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European Parliament

The European Parliament (EP) is the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union (EU). Together with the Council of the European Union (the Council) and the European Commission, it exercises the legislative function of the EU. The Parliament is composed of 751 (previously 766) members, who represent the second largest democratic electorate in the world (after the Parliament of India) and the largest trans-national democratic electorate in the world (375 million eligible voters in 2009).

It has been directly elected every five years by universal suffrage since 1979. However, turnout at European Parliament elections has fallen consecutively at each election since that date, and has been under 50% since 1999. Turnout in 2014 stood at 42.54% of all European voters.

Although the European Parliament has legislative power that the Council and Commission do not possess, it does not formally possess legislative initiative, as most national parliaments of European Union member states do. The Parliament is the "first institution" of the EU (mentioned first in the treaties, having ceremonial precedence over all authority at European level), and shares equal legislative and budgetary powers with the Council (except in a few areas where the special legislative procedures apply). It likewise has equal control over the EU budget. Finally, the European Commission, the executive body of the EU, is accountable to Parliament. In particular, Parliament elects the President of the Commission, and approves (or rejects) the appointment of the Commission as a whole. It can subsequently force the Commission as a body to resign by adopting a motion of censure.

West Midlands (European Parliament constituency)

West Midlands is a constituency of the European Parliament. It is represented by seven MEPs using the d'Hondt method of party-list proportional representation. In 2009, the constituency had been reduced to six seats, but also elected a "virtual MEP" who took her seat in the Parliament when the Treaty of Lisbon came into effect. The constituency was also previously represented by seven MEPs prior to the 2009 election.


The constituency corresponds to the West Midlands region of England, comprising the ceremonial counties of Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, West Midlands and Worcestershire.


It was formed as a result of the European Parliamentary Elections Act 1999, replacing a number of single-member constituencies. These were Birmingham East, Birmingham West, Coventry and North Warwickshire, Herefordshire and Shropshire, Worcestershire and South Warwickshire, and parts of Peak District, Staffordshire East and Derby, and Staffordshire West and Congleton.

West Midlands

West Midlands may refer to:

In places

  • West Midlands (region), a region in England
  • West Midlands (county), the metropolitan county in the West Midlands region
  • West Midlands conurbation, the large conurbation in the West Midlands region
  • In public sector

  • West Midlands (European Parliament constituency), the constituency of the European Parliament corresponding to the West Midlands region
  • West Midlands Police
  • West Midlands Regiment, the British Territorial Army regiment
  • In other uses

  • BBC West Midlands, a local BBC region
  • West Midlands (Regional) League, a regional association football league in England
  • West Midlands English
  • West Midlands (region)

    The West Midlands is one of nine official regions of England at the first level of NUTS for statistical purposes. It covers the western half of the area traditionally known as the Midlands. It contains the second most populous British city, Birmingham, and the larger West Midlands conurbation, which includes the city of Wolverhampton and large towns of Dudley, Solihull, Walsall and West Bromwich. The city of Coventry is also located within the West Midlands county, but is separated from the conurbation to the west by several miles of green belt.

    The region is geographically diverse, from the urban central areas of the conurbation to the rural western counties of Shropshire and Herefordshire which border Wales. The longest river in the UK, the River Severn, traverses the region southeastwards, flowing through the county towns of Shrewsbury and Worcester, and the Ironbridge Gorge, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as birthplace of the Industrial Revolution. Staffordshire is home to the industrialised Potteries conurbation, including the city of Stoke-on-Trent, and the Staffordshire Moorlands area, which borders the southeastern Peak District National Park near Leek. The region also encompasses five Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the Wye Valley, Shropshire hills, Cannock Chase, Malvern Hills, and parts of the Cotswolds. Warwickshire is home to the town of Stratford upon Avon, the birthplace of the writer William Shakespeare. The West Midlands and Greater London are the only regions of England and of the United Kingdom which are landlocked.

    West Midlands (county)

    The West Midlands is a metropolitan county in western central England with a 2014 estimated population of 2,808,356, making it the second most populous county in England. It came into existence as a metropolitan county in 1974 after the passage of the Local Government Act 1972, formed from parts of Staffordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire. The county itself is a NUTS 2 region within the wider NUTS 1 region of the same name. The county consists of seven metropolitan boroughs: the City of Birmingham, the City of Coventry, and the City of Wolverhampton, as well as Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, and Walsall.

