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      GouvernanceRisksRisquesAudit committee
Central banks have been pursuing an expansionary monetary policy since before the pandemic, although the health and economic crisis of COVID-19 has boosted asset purchase programmes. After the Great Recession, a new phase began,... more
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    • Risks
Fraud is one of the most harmful phenomena, because it leads to collapse of organizations, causes economic downfall of countries, and destroys faith in a country’s capital markets. The impact of fraud is complex and has varying degrees... more
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La gestión de riesgos como herramienta de mejora de la seguridad y salud ocupacional en laboratorios de ensayos.
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Background. The aim of this study was to explore difficulties at work from anaesthetists' own perspective and to examine how anaesthetists handle and cope with situations that are perceived as difficult and potentially stressful. Methods.... more
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      Decision MakingAnesthesiologyOccupational HealthBritish
The main objective of this study is to analyse consumers’ behavioural intentions to use cardless banking technology in Malaysia. The intentions to use this technology are evaluated through an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)... more
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El objetivo del presente estudio fue indagar las prácticas de cuidado y de riesgo que se despliegan en escenarios nocturnos de presencia masiva de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Asimismo, se indagaron los motivos percibidos para el... more
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      SociologyArgentinaSocial PerceptionBuenos Aires
Abstract—The Internet and web applications are playing very important role in our today‘s modern day life. Several activities of our daily life like browsing, online shopping and booking of travel tickets are becoming easier by the use of... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil Engineering
Without prejudice to the recognition of the actual and positive efforts and results in the Rwandan agricultural sector, this paper questions the sustainability of a number of policies, provide ‘food for thoughts’, and share innovative... more
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      Climate Change AdaptationResilienceAgroecologyAfrica
Over the last decade there have been further developments in our knowledge of the risks and benefits of benzodiazepines, and of the risks and benefits of alternatives to benzodiazepines. Representatives drawn from the Psychopharmacology... more
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      PharmacologyPsychopharmacologyRisk assessmentBenzodiazepines
Diffusions are widely used in finance due to their tractability. Driftless diffusions are needed to describe ratios of asset prices under a martingale measure. We provide a simple example of a tractable driftless diffusion which also has... more
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    • Risks
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This paper explores the potential to converge the theory of political ecology with the environmental justice discipline as means to promote more effective civil society actions against macroeconomic risks, whilst analysing the case of... more
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      Social JusticeNeoliberal Economies in the Postcolony, Social Movements, Political Ecology, Indigeneity, Cultures of Disposession, Urban Form in Asia, Non-Linear Systems, Fieldwork and Disruptive Epistemologies, Biopolitics, IndiaUrban Political EcologyRisks
The Bank of Municipalities in Turkey has a unique hybrid form in which infrastructural and superstructural investments of municipalities are financed and fullfilled. After 1980's in line with Turk ey's development and integration to... more
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This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
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      RisksSchool ManagementEducational InstitutionsParents
Commentary on Surviving and Thriving in the 21st Century: a discussion and Call to Action on Global Catastrophic Risks (2020) arising from a roundtable of the Commission for the Human Future. Risks? Threats? Challenges? Goals? Initiatives... more
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      Futures StudiesTen CommandmentsComprehension3d Modelling
Bahan uji (obat) yang akan dimanfaatkan pada manusia harus lolos dari pengujian di laboratorium secara tuntas dan dilanjutkan dengan penelitian pada hewan percobaan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dan keamanannya. Hewan percobaan diperlukan... more
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      Research EthicsAnimal Testing ExperimentsRisksBenefits
The effective operation of national innovation systems can be a source of many opportunities, but it cannot be forgotten that innovation in itself may mean limiting but also generating various types of risks for the functioning of the... more
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      RisksArt Careers starvingThrivingFalling Out of Favor
Over the last decade there have been further developments in our knowledge of the risks and benefits of benzodiazepines, and of the risks and benefits of alternatives to benzodiazepines. Representatives drawn from the Psychopharmacology... more
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      PharmacologyPsychopharmacologyRisk assessmentBenzodiazepines
Due to the advanced technology associated with Big Data, data availability and computing power, most banks or lending institutions are renewing their business models. Credit risk predictions, monitoring, model reliability and effective... more
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      LawSearch EnginesData SecurityRisks
E-procurement is constantly receiving lot of attention from industries, and government agencies. Analysts believe that utilization of e-procurement can lead to enormous cost saving and efficiency in procurement process. Though,... more
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      BusinessComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyAdoption
The purpose of this article is to briefly review the opportunities that social media present to counselors and psychologists. Particular attention was given to understanding some of the more important common risks inherent in social media... more
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      PsychologyEthicsCommunicationSocial Media
The literature review and the findings of the interviews point very clearly to the fact that internal audit in the majority of organisations taking part in this study is already playing a very positive and constructive, albeit limited,... more
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      Internal AuditAuditingInternal ControlsRisks
