【K】Russia-Saint Petersburg[러시아-상트페테르부르크]림스키 코르사코프 음악원/Rimsky Korsakov Conservatory/Mariinsky/Concert
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[한국어 정보]
극장 광장에 있는 마린스키 극장은 150년의 전통을 자랑하는 러시아 예술의 본 무대다. 그 앞으로 림스키 코르사코프 음악원이 자리 잡고 있고, 그 옆으로는 림스키 코르사코프 동상이 있다. 림스키 코르사코프은 러시아 민족음악을 추구한 국민 음악파 5인의 작곡가 중 중심인물이다. 나는 차이코프스키를 비롯한 뛰어난 음악가를 길러낸 이 음악원을 방문하고 싶었다. 이곳은 1862년에 세워진 유서 깊은 음악원이다. 음악원은 콘서트홀과 연결되어 있다. 복도 중앙에는 이 음악원의 설립자인 안톤 루빈스타인의 석고상이 자리 잡고 있다. 2층 한쪽 방에는 이...
published: 01 Jun 2015
Петербургская консерватория / St. Petersburg Conservatory
Дореволюционная Россия в фотографиях
Петербургская консерватория
(Театральная пл.,3)
1900-х годов
Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs
St. Petersburg Conservatory
(3 ,Theatre Square)
Melody in F major. Op 3. No.1 by Anton Rubinstein
The conservatory was founded in 1862 by Anton Rubinstein, a Russian pianist and composer. On his resignation in 1867, he was succeeded by Nikolai Zaremba. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov was appointed as a professor in 1871, and the conservatory has borne his name since 1944. In 1887, Rubinstein returned to the conservatory with the goal of improving overall standards. He revised the curriculum, expelled inferior students, fired and demoted many professors, and made entrance and examination requirements more stringent. In 1891, he resigned again ov...
published: 22 Dec 2018
【K】Russia-Saint Petersburg[상트페테르부르크]백조의 호수 발레 공연/Swan Lake Ballet/Rimsky Korsakov Conservatory
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
이 음악원 콘서트홀에서 열리는 발레 ‘백조의 호수’를 보기로 했다. 객석은 이미 관객들로 가득 차 있었다. 발레의 나라다운 조각상이 벽면을 장식하고 있다. 발레 ‘백조의 호수’는 ‘호두까기 인형’, ‘잠자는 숲속의 미녀’와 함께 차이코프스키가 작곡한 발레음악으로 유명한 작품이다. 1876년 작곡을 완성해 1877년 모스크바 볼쇼이 극장에서 초연했다고 한다. ‘백조의 호수’ 주제 선율이 신비로운 분위기 속에서 펼쳐진다. ‘백조의 호수’는 달빛 비치는 호수에서 백조로 변한 공주와 왕자의 사랑을 다룬 내용으로 러시아에서 널리 알려진 전설을 재구...
published: 01 Jun 2015
Ulitsa Glinki tour between Mariinsky Theatre& Saint Petersburg Conservatory in St Petersburg, Russia
Walking travel following on Ulitsa Glinki between Saint Petersburg Conservatory and Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg on Russian Federation.
When moving, The monument to Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov can be seen.
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Funeral Song by Igor Stravinsky found in St Petersburg Conservatory
Alexei Vasiliev, rector of the Saint-Petersburg State Conservatory
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Manolo Carrasco - Piano Masterclass at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory
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Darth Vader in Conservatory
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Saint-Petersburg Conservatoire
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【K】Russia-Saint Petersburg[러시아-상트페테르부르크]림스키 코르사코프 음악원/Rimsky Korsakov Conservatory/Mariinsky/Concert
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click...
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
극장 광장에 있는 마린스키 극장은 150년의 전통을 자랑하는 러시아 예술의 본 무대다. 그 앞으로 림스키 코르사코프 음악원이 자리 잡고 있고, 그 옆으로는 림스키 코르사코프 동상이 있다. 림스키 코르사코프은 러시아 민족음악을 추구한 국민 음악파 5인의 작곡가 중 중심인물이다. 나는 차이코프스키를 비롯한 뛰어난 음악가를 길러낸 이 음악원을 방문하고 싶었다. 이곳은 1862년에 세워진 유서 깊은 음악원이다. 음악원은 콘서트홀과 연결되어 있다. 복도 중앙에는 이 음악원의 설립자인 안톤 루빈스타인의 석고상이 자리 잡고 있다. 2층 한쪽 방에는 이 음악원이 배출한 음악가들의 사진과 기록물 그리고 조각상 등이 있는 자료실이 있다. 러시아가 낳은 천재 음악가라는 찬사를 들은 쇼스타코비치 그리고 아이들을 위한 작품 『피터와 늑대』로 우리에게 잘 알려진 프로코피에프도이 음악원 출신이다. 상트페테르부르크 음악원은 이 음악원의 교수였던 림스키 코르사코프의 이름을 따, 1944년 개명하게 된다. 차이코프스키는 이 음악원의 1회 졸업생이었다. 차이코프스키는 내게 특별한 작곡가다. 그의 피아노협주곡 1번의 아름다운 선율에 이끌려 클래식에 입문하게 되는 계기가 됐기 때문이다.
[English: Google Translator]
Mariinsky Theatre in the Theatre Square is the stage of Russian Art a proud tradition of 150 years. Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory and its future is situated, it is next to a statue Rimsky-Korsakov. Rimsky koreusakopeueun is the central figure of the national music composer par 5 people in pursuit of Russian folk music. I wanted to visit this outstanding musicians, including Tchaikovsky Conservatory gilreonaen. This is a historic conservatory, built in 1862. Conservatory is connected to the concert hall. Central corridor has a plaster mold of Anton Rubinstein, founder of the conservatory is situated. The second floor has one room there is a conservatory and a library with a photo documentary and sculptures of musicians, etc. discharged. Russia hailed the birth of a genius musicians Shostakovich and the works "Peter and the Wolf" Prokofiev Conservatory from Doi well known to us for the children. St. Petersburg Conservatory professor follows the former name of Rimsky-Korsakov's The Conservatory, thereby renamed in 1944. Tchaikovsky was once a graduate of the Conservatory. Tchaikovsky composer is special to me. Because his Piano Concerto No. 1 single melodic instrument that has led to the introduction in the classical pas.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아08-21 림스키 코르사코프 음악원/Rimsky Korsakov Conservatory/St. Petersburg Conservatory/N.A. Rimsky Korsakov/Mariinsky Theatre/Concert Hall
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김성기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2013년 8월 August
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김성기,2013,8월 August
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr
[한국어 정보]
극장 광장에 있는 마린스키 극장은 150년의 전통을 자랑하는 러시아 예술의 본 무대다. 그 앞으로 림스키 코르사코프 음악원이 자리 잡고 있고, 그 옆으로는 림스키 코르사코프 동상이 있다. 림스키 코르사코프은 러시아 민족음악을 추구한 국민 음악파 5인의 작곡가 중 중심인물이다. 나는 차이코프스키를 비롯한 뛰어난 음악가를 길러낸 이 음악원을 방문하고 싶었다. 이곳은 1862년에 세워진 유서 깊은 음악원이다. 음악원은 콘서트홀과 연결되어 있다. 복도 중앙에는 이 음악원의 설립자인 안톤 루빈스타인의 석고상이 자리 잡고 있다. 2층 한쪽 방에는 이 음악원이 배출한 음악가들의 사진과 기록물 그리고 조각상 등이 있는 자료실이 있다. 러시아가 낳은 천재 음악가라는 찬사를 들은 쇼스타코비치 그리고 아이들을 위한 작품 『피터와 늑대』로 우리에게 잘 알려진 프로코피에프도이 음악원 출신이다. 상트페테르부르크 음악원은 이 음악원의 교수였던 림스키 코르사코프의 이름을 따, 1944년 개명하게 된다. 차이코프스키는 이 음악원의 1회 졸업생이었다. 차이코프스키는 내게 특별한 작곡가다. 그의 피아노협주곡 1번의 아름다운 선율에 이끌려 클래식에 입문하게 되는 계기가 됐기 때문이다.
[English: Google Translator]
Mariinsky Theatre in the Theatre Square is the stage of Russian Art a proud tradition of 150 years. Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory and its future is situated, it is next to a statue Rimsky-Korsakov. Rimsky koreusakopeueun is the central figure of the national music composer par 5 people in pursuit of Russian folk music. I wanted to visit this outstanding musicians, including Tchaikovsky Conservatory gilreonaen. This is a historic conservatory, built in 1862. Conservatory is connected to the concert hall. Central corridor has a plaster mold of Anton Rubinstein, founder of the conservatory is situated. The second floor has one room there is a conservatory and a library with a photo documentary and sculptures of musicians, etc. discharged. Russia hailed the birth of a genius musicians Shostakovich and the works "Peter and the Wolf" Prokofiev Conservatory from Doi well known to us for the children. St. Petersburg Conservatory professor follows the former name of Rimsky-Korsakov's The Conservatory, thereby renamed in 1944. Tchaikovsky was once a graduate of the Conservatory. Tchaikovsky composer is special to me. Because his Piano Concerto No. 1 single melodic instrument that has led to the introduction in the classical pas.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아08-21 림스키 코르사코프 음악원/Rimsky Korsakov Conservatory/St. Petersburg Conservatory/N.A. Rimsky Korsakov/Mariinsky Theatre/Concert Hall
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김성기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2013년 8월 August
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김성기,2013,8월 August
- published: 01 Jun 2015
- views: 6141
Петербургская консерватория / St. Petersburg Conservatory
Дореволюционная Россия в фотографиях
Петербургская консерватория
(Театральная пл.,3)
1900-х годов
Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs
St. Petersburg Conse...
Дореволюционная Россия в фотографиях
Петербургская консерватория
(Театральная пл.,3)
1900-х годов
Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs
St. Petersburg Conservatory
(3 ,Theatre Square)
Melody in F major. Op 3. No.1 by Anton Rubinstein
The conservatory was founded in 1862 by Anton Rubinstein, a Russian pianist and composer. On his resignation in 1867, he was succeeded by Nikolai Zaremba. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov was appointed as a professor in 1871, and the conservatory has borne his name since 1944. In 1887, Rubinstein returned to the conservatory with the goal of improving overall standards. He revised the curriculum, expelled inferior students, fired and demoted many professors, and made entrance and examination requirements more stringent. In 1891, he resigned again over the Imperial demand of racial quotas.
The current building was erected in the 1890s on the site of the old Bolshoi Theatre of Saint Petersburg, and it still preserves its grand staircase and landing. As the city changed its name in the 20th century, the conservatory was duly renamed Petrograd Conservatory (Петроградская консерватория) and Leningrad Conservatory (Ленинградская консерватория).
The school alumni have included such notable composers as Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Artur Kapp, and Rudolf Tobias and Dmitri Shostakovich, who taught at the conservatory during the 1960s, bringing it additional fame. Amongst his pupils were German Okunev and Boris Tishchenko.
Composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov taught at the conservatory for almost forty years, and his bronze monument is located outside the building in Theatre Square.
Дореволюционная Россия в фотографиях
Петербургская консерватория
(Театральная пл.,3)
1900-х годов
Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs
St. Petersburg Conservatory
(3 ,Theatre Square)
Melody in F major. Op 3. No.1 by Anton Rubinstein
The conservatory was founded in 1862 by Anton Rubinstein, a Russian pianist and composer. On his resignation in 1867, he was succeeded by Nikolai Zaremba. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov was appointed as a professor in 1871, and the conservatory has borne his name since 1944. In 1887, Rubinstein returned to the conservatory with the goal of improving overall standards. He revised the curriculum, expelled inferior students, fired and demoted many professors, and made entrance and examination requirements more stringent. In 1891, he resigned again over the Imperial demand of racial quotas.
The current building was erected in the 1890s on the site of the old Bolshoi Theatre of Saint Petersburg, and it still preserves its grand staircase and landing. As the city changed its name in the 20th century, the conservatory was duly renamed Petrograd Conservatory (Петроградская консерватория) and Leningrad Conservatory (Ленинградская консерватория).
The school alumni have included such notable composers as Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sergei Prokofiev, Artur Kapp, and Rudolf Tobias and Dmitri Shostakovich, who taught at the conservatory during the 1960s, bringing it additional fame. Amongst his pupils were German Okunev and Boris Tishchenko.
Composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov taught at the conservatory for almost forty years, and his bronze monument is located outside the building in Theatre Square.
- published: 22 Dec 2018
- views: 1422
【K】Russia-Saint Petersburg[상트페테르부르크]백조의 호수 발레 공연/Swan Lake Ballet/Rimsky Korsakov Conservatory
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click...
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
이 음악원 콘서트홀에서 열리는 발레 ‘백조의 호수’를 보기로 했다. 객석은 이미 관객들로 가득 차 있었다. 발레의 나라다운 조각상이 벽면을 장식하고 있다. 발레 ‘백조의 호수’는 ‘호두까기 인형’, ‘잠자는 숲속의 미녀’와 함께 차이코프스키가 작곡한 발레음악으로 유명한 작품이다. 1876년 작곡을 완성해 1877년 모스크바 볼쇼이 극장에서 초연했다고 한다. ‘백조의 호수’ 주제 선율이 신비로운 분위기 속에서 펼쳐진다. ‘백조의 호수’는 달빛 비치는 호수에서 백조로 변한 공주와 왕자의 사랑을 다룬 내용으로 러시아에서 널리 알려진 전설을 재구성한 것이란다. 백조들의 군무가 눈부시다. 사람들이 발레리나라고 하면 백조를 떠올리게 되는 것은 바로 이 ‘백조의 호수’ 때문일 것이다. 4막으로 된 백조의 호수 결말은 다양하다. 지그프리트 왕자와 오테트 공주가 함께 죽거나, 왕자는 죽고 공주는 백조가 돼 날아가는 비극적 결말이거나, 사랑의 힘으로 악마를 이겨내고 오테트 공주가 마법에서 풀려나 인간으로 돌아오는 결말 등 여러 가지다. 이날 공연은 악마를 물리치고 왕자와 오테트 공주가 결합되는 해피엔딩으로 끝났다.
[English: Google Translator]
View from the Conservatory Concert Hall decided to open the ballet "Swan Lake". The seats were already filled with spectators. The country has beautiful statues decorate the walls of Valletta. Ballet 'Swan Lake' is 'The Nutcracker', a work by the famous composer Tchaikovsky ballet music with 'Sleeping Beauty'. And in 1876 he completed the composition premiered at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow in 1877. 'Swan Lake' theme tune unfolds in this mystical atmosphere. 'Swan Lake' is a well-known legend Miranda to reconstruct the contents from Russia deals with the love of the prince and the princess turned into a swan in the moonlight lake. The dazzling choreography of Swan. When people say that it reminds me of a swan ballerina will immediately because the 'Swan Lake'. The ending of Swan Lake in four acts will vary. Prince Siegfried is killed along with five Tet princess, prince or princess died tragically ending a flying swan's it going, overcoming the demons with the power of love is five octets, including multiple endings gajida 0 shares released from the magic back into humans. Show day ended with a happy ending that combined to defeat the evil prince and the five Tet princess.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아08-22 백조의 호수 발레 공연/Swan Lake Ballet/Rimsky Korsakov Conservatory/Tchaikovsky
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김성기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2013년 8월 August
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김성기,2013,8월 August
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[한국어 정보]
이 음악원 콘서트홀에서 열리는 발레 ‘백조의 호수’를 보기로 했다. 객석은 이미 관객들로 가득 차 있었다. 발레의 나라다운 조각상이 벽면을 장식하고 있다. 발레 ‘백조의 호수’는 ‘호두까기 인형’, ‘잠자는 숲속의 미녀’와 함께 차이코프스키가 작곡한 발레음악으로 유명한 작품이다. 1876년 작곡을 완성해 1877년 모스크바 볼쇼이 극장에서 초연했다고 한다. ‘백조의 호수’ 주제 선율이 신비로운 분위기 속에서 펼쳐진다. ‘백조의 호수’는 달빛 비치는 호수에서 백조로 변한 공주와 왕자의 사랑을 다룬 내용으로 러시아에서 널리 알려진 전설을 재구성한 것이란다. 백조들의 군무가 눈부시다. 사람들이 발레리나라고 하면 백조를 떠올리게 되는 것은 바로 이 ‘백조의 호수’ 때문일 것이다. 4막으로 된 백조의 호수 결말은 다양하다. 지그프리트 왕자와 오테트 공주가 함께 죽거나, 왕자는 죽고 공주는 백조가 돼 날아가는 비극적 결말이거나, 사랑의 힘으로 악마를 이겨내고 오테트 공주가 마법에서 풀려나 인간으로 돌아오는 결말 등 여러 가지다. 이날 공연은 악마를 물리치고 왕자와 오테트 공주가 결합되는 해피엔딩으로 끝났다.
[English: Google Translator]
View from the Conservatory Concert Hall decided to open the ballet "Swan Lake". The seats were already filled with spectators. The country has beautiful statues decorate the walls of Valletta. Ballet 'Swan Lake' is 'The Nutcracker', a work by the famous composer Tchaikovsky ballet music with 'Sleeping Beauty'. And in 1876 he completed the composition premiered at the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow in 1877. 'Swan Lake' theme tune unfolds in this mystical atmosphere. 'Swan Lake' is a well-known legend Miranda to reconstruct the contents from Russia deals with the love of the prince and the princess turned into a swan in the moonlight lake. The dazzling choreography of Swan. When people say that it reminds me of a swan ballerina will immediately because the 'Swan Lake'. The ending of Swan Lake in four acts will vary. Prince Siegfried is killed along with five Tet princess, prince or princess died tragically ending a flying swan's it going, overcoming the demons with the power of love is five octets, including multiple endings gajida 0 shares released from the magic back into humans. Show day ended with a happy ending that combined to defeat the evil prince and the five Tet princess.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아08-22 백조의 호수 발레 공연/Swan Lake Ballet/Rimsky Korsakov Conservatory/Tchaikovsky
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김성기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2013년 8월 August
유럽,Europe,,러시아,Russia,,Russian Federation,김성기,2013,8월 August
- published: 01 Jun 2015
- views: 25032
Ulitsa Glinki tour between Mariinsky Theatre& Saint Petersburg Conservatory in St Petersburg, Russia
Walking travel following on Ulitsa Glinki between Saint Petersburg Conservatory and Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg on Russian Federation.
When moving, Th...
Walking travel following on Ulitsa Glinki between Saint Petersburg Conservatory and Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg on Russian Federation.
When moving, The monument to Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov can be seen.
Walking travel following on Ulitsa Glinki between Saint Petersburg Conservatory and Mariinsky Theatre in Saint Petersburg on Russian Federation.
When moving, The monument to Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov can be seen.
- published: 05 Oct 2019
- views: 196
Manolo Carrasco - Piano Masterclass at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory
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If you liked the video, give it a like, share it and subscribe to the channel.
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- published: 23 Oct 2019
- views: 396
Darth Vader in Conservatory
A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away...
Darth Vader in Moscow Conservatory listening to the Imperial March
A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away...
Darth Vader in Moscow Conservatory listening to the Imperial March
A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away...
Darth Vader in Moscow Conservatory listening to the Imperial March
- published: 12 Oct 2015
- views: 16586990
Saint-Petersburg Conservatoire
145 лет Санкт-Петербургской консерватории. Краткая история первого музыкального ВУЗа в России
145 лет Санкт-Петербургской консерватории. Краткая история первого музыкального ВУЗа в России
145 лет Санкт-Петербургской консерватории. Краткая история первого музыкального ВУЗа в России
- published: 24 Sep 2009
- views: 3051
Саксофон: от Баха до джаза. Сергей КОЛЕСОВ и студенты. 18.02.2024
«Традиции камерного исполнительства Санкт-Петербургской консерватории»
В программе:
Бах, Гендель, Ибер, Пьяццолла, Иттюральде, Маккей
старший пре...
«Традиции камерного исполнительства Санкт-Петербургской консерватории»
В программе:
Бах, Гендель, Ибер, Пьяццолла, Иттюральде, Маккей
старший преподаватель Сергей Владимирович КОЛЕСОВ и студенты его класса
«Традиции камерного исполнительства Санкт-Петербургской консерватории»
В программе:
Бах, Гендель, Ибер, Пьяццолла, Иттюральде, Маккей
старший преподаватель Сергей Владимирович КОЛЕСОВ и студенты его класса
- published: 18 Feb 2024
- views: 552
St. Petersburg Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
St. Petersburg is a city dipped in gold. Visit Russia’s imperial city, a true rival to other great European cities. Travelers will find many marvels on and beyond the river banks.
When ready, browse vacation packages to St. Petersburg: https://www.expedia.com/St-Petersburg.d180029.Destination-Travel-Guides
A striking city resting on the banks of the Neva River, #StPetersburg has long been a draw for lovers of architecture and tours often begin with the city's legendary structures.
A #vacation here means entering a world of towering cathedrals, palaces, and gardens, many of them from the 18th century. Additional wonders have been added by Russian royalty as the decades passed Walk through the Palace Square, home of the Winter Palace, or #visit to the gold-plated dome of St. Isaac's Cat...
published: 03 Mar 2015
Saint Petersburg, Russia 🇷🇺 - by drone [4K]
Добрый день and welcome to this aerial drone footage of Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 4K UHD resolution!
In this clip you can see all the famous sights / spots like the Savior on the Spilled Blood Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, Saint Michael's Castle, Russian Museum, Magazin Kuptsov Yeliseyevykh, Leningrad Hero City Obelisk, Alexandrinsky Theatre, Monument to Catherine II, Bolsheokhtinsky bridge, the Neva River, the beautiful skyline and so much more…
All clips were rendered with Final Cut Pro.
