Atomic Physics
Recent papers in Atomic Physics
At the core of the "proton radius puzzle" is a four-standard deviation discrepancy between the proton root-mean-square charge radii () determined from the regular hydrogen (H) and the muonic hydrogen (µp) atoms. Using a... more
problems related to the electric field
An interpretation of the Lorentz transformation strongly suggests that space is a compressible fluid capable of hosting the virtual mass component of a relativistic particle. This in turn suggests that virtual mass is a measure of the... more
This survey treats the Hilbert Book Model Project. The project concerns a well-founded, purely mathematical model of physical reality. The project relies on the conviction that physical reality owns its own kind of mathematics and that... more
Ce cahier de l'association "Rennes en Sciences" N°2 a été rédigé par le physicien Gabriel GORRE. Il décrit en détail l'histoire de l'invention de la chambre en brouillard et présente le modèle qu'il a réalisé et les résultats obtenus.... more
The Shroud of Turin, Christianity's most precious relic is firmly linked to its foundational doctrine: Jesus's miraculous resurrection from the dead. This well defended connection limits Shroud research to the investigation of the... more
A superluminal quantum-vortex model of the electron and the positron is produced from a superluminal double-helix model of the photon during electron-positron pair production. The two oppositely-charged (with Q = ±e sqrt (2/α) = 16.6e)... more
Movement/propagation through the “Dark Matter”: Effects the surrounding by propagation through “Dark matter” particles creating “waves” in a manner similar to a Ship/boat moving in water creating waves When two ships/boats (in our case... more
Abstract Paper hypothesis. - There's a light beam its velocity (1.16 mkm/) moves in parallel to Mercury Motion. Paper Hypotheses Explanation - Planet Motion be a cover for a light motion found behind. The light motion uses Planet... more
Niebotyczne koszty cywilnej energetyki jądrowej nie powinny odżegnywać od inwestycji w bloki jądrowe w Polce. Kluczem do ich zrealizowania może być skorzystanie z dodatkowych, nieoczywistych źródeł finansowania. Największą ciekawostką... more
Психотронни изследвания на микросвета atom structure
Paper Hypothesis A Light Beam Its Velocity 1.16 mkm /Sec Be Found In The Solar System Paper Hypothesis Explanation -Matter and space are created out of light beam, but matter doesn't spate its parent light beam but moves with it by... more
**The most underrated property of subatomic particles are their magnetic dipole moments.** Electrons possess an electric charge but and a magnetic dipole moment. In the following, the distribution of the electron's magnetic dipole moments... more
From ancient to classical philosophy there have been different comprehensions about attraction and repulsion as being the essence of matter, as well as that matter was considered as the unity of fullness (i.e. that of particles) and the... more
Relativity theory treats spacetime as a mathematical abstraction—a four-dimensional coordinate system analogous to the three dimensions of Cartesian geometry. It does not exist, per se. It is not a “thing” in any tangible sense. It merely... more
Une étude sur une première approche à la physique quantique à partir du réalisme de la poussière.
This paper presents a low dimensional topological approach to the formation of different Quantum Particles by Geometric Quantization of the energy excited localized harmonic oscillation of the field. Establishing a single function for... more
Science from History to Future CONTENTS 1. INERTIA 2. Form of Intensity of the Moving Charge Electric Field is Asymmetrical. 3. Form of the Interference Field is Non-Linear 4. CORRECTED Maswell's equations 5. Corrected Newton´s Laws of... more
This book presents the universal issue of radioactive waste management from the perspective of the German legal system, analysing how lawmakers have responded to the problem of nuclear waste over the course of the last 70 years. In this... more
Abstract: A complete history of early atomic models would fill volumes, but a reasonably coherent tale of the path from mechanical atoms to the quantum can be told by focusing on the relevant work of three great contributors to atomic... more
Demokritos (Δημόκριτος, Dēmókritos), doğum ve ölüm yılına dair birçok spekülasyon bulunuyor olsa da yaklaşık olarak M.Ö. 460 ile MÖ 370 yılları arasında yaşamış ve hocası olarak bilinen Leukippos (Λεύκιππος) ile atom öğretisini... more
The most original and shocking interpretation of Lucretius in the last 40 years. Thomas Nail argues convincingly and systematically that Lucretius was not an atomist, but a thinker of kinetic flux. In doing so, he completely overthrows... more
Bransden B.H.H., Joachain C.J. - The Physics of Atoms and Molecules (1983)
تجارب مختبر الفيزياء الذرية المحتويات : التجربة الأولـــــــــــــــــى : تعـييـــــن قيمة ثابت ريدبرج. التجربة الــــــثانـــيـــة : ايجاد الشحنة النوعية للإلكترون (e⁄m_e ) بطريقة المغنترون. التجربة الثالــــــثــــــة : تكمم... more
Una fascinante investigación sobre la vida de Lise Meitner y otros científicos.
It is a commonplace among scholars that the early Pythagoreans posited an immortal soul. The earliest source to associate immortality of the soul to the Pythagoreans unequivocally, Dicaearchus of Messana, stipulates that they held that... more
Riassunto. Questo lavoro è stato realizzato in occasione del Corso di aggiornamento “I laboratori della prof”, organizzato dalla Sezione di Bologna dell’AIF per commemorare la prof.a Curzia Marchi Trevisi. Esso si basa sulla tesi di... more
The golden ring to which most physicists aspire is a unified field theory that incorporates all of modern and classical physics. Some scientists and others call this a TOE or ‘theory of everything’, but it is no more than false hubris to... more
In accordance to studies by G.S.Hawkins, the author of this paper continued decoding of ancient monument Stonehenge in Great Britain. The method of decoding by J.-F.Champollion was used with success. The author discovered mathematical... more
Energetykę jądrową jako technologię wytwarzania energii, oprócz możliwości wyzwalania energii w ogromnych ilościach, charakteryzuje też brak emisji gazów cieplarnianych. W obliczu objęcia przez UE roli światowego lidera w obszarze... more
The theory of gravity has been around for over three hundred years.
Proyecto de unificación basado en la simetría especular de fuerza y en la simetría de fuerzas de interacción de cargas. Dicha en simetrías predicen la existencias de cargas Gauge. También se describe la verdadera naturaleza de la fuerza... more
A possible explanation is offered for the longstanding mystery surrounding the meaning of the fine structure constant. The reasoning is based on a discrete self-similar cosmological paradigm that has shown promise in explaining the... more