    The West Midlands County Council was abolished on 31 March 1986, since then the county's constituent metropolitan boroughs have been effectively unitary authorities. However, the metropolitan county continues to exist in law and as a geographic frame of reference. It forms the basis of county-wide bodies such as West Midlands Police, the West Midlands Fire Service and the West Midlands Passenger Transport Executive, and as a ceremonial county has a Lord Lieutenant and a High Sheriff. A new administrative body for the county; the West Midlands Combined Authority will be created in 2016.


    • NasCSO Roundtable Meeting: Midlands North West European Parliament constituency

      In this NasCSO Roundtable, representatives from civil society organisations working in a variety of different sectors across the Midlands North West European Parliament constituency met with Irish MEP Chris MacManus, and representatives from European Movement Ireland and the European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland to discuss challenges facing their organisations and priorities for the European Parliament at present. Among issues discussed were agriculture, homelessness, rural development and the changing landscape for civil society organisations in Ireland. Watch the discussion back and learn more about NasCSO in this snapshot video from our most recent NasCSO meeting. To attend future meetings or learn more about NasCSO, sign up at the form below.

      published: 14 Dec 2021
    • How does voting work in the European Elections? | ITV News

      ITV News Anglia explains how the voting process will work for the upcoming European Elections. • Subscribe to ITV News on YouTube: http://bit.ly/2lOHmNj • Get breaking news and more stories at http://www.itv.com/news Follow ITV News on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itvnews/ Follow ITV News on Twitter: https://twitter.com/itvnews Follow ITV News on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itvnews/

      published: 21 May 2019
    • NasCSO Roundtable Meeting: Dublin European Parliament Constituency

      In this NasCSO Roundtable, representatives from civil society organisations working in a different sectors across the Dublin European Parliament constituency met with Irish MEP Barry Andrews, and representatives from European Movement Ireland and the European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland to discuss challenges facing their organisations and priorities for the European Parliament at present. Among issues discussed were financial and resourcing challenges facing civil society organisations at present, the ever-changing landscape for civil society organisations in Ireland and ways the European Parliament can support CSOs in Dublin. Watch the discussion back and learn more about NasCSO in this snapshot video from our most recent NasCSO meeting. To attend future meetings or learn more ab...

      published: 24 Nov 2021
    • A Citizens' Europe: Views From The European Parliament

      The Conference on the Future of Europe Citizens’ Panel in Dublin Castle will take place on 25-27 February 2022, hosted by the IIEA, when citizens from across the EU will discuss the future of European economic, cultural, sport and digital policies. This is the third and final event in a series co-organised with the European Parliament Liaison Office in Dublin on the influence and role of the European Parliament in shaping the future of the EU in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe.    About the Speakers and Chair:  Colm Markey is an MEP representing the Midlands-North-West constituency for Fine Gael since 2020 and currently serves on the Agricultural and Rural Development (AGRI) in the European Parliament. Prior to becoming an MEP, Mr. Markey was a member and former cha...

      published: 22 Feb 2022
    • Parliamentary Constituencies Bill: evidence session

      Dr Alan Renwick, the Unit's Deputy Director, and Professor Robert Hazell, its founding Director gave expert evidence to the House of Commons public bill committee that is examining the Parliamentary Constituencies Bill on 23 June 2020. To ensure that the Boundary Commissions remain independent and impartial, Dr Renwick and Professor Hazell recommended that the bill be amended in order to provide new safeguards. They emphasised four key points: 1. the Commissioners should be appointed for a single, non-renewable eight-year term 2. they should be subject to requirements of political neutrality 3. the deputy chair of each Commission (a High Court judge) should sit on the appointments panel for other Commissioners 4. the appointing minister should be required to appoint only from the names ...

      published: 19 Apr 2021
    • Mairead McGuinness - Responding to the social, economic and political impact of COVID-19

