Contrast Media Safety Committee of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR) has looked at the effects of contrast media (CM) on the kidney including prevention of contrast mediuminduced nephropathy (CIN) as well as at the... more
To investigate the causes and costs of flexible ureteroscope damage, and to develop recommendations to limit damage. Methods: The authors analysed repair figures and possible causes of damage to 35 instruments sent for repair to a leading... more
Context: Approximately 15-25% of men who undergo radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer (PCa) will experience recurrence of their cancer; men with poorly differentiated cancer, non-organ-confined disease, and positive... more
Objectives. To describe the presentation, management, and clinical outcome of patients with genitourinary melanoma. Methods. We identified 14 patients with genitourinary melanoma treated at Memorial Sloan
Purpose: Vascular targeted photodynamic therapy with WST11 (TOOKADÒ Soluble) is in phase III clinical trials of an interstitial transperineal approach for focal therapy of prostate cancer. We investigated the safety and efficacy of the... more
OBJECTIVES To compare the long-term, prostate-specific antigen relapse-free survival outcome and incidence of toxicity for patients with low-risk prostate cancer who underwent brachytherapy or intensitymodulated radiotherapy (RT). METHODS... more
The internal validity of an epidemiological study can be affected by random error and systematic error. Random error reflects a problem of precision in assessing a given exposure-disease relationship and can be reduced by increasing the... more
Background: Grading of noninvasive papillary urinary bladder carcinoma (PUC) is routinely performed in clinical oncologic practice; however, reports regarding diagnostic and prognostic accuracy are contradictory. Objective: To compare the... more
Objective To obtain face and construct validity for a new training course to be used in any type of box/video trainer and to give a comprehensive overview of validated exercises for box/video training. Design Cross-sectional study.... more
To investigate the abundance of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans at the bladder lumenal and subepithelial surfaces in bladder biopsies derived from patients with interstitial cystitis (IC) and controls. Methods. Tissue sections derived... more
Our aim was to evaluate the effect of neat semen vitrification on human sperm vital parameters and DNA integrity in men with normal and abnormal sperm parameters. Semen samples were 17 normozoospermic samples and 17 specimens with... more
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) comprises the countries in Africa that do not have a Mediterranean coastline. This region is home to over 600 million people, most of whom are women and children/young adults who live in the rural areas. Most SSA... more
A procedure for the correction of urinary stress inconti-Lence has been devised which has given results approximatag and often surpassing those which follow the commonly tsed operations. A description of this new attack upon an old ¢oblem... more
More successful methods of vasectomy reversal would benefit those undergoing this treatment and might also increase the popularity of vasectomy. We conducted a randomized, prospective clinical trial of vasectomy reversal methods,... more
Editorial Comment: Since 35% of the patients did not return the case report forms and the expected placebo effect for subjective symptomatology ranges between 20 and 40?6, a randomized double-blind placebo controlled study clearly is... more
To investigate the physiopathologic mechanisms of the rupture of the corpora cavernosa by means of a histologic study of the tunica albuginea. In 6 patients (age range 28 to 49 years, mean 38) with traumatic penile rupture, samples of the... more
Background: After decades of irradiation as standard therapy for clinical stage I testicular seminoma, alternative treatment approaches have emerged including postorchiectomy surveillance and adjuvant chemotherapy. This study was... more
Various biological and artificial materials have been introduced for endoscopic treatment of vesicoureteral reflux. Over the past years, dextranomer combined with hyaluronic acid (Dx/Ha) has been established as the most commonly used... more