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Load news page with ajax here } else if(num > 1900){ //FIX ME. Load timeline page with ajax here } } else if(tab.match(/^playlist\d+$/)){ var playerId = parseInt(tab.substring(8)); var vp = videoplayers[playerId]; window.descriptionsholder = $('.descriptionsplace'); if(!vp) return; // why? no player? if(replayMode){ $('.replaycurrent'+playerId).attr('checked', true); vp.setReplayCurrent(true); } var playQueue = []; window.playQueue = playQueue; var playQueuePosition = 0; var playShouldStart = null; var playShouldStop = null; var parseList = function(x){ var items = x.split(/;|,/g); var results = []; for (i in items){ try{ var action = parseAction(vp, items[i]); if(!action.video){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: No video for queued entry: " + items[i]); }else{ results.push(action); } }catch(e){ if(window.console && console.log) console.log("Warning: Can''t parse queue entry: " + items[i]); } } return results; }; var scrollToPlaylistPosition = function(vp){ var ppos = vp.getPlaylistPosition(); var el = vp.playlistContainer.find('>li').eq(ppos); 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Newsagent's shop

A newsagent's shop (British English), newsagency (Australian English) or newsstand (American and Canadian English) is a business that sells newspapers, magazines, cigarettes, snacks and often items of local interest. In Britain, Ireland and Australia, these businesses are termed newsagents. Newsagents typically operate in busy public places like city streets, railway stations and airports. Racks for newspapers and magazines can also be found in convenience stores, bookstores and supermarkets. The physical establishment can be either freestanding or part of a larger structure (e.g. a shopping mall or a railway station).

In Canada and the United States, newsstands are often open stalls in public locations such as streets, or in a transit terminal or station (subway, rail, or airport).

By country


In Brazil, newsagents' shops are known as "bancas de jornal" or "bancas de revistas" and are usually family-owned free standing kiosks that only deal in periodical publications, telephone cards, bus tickets and the occasional book and cut-price DVD. In suburban areas and villages they are normally housed in a shop selling stationery, tobacco and sweets as well as periodicals.


  • Maks News, a Newsagents and Grocery Store in London for Newspaper, Magazines and Baked Goods

    A popular independent newsagents and grocery store located at Columbia Road, Bethnal Green. Mak’s News is one of 60 independent shops in a traditional Street. Mak’s News is a friendly, family-run shop where you can get newspapers, magazines, freshly baked bread & croissants, groceries including a selection of organic lines. It’s great that small shops like Mak’s News are stocking organic & eco-friendly items. Maks News 154 Columbia Rd, Bethnal Green London UK E2 7RG Watch Video Review by #BigReviewTV #JustPressPlay BIG Profile: https://goo.gl/MJD5cg View some of our Producers Picks https://goo.gl/YcfhFj Download our FREE Big Review TV App to Create & Share your experiences and video reviews https://bigreviewtv.com/app Follow BIG: https://twitter.com/BigReviewTV https://www.facebook.c...

    published: 03 May 2017
  • Maks News, a Newsagents and Grocery Store in London for Newspaper, Magazines and Baked Goods

    A popular independent newsagents and grocery store located at Columbia Road, Bethnal Green. Mak’s News is one of 60 independent shops in a traditional Street. Mak’s News is a friendly, family-run shop where you can get newspapers, magazines, freshly baked bread & croissants, groceries including a selection of organic lines. It’s great that small shops like Mak’s News are stocking organic & eco-friendly items. Maks News 154 Columbia Rd, Bethnal Green London UK E2 7RG Watch Video Review by #BigReviewTV #JustPressPlay BIG Profile: https://goo.gl/MJD5cg View some of our Producers Picks https://goo.gl/YcfhFj Download our FREE Big Review TV App to Create & Share your experiences and video reviews https://bigreviewtv.com/app Follow BIG: https://twitter.com/BigReviewTV https://www.facebook.c...

    published: 03 May 2017
  • How to Run a Successful Newsagents - Lessons from Navin and Rishi Bhuptani

    We meet father and son duo Navin and Rishi Bhuptani, who have been running their newsagent business for nearly three decades. Navin’s journey began in 1985 when he decided to leave his role at HSBC and join the ranks of small business owners by purchasing a newsagent. Today, he runs the shop alongside his son, Rishi, and together they’ve adapted to the changing retail landscape while maintaining exceptional customer service. Discover how the business has evolved over the years, the key to great customer relations, and their insights into running a successful newsagents. Considering buying a newsagent? Find the biggest selection of newsagents for sale at: http://uk.businessesforsale.com/uk/search/newsagents-for-sale For more business content, including videos, how-to guides, sector prof...