      The COVID-19 crisis presents the EU with dramatic and unprecedented risks, not only for the health of Europeans, but also for the European economy, and the economic and social well-being of EU citizens. In this timely event, Mairead McGuinness MEP discusses the role of the European Parliament in the EU’s response to the crisis, and the part it plays in laying the foundations for the EU’s long-term recovery. This event is co-organised with the European Parliament Information Office in Ireland. About the Speaker: Mairead McGuinness is First Vice-President of the European Parliament and represents the Midlands-North-West constituency of Ireland. Ms McGuinness was first elected to the Parliament in 2004. In her role as First Vice-President, Ms McGuinness oversees relations with national parl...

      published: 12 Jun 2020
    • EU Election Candidate Matt Carthy Ard Fheis Speech

      Sinn Féin EU Election Candidate for the Midlands North West Constituency Matt Carthy said during his speech at the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis in Wexford "Irish governments for too long have been weak, ineffective and corrupt".

      published: 11 Feb 2014
    • Mairead McGuinness - The Future Political Landscape of the European Parliament

      On the eve of the next European elections, Ms McGuinness explores how the new political composition of the Parliament might affect its ability to function as an effective legislator. She examines whether the European Parliament will be able to work more effectively with national parliaments, or whether the desire of some to ‘take back control’ will slow important legislative work. Q&A begins at 35:53 Filmed on the 26th of April 2019

      published: 30 Apr 2019
    • European elections: Which seats are up for grabs?

      Ann Widdecombe, Nigel Farage, Gavin Esler and Tommy Robinson are among the high-profile candidates vying to become an MEP. Original Article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/pa/article-7045757/The-European-election-constituencies-watch.html Original Video: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/video/video-1928606/European-elections-Which-seats-grabs.html Daily Mail Facebook: http://facebook.com/dailymail Daily Mail IG: http://instagram.com/dailymail Daily Mail Snap: https://www.snapchat.com/discover/Daily-Mail/8392137033 Daily Mail Twitter: http://twitter.com/MailOnline Daily Mail Pinterest: http://pinterest.co.uk/dailymail Daily Mail Google+: https://plus.google.com/+DailyMail Get the free Daily Mail mobile app: http://dailymail.co.uk/mobile

      published: 20 May 2019
    • Is the EU losing control of Europe? | The News Agents

      Paris is under siege. And this time, it's the farmers. But why? After weeks of tractors on the straße in Germany, France are hit by similar trouble. It's causing great consternation for an increasingly weak French president Emmanuel Macron. So today we ask, is Macron losing control of France as the far-right rises in Europe? And how big of a problem is this for the EU in Brussels? Later, we talk to the Conservative mayor of West Midlands, Andy Street. #paris #protest #news #uk #eu #politics #NewsAgents #EmilyMaitlis #JonSopel #LewisGoodall Download The News Agents with Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall from 5PM every weekday on Global Player: https://www.globalplayer.com/podcasts/42KuVj/ Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall – three of the UK’s top journalists – host ...

      published: 05 Feb 2024
    developed with YouTube
    NasCSO Roundtable Meeting: Midlands North West European Parliament constituency

    NasCSO Roundtable Meeting: Midlands North West European Parliament constituency

    • Order:
    • Duration: 41:46
    • Uploaded Date: 14 Dec 2021
    • views: 89
    In this NasCSO Roundtable, representatives from civil society organisations working in a variety of different sectors across the Midlands North West European Parliament constituency met with Irish MEP Chris MacManus, and representatives from European Movement Ireland and the European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland to discuss challenges facing their organisations and priorities for the European Parliament at present. Among issues discussed were agriculture, homelessness, rural development and the changing landscape for civil society organisations in Ireland. Watch the discussion back and learn more about NasCSO in this snapshot video from our most recent NasCSO meeting. To attend future meetings or learn more about NasCSO, sign up at the form below.
    How does voting work in the European Elections? | ITV News

    How does voting work in the European Elections? | ITV News

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:15
    • Uploaded Date: 21 May 2019
    • views: 6868
    ITV News Anglia explains how the voting process will work for the upcoming European Elections. • Subscribe to ITV News on YouTube: http://bit.ly/2lOHmNj • Get breaking news and more stories at http://www.itv.com/news Follow ITV News on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/itvnews/ Follow ITV News on Twitter: https://twitter.com/itvnews Follow ITV News on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itvnews/
    NasCSO Roundtable Meeting: Dublin European Parliament Constituency