Enjoy! Hope you guys like it!
Also have a look @WorldWideWalkx and their stunning walking videos!
***Attention start***
This incredible footage is recorded by @TimelabPro ! If you like it, you can license it by contacting these folks! Drone Sn...
published: 13 Nov 2020
Russia , Walking Saint Petersburg | Россия , Санкт-Петербург 🇷🇺
📌 I hope you enjoyed watching this video.
📌 Saint Petersburg : One of the world's most beautiful cities, St. Petersburg has all the ingredients for an unforgettable travel experience: high art, lavish architecture, wild nightlife, an extraordinary history and rich cultural traditions that have inspired and nurtured some of the modern world's greatest literature, music, and visual art. From the mysterious twilight of the White Nights to world-beating opera and ballet productions on magical winter evenings, St. Petersburg charms and entices in every season. Saint-Petersburg.Com is here to help you navigate every aspect of this fascinating city, with all the information ...
published: 12 Dec 2022
Winter Saint Petersburg Russia 6K. Shot on Zenmuse X7 Drone
For licensing and collabs: https://go.timelab.pro/licensing
Our magic LUTs and presets for color grading: https://luts.timelab.pro/
In mid-January, Peter finally fell asleep with snow, and we were able to show the most beautiful Northern city in the world, wrapped in snow, from the air, in ultra-high resolution 6K. For filming, we used a new Ambassador camera Zenmuse X7 together with a new line of lenses DL, which a month ago we sent DJI for our further creativity. Since youtube does not support 6K resolution, we have increased the image to 8K, in order to unlock the full potential of the image.
Music by Elliot Middleton:
Special thanks to DJI - http://dji.com
Please contact us for collaborations or for licensing inquiries: [email protected]
We don’t gi...
published: 03 Feb 2018
Top 10 Reasons Why Saint Petersburg May Be the Most Beautiful City in the World
Top 10 Reasons Why Saint Petersburg May Be the Most Beautiful City in the World
Subscribe to WatchMojo Russia: https://wmojo.com/SubscribeWMRussia
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The world is full of wonder, but few destinations please quite like this Russian city. Welcome to MojoTravels, and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Reasons Why Saint Petersburg May Be The Most Beautiful City in the World.
For this list, we’re looking at the various aspects of this city that make it so uniquely beautiful, enchanting and inspiring.
10: It’s a Cultural Capital
9: It Has a Long, Rich History
8: The Architecture
7: The Cafés
6: It’s t...
published: 06 Feb 2019
Saint Petersburg, Russia 🇷🇺 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS Dolby Vision™ Drone Video
G'day and Welcome to this aerial drone footage of Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 8K UHD resolution! SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA 8K ULTRA HD HDR 60 FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage Russia 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage Kazan 2024
St. Petersburg is a Russian port city on the Baltic Sea. It is Russia's second largest city after Moscow and one of the world’s major cities. Saint Petersburg remains Russia's cultural center, with venues such as the Mariinsky Theatre hosting opera and ballet, and the State Russian Museum showcasing Russian art, from Orthodox icon paintings to Kandinsky works. Best Places to visit The Grand Peterhof Palace, Mikhailovsky Palace, State Hermitage Museum, St. Isaac's Cathedral and many more Architecturally, it ranks as one of the most sp...
published: 25 Feb 2024
Hello, I am OS
In this country documentary, I presented you some important information about life in Russia. I talked about life in Russia, daily life in Russia, Russian festivals, Russian history. When you watch the documentary, you will learn interesting information about life in Russia, Russian music, Russian nightlife, Russian food and Russia. I also presented information about the climate in Russia. Life in Russia, Russian culture, Russia travel, traveling in Russia, Russian traditions, rules in Russia, Russian laws, Russian landscape, Russia's nature, Russian people, citizenship in Russia, Russian visa, Russia vlog, Russia brands, studying in Russia, Russia student opportunities, Russia erasmus, Russia Work Holiday, settling in Russia, home and work opportunities in Russia, natural b...
published: 11 Oct 2023
The city of white nights - Saint Petersburg drone video Timelab.pro
For licensing and collabs: https://go.timelab.pro/licensing
Our magic LUTs and presets for color grading: https://luts.timelab.pro/
http://www.bspb.ru - The General Sponsor
Shot on DJI Inspire 2 - http://4vision.ru/products/inspire-2.html
Please contact us for collaborations or for licensing inquiries: [email protected]
We don’t give permissions to use any of our footage without licensing / payment, it’s also not available for non-commercial use.
Partnered: The New York Times, BBC, National Geographic, FIFA, «Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw», airports halls, The World Tourism Organization congress, Forbes..
Buy our limited edition NFT collections @ OpenSea https://opensea.io/TimeLab
Buy Lightroom presets: https://timelab.pro/presets/istanbul
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published: 30 Jul 2018
St. Petersburg, Russia #russia #travel #educationinrussia #stpetursburg
published: 20 Oct 2024
Why St. Petersburg is the Best City in Russia! 🇷🇺
SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nfkrz
Welcome to a brand new vlog! In this video I'm going to be doing a CITY REVIEW of Saint Petersburg (also known as St. Petersburg and Leningrad in the Soviet days) - the former capital of the Russian Empire, the second biggest city in Russia, one of Russia's most European cities and also probably my favorite place in the entire country. In this poor man's travel guide we're gonna go over some cool places in St Petersburg and I'm going to try to explain why I think it's the greatest city in Russia. Smash like and sub for more thx xoxo
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/nfkrz
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Outro music ► MajorLeagueWobs/Holder - D I S T A N T
published: 22 Jul 2021
St Petersburg Russia 4K. Second Best City in Russia!
Let's visit St Petersburg - second biggest city in Russia! Museums, restaurants, canals, stree musicians and people living in St Petersburg!
Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/russianplus
What a place! #Russia
published: 05 Sep 2019
Going to Saint Petersburg Russia is Eye-Opening | Russia 2024
Going to Saint Petersburg Russia is Eye-Opening | Russia 2024
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published: 08 Jun 2024
What young Russians in Saint Petersburg think about Putin?
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0:00 - The reason this video is special.
0:14 - 1st person
0:50 - 2nd person
1:16 - 3rd person
1:35 - 4th person
2:01 - 5th person
2:30 - 6th person
2:41 - 3rd person (2)
3:19 - 7th ladies
4:19 - 8th person
4:56 - 9th person
5:32 - 8th person (2)
6:09 - 10th person
6:33 - 11th p...
published: 10 Jan 2023
‘No way to describe it other than deadly’: St. Petersburg resident on riding out Milton
Dan Matics, a resident of St. Petersburg, Florida, joins José Díaz-Balart to share how Hurricane Milton has affected his community.
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published: 10 Oct 2024
St. Petersburg Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
St. Petersburg is a city dipped in gold. Visit Russia’s imperial city, a true rival to other great European cities. Travelers will find many marvels on and beyo...
St. Petersburg is a city dipped in gold. Visit Russia’s imperial city, a true rival to other great European cities. Travelers will find many marvels on and beyond the river banks.
When ready, browse vacation packages to St. Petersburg: https://www.expedia.com/St-Petersburg.d180029.Destination-Travel-Guides
A striking city resting on the banks of the Neva River, #StPetersburg has long been a draw for lovers of architecture and tours often begin with the city's legendary structures.
A #vacation here means entering a world of towering cathedrals, palaces, and gardens, many of them from the 18th century. Additional wonders have been added by Russian royalty as the decades passed Walk through the Palace Square, home of the Winter Palace, or #visit to the gold-plated dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral for astonishing views of the city.
Continue your #sightseeing by taking a boat ride down the river to Peterhof Gardens & Palace. This gilded structure and its lush array of plant life is a popular place for a quiet walk in nature or to reflect upon the engineering marvel of its 60 fountains.
For now, we hope you enjoy watching this #travel #guide as much as we enjoyed making it.
More travel information around St. Petersburg: https://www.expedia.com/St-Petersburg.dx180029
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0:00 - St. Petersburg
1:13 - Palace Square
1:38 - Nevsky Prospect
2:03 - Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood
2:11 - Kazan Cathedral
1:19 - St Isaac’s Cathedral
2:56 - Admiralty building
3:06 - Peter and Paul Fortress
3:31 - Peterhof Palace and Gardens complex
3:56 - Catherine Palace
4:19 - Summer Palace and Gardens
St. Petersburg is a city dipped in gold. Visit Russia’s imperial city, a true rival to other great European cities. Travelers will find many marvels on and beyond the river banks.
When ready, browse vacation packages to St. Petersburg: https://www.expedia.com/St-Petersburg.d180029.Destination-Travel-Guides
A striking city resting on the banks of the Neva River, #StPetersburg has long been a draw for lovers of architecture and tours often begin with the city's legendary structures.
A #vacation here means entering a world of towering cathedrals, palaces, and gardens, many of them from the 18th century. Additional wonders have been added by Russian royalty as the decades passed Walk through the Palace Square, home of the Winter Palace, or #visit to the gold-plated dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral for astonishing views of the city.
Continue your #sightseeing by taking a boat ride down the river to Peterhof Gardens & Palace. This gilded structure and its lush array of plant life is a popular place for a quiet walk in nature or to reflect upon the engineering marvel of its 60 fountains.
For now, we hope you enjoy watching this #travel #guide as much as we enjoyed making it.
More travel information around St. Petersburg: https://www.expedia.com/St-Petersburg.dx180029
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0:00 - St. Petersburg
1:13 - Palace Square
1:38 - Nevsky Prospect
2:03 - Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood
2:11 - Kazan Cathedral
1:19 - St Isaac’s Cathedral
2:56 - Admiralty building
3:06 - Peter and Paul Fortress
3:31 - Peterhof Palace and Gardens complex
3:56 - Catherine Palace
4:19 - Summer Palace and Gardens
- published: 03 Mar 2015
- views: 8012795
Saint Petersburg, Russia 🇷🇺 - by drone [4K]
Добрый день and welcome to this aerial drone footage of Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 4K UHD resolution!
In this clip you can see all the famous sights / spots l...
Добрый день and welcome to this aerial drone footage of Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 4K UHD resolution!
In this clip you can see all the famous sights / spots like the Savior on the Spilled Blood Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, Saint Michael's Castle, Russian Museum, Magazin Kuptsov Yeliseyevykh, Leningrad Hero City Obelisk, Alexandrinsky Theatre, Monument to Catherine II, Bolsheokhtinsky bridge, the Neva River, the beautiful skyline and so much more…
All clips were rendered with Final Cut Pro.
Enjoy! Hope you guys like it!
Also have a look @WorldWideWalkx and their stunning walking videos!
***Attention start***
This incredible footage is recorded by @TimelabPro ! If you like it, you can license it by contacting these folks! Drone Snap is not the author of theses incredible shots!
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are not able to travel the world and capture new pictures for you! Thats why we started collecting footage from Artgrid.io to upload new content for you every Friday!
