Radiation Protection
Recent papers in Radiation Protection
A study of the performance of five commercial radiotherapy treatment planning systems (TPSs) for common treatment sites regarding their ability to model heterogeneities and scattered photons has been performed. The comparison was based on... more
tion against Radiation-Induced Bone Marrow and Intestinal Injuries by Cordyceps sinensis, a Chinese Herbal Medicine. Radiat. Res. 166, 900-907 (2006).
Over the last decade, there has been considerable progress in the development of countermeasures for preventing or reducing contamination of animal products by radioisotopes of iodine, caesium and strontium. In this paper, recent... more
このレポートでは、過去5年間に東京電力福島第 一原発事故の影響を受けた地域で実施された多数 の調査の結果に基づき、2011年3月に起きた同 事故の結果として現在生じている生態学的状況を 明らかにする。これは福島県の森林、河川、氾濫 原、河口域の放射能汚染に関して現時点で判明し ていることを記録にとどめようとする試みであ る。福島県と全国の環境に放出された放射性核種 の半減期の長さを考えれば、それが生態系に与え る影響を理解することは不可欠である。... more
Radon isotopes (222, 220, 219) are radioactive gases produced by the disintegration of radium isotopes 226, 224 and 223, which are decay products of uranium238, thorium232 and uranium235 respectively. All are found in the earth's... more
Non-linear phenomena in biological findings of the residents of high background radiation areas of Ramsar background dose rates among the highest known in the world. As the biological effects of low doses of radiation are not fully... more
The aim of this study was to determine ovarian dose, effective dose and associated radiogenic risks from hysterosalpingography (HSG), and to provide data for the estimation of radiogenic risks related to HSG studies performed in any... more
The purpose of optimising the acquisition parameters in positron emission tomography is to improve the quality of the diagnostic images. Optimisation can be done by maximising the noise equivalent count rate (NECR) that in turn depends on... more
We have measured charged nuclear fragments produced by 1 GeV/nucleon 56 Fe ions interacting with aluminium, polyethylene and lead. These materials are relevant for assessment of radiation risk for manned space flight. The data will be... more
With 5-7 month long duration missions at 51.6°inclination in Low Earth Orbit, the ionizing radiation levels to which International Space Station (ISS) crewmembers are exposed will be the highest planned occupational exposures in the... more
The long-term biokinetics and dosimetry of carbon-14 were studied in nine adults and eight children undergoing carbon-14 urea breath test for Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection. The elimination of 14 C via exhaled air and urine was... more
Diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) were established for 21 indication-based CT examinations for adults in Switzerland. One hundred and seventy-nine of 225 computed tomography (CT) scanners operated in hospitals and private radiology... more
The Canadian Panel of the International Society for Clinical Densitometry has developed standards in order to establish the minimum level of acceptable performance for the practice of bone densitometry in Canada. Previously, this group... more
We analysed the dose-volume distribution in normal brain in eight patients undergoing localized external beam radiotherapy for brain tumours. The results have been represented as integral dose-volume histograms and show that large volumes... more
Purpose: Conformal radiotherapy of the prostate is an increasingly common technique in the treatment of prostate cancer. When using 3D conformal radiotherapy (CFRT) methods, it is desirable to protect the vital structures such as bladder,... more
In a working group of the Belgian Hospital Physicists Association (BHPA), a new protocol has been developed for comprehensive testing of computed tomography scanners. The tests were selected to verify if the scanner is technically... more
FLUKA is an integrated particle transport code that has enhanced multigroup low-energy neutron transport capability similar to the well-known MORSE transport code. Gammas are produced in groups but many important individual lines are... more
Background: Analyse through a multi-choice anonymous questionnaire the knowledge's level in paediatric residents and fellows in two different main Italian hospital, looking mainly to the information to patients and relatives related to... more
A significant metric in federal mammography quality standards is the phantom image quality assessment. The present work seeks to demonstrate that automated image analyses for American College of Radiology ͑ACR͒ mammographic accreditation... more
In positron emission tomographic (PET) scanning, transmission measurements for attenuation correction are commonly performed by using external germanium-68 rod sources. Recently, combined PET and computed tomographic (CT) scanners have... more
Interventional cardiology (IC) is a rapidly growing field of medical specialisation. Such procedures are complex and may subject patients and operators to higher levels of risk than those encountered in general radiology. Acceptance... more
Radiation assessment and protection in space is the Wrst step in planning future missions to the Moon and Mars, where mission and number of space travelers will increase and the protection of the geomagnetic shielding against the cosmic... more
The RADPAD is a lead-free surgical drape containing bismuth and barium that has been demonstrated to reduce scatter radiation exposure to primary operators during fluoroscopic procedures. It is not known to what degree the RADPAD reduces... more
The marked increase in radiation exposure from medical imaging, especially in children, has caused considerable alarm and spurred efforts to preserve the benefits but reduce the risks of imaging. Applying the principles of the Image... more
Computational models of human anatomy are mathematical representations of human anatomy designed to be used in dosimetry calculations. They have been used in dosimetry calculations for radiography, radiotherapy, nuclear medicine,... more
High-protection sunscreens have been suspected to prompt people to increase sun exposure, and thus to increase skin cancer risk. We tested the influence of both the actual protection (sun protection factor [SPF]) and the information about... more
Der Aufsatz vergleicht die Strahlenschutzregime im Uranbergbau der DDR und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg bis in die achtziger Jahre. In beiden Systemen stellte sich das Problem, den Schutz der Beschäftigten mit... more
Prolonged exposure to radon, the largest source (69%) of natural radioactivity, may cause lung cancer and bronchial tissue damage. So monitoring of radon at places of high radioactivity and in underground mines is important to assess the... more
In situ gamma-ray spectrometry determines the quantities of radionuclides in some medium with a portable detector. The main limitation of in situ gamma-ray spectrometry lies in determining the depth distribution of radionuclides. This... more
Курс лекцій з дисципліни "Радіаційна екологія" для студентів-геоекологів Львівського національного університету імені Івана Франка. Лекція 8. Нормування радіаційного навантаження та радіаційно-екологічний моніторинг
A methodological approach for a comparative assessment of ionising radiation effects on man and non-human species, based on the use of Radiation Impact Factor (RIF) -ratios of actual exposure doses to biota species and man to critical... more
Shielding is the only practical countermeasure for the exposure to cosmic radiation during space travel. It is well known that light, hydrogenated materials, such as water and polyethylene, provide the best shielding against space... more
Aim Data was collected to establish local Diagnostic Reference Levels (DRLs) for the CT component of our most common SPECT/CT studies. Methods 432 SPECT/CT scans were analysed from Dec 2014 - Dec 2015. CT dose values of CTDIVol (mGy) and... more
PURPOSE: To record and compare the spectral transmission characteristics of foldable untinted and yellow-tinted intraocular lenses (IOLs) and evaluate the protective effects against retinal damage by sunlight. SETTING: Shimane University... more
Background: Photoinstability of sunscreens because of ultraviolet (UV) exposure is a well-known and common phenomenon. Recently, it was also shown that sunscreens with complex filter combinations are photoinactivated by UV exposures,... more
L'administration à un malade d'une activité d'iode 131 supérieure à 720 méga Becquerel (MBq) doit se faire dans un service de médecine nucléaire. Le patient peut retourner au contact du public dès que le débit de dose qu'il émet à 1 mètre... more
Digital radiography systems based on flat-panel detectors have been introduced into clinical practice in the past few years. The high detective quantum efficiency of these detectors allows the radiation dose to be reduced while... more