    NasCSO Roundtable Meeting: Dublin European Parliament Constituency

    • Order:
    • Duration: 48:25
    • Uploaded Date: 24 Nov 2021
    • views: 81
    In this NasCSO Roundtable, representatives from civil society organisations working in a different sectors across the Dublin European Parliament constituency met with Irish MEP Barry Andrews, and representatives from European Movement Ireland and the European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland to discuss challenges facing their organisations and priorities for the European Parliament at present. Among issues discussed were financial and resourcing challenges facing civil society organisations at present, the ever-changing landscape for civil society organisations in Ireland and ways the European Parliament can support CSOs in Dublin. Watch the discussion back and learn more about NasCSO in this snapshot video from our most recent NasCSO meeting. To attend future meetings or learn more about NasCSO, sign up at the form below.
    A Citizens' Europe: Views From The European Parliament

    A Citizens' Europe: Views From The European Parliament

    • Order:
    • Duration: 53:48
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Feb 2022
    • views: 163
    The Conference on the Future of Europe Citizens’ Panel in Dublin Castle will take place on 25-27 February 2022, hosted by the IIEA, when citizens from across the EU will discuss the future of European economic, cultural, sport and digital policies. This is the third and final event in a series co-organised with the European Parliament Liaison Office in Dublin on the influence and role of the European Parliament in shaping the future of the EU in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe.    About the Speakers and Chair:  Colm Markey is an MEP representing the Midlands-North-West constituency for Fine Gael since 2020 and currently serves on the Agricultural and Rural Development (AGRI) in the European Parliament. Prior to becoming an MEP, Mr. Markey was a member and former chair of Louth County Council (2009-2020) and is the former president of the Irish young farmers association, Macra na Feirme. He is the current leader of the Louth Leader partnership for SMEs and runs a family farm in Togher, Co. Louth.  Laurence Farreng is a French MEP representing Mouvement Démocrate (MoDem) since 2019, and is also a local councillor and the former Director of Communication, Events and Protocol for the city of Pau in southwestern France. Ms. Farreng is the Renew Europe Group Coordinator for the Culture and Education (CULT) Committee in the European Parliament, a member of the European Parliament’s delegation to the Conference on the Future of Europe and is the founder of the Bonjour l’Europe initiative facilitating youth placements in cities and universities across Europe.  Josianne Cutajar MEP has represented the Maltese Labour Party in the European Parliament since 2019. She is the Vice-President of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with Australia and New Zealand and serves on the Industry, Energy and Research (ITRE) Committee focusing on digital policy and the single market. Before becoming an MEP, Ms. Cutajar worked in the Office of the Prime Minister of Malta where she worked on issues of equal gender representation, domestic and gender-based violence.  She holds a Doctor of Laws and a Masters of Laws in European and Comparative Law from the University of Malta.  The event chair is David Farrell, Professor of Politics at University College Dublin (UCD), and Chair of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). Professor Farrell is an internationally regarded expert in political representation, elections, deliberative democracy and mini-publics. He has served as a research leader of the Irish Citizens’ Assembly, a member of the Stewarding Group of the Scottish Citizens’ Assembly and the Welsh Assembly's Expert Panel on Electoral Reform. Professor Farrell previously served as the Head of the School of Politics and International Relations at UCD, and professor and head of social sciences at the University of Manchester. He holds a PhD from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy.  Recorded on the 22nd of February 2022
    Parliamentary Constituencies Bill: evidence session

    Parliamentary Constituencies Bill: evidence session

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:00:42
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Apr 2021
    • views: 92
    Dr Alan Renwick, the Unit's Deputy Director, and Professor Robert Hazell, its founding Director gave expert evidence to the House of Commons public bill committee that is examining the Parliamentary Constituencies Bill on 23 June 2020. To ensure that the Boundary Commissions remain independent and impartial, Dr Renwick and Professor Hazell recommended that the bill be amended in order to provide new safeguards. They emphasised four key points: 1. the Commissioners should be appointed for a single, non-renewable eight-year term 2. they should be subject to requirements of political neutrality 3. the deputy chair of each Commission (a High Court judge) should sit on the appointments panel for other Commissioners 4. the appointing minister should be required to appoint only from the names recommended by the panel.
    Mairead McGuinness - Responding to the social, economic and political impact of COVID-19

