Recent papers in Infant
Background: The WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for 6 mo after birth. However, the time at which breast milk ceases to provide adequate energy and nutrition, requiring the introduction of complementary foods, remains unclear.... more
Objective: To examine the significance of neonatal risk factors from the individual, family, social, and parenting behavior domains of the ecological model of child maltreatment in predicting maltreatment reports in the first 4 years of... more
Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndromes (MDSs) form a group of autosomal recessive disorders characterized by profoundly decreased mitochondrial DNA copy numbers in affected tissues. Three main clinical presentations are known: myopathic,... more
interaction infant − Oxytocin shapes parental motion during father Supplementary data ml An infant-oriented parental repertoire contributes to an infant's development and well-being. The role of oxytocin (OT) in promoting affiliative... more
There are frequent applications for endoscopy in neurosurgery. However, endoscopic surgery in children has peculiar characteristics and is associated with different rates of success. In this study, the authors report on their experience... more
The development of imitation during the second year of life plays an important role in domains of socio-cognitive development such as language and social learning. Deficits in imitation ability in persons with autism spectrum disorder... more
Objectives: Recent studies have suggested that survival following the Norwood procedure is influenced by anatomy and is worse for patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), particularly aortic atresia (AA), as compared to other... more
Background-Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (TCD) is used to predict stroke risk in children with sickle cell anemia (SCA), but has not been adequately studied in children under age 2 years. Procedure-TCD was performed on infants with... more
Safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of GSK Biologicals' hexavalent DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib vaccine (Infanrix)hexa) was assessed when used for primary vaccination at 3, 4 and 5 months of age (N = 2163), compared to the separate... more
This paper describes the outcomes in six children with hypoplastic cochlear nerves, demonstrated on magnetic resonance imaging who were selected for implantation because they had clear responses to sound, with hearing aids. In four of the... more
Background. Perioperative myocardial injury is a major determinant of postoperative cardiac dysfunction for congenital heart disease, but its assessment during this period is difficult. The objective of this study was to determine the... more
In this paper, we revisit the revolutionary principles-equity, social justice, and health for all; community participation; health promotion; appropriate use of resources; and intersectoral action-raised by the 1978 Alma-Ata Declaration,... more
Background. Estimates of US childhood asthma prevalence were affected by the 1997 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) redesign. In 1997, only 5.5% of children were estimated to have asthma compared with 7.5% in 1995. The contribution... more
The longitudinal growth in stature for 509 males and 311 females was characterized from early childhood to adulthood. A triphasic generalized logistic (BTT) model (Bock et al. [1994] Chicago: SSI) was used through the AUXAL software... more
Dyssomnias Sleep duration Early childhood Risk factors Consequences Model s u m m a r y Dyssomnias are largely under-diagnosed in infants and toddlers. This literature review proposes an integrative model based on empirical data on... more
Background Rickets affects young infants and toddlers. However, there is a paucity of literature regarding the types of fractures that occur in rachitic patients. Objective To evaluate the age of patients at which radiographically evident... more
This research aimed to develop a Fetal Alcohol Behavior Scale (FABS) that describes the behavioral essence of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and fetal alcohol effects (FAE), regardless of age, race, sex, and 10. Using a reference sample of... more
Background: The incidence of residual ventricular septal defects (VSDs) after surgery is 5-25%. Redo surgery is associated with higher risks. Methods: Between January 2000 to December 2008, 170 patients underwent percutaneous VSD closure... more
Dear Editor, Cochlear implantation in congenital and acquired deafness is an approved auditory rehabilitation treatment. Malformations are of special interest nowadays, as the indication for cochlear implant surgery is expanding.... more
10. DC cultures were generated as described (5, 22). Immature I-A kϩ DCs grown from C3H/HeN, C3H/HeJ, and CBA/J (Jackson Labs, Bar Harbor, ME) marrow suspensions were pulsed with HEL (1 to 3 mg/ml) with or without LPS (1 to 10 ng/ml, E.... more
Survival rate of extremely low gestational age (ELGA) newborns has increased over 80% in the last 15 years, but its consequences on the short-and longer-term developmental competencies may be severe. The aim of this study was to describe... more
Background Extremely low and very low gestational age (ELGA and VLGA) constitutes a risk factor for development even in absence of cerebral damage, as an immature central nervous system is exposed to invasive and inadequate stimulation.... more
The anatomy and physiology of nerve tissue and the peripheral nerve are reviewed. The importance of the anatomical and physiological understanding of nerve tissue in the surgical repair of nerve injuries is discussed. This includes an... more
This article reports an evidence-based practice project using the Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice to Promote Quality Care for a common nursing procedure, nasogastric tube placement verification in children. Little research exists... more
Introduction: With recent advances in brain imaging and neurosurgical techniques, there has been a renewed interest in the surgical separation of craniopagus twins. Successful separation in recent cases, along with widespread publicity,... more
Objectives: To compare the absolute latencies of peaks I, III and V and interpeak intervals of premature and full-term children. Methods: Prospective, comparative cohort study. Study subjects were premature and full-term children with... more
This study addresses the extent to which insecure and disorganized attachments increase risk for externalizing problems using meta-analysis. From 69 samples (N = 5,947), the association between insecurity and externalizing problems was... more
The current study, utilizing data from the National Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project explored the relationship between biological father presence and emotion regulation over toddlerhood among children from low-income... more
Pathologic conditions involving the temporal bone in infants and children are now commonly diagnosed by computed tomography (CT). The importance of utilizing high resolution computed tomography (HRCT) with magnified, thin (1.5 mm) scans... more
High-risk screening Urine Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry LC-MS/MS MPS I MPS II, MPS VI Biomarker Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPSs) are complex storage disorders caused by specific lysosomal enzyme deficiencies, resulting in the... more
Gut microbial communities represent one source of human genetic and metabolic diversity. To examine how gut microbiomes differ among human populations, here we characterize bacterial species in fecal samples from 531 individuals, plus the... more
Background: Though noted in the clinical literature for more than 50 years, attachment disorders have been studied systematically only recently. In part because of the ubiquity of attachments in humans, determining when aberrant behavior... more
Asphyxial deaths utilising plastic bags or wrappings occurring over a 20-year period from March 1984 to February 2004 were reviewed at Forensic Science SA, Australia. A total of 45 cases were identified, with three occurring in infants... more
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) Modules 1-3 item and domain total distributions were reviewed for 1,630 assessments of children aged 14 months to 16 years with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or with heterogeneous... more
The globally escalating thyroid nodule incidence rates may be only partially ascribed to better diagnostics, allowing for the assessment of environmental risk factors on thyroid disease. Endocrine disruptors or thyroid-disrupting... more
Operations on intersexuals indicate that the sex of a person is based on more than biology. Expectations about proper gender activities furnish the frameworks through which certain features and combinations of features are understood to... more
This study examined whether language deficits persist even in children with optimal outcomes. We examined a group of children with prior diagnoses on the autism spectrum who had IQs in the normal range, were in age-appropriate mainstream... more
The aims were (1) to determine when in human postnatal development Group Ia reciprocal and Renshaw inhibition can be demonstrated;