    published: 17 Jan 2014
  • British artist sews an entire newsagents shop with felt

    For one month, artist Lucy Sparrow turned a run-down London store into a felt installation after sewing all the contents of an average grocery shop and putting them on sale. Duration: 01:56

    published: 01 Sep 2014
  • Newsagents | London Newsagents | Sweet shop| Stock footage | 1990s | Magazines | TN-SL-024-155

    Some specially shot clips of the interior of a 1990s London's Newsagents. Recorded: 05 March 1991 To license a clip please email: archive@fremantle.com Quote: TN-SL-024-155

    published: 05 Aug 2022
  • Derek in the Newsagents | The Catherine Tate Show | BBC Studios

    The Catherine Tate Show, featuring another brilliant sketch as Derek Fay - this time, in the newsagent. Hilarious free video clip from the BBC. This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback: https://www.bbcstudios.com/contact/contact-us/

    published: 03 May 2007
  • 13 Year-Old Boy Robs Newsagent At Knifepoint - Caught on Video

    They just keep getting younger. A 13-year-old boy has been charged with robbing a newsagent at knife-point on the New South Wales central coast, Australia. Police say the teenager's face was covered when he entered the shop at Lake Munmorah yesterday and threatened a female shop assistant with the weapon. He ran away with cash and cigarettes. A few hours later, the boy's grandparents handed him in at the local police station. Police allege that the stolen items were later found at the teenager's home.

    published: 12 Feb 2013
  • N & N Newsagent - Robbery

    published: 26 Oct 2017
  • Support your newsagent

    Support your newsagent

    published: 26 Sep 2008
  • Tuckers Newsagent & Games | Black Mirror Bandersnatch Birmingham Shop Tour Part 1

    If you go down to the woods today. You're sure of a big surprise... or in our case Birmingham Central Station! For here you'll find one of two pop-up shops designed to promote the Bandersnatch episode of anthology series Black Mirror. The Bandersnatch episode was a choose your own adventure story with multiple endings and heavily referenced the 80s UK computer gaming scene. So naturally our interest was piqued. The shop was for display only and nothing was for sale and entry was impossible. As you can see there are Easter Eggs aplenty (check out the staff name badge) and we will also publish a video of the complete rolling game demos. So in the spirit of the age please press pause on the cassette tape player and await part 2. For further interest you might also want to visit in-univ...

    published: 06 Jan 2019
developed with YouTube
Maks News, a Newsagents and Grocery Store in London for Newspaper, Magazines and Baked Goods

Maks News, a Newsagents and Grocery Store in London for Newspaper, Magazines and Baked Goods

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:29
  • Uploaded Date: 03 May 2017
  • views: 4262
A popular independent newsagents and grocery store located at Columbia Road, Bethnal Green. Mak’s News is one of 60 independent shops in a traditional Street. Mak’s News is a friendly, family-run shop where you can get newspapers, magazines, freshly baked bread & croissants, groceries including a selection of organic lines. It’s great that small shops like Mak’s News are stocking organic & eco-friendly items. Maks News 154 Columbia Rd, Bethnal Green London UK E2 7RG Watch Video Review by #BigReviewTV #JustPressPlay BIG Profile: https://goo.gl/MJD5cg View some of our Producers Picks https://goo.gl/YcfhFj Download our FREE Big Review TV App to Create & Share your experiences and video reviews https://bigreviewtv.com/app Follow BIG: https://twitter.com/BigReviewTV https://www.facebook.com/BigReviewTV https://instagram.com/bigreviewtv/ Showcase your business: https://bigreviewtv.com/contact-us https://bigreviewtv.com/membership info@bigreviewtv.com Use Big Review TV to create, view and share videos about your experiences.
Maks News, a Newsagents and Grocery Store in London for Newspaper, Magazines and Baked Goods

Maks News, a Newsagents and Grocery Store in London for Newspaper, Magazines and Baked Goods

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:45
  • Uploaded Date: 03 May 2017
  • views: 567
A popular independent newsagents and grocery store located at Columbia Road, Bethnal Green. Mak’s News is one of 60 independent shops in a traditional Street. Mak’s News is a friendly, family-run shop where you can get newspapers, magazines, freshly baked bread & croissants, groceries including a selection of organic lines. It’s great that small shops like Mak’s News are stocking organic & eco-friendly items. Maks News 154 Columbia Rd, Bethnal Green London UK E2 7RG Watch Video Review by #BigReviewTV #JustPressPlay BIG Profile: https://goo.gl/MJD5cg View some of our Producers Picks https://goo.gl/YcfhFj Download our FREE Big Review TV App to Create & Share your experiences and video reviews https://bigreviewtv.com/app Follow BIG: https://twitter.com/BigReviewTV https://www.facebook.com/BigReviewTV https://instagram.com/bigreviewtv/ Showcase your business: https://bigreviewtv.com/contact-us https://bigreviewtv.com/membership info@bigreviewtv.com Use Big Review TV to create, view and share videos about your experiences.
How to Run a Successful Newsagents - Lessons from Navin and Rishi Bhuptani