    Mairead McGuinness - Responding to the social, economic and political impact of COVID-19

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:02:26
    • Uploaded Date: 12 Jun 2020
    • views: 546
    The COVID-19 crisis presents the EU with dramatic and unprecedented risks, not only for the health of Europeans, but also for the European economy, and the economic and social well-being of EU citizens. In this timely event, Mairead McGuinness MEP discusses the role of the European Parliament in the EU’s response to the crisis, and the part it plays in laying the foundations for the EU’s long-term recovery. This event is co-organised with the European Parliament Information Office in Ireland. About the Speaker: Mairead McGuinness is First Vice-President of the European Parliament and represents the Midlands-North-West constituency of Ireland. Ms McGuinness was first elected to the Parliament in 2004. In her role as First Vice-President, Ms McGuinness oversees relations with national parliaments and the administrative consequences of Brexit. Ms McGuinness is a member of the Parliament’s Constitutional Affairs Committee, the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee and the Environment, Food Safety and Public Health Committee. Recorded on the 12th of June 2020
    EU Election Candidate Matt Carthy Ard Fheis Speech

    EU Election Candidate Matt Carthy Ard Fheis Speech

    • Order:
    • Duration: 6:42
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Feb 2014
    • views: 2370
    Sinn Féin EU Election Candidate for the Midlands North West Constituency Matt Carthy said during his speech at the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis in Wexford "Irish governments for too long have been weak, ineffective and corrupt".
    Mairead McGuinness - The Future Political Landscape of the European Parliament

    Mairead McGuinness - The Future Political Landscape of the European Parliament

    • Order:
    • Duration: 56:11
    • Uploaded Date: 30 Apr 2019
    • views: 876
    On the eve of the next European elections, Ms McGuinness explores how the new political composition of the Parliament might affect its ability to function as an effective legislator. She examines whether the European Parliament will be able to work more effectively with national parliaments, or whether the desire of some to ‘take back control’ will slow important legislative work. Q&A begins at 35:53 Filmed on the 26th of April 2019
    European elections: Which seats are up for grabs?

    European elections: Which seats are up for grabs?

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:04
    • Uploaded Date: 20 May 2019
    • views: 5130
    Ann Widdecombe, Nigel Farage, Gavin Esler and Tommy Robinson are among the high-profile candidates vying to become an MEP. Original Article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/pa/article-7045757/The-European-election-constituencies-watch.html Original Video: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/video/video-1928606/European-elections-Which-seats-grabs.html Daily Mail Facebook: http://facebook.com/dailymail Daily Mail IG: http://instagram.com/dailymail Daily Mail Snap: https://www.snapchat.com/discover/Daily-Mail/8392137033 Daily Mail Twitter: http://twitter.com/MailOnline Daily Mail Pinterest: http://pinterest.co.uk/dailymail Daily Mail Google+: https://plus.google.com/+DailyMail Get the free Daily Mail mobile app: http://dailymail.co.uk/mobile
    Is the EU losing control of Europe? | The News Agents

