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In recent decades, Western democracies have witnessed substantial changes in the role played by political leaders. In particular, prime ministers have benefited from increasing decision-making autonomy in both the cabinet and the party,... more
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      GovernmentCrisis Management (Political Science)German PoliticsPresidential Studies
* Publication sponsored by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany ( The long-standing disagreements between NATO and Russia have been left unresolved for decades. In 2014 they finally escalated into an outright... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesInternational Relations
Krizler, orgut yapisinin hantalligi ve yonetim yetersizligi gibi orgut ici sebeplerle ortaya ciktigi gibi, genel ekonomik belirsizlik ve dalgalanmalar, teknolojik gelismeler, siyasi, hukuki, sosyal ve kulturel degismeler, guclu rekabet... more
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      ManagementPublic AdministrationCrisis Management (Political Science)Crisis Management
The changes in the institutional structure of the EU brought about by the Lisbon treaty and recent developments in economic governance are offering scholars new fields of interest. In particular, the emergence of the European Council -... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationGlobal GovernanceCrisis Management (Political Science)
The reification of humanitarian borders generates a politics of crisis that weakens the capacity to produce structural political changes and legitimizes exceptionalism and the reproduction of hierarchized borders. In this article, I argue... more
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      HumanitarianismBorder StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyCritical Thinking
In recent years, there has been a notable surge in the number of international organizations involved in military crisis management and capacity-building initiatives. Particularly in Africa, organizations such as the European Union, NATO,... more
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsGlobal GovernanceInternational Security
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      International RelationsInternational organizationsInternational SecurityNATO
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      International Relations TheoryPolitical TheoryCrisis Management (Political Science)South-East Asia
Krizler, örgüt yapısının hantallığı ve yönetim yetersizliği gibi örgüt içi sebeplerle ortaya çıktığı gibi, genel ekonomik belirsizlik ve dalgalanmalar, teknolojik gelişmeler, siyasî, hukukî, sosyal ve kültürel değişmeler, güçlü rekabet... more
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      ManagementPublic AdministrationCrisis Management (Political Science)Crisis Management
International migration represent a multifaceted phenomenon, composed and powered by environmental, social, economic and political factors, all intertwined. This complexity results in an increased categorization of migrants for... more
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      Sustainable agricultureFood Security and InsecurityCrisis Management (Political Science)Forced Migration
In the context of democratization and democratic consolidation, internal political crises, caused by either external shocks or dynamics in the domestic arena, pose a significant challenge to the stability of the Georgian political system.... more
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      Crisis Management (Political Science)Post-Soviet RegimesContent AnalysisPost-Soviet Politics
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryGlobal GovernanceCrisis Management (Political Science)
¿Serán parte de la solución, o del problema? A los detractores, para que consideren las causas que influyeron en el nacimiento de Podemos. A los seguidores, para que eviten confundir sus deseos con la realidad. A unos y otros, que... more
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      Political ScienceCrisis Management (Political Science)Economic CrisisPolitical Crisis
Until the late 15th century, the term “crisis” – from Greek krinein “to decide” – denoted the turning point of a grave illness, a change that leads either to patient’s recovery or death. Today, an international crisis, if not averted, can... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesInternational Relations
Аннотация. Современные реалии внешней и внутренней политики ряда государств актуализируют проблему исследования кризисных явлений. В статье авторы уделяют особое внимание накопленному в западной политической мысли опыту исследования... more
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      Crisis Management (Political Science)Политикаполитический кризисПолитическая стабильность
Bu çalışmanın amacı UNESCO Kültürel Miras listesinde yer alan ve politik krizler sonucunda zarar gören ve hatta yok olan Diyarbakır’daki kültürel miras alanları hakkında bilgi vermektir. Krizler ilk olarak yakın çevresini etkisi altına... more
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      Tourism StudiesCultural HeritageCrisis Management (Political Science)Crisis Management
The article considers the conceptual framework of EU security law and its realization in crisis management strategy, approaches to Eastern Europe and Ukrainian security issues, sanctions against Russia, EU missions to Ukraine. The object... more
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      European StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesEuropean LawCrisis Management (Political Science)
This article examines how cognitive and normative ideas influence the ability of the European Union (EU) to formulate common policies in response to international crises such as the 2002–2003 Iraq crisis and the Iranian nuclear crisis... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisConstructivismCrisis Management (Political Science)National Security Culture
The objective of this study is to measure tourist guides' attitude towards sustainable tourism. The research population constitute of active tourist guides, registered Trabzon Regional Chamber of Guides (TRO). Within this context, in... more
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      Tourism StudiesCultural HeritageCrisis Management (Political Science)Crisis Management
Teknolojinin ve internet uygulamalarının son derece ilerlemiş olması iletişim kanalları ile yönetim araçlarının değişmesini ve bu teknolojiler doğrultusunda yeni yönetim anlayışlarının gelişmesini sağlamaktadır. Uluslar arası alanda... more
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      Tourism StudiesTerrorismCrisis Management (Political Science)Crisis Management
Crisis económica y crisis política.