If you like it, just check out their catalogue 👉 https://bit.ly/3kJYuzg
***Attention end***
Artist: Mila Jam
Track: Better Days (Instrumental)
Hear more from this artist:
I'm a SyncVault Talent Scout helping break new artists.
License: syncvault:XMSdfiOwBQK89mcc9U6h6FBizMJ
Our Social Media accounts:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drone_snap_official/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DroneSnapOfficial/
Also check out these cool videos:
Hong Kong 🇭🇰 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/Blu_yCEFYvk
Moscow, Russia 🇷🇺 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/vfUrK9pFfUg
Hamburg, Germany 🇩🇪 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/MuflV6qAs3I
Jakarta, Indonesia 🇮🇩 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/vLeDFO-zeYI
Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/alyRqOpiHBk
Los Angeles, USA 🇺🇸 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/vGGL7X_s4AQ
Florence, Italy 🇮🇹 - by drone in 4K UHD https://youtu.be/QyMlLt7tAPw
Yosemite National Park - USA 🇺🇸 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/0Q3uf1YeTek
Nepal 🇳🇵 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/EgeqKqwebZI
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 🇧🇷 - by drone [4K] part 2 https://youtu.be/-degzZp-v2Y
Al Qudra Lake - Dubai 🇦🇪 - by drone in 8K UHD https://youtu.be/R-nuUrWXBg0
Gotham City 🦇 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/yw_pQELgpLM
New York City - Manhattan, USA 🇺🇸 8K UHD https://youtu.be/rfYhfmL9j34
#SaintPetersburg #Russia #Europe #Санкт-Петербург #Россия #Neva #BolsheokhtinskyBridge #Skyline #SaviorOnTheSpilledBlood #Cathedral #СпаснаКрови #Казанскийкафедральный #Большеохтинскиймост
Intro 0:00-0:06
Savior on the Spilled Blood Cathedral 0:06-0:15
Bolsheokhtinsky bridge 0:15-0:23
Magazin Kuptsov Yeliseyevykh 0:23-0:32
Canal 0:32-0:41
Nevsky Ave 0:41-0:49
Neva River 0:49-0:58
Savior on the Spilled Blood Cathedral 0:58-1:07
Aerial street view / Bankomat Pao Sberbank 1:07-1:16
Aerial View Old town 1:16-1:27
Kazan Cathedral 1:27-1:36
Savior on the Spilled Blood Cathedral 1:36-1:44
Aerial street view 1:44-1:53
Saint Michael's Castle 1:53-2:02
Rooftop view 2:02-2:10
Saint Michael's Castle 2:10-2:28
Kazan Cathedral 2:28-2:32
Government office 2:32-2:37
Magazin Kuptsov Yeliseyevykh 2:37-2:45
Russian Museum 2:45-2:54
Alexandrinsky Theatre 2:54-2:58
Saint Michael's Castle 2:58-3:02
Bolsheokhtinsky bridge 3:02-3:11
Port 3:11-3:20
Kazan Cathedral 3:20-3:29
Rooftop view 3:29-3:40
Magazin Kuptsov Yeliseyevykh 3:40-3:57
Neva River 3:57-4:15
Government office 4:15-4:41
Neva River / Peter and Paul Cathedral 4:41-4:50
Transfiguration Cathedral 4:50-4:57
Aerial city view / Neva River 4:57-5:16
Troitskiy bridge / Neva River 5:16-5:24
Zdaniye Birzhi / Neva River 5:24-5:42
Bolsheokhtinsky bridge 5:42-6:08
Russian Museum 6:08-6:17
Alexandrinsky Theatre 6:17-6:26
Moscow Station 6:26-6:34
Aerial street view 6:34-6:43
Leningrad Hero City Obelisk / Moscow Station 6:43-7:00
Endscreen 7:00-7:18
Добрый день and welcome to this aerial drone footage of Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 4K UHD resolution!
In this clip you can see all the famous sights / spots like the Savior on the Spilled Blood Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, Saint Michael's Castle, Russian Museum, Magazin Kuptsov Yeliseyevykh, Leningrad Hero City Obelisk, Alexandrinsky Theatre, Monument to Catherine II, Bolsheokhtinsky bridge, the Neva River, the beautiful skyline and so much more…
All clips were rendered with Final Cut Pro.
Enjoy! Hope you guys like it!
Also have a look @WorldWideWalkx and their stunning walking videos!
***Attention start***
This incredible footage is recorded by @TimelabPro ! If you like it, you can license it by contacting these folks! Drone Snap is not the author of theses incredible shots!
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are not able to travel the world and capture new pictures for you! Thats why we started collecting footage from Artgrid.io to upload new content for you every Friday!
If you like it, just check out their catalogue 👉 https://bit.ly/3kJYuzg
***Attention end***
Artist: Mila Jam
Track: Better Days (Instrumental)
Hear more from this artist:
I'm a SyncVault Talent Scout helping break new artists.
License: syncvault:XMSdfiOwBQK89mcc9U6h6FBizMJ
Our Social Media accounts:
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/drone_snap_official/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/DroneSnapOfficial/
Also check out these cool videos:
Hong Kong 🇭🇰 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/Blu_yCEFYvk
Moscow, Russia 🇷🇺 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/vfUrK9pFfUg
Hamburg, Germany 🇩🇪 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/MuflV6qAs3I
Jakarta, Indonesia 🇮🇩 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/vLeDFO-zeYI
Berlin, Germany 🇩🇪 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/alyRqOpiHBk
Los Angeles, USA 🇺🇸 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/vGGL7X_s4AQ
Florence, Italy 🇮🇹 - by drone in 4K UHD https://youtu.be/QyMlLt7tAPw
Yosemite National Park - USA 🇺🇸 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/0Q3uf1YeTek
Nepal 🇳🇵 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/EgeqKqwebZI
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 🇧🇷 - by drone [4K] part 2 https://youtu.be/-degzZp-v2Y
Al Qudra Lake - Dubai 🇦🇪 - by drone in 8K UHD https://youtu.be/R-nuUrWXBg0
Gotham City 🦇 - by drone [4K] https://youtu.be/yw_pQELgpLM
New York City - Manhattan, USA 🇺🇸 8K UHD https://youtu.be/rfYhfmL9j34
#SaintPetersburg #Russia #Europe #Санкт-Петербург #Россия #Neva #BolsheokhtinskyBridge #Skyline #SaviorOnTheSpilledBlood #Cathedral #СпаснаКрови #Казанскийкафедральный #Большеохтинскиймост
Intro 0:00-0:06
Savior on the Spilled Blood Cathedral 0:06-0:15
Bolsheokhtinsky bridge 0:15-0:23
Magazin Kuptsov Yeliseyevykh 0:23-0:32
Canal 0:32-0:41
Nevsky Ave 0:41-0:49
Neva River 0:49-0:58
Savior on the Spilled Blood Cathedral 0:58-1:07
Aerial street view / Bankomat Pao Sberbank 1:07-1:16
Aerial View Old town 1:16-1:27
Kazan Cathedral 1:27-1:36
Savior on the Spilled Blood Cathedral 1:36-1:44
Aerial street view 1:44-1:53
Saint Michael's Castle 1:53-2:02
Rooftop view 2:02-2:10
Saint Michael's Castle 2:10-2:28
Kazan Cathedral 2:28-2:32
Government office 2:32-2:37
Magazin Kuptsov Yeliseyevykh 2:37-2:45
Russian Museum 2:45-2:54
Alexandrinsky Theatre 2:54-2:58
Saint Michael's Castle 2:58-3:02
Bolsheokhtinsky bridge 3:02-3:11
Port 3:11-3:20
Kazan Cathedral 3:20-3:29
Rooftop view 3:29-3:40
Magazin Kuptsov Yeliseyevykh 3:40-3:57
Neva River 3:57-4:15
Government office 4:15-4:41
Neva River / Peter and Paul Cathedral 4:41-4:50
Transfiguration Cathedral 4:50-4:57
Aerial city view / Neva River 4:57-5:16
Troitskiy bridge / Neva River 5:16-5:24
Zdaniye Birzhi / Neva River 5:24-5:42
Bolsheokhtinsky bridge 5:42-6:08
Russian Museum 6:08-6:17
Alexandrinsky Theatre 6:17-6:26
Moscow Station 6:26-6:34
Aerial street view 6:34-6:43
Leningrad Hero City Obelisk / Moscow Station 6:43-7:00
Endscreen 7:00-7:18
- published: 13 Nov 2020
- views: 1428259
Russia , Walking Saint Petersburg | Россия , Санкт-Петербург 🇷🇺
📌 I hope you enjoyed watching this video.
📌 I hope you enjoyed watching this video.
📌 Saint Petersburg : One of the world's most beautiful cities, St. Petersburg has all the ingredients for an unforgettable travel experience: high art, lavish architecture, wild nightlife, an extraordinary history and rich cultural traditions that have inspired and nurtured some of the modern world's greatest literature, music, and visual art. From the mysterious twilight of the White Nights to world-beating opera and ballet productions on magical winter evenings, St. Petersburg charms and entices in every season. Saint-Petersburg.Com is here to help you navigate every aspect of this fascinating city, with all the information and travel resources necessary to plan your trip to St. Petersburg.
📌 I hope you enjoyed watching this video.
📌 Saint Petersburg : One of the world's most beautiful cities, St. Petersburg has all the ingredients for an unforgettable travel experience: high art, lavish architecture, wild nightlife, an extraordinary history and rich cultural traditions that have inspired and nurtured some of the modern world's greatest literature, music, and visual art. From the mysterious twilight of the White Nights to world-beating opera and ballet productions on magical winter evenings, St. Petersburg charms and entices in every season. Saint-Petersburg.Com is here to help you navigate every aspect of this fascinating city, with all the information and travel resources necessary to plan your trip to St. Petersburg.
- published: 12 Dec 2022
- views: 816975
Winter Saint Petersburg Russia 6K. Shot on Zenmuse X7 Drone
For licensing and collabs: https://go.timelab.pro/licensing
Our magic LUTs and presets for color grading: https://luts.timelab.pro/
In mid-January, Peter final...
For licensing and collabs: https://go.timelab.pro/licensing
Our magic LUTs and presets for color grading: https://luts.timelab.pro/
In mid-January, Peter finally fell asleep with snow, and we were able to show the most beautiful Northern city in the world, wrapped in snow, from the air, in ultra-high resolution 6K. For filming, we used a new Ambassador camera Zenmuse X7 together with a new line of lenses DL, which a month ago we sent DJI for our further creativity. Since youtube does not support 6K resolution, we have increased the image to 8K, in order to unlock the full potential of the image.
Music by Elliot Middleton:
Special thanks to DJI - http://dji.com
Please contact us for collaborations or for licensing inquiries:
[email protected]
We don’t give permissions to use any of our footage without licensing / payment, it’s also not available for non-commercial use.
Partnered: The New York Times, BBC, National Geographic, FIFA, «Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw», airports halls, The World Tourism Organization congress, Forbes..
