Recent papers in Newspaper
n his 1976 dedication of the Connecticut College library, Kurt Vonnegut compared a library to a noodle factory, noting that in a society where many people do not really enjoy reading,"Noodles are okay. Libraries are okay. They are... more
This article discusses structural transformations in small-scale fisheries in a New Zealand community. Expressions of fishing practice and the people who pursue these practices are subject to three different management regimes—Commercial,... more
U radu će se na temelju istraživanja osječkih dnevnih novina Die Drau, Slavonische Presse, Narodna obrana i Hrvatski list u prvoj polovini 20. stoljeća istražiti dominantni elementi glumačke umjetnosti, stav kazališne kritike prema... more
Critical comments from one member of the Siamese elite in the second half of the nine- teenth century on the merits of the form of government of the United States of America published in a newspaper called Bangkok Recorder led to the... more
Making News at The New York Times is the first in-depth portrait of the nation’s, if not the world's, premier newspaper in the digital age. It presents a lively chronicle of months spent in the newsroom observing daily conversations,... more
In 1998, in a paper in which he explained the mechanisms used in Hollywood to divide the revenue generated by feature films among different stakeholders, Mark Weinstein (1998) argued that only ten to twenty percent of these projects... more
This paper utilizes a nationally representative survey to gauge the ways in which media users engage with their local newspapers by using features that allow for sharing, liking, and commenting. The main results indicate that significant... more
Using a broad suicide risk assessment (suicidal ideation, hopelessness, hostility) with 100 youth ages 17 to 19, this study examined the relationship between sexual orientation and youth suicide risk. Participants were compared across... more
The linkage scheme encourages researchers to form industry partnerships for the research process, in order to develop research outcomes that are of industry relevance. It is stressed in the ARC guidelines that the research should not be a... more
در اين مقاله، براي تحليل صفحة اول روزنامهها و گفتمان حاكم بر آنها دورههاي چند ماههاي از چندين روزنامة كثيرالانتشار را مطالعه كرديم تا دريابيم آيا صفحهآرايي صفحة اول روزنامهها به شيوهاي هدفمند انجام ميشود يا برحسب اتفاق و صرفاً بر مبنايي... more
Paper recycling is the process of turning waste paper into new paper products such as newspaper, corrugated boxes, tissue products and egg boxes. Thermomechanical pulp (TMP) and chemi-thermomechanical pulp (CTMP) were also used in the... more
The purpose of this study is to measure learners' perceptions toward the Web-based distance learning activities/assignments portion of a hybrid program. These activities and assignments were designed based on a set of appropriate... more
This study presents the results of qualitative interviews of teachers who completed the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification process. Teachers (N=25) were asked a series of questions about how the NBPTS... more
The way news is disseminated has progressed over the ages. Human messengers, pigeons, print newspapers and now digital news- modes have changed, but the need to stay aware and updated with current events has remained important as ever.... more
A nurse who has practiced in different countries reflects on the words used in various languages to name our profession, and what those words have to say about the deeper meaning of nursing.
This article discusses how large lottery winnings are experienced and used by the winners. The study draws on a survey of 420 Swedish winners, which is analysed against the background of previous research from the USA and Europe. The... more
Background: Polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1) is an essential protein complex for plant development. It catalyzes ubiquitination of histone H2A that is an important part of the transcription repression machinery. Absence of PRC1... more
At the aim of explaining the rights of health care recipients and upgrading ethical observance in the field of treatment-the most important field of health care-, the Patient's Rights Charter was declared by Ministry of Health and... more
Although students with or at risk for emotional disturbance present significant academic challenges, few researchers have studied the outcomes of interventions designed to improve the reading skills of this population. In this study we... more
In this process, Iran, as one of the most concentrated destination of immigrants and refugees, has hosted around 3 million Afghan migrants and refugees in the past three decades. In spite of the repatriation programme, still around 2 to... more
ith the world increasingly dependent on mathematics and problemsolving skills, the poor mathematics performance of deaf and hard of hearing students is cause for concern. The present article focuses on the mathematics competency of... more
Previous research has evaluatedsome elements ofU.S. students'entrepreneurial orientation, while the present research extends and broadens this research to consider different situational settings across students in both Germany (n = 95)... more
Journal has regularly published the results of survey research. As an academy we seem to be very interested in learning what our faculty members and students think, how they perform, and what is going on at other schools and colleges of... more
This paper proposes and evaluates the use of linguistic information in the pre-processing phase of text classification. We present several experiments evaluating the selection of terms based on different measures and linguistic knowledge.... more
When there are widespread bank failures, deposit insurance agencies such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) …nd it di¢ cult to sell failed banks at attractive prices. Thus, the deposit insurance fund su¤ers higher... more
Governments and businesses around the world have invested billions of pounds in nanotechnology research and development, and more than a thousand consumer products which manufacturers claim to involve nanotechnology are currently on the... more
To review the characteristics of psychiatric screening tools currently available in addiction treatment services for rapid assessment of comorbid pathology and to introduce the Centre for Addictions and Mental Health Concurrent Disorders... more
We examine whether on-line remedial mathematics reviews can improve student performance in introductory microeconomics. In treatment sections, graded pre-and posttests were used to assess student understanding of graphing, systems of... more
This article discusses the absence of the Rights Critique in the modern era, and its impact on the current formulation of rights in America. The three--pronged rights critique--that U.S. constitutional rights politically insulate and... more
Introduction: Dewey's Lifelong Crusade for Participatory Democracy One Michigan Beginnings, 1884-1888 Two Dewey at Chicago, 1894-1904 Three Dewey Leaves Chicago for Columbia Four Elsie Clapp's Contributions To Community Schools... more
What behaviors are considered disrespectful by today's faculty members? What behaviors are considered acceptable? Are college professors' demographic characteristics significantly related to their perceptions and actual encounters... more
Extant data collected through the Experience Sampling Method-a signal contingent method for gathering data about students' immediate experienceswere analyzed to describe adolescents' subjective experiences doing homework. Analyses were... more
Media is one of the most important tools for transferring political discourse to society. In this context, especially during the election periods, the news with an intense political discourse constitutes the agenda. The fiction of these... more
This study investigates the moderating effect of role stressor on the influence of leadership change, behavioral change, structural change, technological change and cultural change on internal customer satisfaction. As a result, a... more
Scenario 1: An oncology researcher approaches the Research Ethics Board (REB) offi ce of a Canadian institution to request guidance on an REB submission. The researcher, a neurosurgeon, intends to take part in a multi-centre trial of a... more