    Is the EU losing control of Europe? | The News Agents

    • Order:
    • Duration: 41:40
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Feb 2024
    • views: 11149
    Paris is under siege. And this time, it's the farmers. But why? After weeks of tractors on the straße in Germany, France are hit by similar trouble. It's causing great consternation for an increasingly weak French president Emmanuel Macron. So today we ask, is Macron losing control of France as the far-right rises in Europe? And how big of a problem is this for the EU in Brussels? Later, we talk to the Conservative mayor of West Midlands, Andy Street. #paris #protest #news #uk #eu #politics #NewsAgents #EmilyMaitlis #JonSopel #LewisGoodall Download The News Agents with Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall from 5PM every weekday on Global Player: https://www.globalplayer.com/podcasts/42KuVj/ Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Lewis Goodall – three of the UK’s top journalists – host a brand-new daily news podcast: The News Agents. They’re not just here to tell you what's happening, but why. Expect astute analysis and explanation of the day's news – and a healthy dose of scepticism and the ability to laugh at it all when needed! Episodes are available every weekday afternoon. The News Agents is a Global Player Original podcast and a Persephonica production.
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    • NasCSO Roundtable Meeting: Dublin European Parliament Constituency
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    • Parliamentary Constituencies Bill: evidence session
      Parliamentary Constituencies Bill: evidence sessionremove from playlist
    • Mairead McGuinness - Responding to the social, economic and political impact of COVID-19
      Mairead McGuinness - Responding to the social, economic and political impact of COVID-19remove from playlist
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    • Mairead McGuinness - The Future Political Landscape of the European Parliament
      Mairead McGuinness - The Future Political Landscape of the European Parliamentremove from playlist
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    • Is the EU losing control of Europe? | The News Agents
      Is the EU losing control of Europe? | The News Agentsremove from playlist
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    NasCSO Roundtable Meeting: Midlands North West European Parliament constituency

    In this NasCSO Roundtable, representatives from civil society organisations working in a variety of different sectors across the Midlands North West European Parliament constituency met with Irish MEP Chris MacManus, and representatives from European Movement Ireland and the European Parliament Liaison Office in Ireland to discuss challenges facing their organisations and priorities for the European Parliament at present. Among issues discussed were agriculture, homelessness, rural development and the changing landscape for civil society organisations in Ireland. Watch the discussion back and learn more about NasCSO in this snapshot video from our most recent NasCSO meeting. To attend future meetings or learn more about NasCSO, sign up at the form below.
    NasCSO Roundtable Meeting: Midlands North West European Parliament constituency
    In this NasCSO Roundtable, representatives from civil society organisations working in a v...
    published: 14 Dec 2021
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    How does voting work in the European Elections? | ITV News
    ITV News Anglia explains how the voting process will work for the upcoming European Electi...
    published: 21 May 2019
    Play in Full Screen
    NasCSO Roundtable Meeting: Dublin European Parliament Constituency
    In this NasCSO Roundtable, representatives from civil society organisations working in a d...
    published: 24 Nov 2021
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    A Citizens' Europe: Views From The European Parliament
    The Conference on the Future of Europe Citizens’ Panel in Dublin Castle will take place on...
    published: 22 Feb 2022
    Play in Full Screen
    Parliamentary Constituencies Bill: evidence session
    Dr Alan Renwick, the Unit's Deputy Director, and Professor Robert Hazell, its founding Dir...
    published: 19 Apr 2021
    Play in Full Screen
    Mairead McGuinness - Responding to the social, economic and political impact of COVID-19
    The COVID-19 crisis presents the EU with dramatic and unprecedented risks, not only for th...
    published: 12 Jun 2020
    Play in Full Screen
    EU Election Candidate Matt Carthy Ard Fheis Speech
    Sinn Féin EU Election Candidate for the Midlands North West Constituency Matt Carthy said ...
    published: 11 Feb 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    Mairead McGuinness - The Future Political Landscape of the European Parliament
    On the eve of the next European elections, Ms McGuinness explores how the new political co...
    published: 30 Apr 2019
    Play in Full Screen
    European elections: Which seats are up for grabs?
    Ann Widdecombe, Nigel Farage, Gavin Esler and Tommy Robinson are among the high-profile ca...
    published: 20 May 2019
    Play in Full Screen
    Is the EU losing control of Europe? | The News Agents
    Paris is under siege. And this time, it's the farmers. But why? After weeks of tractors o...
    published: 05 Feb 2024
    Play in Full Screen

    European Parliament

    The European Parliament (EP) is the directly elected parliamentary institution of the European Union (EU). Together with the Council of the European Union (the Council) and the European Commission, it exercises the legislative function of the EU. The Parliament is composed of 751 (previously 766) members, who represent the second largest democratic electorate in the world (after the Parliament of India) and the largest trans-national democratic electorate in the world (375 million eligible voters in 2009).

    It has been directly elected every five years by universal suffrage since 1979. However, turnout at European Parliament elections has fallen consecutively at each election since that date, and has been under 50% since 1999. Turnout in 2014 stood at 42.54% of all European voters.