Subscribe and follow for our everyday routine:
Instagram http://instagram.com/timelabpro/
Twitter https://twitter.com/timelab_pro
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TimelabProduction
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/timelab-pro
© http://timelab.pro
For licensing and collabs: https://go.timelab.pro/licensing
Our magic LUTs and presets for color grading: https://luts.timelab.pro/
In mid-January, Peter finally fell asleep with snow, and we were able to show the most beautiful Northern city in the world, wrapped in snow, from the air, in ultra-high resolution 6K. For filming, we used a new Ambassador camera Zenmuse X7 together with a new line of lenses DL, which a month ago we sent DJI for our further creativity. Since youtube does not support 6K resolution, we have increased the image to 8K, in order to unlock the full potential of the image.
Music by Elliot Middleton:
Special thanks to DJI - http://dji.com
Please contact us for collaborations or for licensing inquiries:
[email protected]
We don’t give permissions to use any of our footage without licensing / payment, it’s also not available for non-commercial use.
Partnered: The New York Times, BBC, National Geographic, FIFA, «Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw», airports halls, The World Tourism Organization congress, Forbes..
Subscribe and follow for our everyday routine:
Instagram http://instagram.com/timelabpro/
Twitter https://twitter.com/timelab_pro
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TimelabProduction
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/timelab-pro
© http://timelab.pro
- published: 03 Feb 2018
- views: 6313069
Top 10 Reasons Why Saint Petersburg May Be the Most Beautiful City in the World
Top 10 Reasons Why Saint Petersburg May Be the Most Beautiful City in the World
Subscribe to WatchMojo Russia: https://wmojo.com/SubscribeWMRussia
Thanks to...
Top 10 Reasons Why Saint Petersburg May Be the Most Beautiful City in the World
Subscribe to WatchMojo Russia: https://wmojo.com/SubscribeWMRussia
Thanks to Getty Images for the pictures and videos!
Want more incredible content from Getty Images? Be sure to check out their page here: https://www.gettyimages.com/
The world is full of wonder, but few destinations please quite like this Russian city. Welcome to MojoTravels, and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Reasons Why Saint Petersburg May Be The Most Beautiful City in the World.
For this list, we’re looking at the various aspects of this city that make it so uniquely beautiful, enchanting and inspiring.
10: It’s a Cultural Capital
9: It Has a Long, Rich History
8: The Architecture
7: The Cafés
6: It’s the Greenest of Russia's Major Cities
5: It's Entirely Different in Summer and Winter
4: Canals and Bridges
3,2,1 . . . ??
#SaintPetersburg #Travel #WhiteNights
Top 10 Reasons Why Saint Petersburg May Be the Most Beautiful City in the World
Subscribe to WatchMojo Russia: https://wmojo.com/SubscribeWMRussia
Thanks to Getty Images for the pictures and videos!
Want more incredible content from Getty Images? Be sure to check out their page here: https://www.gettyimages.com/
The world is full of wonder, but few destinations please quite like this Russian city. Welcome to MojoTravels, and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Reasons Why Saint Petersburg May Be The Most Beautiful City in the World.
For this list, we’re looking at the various aspects of this city that make it so uniquely beautiful, enchanting and inspiring.
10: It’s a Cultural Capital
9: It Has a Long, Rich History
8: The Architecture
7: The Cafés
6: It’s the Greenest of Russia's Major Cities
5: It's Entirely Different in Summer and Winter
4: Canals and Bridges
3,2,1 . . . ??
#SaintPetersburg #Travel #WhiteNights
- published: 06 Feb 2019
- views: 376425
Saint Petersburg, Russia 🇷🇺 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS Dolby Vision™ Drone Video
G'day and Welcome to this aerial drone footage of Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 8K UHD resolution! SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA 8K ULTRA HD HDR 60 FPS Collection of ...
G'day and Welcome to this aerial drone footage of Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 8K UHD resolution! SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA 8K ULTRA HD HDR 60 FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage Russia 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage Kazan 2024
St. Petersburg is a Russian port city on the Baltic Sea. It is Russia's second largest city after Moscow and one of the world’s major cities. Saint Petersburg remains Russia's cultural center, with venues such as the Mariinsky Theatre hosting opera and ballet, and the State Russian Museum showcasing Russian art, from Orthodox icon paintings to Kandinsky works. Best Places to visit The Grand Peterhof Palace, Mikhailovsky Palace, State Hermitage Museum, St. Isaac's Cathedral and many more Architecturally, it ranks as one of the most splendid and congenial cities of Europe. Its historic district was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site. Russia 2024
Follow us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/exploropiaofficial
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📌More 4K & 8K UHD HD Videos ⏬
The MOSCOW 🇷🇺 They Don't Want You To See : https://youtu.be/n6jEjkxnH84
Kazan, Russia 🇷🇺 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/mGZ8OP1urIs
Vladivostok, Russia 🇷🇺 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/a0YlSUwOPik
Sochi, Russia 🇷🇺 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/r3EIdFaH3Qs
Yekaterinburg, Russia 🇷🇺 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/I46IZ1QsUdM
Ufa, Russia 🇷🇺 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/CYlR9QiXJ6k
Samara, Russia 🇷🇺 in 4K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/HtkXJ1bztC4
Cities of United States of America 🇺🇸 in 8K HDR : https://youtu.be/h02-6X_EWu0
Cities of Canada 🇨🇦 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/Gn9iPn1eIQ4
Minsk, Belarus 🇧🇾 in 4K : https://youtu.be/29enNH3o16U
Milan City, Italy in 4k 🇮🇹 : https://youtu.be/FL3rmYPZaMw
Madrid, Spain in 4k 🇪🇸 : https://youtu.be/LrshnxYuzNI
Paris, France in 4k 🇫🇷 : https://youtu.be/wroGPb4-3yM
Frankfurt, Germany in 4k 🇩🇪 : https://youtu.be/V2wofDTu48g
#russia #saintpetersburg #8k #hdr #russian #stpetersburg
Stay connected for more videos every week.
This video was created for educational, entertainment, and informative purposes.
To Make this video in 8K UHD whole footage was Re-edited, Colour corrected by us. The result is a more realistic and natural image with richer colors.
To watch this video in real HDR, you should use a 4K & 8K Television set. If you have a HDR TV, you'll find your TV automatically switches to an HDR mode when playing HDR content. If not, switch the TV to HDR manually. Also, the latest smartphones can play HDR videos.This technology improves video image quality by expanding the contrast ratio and color range.
❌ Do not copy and re-upload this video footage ❌
Copyright information:-
➡ All The Footage Used In The Video Is Licensed.
➡ All Music used in The Video is Licensed.
➡ Video Footage Copyright Under Standard License.
➡ We Use Paid Footage & Music in Our channel.
➡ Whole Footage was Re-edited, Colour corrected by us.
Team Exploropia
G'day and Welcome to this aerial drone footage of Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 8K UHD resolution! SAINT PETERSBURG, RUSSIA 8K ULTRA HD HDR 60 FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage Russia 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage Kazan 2024
St. Petersburg is a Russian port city on the Baltic Sea. It is Russia's second largest city after Moscow and one of the world’s major cities. Saint Petersburg remains Russia's cultural center, with venues such as the Mariinsky Theatre hosting opera and ballet, and the State Russian Museum showcasing Russian art, from Orthodox icon paintings to Kandinsky works. Best Places to visit The Grand Peterhof Palace, Mikhailovsky Palace, State Hermitage Museum, St. Isaac's Cathedral and many more Architecturally, it ranks as one of the most splendid and congenial cities of Europe. Its historic district was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site. Russia 2024
Follow us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/exploropiaofficial
📌 Please Keep Supporting us guys✌️!!!!
📌 Make sure to Subscribe ▶️ with Bell 🔔 turned on & don't miss out on New Videos!!!!
📌More 4K & 8K UHD HD Videos ⏬
The MOSCOW 🇷🇺 They Don't Want You To See : https://youtu.be/n6jEjkxnH84
Kazan, Russia 🇷🇺 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/mGZ8OP1urIs
Vladivostok, Russia 🇷🇺 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/a0YlSUwOPik
Sochi, Russia 🇷🇺 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/r3EIdFaH3Qs
Yekaterinburg, Russia 🇷🇺 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/I46IZ1QsUdM
Ufa, Russia 🇷🇺 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/CYlR9QiXJ6k
Samara, Russia 🇷🇺 in 4K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/HtkXJ1bztC4
Cities of United States of America 🇺🇸 in 8K HDR : https://youtu.be/h02-6X_EWu0
Cities of Canada 🇨🇦 in 8K HDR ULTRA HD 60 FPS : https://youtu.be/Gn9iPn1eIQ4
Minsk, Belarus 🇧🇾 in 4K : https://youtu.be/29enNH3o16U
Milan City, Italy in 4k 🇮🇹 : https://youtu.be/FL3rmYPZaMw
Madrid, Spain in 4k 🇪🇸 : https://youtu.be/LrshnxYuzNI
Paris, France in 4k 🇫🇷 : https://youtu.be/wroGPb4-3yM
Frankfurt, Germany in 4k 🇩🇪 : https://youtu.be/V2wofDTu48g
#russia #saintpetersburg #8k #hdr #russian #stpetersburg
Stay connected for more videos every week.
This video was created for educational, entertainment, and informative purposes.
To Make this video in 8K UHD whole footage was Re-edited, Colour corrected by us. The result is a more realistic and natural image with richer colors.
To watch this video in real HDR, you should use a 4K & 8K Television set. If you have a HDR TV, you'll find your TV automatically switches to an HDR mode when playing HDR content. If not, switch the TV to HDR manually. Also, the latest smartphones can play HDR videos.This technology improves video image quality by expanding the contrast ratio and color range.
❌ Do not copy and re-upload this video footage ❌
Copyright information:-
➡ All The Footage Used In The Video Is Licensed.
➡ All Music used in The Video is Licensed.
➡ Video Footage Copyright Under Standard License.
➡ We Use Paid Footage & Music in Our channel.
➡ Whole Footage was Re-edited, Colour corrected by us.
Team Exploropia
- published: 25 Feb 2024
- views: 369278
Hello, I am OS
In this country documentary, I presented you some important information about life in Russia. I talked about life in Russia, daily life in Russia...
Hello, I am OS
In this country documentary, I presented you some important information about life in Russia. I talked about life in Russia, daily life in Russia, Russian festivals, Russian history. When you watch the documentary, you will learn interesting information about life in Russia, Russian music, Russian nightlife, Russian food and Russia. I also presented information about the climate in Russia. Life in Russia, Russian culture, Russia travel, traveling in Russia, Russian traditions, rules in Russia, Russian laws, Russian landscape, Russia's nature, Russian people, citizenship in Russia, Russian visa, Russia vlog, Russia brands, studying in Russia, Russia student opportunities, Russia erasmus, Russia Work Holiday, settling in Russia, home and work opportunities in Russia, natural beauties of Russia, Russian food, how Russia became a country, history of Russia, You will watch a fluent Russia country documentary and Russia country video on Okan Suvari channel about many topics such as life in Russia, Russian music, where is Russia, Russian food, Russian immigrants, places to visit in Russia, Russia Moscow, what kind of a place is Russia.