How to Run a Successful Newsagents - Lessons from Navin and Rishi Bhuptani

  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:50
  • Uploaded Date: 17 Jan 2014
  • views: 6229
We meet father and son duo Navin and Rishi Bhuptani, who have been running their newsagent business for nearly three decades. Navin’s journey began in 1985 when he decided to leave his role at HSBC and join the ranks of small business owners by purchasing a newsagent. Today, he runs the shop alongside his son, Rishi, and together they’ve adapted to the changing retail landscape while maintaining exceptional customer service. Discover how the business has evolved over the years, the key to great customer relations, and their insights into running a successful newsagents. Considering buying a newsagent? Find the biggest selection of newsagents for sale at: http://uk.businessesforsale.com/uk/search/newsagents-for-sale For more business content, including videos, how-to guides, sector profiles, and case studies, visit: http://www.businessesforsale.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/businessesforsale-com X: https://x.com/business4_sale Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/businesses_4_sale/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/businessesforsale Looking to buy, sell, or expand a business? Visit https://www.BusinessesForSale.com 🚀
British artist sews an entire newsagents shop with felt

British artist sews an entire newsagents shop with felt

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:57
  • Uploaded Date: 01 Sep 2014
  • views: 3094
For one month, artist Lucy Sparrow turned a run-down London store into a felt installation after sewing all the contents of an average grocery shop and putting them on sale. Duration: 01:56
Newsagents | London Newsagents | Sweet shop| Stock footage | 1990s | Magazines | TN-SL-024-155

Newsagents | London Newsagents | Sweet shop| Stock footage | 1990s | Magazines | TN-SL-024-155

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:27
  • Uploaded Date: 05 Aug 2022
  • views: 6569
Some specially shot clips of the interior of a 1990s London's Newsagents. Recorded: 05 March 1991 To license a clip please email: archive@fremantle.com Quote: TN-SL-024-155
Derek in the Newsagents | The Catherine Tate Show | BBC Studios

Derek in the Newsagents | The Catherine Tate Show | BBC Studios

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:03
  • Uploaded Date: 03 May 2007
  • views: 609227
The Catherine Tate Show, featuring another brilliant sketch as Derek Fay - this time, in the newsagent. Hilarious free video clip from the BBC. This is a channel from BBC Studios who help fund new BBC programmes. Service information and feedback: https://www.bbcstudios.com/contact/contact-us/
13 Year-Old Boy Robs Newsagent At Knifepoint - Caught on Video

13 Year-Old Boy Robs Newsagent At Knifepoint - Caught on Video

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:39
  • Uploaded Date: 12 Feb 2013
  • views: 4545
They just keep getting younger. A 13-year-old boy has been charged with robbing a newsagent at knife-point on the New South Wales central coast, Australia. Police say the teenager's face was covered when he entered the shop at Lake Munmorah yesterday and threatened a female shop assistant with the weapon. He ran away with cash and cigarettes. A few hours later, the boy's grandparents handed him in at the local police station. Police allege that the stolen items were later found at the teenager's home.
N & N Newsagent  - Robbery

N & N Newsagent - Robbery

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:49
  • Uploaded Date: 26 Oct 2017
  • views: 11521
Support your newsagent

Support your newsagent

  • Order:
  • Duration: 0:31
  • Uploaded Date: 26 Sep 2008
  • views: 3137
Support your newsagent
Tuckers Newsagent & Games | Black Mirror Bandersnatch Birmingham Shop Tour Part 1

Tuckers Newsagent & Games | Black Mirror Bandersnatch Birmingham Shop Tour Part 1

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:45
  • Uploaded Date: 06 Jan 2019
  • views: 481
If you go down to the woods today. You're sure of a big surprise... or in our case Birmingham Central Station! For here you'll find one of two pop-up shops designed to promote the Bandersnatch episode of anthology series Black Mirror. The Bandersnatch episode was a choose your own adventure story with multiple endings and heavily referenced the 80s UK computer gaming scene. So naturally our interest was piqued. The shop was for display only and nothing was for sale and entry was impossible. As you can see there are Easter Eggs aplenty (check out the staff name badge) and we will also publish a video of the complete rolling game demos. So in the spirit of the age please press pause on the cassette tape player and await part 2. For further interest you might also want to visit in-universe Tuckersoft website: https://tuckersoft.net/ealing20541/history/ And the official Oliver Frey page (Crash and Zzap64) where you can purchase prints of his works and those he created for the show although the Metl Hedd prints have sold out at time of writing. http://oliverfreyart.com/ Thanks for watching our video. Want to see more gameplay, let's play, reviews for gadgets, games and toys? Click here for playlists Unboxing Corner https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaWCH0VTUFw&list=PLD355BADEB5A64597 Parry's Pickups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sZrrYplTw0&list=PLrWFCXFx8tw1ouhv-nR_Hvjpa506QJoji Follow us on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/BlastProcess?sub_confirmation=1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlastProcess Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blastprocess Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/blastprocess Website: http://www.blastprocess.com
developed with YouTube
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developed with YouTube