    Although the European Parliament has legislative power that the Council and Commission do not possess, it does not formally possess legislative initiative, as most national parliaments of European Union member states do. The Parliament is the "first institution" of the EU (mentioned first in the treaties, having ceremonial precedence over all authority at European level), and shares equal legislative and budgetary powers with the Council (except in a few areas where the special legislative procedures apply). It likewise has equal control over the EU budget. Finally, the European Commission, the executive body of the EU, is accountable to Parliament. In particular, Parliament elects the President of the Commission, and approves (or rejects) the appointment of the Commission as a whole. It can subsequently force the Commission as a body to resign by adopting a motion of censure.

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    Latest News for: west midlands (european parliament constituency)


    Reform UK candidates who could be about to enter parliament

    AOL 03 Jul 2024
    He won a seat for the Brexit party in the West Midlands constituency in the 2019 European parliament elections ... where 69% voted to leave the European Union in the Brexit referendum.Stephen Conlay.

    Parties to assess results as dust settles on Irish local and European elections

    AOL 14 Jun 2024
    She was speaking after Ireland ended a marathon count of election ballots, with the final European Parliament constituency declared in the early hours of Friday. In that constituency of Midlands North ...

    RTÉ reporters were like a political Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh, but no one addressed the big issue

    The Irish Times 14 Jun 2024
    Photograph ... Diarmaid Ferriter ... Twenty-eight inches is certainly notable, as was the case for the European Parliament election in the Midlands-North-West constituency, while nationally, the number of candidates standing in the local elections was 2,171.

    Vote counting to resume in South and Midlands-North-West

    RTE 12 Jun 2024
    Counting of votes in the South and Midlands North West constituencies will resume this morning, with nine of the country's 14 seats in the European Parliament yet to be filled.

    European elections: Celebrity candidates put on a decent show

    The Irish Times 11 Jun 2024
    Nina Carberry – a jockey-turned-television star – and her running mate Maria Walsh – a former Rose of Tralee – have split a large vote evenly in the vast Midlands-North West constituency, one of the country’s three European Parliament constituencies.

    ‘That man in Dublin now doesn’t do you any favours’: Greens feel the heat on Leitrim’s doorsteps

    The Irish Times 01 Jun 2024
    Local election hopeful Adam Ó Ceallaigh was joined by Senator Pauline O’Reilly, the Green Party candidate in the Midlands-North West constituency in the European Parliament election, for a canvass in the town on a Wednesday afternoon.

    5 things to know about the 7 June elections

    RTE 01 Jun 2024
    Five will represent the constituency of Midlands North-West, and 27 candidates are running in the 15-county constituency ... The Midlands North-West constituency has 27 candidates fighting for five seats.

    SF not running candidates in four NI constituencies

    RTE 30 May 2024
    Sinn Féin will not run candidates in four constituencies in ... Ms Gildernew is not running this time around as she is instead seeking a European Parliament seat in the Midlands-North-West constituency.

    Ireland South: What you need to know ahead of tonight's debate

    RTE 30 May 2024
    This time around, following a boundary review, Laois and Offaly have been returned to Midlands-North-West constituency, where they had been situated prior to the last European parliament election in 2019.

    Former trade unionist to seek Sinn Féin nomination for UK election

    RTE 29 May 2024
    She has announced that she will be seeking the party's nomination for the Fermanagh South Tyrone constituency ... Former MP Michelle Gildernew is now contesting a seat in the European election in the Midlands North West constituency.

    What are the main candidate trends in Ireland's local elections?

    RTE 28 May 2024
    While there has been a lot of focus on the size of the candidate lists for some of the European Parliament constituencies, most notably the 27 candidates running in the Midlands North West ...

    Election campaigns well under way as Ming pips the first televised debate

    The Irish Times 21 May 2024
    Last night saw the first televised debate of the election campaign, when some candidates in the Midlands North West European Parliament constituency slugged it out with each other on RTÉ’s Upfront with Katie Hannon.

    Big parties set to win seats in each of three European Parliament constituencies, poll finds

    The Irish Times 18 May 2024
    ... seats in each of the three European Parliament constituencies, with the two largest Coalition parties challenging for two seats in Midlands-North-West, according to Irish Times/Ipsos B&A polling.

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