I also talked about the tension between Russia and Ukraine in recent days. Russia and Ukraine are experiencing tension at the borders, and both Russia and Ukraine are disturbed by this situation. Russia and Ukraine will try to reach an agreement to solve the problem.
In the video, you will feel like an Irish citizen or you will want to go to Russia and visit there. Because Russia is one of the most interesting countries in the world and the Russian way of life is extremely interesting.
To benefit from JOIN MEMBERSHIP Privileges, you can support us with only 10 TL per month from the link below.
We may have mistakes and flaws. I constantly strive for better presentations. Don't spare your support.
I hope you will like it : )
Resources ;
1-) Russian Culture
2-) Agencies
If you liked the video,
If you want to learn interesting information from my videos prepared with professional shots in cinematic quality,
In order to continue making such videos
You can SUBSCRIBE to my channel for FREE and support my work with your nice comments and likes.
I wish you a good time :)
Video dubbing with Adobe Audition
Video editing and animation of images were done with Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects.
The microphone I use - Blue Yeti Usb Microphone
All rights to the music and visual content used in the videos are reserved and protected by YouTube Content ID copyrights.
Use of animations and studio shots in videos;
It was made possible by obtaining commercial license rights for the products from business partners. Unauthorized use is not possible in any way.
Thank you for your interest and interest.
#Russia #Documentary #vlog #countries
Hello, I am OS
In this country documentary, I presented you some important information about life in Russia. I talked about life in Russia, daily life in Russia, Russian festivals, Russian history. When you watch the documentary, you will learn interesting information about life in Russia, Russian music, Russian nightlife, Russian food and Russia. I also presented information about the climate in Russia. Life in Russia, Russian culture, Russia travel, traveling in Russia, Russian traditions, rules in Russia, Russian laws, Russian landscape, Russia's nature, Russian people, citizenship in Russia, Russian visa, Russia vlog, Russia brands, studying in Russia, Russia student opportunities, Russia erasmus, Russia Work Holiday, settling in Russia, home and work opportunities in Russia, natural beauties of Russia, Russian food, how Russia became a country, history of Russia, You will watch a fluent Russia country documentary and Russia country video on Okan Suvari channel about many topics such as life in Russia, Russian music, where is Russia, Russian food, Russian immigrants, places to visit in Russia, Russia Moscow, what kind of a place is Russia.
I also talked about the tension between Russia and Ukraine in recent days. Russia and Ukraine are experiencing tension at the borders, and both Russia and Ukraine are disturbed by this situation. Russia and Ukraine will try to reach an agreement to solve the problem.
In the video, you will feel like an Irish citizen or you will want to go to Russia and visit there. Because Russia is one of the most interesting countries in the world and the Russian way of life is extremely interesting.
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I hope you will like it : )
Resources ;
1-) Russian Culture
2-) Agencies
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Video dubbing with Adobe Audition
Video editing and animation of images were done with Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects.
The microphone I use - Blue Yeti Usb Microphone
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Thank you for your interest and interest.
#Russia #Documentary #vlog #countries
- published: 11 Oct 2023
- views: 484158
The city of white nights - Saint Petersburg drone video Timelab.pro
For licensing and collabs: https://go.timelab.pro/licensing
Our magic LUTs and presets for color grading: https://luts.timelab.pro/
http://www.bspb.ru - The Ge...
For licensing and collabs: https://go.timelab.pro/licensing
Our magic LUTs and presets for color grading: https://luts.timelab.pro/
http://www.bspb.ru - The General Sponsor
Shot on DJI Inspire 2 - http://4vision.ru/products/inspire-2.html
Please contact us for collaborations or for licensing inquiries:
[email protected]
We don’t give permissions to use any of our footage without licensing / payment, it’s also not available for non-commercial use.
Partnered: The New York Times, BBC, National Geographic, FIFA, «Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw», airports halls, The World Tourism Organization congress, Forbes..
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For licensing and collabs: https://go.timelab.pro/licensing
Our magic LUTs and presets for color grading: https://luts.timelab.pro/
http://www.bspb.ru - The General Sponsor
Shot on DJI Inspire 2 - http://4vision.ru/products/inspire-2.html
Please contact us for collaborations or for licensing inquiries:
[email protected]
We don’t give permissions to use any of our footage without licensing / payment, it’s also not available for non-commercial use.
Partnered: The New York Times, BBC, National Geographic, FIFA, «Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw», airports halls, The World Tourism Organization congress, Forbes..
Buy our limited edition NFT collections @ OpenSea https://opensea.io/TimeLab
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- published: 30 Jul 2018
- views: 3036696
Why St. Petersburg is the Best City in Russia! 🇷🇺
SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nfkrz
Welcome to a brand new vlog! In this video I'm going to be doing a CITY REVIEW of Saint Petersburg (also kn...
SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nfkrz
Welcome to a brand new vlog! In this video I'm going to be doing a CITY REVIEW of Saint Petersburg (also known as St. Petersburg and Leningrad in the Soviet days) - the former capital of the Russian Empire, the second biggest city in Russia, one of Russia's most European cities and also probably my favorite place in the entire country. In this poor man's travel guide we're gonna go over some cool places in St Petersburg and I'm going to try to explain why I think it's the greatest city in Russia. Smash like and sub for more thx xoxo
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/nfkrz
Instagram ► https://instagram.com/roman_nfkrz/
Outro music ► MajorLeagueWobs/Holder - D I S T A N T
SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/nfkrz
Welcome to a brand new vlog! In this video I'm going to be doing a CITY REVIEW of Saint Petersburg (also known as St. Petersburg and Leningrad in the Soviet days) - the former capital of the Russian Empire, the second biggest city in Russia, one of Russia's most European cities and also probably my favorite place in the entire country. In this poor man's travel guide we're gonna go over some cool places in St Petersburg and I'm going to try to explain why I think it's the greatest city in Russia. Smash like and sub for more thx xoxo
Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/nfkrz
Instagram ► https://instagram.com/roman_nfkrz/
Outro music ► MajorLeagueWobs/Holder - D I S T A N T
- published: 22 Jul 2021
- views: 294516
St Petersburg Russia 4K. Second Best City in Russia!
Let's visit St Petersburg - second biggest city in Russia! Museums, restaurants, canals, stree musicians and people living in St Petersburg!
Support me on Pat...
Let's visit St Petersburg - second biggest city in Russia! Museums, restaurants, canals, stree musicians and people living in St Petersburg!
Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/russianplus
What a place! #Russia
Let's visit St Petersburg - second biggest city in Russia! Museums, restaurants, canals, stree musicians and people living in St Petersburg!
Support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/russianplus
What a place! #Russia
- published: 05 Sep 2019
- views: 4910381
Going to Saint Petersburg Russia is Eye-Opening | Russia 2024
Going to Saint Petersburg Russia is Eye-Opening | Russia 2024
Beginner ebook city guides:
Havana, Cuba - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B86NCXHR
Buenos Aires, Ar...
Going to Saint Petersburg Russia is Eye-Opening | Russia 2024
Beginner ebook city guides:
Havana, Cuba - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B86NCXHR
Buenos Aires, Argentina - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B11T7LMH
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09WQDQJ5C
Panama City, Panama - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SQCM9ZX
Guadalajara, Mexico - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NH5221M
Medellin, Colombia - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CLRMNF1
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CCRFBVZ
Guayaquil, Ecuador - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HPG7PZ2
SUPPORT - You can donate through Paypal:
Apartment in the video: Apart-hotel M97
I appreciate it.
Going to Saint Petersburg Russia is Eye-Opening | Russia 2024
Beginner ebook city guides:
Havana, Cuba - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B86NCXHR
Buenos Aires, Argentina - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B11T7LMH
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09WQDQJ5C
Panama City, Panama - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SQCM9ZX
Guadalajara, Mexico - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NH5221M
Medellin, Colombia - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CLRMNF1
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CCRFBVZ
Guayaquil, Ecuador - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HPG7PZ2
SUPPORT - You can donate through Paypal:
Apartment in the video: Apart-hotel M97
I appreciate it.
- published: 08 Jun 2024
- views: 283812
What young Russians in Saint Petersburg think about Putin?
1420 is one of a kind in Russia, you can support the channel at the following links:
✨ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/issafourteentwenty
✨ Paypal: https://www...
1420 is one of a kind in Russia, you can support the channel at the following links:
✨ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/issafourteentwenty
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PayPal name: Daniil Orain
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🧢 1420 clothes and accessories: https://1420.clothing
0:00 - The reason this video is special.
0:14 - 1st person
0:50 - 2nd person
1:16 - 3rd person
1:35 - 4th person
2:01 - 5th person
2:30 - 6th person
2:41 - 3rd person (2)
3:19 - 7th ladies
4:19 - 8th person
4:56 - 9th person
5:32 - 8th person (2)
6:09 - 10th person
6:33 - 11th person
7:08 - 12th person
7:37 - 4th person (2)
8:25 - 13th person
9:32 - 7th ladies (2)
10:08 - 11th person (2)
10:57 - 7th ladies (3)
11:50 - 1420 by Daniil Orain
1420 is one of a kind in Russia, you can support the channel at the following links:
✨ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/issafourteentwenty
✨ Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/daniil1420
PayPal email:
[email protected]
PayPal name: Daniil Orain
✨ Buy Me A Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/1420
🪙 ETH: 0x1F7402dE513afDB5906a174eF22C7030D19651DF
🪙 BTC: bc1qvns4pkvcs6hzktpcnudvgz5sr06u7phwhej0cg
✉️ Business:
[email protected]
🧢 1420 clothes and accessories: https://1420.clothing
0:00 - The reason this video is special.
0:14 - 1st person
0:50 - 2nd person
1:16 - 3rd person
1:35 - 4th person
2:01 - 5th person
2:30 - 6th person
2:41 - 3rd person (2)
3:19 - 7th ladies
4:19 - 8th person
4:56 - 9th person
5:32 - 8th person (2)
6:09 - 10th person
6:33 - 11th person
7:08 - 12th person
7:37 - 4th person (2)
8:25 - 13th person
9:32 - 7th ladies (2)
10:08 - 11th person (2)
10:57 - 7th ladies (3)
11:50 - 1420 by Daniil Orain
- published: 10 Jan 2023
- views: 1641792
‘No way to describe it other than deadly’: St. Petersburg resident on riding out Milton
Dan Matics, a resident of St. Petersburg, Florida, joins José Díaz-Balart to share how Hurricane Milton has affected his community.
» Subscribe to MSNBC: https...
Dan Matics, a resident of St. Petersburg, Florida, joins José Díaz-Balart to share how Hurricane Milton has affected his community.
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#HurricaneMilton #Florida #Weather
Dan Matics, a resident of St. Petersburg, Florida, joins José Díaz-Balart to share how Hurricane Milton has affected his community.