Crisis de la socialdemocracia y del resto de partidos.
Crisis de formas de organización, deliberación, elección, y representación.
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      Crisis Management (Political Science)Representaciones Socialestransformaciones del Trabajo, particularmente de las nuevas políticas de recursos humanos implementadas en las empresas y las transformaciones en la organización del trabajoDeliberación política
Examines the EU's policy of Effective Multilateralism and considers the problems and issues surrounding the lack of coordination of the EU Battlegroups with UN SHIRBRIG
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      International SecurityCrisis Management (Political Science)United NationsEuropean Union
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      Crisis Management (Political Science)Political Economy of Euro CrisisGreek crisisPolitics of Austerity
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      Political PhilosophyCrisis Management (Political Science)JusticeIndignation
"Il breve contributo discute il rapporto che nell'attuale fase di crisi economico-politica globale si instaura tra sovranità, stato e democrazia. In primo luogo, si discutono quell’insieme di trasformazioni e mutamenti nelle forme... more
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      SovereigntyGovernanceCrisis Management (Political Science)Democracy
The concept of crisis is getting more and more popular nowadays. We use it in our daily lives, denoting different problems in wide-range areas of knowledge. Although, the rise of the popularity of this concept doesn’t help us in the... more
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      Crisis Management (Political Science)Crisis ManagementPolitical Crisis
The political response to the pandemic has ranged from the extraordinary domestic measures of national governments to the exceptionalism of supranational authorities and of governments in concert. While moves of the first kind recall the... more
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      European StudiesEuropean integrationCrisis Management (Political Science)Populism
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      Emergency MedicineAnthropologyEthicsEthnography
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      Crisis Management (Political Science)Crisis ManagementFiscal Crisis & Government Resource AllocationsLegitimacy Crisis
In the context of democratization and democratic consolidation, internal political crises, caused by either external shocks or dynamics in the domestic arena, pose a significant challenge to the stability of the Georgian political system.... more
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      Crisis Management (Political Science)Post-Soviet RegimesContent AnalysisStrategic Communication
Does Good Leadership Necessarily Mean Successful Leadership? : Case of Jimmy Carter
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      ManagementLeadershipCrisis Management (Political Science)Public Management (Political Science)
Artigo publicado no jornal argentino Clarín sobre a crise política e a pandemia no Brasil.
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      Crisis Management (Political Science)BrazilJair Bolsonaro
Suudi Arabistan’ın “Aramco” petrol tesislerine son zamanlarda yapılan İHA saldırısı, bir yandan İran ile Suudi Arabistan arasındaki ve diğer yandan İran ve ABD arasındaki politik gerilimi artırdı. Saldırıların sebebi ve Yemenli Husiler... more
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      Political ScienceIranian StudiesPetroleumCrisis Management (Political Science)
Mesmo com índices recordes de impopularidade e alvo de denúncias de corrupção, Temer mantém controle sobre mais da metade da Câmara. Seu impeachment foi impedido, mas com alto custo. Seu governo perdeu a capacidade de aprovar mudanças... more
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      Crisis Management (Political Science)Corruption (Corruption)Political CorruptionDemocracia Participativa
ABSTRACT Bringing together contributions from a multi-disciplinary and international group of experts, this volume explores the effects and legacies of Argentina's 2001-2002 social, economic, and political implosion. Interrogating... more
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      Social MovementsLatin American StudiesInternational EconomicsPolitical Economy
Regeneración insuficiente en el PSOE para convertirlo en alternativa de gobierno.
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      Crisis Management (Political Science)PoliticsFinancial Crisis of 2008/2009ELECCIONES POLITICAS
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      Crisis Management (Political Science)Mexico