Recent papers in Gospels
Recent studies of ancient compositional practices and the Synoptic Problem have validated the Two-Source Hypothesis and challenged the “Augustinian,” Farrer–Goulder, and Griesbach Hypotheses. These studies conclude that, according to the... more
This paper presents a text-oriented survey of some ongoing experimentation in translating the Bible poetically in the Chichewa language of Malawi and Zambia. An initial overview features a summary of ten important stylistic... more
Please feel free to copy, and to distribute as it might meet the purpose of helping yourself and others get to understand the purpose, person, and authority of Jesus' life and His teaching according to the Gospel of John. Anyone who is... more
In his objective study of the texts, Maurice Bucaille clears' away many preconceived ideas about the Old Testament, the Gospels and the Quran. He tries, in this collection of Writings, to separate what belongs to Revelation from what is... more
The study of Jesus in the Qur'an might profitably begin with the fact that there he is called not the expected Arabic Yasu' but rather the unaccountable 'Isa. From there the reader of the Qur'an may wonder to what extent the writer of the... more
Convocation Address at Bethel University, August 29, 2016 about recent troubles in Minnesota, particularly the shooting of Philando Castille, and our responsibility as followers of the Gospel. There is an audio link also available. After... more
Kenneth Hagin (1917-) represents and is widely accepted as the father of the Word of Faith Ministries1 though his mantle has largely fallen to Kenneth and Gloria Copeland who, through the magazine “Believer’s Voice of Victory,” promulgate... more
Son una secuencia que abre una posibilidad de entender mejor y más claro cómo Jesús quiso describir el carácter de Dios. Jesús mostró un Dios diferente al que tenía en vista la mayoría del mundo antiguo y lo hace hoy al mundo actual... more
An introduction to the critical study of the Gospels.
Meditazione scritta in occasione della celebrazione liturgica della XXX domenica del ciclo A della Chiesa Cattolica: viene con brevità approfondito il comandamento dell'amore, di Dio e del prossimo, con particolare attenzione a quale dio... more
Jesus’ teachings in the Gospel of Mark provide the marching orders for holistic ministry, i.e., discipling people to faith in Jesus Christ, and demonstrating our own faith through our actions and service among the needy. The purpose of... more
Daniel Marguerat, L’uomo che veniva da Nazareth. Che cosa si può
sapere oggi su Gesù, ed. ital. a cura di Luisella Travers Zanotto,
Torino, Claudiana, 2005, 111 pp.
sapere oggi su Gesù, ed. ital. a cura di Luisella Travers Zanotto,
Torino, Claudiana, 2005, 111 pp.
(Выставка и каталог "Евангелие Иеронима Наталиса. Первое издание" представляют экземпляр знаменитой старинной иллюстрированной книги в собрании Музея имени Андрея Рублева. Книга включает два тома: сочинение испанского теолога-иезуита И.... more
在上世纪九十年代的中国,有一位年轻的大学生,于大学期间 的最后一年,在情欲中泥足深陷、不能自拔。一天晚上,再一次 犯罪后他感到无比罪咎,于是在一个角落处跪于地上向天呼求: “天(Tian, Heaven)啊,如果我再犯这罪,就打个雷劈死我吧!” 然后,他起身回到自习室。那晚,同在自习室学习的基督徒同学 第一次向他分享福音;于是他成为了一个 督徒。
niente di più organizzato di ciò che l'amore ordina e niente di più libero di ciò che l'amore unisce Ci sono 2 modi per organizzare le cose il 1º modo per far sì che tutti seguano l'idea di un leader, rinunciando alla propria identità.... more
Recension du livre Le Christ juif: À la recherche des origines de Daniel Boyarin.
Science et Esprit, 67 no 1 Jan - Apr 2015, p 146-148
Science et Esprit, 67 no 1 Jan - Apr 2015, p 146-148
L'articolo tenta di tracciare una pista di esegesi neotestamentaria e teologia biblica attraverso la ricerca di un nucleo di storicità del kerigma pasquale. La diverse figure profetico-regali e messianiche che fanno parte del background... more
The Gospels contain divergent accounts of the resurrection of Jesus, which cannot easily be harmonized. Are these divergences a problem for people of faith? Or are they what is to be expected, given the diversity of human experience and... more
Jésus était rassemblé avec ses disciples dans la chambre haute de Jérusalem pour célébrer la Pâque. Jésus était disposé à célébrer la fête avec ses disciples en privé. Il savait que son temps était venu, mais il avait encore quelques... more
This paper (in Dutch) investigates the possibility that, for the first chapter(s) of his gospel, Luke reworked a source (either Hebrew or Aramaic) which had at its centre the birth of John the Baptist. It deals with questions as: -was... more
Parole e pensieri di un Testimone di Geova qualunque.
This is the syllabus for a Gospel of Mark course taught at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary during the Fall 2019 semester. The course itself was subdivided between four sections: Greek Exegesis Online, Greek Exegesis... more
Para que se manifieste la fuerza interna del reino de Dios, es necesario que la comunidad cristiana, una minoría, se mantenga interiormente como tal; así resulta ser una verdadera minoría creativa. Sólo permaneciendo semilla, levadura,... more
In theological research of The Christian Community and in anthroposophical circles, there is a tendency to follow the chronology of John rather than the synoptics. Questioning this tendency initially, this paper follows research by Andrew... more
Objetivos: O texto aborda brevemente as principais teorias que procuram explicar os inúmeros solecismos e barbarismos encontrados no grego do Apocalipse. Metodologia: Depois de considerar essas teorias, seu objetivo é encontrar uma... more
Richard B. Hays. Echoes of Scripture in the Gospels. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2016. xix + 504 pages. ISBN: 9781481304917.
Review by Emanuel Conțac, Pentecostal Theological Institute of Bucharest.
Review by Emanuel Conțac, Pentecostal Theological Institute of Bucharest.
Most scholars consider an eleventh-century Greek Gospel book in Paris (Bibiothèque nationale de France, MS Grec 74) the direct model for the illustrations in a Slavonic Gospel book (London, British Library, Add. MS 39627) copied for the... more
十六世紀半ばから十七世初頭にかけ、日本イエズス会により、日本語の教理書が出版されたということは周知の通りだ。世俗のヨーロッパ文学である『イソップ物語』の和訳、そして天草版『平家物語』、『太平記抜書』の存在もよく知られている。しかし、日本語で書かれたオリジナルのキリスト教説話が現存するということは案外知られていない。近年、このテキスト群を「異文化接触」というレベルで取り上げた研究が現れているが、漢訳仏典や漢籍の影響を受けた『日本霊異記』『今昔物語集』などとは対照的に、室町末期に... more
In Bible and Cinema: Fifty Key Films
Bible and Cinema: Fifty Key Films (Routledge Key Guides). Routledge Press. Edited by Adele Reinhartz (2012)
Bible and Cinema: Fifty Key Films (Routledge Key Guides). Routledge Press. Edited by Adele Reinhartz (2012)
This article maintained that the historicity of Jesus’ baptism was intended to flesh out the righteousness of God that was well-documented in the Hebrew Scriptures. Furthermore, the historical event initiated the ontological emphasis on... more
Jim Rayburn, the founder of Young Life, was an influential Christian leader during the twentieth century. His passion for teenagers to be introduced to Jesus has started a worldwide organization that exists in over 100 countries today.... more
Good-natured discussions between well-informed individuals are in short supply. For that reason, Peter Williams’ discussion of his most recent book (‘Can We Trust the Gospels?’) with NT scholar Bart Ehrman is a must-watch. In what... more