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MSNBC delivers breaking news, in-depth analysis of politics headlines, as well as commentary and informed perspectives. Find video clips and segments from The Rachel Maddow Show, Morning Joe, The Beat with Ari Melber, Deadline: White House, The ReidOut, All In, Last Word, 11th Hour, and Alex Wagner who brings her breadth of reporting experience to MSNBC primetime. Watch “Alex Wagner Tonight” Tuesday through Friday at 9pm Eastern.
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#HurricaneMilton #Florida #Weather
- published: 10 Oct 2024
- views: 42310
Amtrak Tips And Tricks | Beginners Guide
Today I will share our Amtrak tips and tricks (beginners guide). This guide will help you as you plan for your first trip on Amtrak. This Amtrak travel guide will show you what it's like to sleep in coach class. We'll share dining options on Amtrak train. Rail travel is very popular right now, we'll share tips on Amtrak observation car, Amtrak overnight, sleeping on a train, Amtrak train, Amtrak cross country trip, Amtrak comfort, Amtrak cross country train travel. These tips are good on any of the trips we have been on including, Amtrak Crescent Line, Amtrak Sunset Limited, Amtrak Texas Eagle, Amtrak Coast Starlight, Amtrak Empire Builder and Amtrak California Zephyr.
(We use these everywhere we go)
KLOOK: https://www.klook.co...
published: 17 Aug 2020
Russia's Most Luxurious Train: The KRASNAYA STRELA
I took a ride on the Krasnaya Strela (Red Arrow) train - Russia's most luxurious train, and stayed in Stalin's Apartment at the Sovietskiy Hotel to find out what it's like to truly travel like an oligarch.
Russia's Bullet Train: SAPSAN First Class! https://youtu.be/9L2Dwy0HYmQ
OFFICIAL NOEL MERCH: www.noelphilips.com
published: 01 Aug 2021
Amtrak map USA: Understand America's train routes
Understand Amtrak routes and thruway connecting services across the USA. This video explains Amtrak's train routes, how to plan journeys and buy tickets, and where you can and can't go.
0:00 Amtrak maps overview/introduction
0:17 Amtrak map basics
1:24 Amtrak routes on the East Coast
2:26 NYC ⇆ Virginia Amtrak maps
2:45 NYC ⇆ North Carolina Amtrak maps
2:56 Amtrak's website and maps
3:13 Amtrak maps in the Northeast
3:52 Coast to coast on Amtrak (change in Chicago)
4:19 Gaps in the Amtrak route map
5:02 Amtrak's thruway connecting services
5:58 The joys of riding Amtrak
6:25 Amtrak website's various maps
6:57 Amtrak's Track-A-Train feature
7:31 Using Google Maps for Amtrak routes
8:07 Using Amtrak's website to plan thruway connections
8:34 Wrap-up
Amtrak PDF map: https://www.amtrak.com/c...
published: 01 May 2020
✈️ We created an app to help you save up to 80% on international flights! Try it risk free ➡️ https://faredrop.app/ytd_171007 ⬅️
Want to know all of the details about visas, booking your tickets, etc.? We created the Ultimate Guide to Riding the Trans-Siberian Railway! Read it here http://karaandnate.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-riding-the-trans-siberian-railway/
Our first day on the Trans-Siberian Railway was a success! The first leg of our journey is 74 hours long, and so far we are loving it. In this vlog we give a full tour of the First Class cabin!
***TRAVEL VLOG 418***
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Get a free MONTH trial using our link!
30 DAYS TO BECOMING A TRAVEL HACKER: http://learn.karaandnate.com/p/30-da...
published: 07 Oct 2017
CSX and Amtrak at Petersburg Station
Got lucky and saw five trains in about an hour.
published: 10 Feb 2017
CSX O701 in St. Petersburg w/ Drone Views!
CSX O701 does their work at Carrols Building Materials and the Tampa Bay Times in St. Pete, FL on the Clearwater Sub. First time I've caught them with all my equipment including the drone. The last shot is at the old St.Petersburg Amtrak Station.
published: 05 Apr 2020
Amtrak Northeast Regional #94 Full Ride From Norfolk, VA to Washington, D.C. [3-17-21]
Welcome aboard Amtrak Northeast Regional Train #94 the weekday train from Norfolk, VA to Boston South Station. Today we will only be traveling along the section of track between Norfolk and Washington, D.C. Our train today is led by a GE "Genesis" P42DC locomotive. Our stops along our journey will be Petersburg, Richmond-Staples Mill, Ashland, Fredericksburg, Quantico, and Alexandria all of which are in Virginia.
Unlike most Amtrak Northeast Regional services, all Amtrak trains (including Regionals) that continue south of Washington use diesel locomotives, since the overhead catenary ends at Washington Union Station. Amtrak service to Norfolk, VA is a fairly recent addition to its vast route network, with modern Northeast Regional service being added in December 2012. As of November 2021...
published: 06 Apr 2021
Amtrak 92 7/11/20 Petersburg VA
Amtrak train 92 the northbound Silver Star arrives and departs Petersburg Va 7/11/20
published: 15 Jul 2020
Amtrak Tips And Tricks | Beginners Guide
Today I will share our Amtrak tips and tricks (beginners guide). This guide will help you as you plan for your first trip on Amtrak. This Amtrak travel guide wi...
Today I will share our Amtrak tips and tricks (beginners guide). This guide will help you as you plan for your first trip on Amtrak. This Amtrak travel guide will show you what it's like to sleep in coach class. We'll share dining options on Amtrak train. Rail travel is very popular right now, we'll share tips on Amtrak observation car, Amtrak overnight, sleeping on a train, Amtrak train, Amtrak cross country trip, Amtrak comfort, Amtrak cross country train travel. These tips are good on any of the trips we have been on including, Amtrak Crescent Line, Amtrak Sunset Limited, Amtrak Texas Eagle, Amtrak Coast Starlight, Amtrak Empire Builder and Amtrak California Zephyr.
(We use these everywhere we go)
KLOOK: https://www.klook.com/?aid=14470
Portable charger: https://amzn.to/34xPeYN
Universal adapter: https://amzn.to/2yYNLz0
Travel hair dryer: https://amzn.to/3cemLJX
Toiletries bag: https://amzn.to/2yYoBR2
Cabin bag: https://amzn.to/2yef5Zs
Suitcase: https://amzn.to/3aaWRW1
Carry on backpack: https://amzn.to/2VqCcbl
Travel pillow: https://amzn.to/2y84mQp
Compression socks: https://amzn.to/2V3VCUp
Travel workout gear: https://amzn.to/3cdq7wU
Our Favorite Water bottle: https://amzn.to/2VuHMta
Elderberry: https://amzn.to/2XACY8i
Grapefruit Seed Extract: https://amzn.to/3cknMjF
Melatonin: https://amzn.to/2VlyUWQ
Small Travel Camera: https://amzn.to/2XHZtbn
Travel Blogging Light: https://amzn.to/3cgIotf
Gorilla Pod: https://amzn.to/2XxXIxx
DJI Pocket Osmo Cage: https://amzn.to/2VqDsez
DJI Pocket Osmo 4K Video Camera: https://amzn.to/2JZAeJN
DJI Stabilizing Gimbal for phone: https://amzn.to/3b7ZJVa
DJI Mavic Pro 2 Drone: https://amzn.to/34Hj1y4
WIX: https://wixstats.com/?a=35808&c=124&s1=
NORD VPN: https://www.jdoqocy.com/click-7044999-13609939
**Disclaimer: Grounded Life Travel is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to www.amazon.com. All opinions are our own, sponsors are acknowledged. Links in the description are typically affiliate links that let you help support the channel at no extra cost.
Today I will share our Amtrak tips and tricks (beginners guide). This guide will help you as you plan for your first trip on Amtrak. This Amtrak travel guide will show you what it's like to sleep in coach class. We'll share dining options on Amtrak train. Rail travel is very popular right now, we'll share tips on Amtrak observation car, Amtrak overnight, sleeping on a train, Amtrak train, Amtrak cross country trip, Amtrak comfort, Amtrak cross country train travel. These tips are good on any of the trips we have been on including, Amtrak Crescent Line, Amtrak Sunset Limited, Amtrak Texas Eagle, Amtrak Coast Starlight, Amtrak Empire Builder and Amtrak California Zephyr.
(We use these everywhere we go)
KLOOK: https://www.klook.com/?aid=14470
Portable charger: https://amzn.to/34xPeYN
Universal adapter: https://amzn.to/2yYNLz0
Travel hair dryer: https://amzn.to/3cemLJX
Toiletries bag: https://amzn.to/2yYoBR2
Cabin bag: https://amzn.to/2yef5Zs
Suitcase: https://amzn.to/3aaWRW1
Carry on backpack: https://amzn.to/2VqCcbl
Travel pillow: https://amzn.to/2y84mQp
Compression socks: https://amzn.to/2V3VCUp
Travel workout gear: https://amzn.to/3cdq7wU
Our Favorite Water bottle: https://amzn.to/2VuHMta
Elderberry: https://amzn.to/2XACY8i
Grapefruit Seed Extract: https://amzn.to/3cknMjF
Melatonin: https://amzn.to/2VlyUWQ
Small Travel Camera: https://amzn.to/2XHZtbn
Travel Blogging Light: https://amzn.to/3cgIotf
Gorilla Pod: https://amzn.to/2XxXIxx
DJI Pocket Osmo Cage: https://amzn.to/2VqDsez
DJI Pocket Osmo 4K Video Camera: https://amzn.to/2JZAeJN
DJI Stabilizing Gimbal for phone: https://amzn.to/3b7ZJVa
DJI Mavic Pro 2 Drone: https://amzn.to/34Hj1y4
WIX: https://wixstats.com/?a=35808&c=124&s1=
NORD VPN: https://www.jdoqocy.com/click-7044999-13609939
**Disclaimer: Grounded Life Travel is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to www.amazon.com. All opinions are our own, sponsors are acknowledged. Links in the description are typically affiliate links that let you help support the channel at no extra cost.
- published: 17 Aug 2020
- views: 775387
Russia's Most Luxurious Train: The KRASNAYA STRELA
I took a ride on the Krasnaya Strela (Red Arrow) train - Russia's most luxurious train, and stayed in Stalin's Apartment at the Sovietskiy Hotel to find out wha...
I took a ride on the Krasnaya Strela (Red Arrow) train - Russia's most luxurious train, and stayed in Stalin's Apartment at the Sovietskiy Hotel to find out what it's like to truly travel like an oligarch.
Russia's Bullet Train: SAPSAN First Class! https://youtu.be/9L2Dwy0HYmQ
OFFICIAL NOEL MERCH: www.noelphilips.com
I took a ride on the Krasnaya Strela (Red Arrow) train - Russia's most luxurious train, and stayed in Stalin's Apartment at the Sovietskiy Hotel to find out what it's like to truly travel like an oligarch.