Maks News, a Newsagents and Grocery Store in London for Newspaper, Magazines and Baked Goods

A popular independent newsagents and grocery store located at Columbia Road, Bethnal Green. Mak’s News is one of 60 independent shops in a traditional Street. Mak’s News is a friendly, family-run shop where you can get newspapers, magazines, freshly baked bread & croissants, groceries including a selection of organic lines. It’s great that small shops like Mak’s News are stocking organic & eco-friendly items. Maks News 154 Columbia Rd, Bethnal Green London UK E2 7RG Watch Video Review by #BigReviewTV #JustPressPlay BIG Profile: https://goo.gl/MJD5cg View some of our Producers Picks https://goo.gl/YcfhFj Download our FREE Big Review TV App to Create & Share your experiences and video reviews https://bigreviewtv.com/app Follow BIG: https://twitter.com/BigReviewTV https://www.facebook.com/BigReviewTV https://instagram.com/bigreviewtv/ Showcase your business: https://bigreviewtv.com/contact-us https://bigreviewtv.com/membership info@bigreviewtv.com Use Big Review TV to create, view and share videos about your experiences.
Maks News, a Newsagents and Grocery Store in London for Newspaper, Magazines and Baked Goods
A popular independent newsagents and grocery store located at Columbia Road, Bethnal Green...
published: 03 May 2017
Play in Full Screen
Maks News, a Newsagents and Grocery Store in London for Newspaper, Magazines and Baked Goods
A popular independent newsagents and grocery store located at Columbia Road, Bethnal Green...
published: 03 May 2017
Play in Full Screen
How to Run a Successful Newsagents - Lessons from Navin and Rishi Bhuptani
We meet father and son duo Navin and Rishi Bhuptani, who have been running their newsagent...
published: 17 Jan 2014
Play in Full Screen
British artist sews an entire newsagents shop with felt
For one month, artist Lucy Sparrow turned a run-down London store into a felt installation...
published: 01 Sep 2014
Play in Full Screen
Newsagents | London Newsagents | Sweet shop| Stock footage | 1990s | Magazines | TN-SL-024-155
Some specially shot clips of the interior of a 1990s London's Newsagents. Recorded: 05 M...
published: 05 Aug 2022
Play in Full Screen
Derek in the Newsagents | The Catherine Tate Show | BBC Studios
The Catherine Tate Show, featuring another brilliant sketch as Derek Fay - this time, in t...
published: 03 May 2007
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13 Year-Old Boy Robs Newsagent At Knifepoint - Caught on Video
They just keep getting younger. A 13-year-old boy has been charged with robbing a newsage...
published: 12 Feb 2013
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N & N Newsagent - Robbery
published: 26 Oct 2017
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Support your newsagent
Support your newsagent
published: 26 Sep 2008
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Tuckers Newsagent & Games | Black Mirror Bandersnatch Birmingham Shop Tour Part 1
If you go down to the woods today. You're sure of a big surprise... or in our case Birmin...
published: 06 Jan 2019
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Newsagent's shop

A newsagent's shop (British English), newsagency (Australian English) or newsstand (American and Canadian English) is a business that sells newspapers, magazines, cigarettes, snacks and often items of local interest. In Britain, Ireland and Australia, these businesses are termed newsagents. Newsagents typically operate in busy public places like city streets, railway stations and airports. Racks for newspapers and magazines can also be found in convenience stores, bookstores and supermarkets. The physical establishment can be either freestanding or part of a larger structure (e.g. a shopping mall or a railway station).

In Canada and the United States, newsstands are often open stalls in public locations such as streets, or in a transit terminal or station (subway, rail, or airport).

By country


In Brazil, newsagents' shops are known as "bancas de jornal" or "bancas de revistas" and are usually family-owned free standing kiosks that only deal in periodical publications, telephone cards, bus tickets and the occasional book and cut-price DVD. In suburban areas and villages they are normally housed in a shop selling stationery, tobacco and sweets as well as periodicals.

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