The development of video games can be traced back to the 80s of the last century. The final phase of the gaming industry's development brought with it another phenomenon-e-sport. "Electronic sport" presupposes playing video games in a... more
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      Project ManagementProject Risk ManagementRisk ManagementBusiness Management
Animal welfare has been more and more widely accepted as a scientific discipline during the last 25 years and our knowledge of animal functioning, including the extent to which they are sentient, has increased. One result of this has been... more
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      Animal WelfareAnimal LawAnimal healthRisks
m m zi zi zi zi z ng ng ng g R R R R Ris s is isks ks k k k t to o o o o o Du Du Du Du u Duba ba ba bai' i' i i s s s s Bu Bu Bu u us s s siness s s s E E Exp xp pen en en endi di d d tu tu ure re re C Cy Cy C Cycl cl cl l c cles es es s... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingInformation TechnologyCommunication
Comment le dossier des V(r)TH a hérité du conflit des OGM Francis Chateauraynaud (GSPR-EHESS) Version du 26 février 2018 Le vote de la loi française de 2008 sur les OGM, transposition tardive et intensément débattue de la directive... more
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In North America, chemical engineering undergraduate curricula do not usually contain compulsory courses dedicated to project management. Yet, early in their careers, chemical engineers are frequently assessed based on their abilities to... more
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      EngineeringChemical EngineeringEducationProject Management
Online banking and other e-banking modes are a very convenient way to banking in terms of speed, convenience and delivery costs, but they have brought many risks alongside them. Online banking has created a new risk orientation and even... more
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Canned foods and beverages constitute a major part of the global food supply. Consumers expect canned foods and beverages to maintain their flavour, texture and colour and be free of illness-causing pathogens. This is generally... more
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      Risk ManagementBusiness and ManagementRisksScience and Technology Policy and Management
This paper focuses on analyzing the contribution of Environmental Scanning System to the risk management of the export operations of SME. From a methodological point of view, we have mobilized a theoretical exploration based on a... more
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      Environmental ScanningRisks
The present paper explores the world of cruise tourism considering not only the sociological aspects for what many consumers select these types of mobile hotels for their holidays, but also providing with an all encompassed framework to... more
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      HospitalityTourismRisksAmerican Literary Tourism
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      BusinessMarketingCommunicationMarket Orientation
In 1984, Charles Perrow (CP) released a landmark book entitled Normal Accident (NA), in which he defended the argument of the inevitability of accident in certain type of high risk systems. The aim of this paper is, thirty years after the... more
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      Safety EngineeringResilienceHuman FactorsAirworthiness and Aircraft Accident Investigation
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      EducationPovertySocial InsuranceSocial Protection
The development of video games can be traced back to the 80s of the last century. The final phase of the gaming industry's development brought with it another phenomenone-sport. "Electronic sport" presupposes playing video games in a... more
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Una empresa del sector metalmecánico de origen Colombiano presentaba constantes fallas en el proceso de recepción y entrega interna de materias primas importadas, para lo cual se decide reunir a un equipo interdisciplinario interno en la... more
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      LogisticsProcess ControlControlRisk Management
According to the INCOTERMS 2000 (International Commercial Terms 2000),
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Géopolitique Russe Contemporaine Géopolitique : qu'est-ce que l'Otan et pourquoi la Russie ne lui fait-elle pas confiance ? Qu'elle est la politique stratégique de défense de Vladimir Poutine ? Un véritable enjeu de guerre... more
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      European HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian Studies
Governments and private investors are increasingly becoming aware of the marketing power and the importance of seismic safety of old cores of their cities. Hereby the interest in preserving the original look and often even the original,... more
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      Project ManagementRisks
Percorso attraverso i cinque detti-guida di Hölderlin « Wo aber Gefahr ist, waechst das Rettende auch. » (Dove c'è pericolo, cresce anche ciò che salva.)
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      PhilosophyPoetryMartin HeideggerThe Romantic Poets
Critique #1 By Aaron Brown Most people don't think about risk. If it's not raining, they don't carry umbrellas. They get in their cars without walking around to check the tires and for hidden obstructions. When things run smoothly, they... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceStatisticsBusiness Economics
The work on which this paper is based is important because it sheds light on a tourist’s emotional experiences on holiday, which are central to increase our understanding of tourist behaviour. The importance of investigating perceptions... more
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      Tourism StudiesDecision MakingEmotionsTourism
Este capítulo faz uma abordagem sobre os efeitos da radiação eletromagnética na saúde humana, ressaltando a importância da Geografia, em especial da Geografia da Saúde, e da componente territorial neste tipo de análise. Trata-se de um... more
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      ElectromagnetismWell-BeingRisk ManagementHealth
The benefits of autonomous vehicles (AVs) are widely acknowledged, but there are concerns about the extent of these benefits and AV risks and unintended consequences. In this article, we first examine AVs and different categories of the... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsManagementRisk Management and Insurance
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      ManagementProject ManagementProject Risk ManagementRisk Management
The WCRP International Programme (World Climate Research Programme) ( was created in 1980 under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and of the International Council for Science (ICSU). Since... more
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      Climate ChangeRisksWeather