Transaction Cost Economics
Recent papers in Transaction Cost Economics
This paper provides a comprehensive review of the empirical literature in transaction cost economics (TCE) across multiple social science disciplines and business fields. We show how TCE has branched out from its economic roots to examine... more
ABSTRACT Interest in third-party logistics has been steadily increasing over the last two decades. Recently, increased focus by researchers has produced a solid literature base of academic research. In this article, a meta-analytic... more
The rise of E-commerce came with the promise of disintermediation. Yet, from aggregators to authenticators, the online landscape today is scattered with intermediaries such as EBay and Verisign, aiming to streamline ecommerce transactions... more
Projects in the forestry sector, and land-use change and forestry projects more generally, have the potential to help mitigate global warming by acting as sinks for greenhouse gasses, particularly CO2. However, concerns have been... more
This chapter reviews the interorganizational accounting literature. There are two different types of interorganizational settings that have been covered within the literature: dyadic relationships between two collaborating companies and... more
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen,... more
Special Issue of Journal of Retailing in Honor of The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2009 to Oliver E. Williamson (Edited by Professor Arne Nygaard, Professor Robert Dahlstrom)
Information technology outsourcing provides several advantages for organizations, such as reducing the cost of ownership of IT products/services, providing rapid access to modern technologies. However, when the outsourcing relationship is... more
La Teoría de los Costes de Transacción (TCT) ofrece un marco teórico interesante para el análisis del papel de los incentivos retributivos frente a la utilización del salario fijo. Sin embargo, no hay estudios que muestren el impacto que... more
In contrast to prior studies examining strategic alliances as discrete governance structures (e.g., alliances vs. M&A, equity vs. non-equity agreements), we investigate their particular contractual features. The analysis examines the... more
The increasing importance of electronic commerce makes it essential interconnected electronic marketplace bringing buyers and sellers together to facilitate commercial exchanges. Electronic to develop a theory of virtual value chains.... more
This paper presents a framework of the control of inter-organizational relationships. Building on transaction cost economics and organizational theory, two control problems are identified that arise when firms engage in... more
The last 50 years has seen a shift in the nature of work, from mass production, with stable customer requirements and slowly changing technology, to the current situation where every product or service may be supplied against a bespoke... more
This paper presents findings from an analysis of the experiences of three UK telecommunications companies that have embarked upon extensive outsourcing. Transaction cost economics and the resource-based view were used to derive a... more
A common claim in the literature of expatriation is the one referring to the high costs of expatriation. In this paper, on the basis of transaction cost economics (TCE), we show how limited this approach is. In particular, we consider a... more
Due to the increasing importance of outsourcing as one of the strategic management tools used by hotels worldwide to meet a myriad of objectives. This thesis attempted to assess hotel outsourcing in the Egyptian Hotel Market. A total of... more
Many shipping lines today are adopting both backward and forward vertical integration strategies due to service differentiation or market share expansion goals. Shipping line investments in ports, terminal management or logistics centers,... more
ABSTRAKT: Për herë të parë në Shqipëri, hapet debati mbi monedhen e decentralizuar elektronike, Bitcoin (BTC). Kjo analizë shpjegon nga prespektiva ligjoro-financiare: konceptin Bitcoin, funksionimin, tregun e tij, transaksionet tregtare,... more
This paper presents the principles of cooperation and briefly describes the history and development of agricultural cooperatives in developed and less-developed countries, with particular emphasis on South Africa. A new Cooperatives Act,... more
The hold-up problem in the presence of asset specificity poses great transaction hazards. Therefore, having a sound understanding of this problem is an important managerial issue. The purpose of this research is to apply the perspective... more
The Blockchain has evoked the interest of practitioners and academics alike. Frequently only being perceived as the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, various innovative applications have highlighted its potential... more
The neoclassical economic theory presumes that public interest can be maximized through regulation. Regulation is efficient since the first-best institutional design of regulation is possible. This approach has ignored the institutional... more
Interest in third-party logistics has been steadily increasing over the last two decades. Recently, increased focus by researchers has produced a solid literature base of academic research. In this article, a meta-analytic approach is... more
Stakeholder concept is emphasized by Brummer (1991), where modern corporation by its nature creates interdependencies with a variety of groups with whom the corporation has a legitimate concern. Author of this article present and evaluate... more
This paper proposes a decision model of vertical integration which is based on some factors of Transaction Cost Economics (TCE): asset specificity, the uncertainty of the supplier and the uncertainty of the buyer. In the literature, there... more
Purpose -The field of supply chain management (SCM) has historically been informed by knowledge from narrow functional areas. While some effort towards producing a broader organizational perspective has been made, nonetheless, SCM... more
Three types of trust in economic exchanges are identified: weak form trust, semi-strong form trust, and strong form trust. It is shown that weak form trust can only be a source of competitive advantage when competitors invest in... more
Stakeholder concept is emphasized by Brummer (1991), where modern corporation by its nature creates interdependencies with a variety of groups with whom the corporation has a legitimate concern. Author of this article present and evaluate... more
This paper examines the expansion choice between dhierarchicalT and dmarketT modes of development decision of international hotel companies. It develops a theoretical framework, combining both transaction cost economics (TCE) and agency... more
Purpose: To investigate why developing country suppliers are adopting socially sustainable practices and how the implementation process is both impeded and enabled. Design/methodology/approach: A multi-case study approach is adopted... more
Group Savings and Loan Associations' (GSLAs) in Nyanza and Western provinces are having a vital impact on the ability of members to manage their savings, access loans and by extension take greater control of their livelihoods and futures.... more
The development of the field of strategic management within the last two decades has been dramatic. While its roots have been in a more applied area, often referred to as business policy, the current field of strategic management is... more
We provide an overview of the articles and commentaries devoted to theories of family enterprise in this special issue and link them to the concept of trust. Trust is a governance mechanism and theoretical construct of particular... more
The Blockchain has evoked the interest of practitioners and academics alike. Frequently only being perceived as the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, various innovative applications have highlighted its potential... more
The main aim of this study was to conduct a meticulous analysis of which words or terms are used in the variables that best represent the concepts of SCM practices. The research conducted can be classified as being of a descriptive,... more
This article deals with the contribution of organization theory to transaction cost economics from an examination of Williamson's theory of the firm. Borrowing and applying some conclusions of organization theory, Williamson rightly... more