Russia's Bullet Train: SAPSAN First Class! https://youtu.be/9L2Dwy0HYmQ
OFFICIAL NOEL MERCH: www.noelphilips.com
- published: 01 Aug 2021
- views: 1157131
Amtrak map USA: Understand America's train routes
Understand Amtrak routes and thruway connecting services across the USA. This video explains Amtrak's train routes, how to plan journeys and buy tickets, and wh...
Understand Amtrak routes and thruway connecting services across the USA. This video explains Amtrak's train routes, how to plan journeys and buy tickets, and where you can and can't go.
0:00 Amtrak maps overview/introduction
0:17 Amtrak map basics
1:24 Amtrak routes on the East Coast
2:26 NYC ⇆ Virginia Amtrak maps
2:45 NYC ⇆ North Carolina Amtrak maps
2:56 Amtrak's website and maps
3:13 Amtrak maps in the Northeast
3:52 Coast to coast on Amtrak (change in Chicago)
4:19 Gaps in the Amtrak route map
5:02 Amtrak's thruway connecting services
5:58 The joys of riding Amtrak
6:25 Amtrak website's various maps
6:57 Amtrak's Track-A-Train feature
7:31 Using Google Maps for Amtrak routes
8:07 Using Amtrak's website to plan thruway connections
8:34 Wrap-up
Amtrak PDF map: https://www.amtrak.com/content/dam/projects/dotcom/english/public/documents/Maps/Amtrak-System-Map-1018.pdf
Amtrak interactive map: https://www.amtrak.com/plan-your-trip.html
Amtrak Track a Train tool: https://www.amtrak.com/track-your-train.html
So where exactly do Amtrak trains go in the United States? This video is an in-depth look at where Amtrak can take you, and how you can use Amtrak and its connecting services to get around America.
To get around America and travel between the cities on this map, sometimes it’s a single ride on one train and sometimes it isn’t. Most importantly, there’s no coast-to-coast service. So if you want to travel from, say, New York to Los Angeles, you’ll have to transfer. Most transfers between the east and the west part of the country are done in Chicago, which is a major Amtrak hub. You can also transfer in New Orleans.
The best way to figure out exactly how to get from place to place on Amtrak is to let them decide. When you buy tickets on the Amtrak website, you just put in your starting and ending points and it will give you whatever options there are. Often there aren’t really as many options as you’d think, assuming you want as few transfers as possible. For example, despite all the Amtrak lines in the northeast, there’s only one direct route between Boston and Chicago, and only two between New York and Chicago.
Speaking of the northeast, this is arguably the best-served area of the United States. Compared to other parts of the country, quite a few shorter and more specialized routes exist here. So you can take the Keystone Service between New York and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; or the Pennsylvanian between New York and Pittsburgh. The Downeaster goes between Boston and Brunswick, Maine. From New York, the Adirondack and Maple Leaf take you to Montreal and Toronto, respectively. So, if you’re traveling around the northeast on Amtrak, you’re fairly well covered.
What if you want to go from Washington DC to Denver? In this case you’ll need two trains, either the Cardinal or the Capitol Limited to Chicago, and then the California Zephyr to Denver.
Now, while there are a lot of major and some not-so-major cities on this map, and thus ways to travel between them on Amtrak, there are obviously some gaps. We already saw how Amtrak doesn’t even enter Wyoming or South Dakota at all, and other states like New Hampshire, Tennessee, and Delaware just barely. And what about major destinations Amtrak *does* go, like Atlanta? Only one route passes through Atlanta, the Crescent. That means there’s no easy way to get between Atlanta and… Chicago, or Florida, or Nashville. New Orleans and Washington DC, those are pretty much your only options from Atlanta. In fact Amtrak doesn’t go anywhere near Nashville. Nor does it go to Phoenix, or Las Vegas, or Boise or Twin Falls, or Augusta Maine. And on and on.
The good news is that Amtrak partners with various transportation services, usually buses, around the country to provide access to many more destinations. This map, which is on the Amtrak website, shows these connecting routes in green. Amtrak calls them Thruway services. This is how you can fill in a lot of the gaps in Amtrak’s main train routes, and get to Las Vegas, or to Phoenix, or Montgomery
Alabama, or Sarasota, or Nashville, or way up through Wisconsin and Michigan. This is how you explore more of Oregon and Colorado, and Kentucky and Ohio… and yes, how you can use Amtrak to move around the great state of Wyoming.
See you on the rails!
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Understand Amtrak routes and thruway connecting services across the USA. This video explains Amtrak's train routes, how to plan journeys and buy tickets, and where you can and can't go.
0:00 Amtrak maps overview/introduction
0:17 Amtrak map basics
1:24 Amtrak routes on the East Coast
2:26 NYC ⇆ Virginia Amtrak maps
2:45 NYC ⇆ North Carolina Amtrak maps
2:56 Amtrak's website and maps
3:13 Amtrak maps in the Northeast
3:52 Coast to coast on Amtrak (change in Chicago)
4:19 Gaps in the Amtrak route map
5:02 Amtrak's thruway connecting services
5:58 The joys of riding Amtrak
6:25 Amtrak website's various maps
6:57 Amtrak's Track-A-Train feature
7:31 Using Google Maps for Amtrak routes
8:07 Using Amtrak's website to plan thruway connections
8:34 Wrap-up
Amtrak PDF map: https://www.amtrak.com/content/dam/projects/dotcom/english/public/documents/Maps/Amtrak-System-Map-1018.pdf
Amtrak interactive map: https://www.amtrak.com/plan-your-trip.html
Amtrak Track a Train tool: https://www.amtrak.com/track-your-train.html
So where exactly do Amtrak trains go in the United States? This video is an in-depth look at where Amtrak can take you, and how you can use Amtrak and its connecting services to get around America.
To get around America and travel between the cities on this map, sometimes it’s a single ride on one train and sometimes it isn’t. Most importantly, there’s no coast-to-coast service. So if you want to travel from, say, New York to Los Angeles, you’ll have to transfer. Most transfers between the east and the west part of the country are done in Chicago, which is a major Amtrak hub. You can also transfer in New Orleans.
The best way to figure out exactly how to get from place to place on Amtrak is to let them decide. When you buy tickets on the Amtrak website, you just put in your starting and ending points and it will give you whatever options there are. Often there aren’t really as many options as you’d think, assuming you want as few transfers as possible. For example, despite all the Amtrak lines in the northeast, there’s only one direct route between Boston and Chicago, and only two between New York and Chicago.
Speaking of the northeast, this is arguably the best-served area of the United States. Compared to other parts of the country, quite a few shorter and more specialized routes exist here. So you can take the Keystone Service between New York and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania; or the Pennsylvanian between New York and Pittsburgh. The Downeaster goes between Boston and Brunswick, Maine. From New York, the Adirondack and Maple Leaf take you to Montreal and Toronto, respectively. So, if you’re traveling around the northeast on Amtrak, you’re fairly well covered.
What if you want to go from Washington DC to Denver? In this case you’ll need two trains, either the Cardinal or the Capitol Limited to Chicago, and then the California Zephyr to Denver.
Now, while there are a lot of major and some not-so-major cities on this map, and thus ways to travel between them on Amtrak, there are obviously some gaps. We already saw how Amtrak doesn’t even enter Wyoming or South Dakota at all, and other states like New Hampshire, Tennessee, and Delaware just barely. And what about major destinations Amtrak *does* go, like Atlanta? Only one route passes through Atlanta, the Crescent. That means there’s no easy way to get between Atlanta and… Chicago, or Florida, or Nashville. New Orleans and Washington DC, those are pretty much your only options from Atlanta. In fact Amtrak doesn’t go anywhere near Nashville. Nor does it go to Phoenix, or Las Vegas, or Boise or Twin Falls, or Augusta Maine. And on and on.
The good news is that Amtrak partners with various transportation services, usually buses, around the country to provide access to many more destinations. This map, which is on the Amtrak website, shows these connecting routes in green. Amtrak calls them Thruway services. This is how you can fill in a lot of the gaps in Amtrak’s main train routes, and get to Las Vegas, or to Phoenix, or Montgomery
Alabama, or Sarasota, or Nashville, or way up through Wisconsin and Michigan. This is how you explore more of Oregon and Colorado, and Kentucky and Ohio… and yes, how you can use Amtrak to move around the great state of Wyoming.
See you on the rails!
🗺️ EXTENDED AD-FREE VERSIONS → https://patreon.com/t1dwanderer
Support this channel on Patreon to get access to all my full-length YouTube videos, past, present, and future. Extended videos have no ads. See full list of perks and support tiers on Patreon. All earnings go toward building this channel.
🗺️ FREE NEWSLETTER → https://patreon.com/t1dwanderer
Follow me on Patreon (for free) to get my weekly newsletter, which features behind-the-scenes info, travel stories, and links to new YouTube videos before they're public.
- published: 01 May 2020
- views: 1313631
✈️ We created an app to help you save up to 80% on international flights! Try it risk free ➡️ https://faredrop.app/ytd_171007 ⬅️
Want to know all of the det...
✈️ We created an app to help you save up to 80% on international flights! Try it risk free ➡️ https://faredrop.app/ytd_171007 ⬅️
Want to know all of the details about visas, booking your tickets, etc.? We created the Ultimate Guide to Riding the Trans-Siberian Railway! Read it here http://karaandnate.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-riding-the-trans-siberian-railway/
Our first day on the Trans-Siberian Railway was a success! The first leg of our journey is 74 hours long, and so far we are loving it. In this vlog we give a full tour of the First Class cabin!
***TRAVEL VLOG 418***
MUSIC - “Gloom” from Epidemic Sound http://share.epidemicsound.com/karaandnate
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Our gear backpacks: http://bit.ly/wandrd_prvke31
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Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, we got married June 2013 and quickly caught the travel bug! We started traveling full-time January 10, 2016. While daily vlogging was not the original plan, we were having way too many cool experiences not to share every single day! Now travel vlogging is our full-time gig and we feel like we have the greatest job in the world! We are incredibly thankful to do something we love every day. :)
✈️ We created an app to help you save up to 80% on international flights! Try it risk free ➡️ https://faredrop.app/ytd_171007 ⬅️
Want to know all of the details about visas, booking your tickets, etc.? We created the Ultimate Guide to Riding the Trans-Siberian Railway! Read it here http://karaandnate.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-riding-the-trans-siberian-railway/
Our first day on the Trans-Siberian Railway was a success! The first leg of our journey is 74 hours long, and so far we are loving it. In this vlog we give a full tour of the First Class cabin!
***TRAVEL VLOG 418***
MUSIC - “Gloom” from Epidemic Sound http://share.epidemicsound.com/karaandnate
Get a free MONTH trial using our link!
30 DAYS TO BECOMING A TRAVEL HACKER: http://learn.karaandnate.com/p/30-days-to-becoming-a-travel-hacker/
http://karaandnate.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-lounge-access/ It’s free :)
Learn more about becoming a Patron! https://www.patreon.com/karaandnate
Get $40 off your first AirBnB through our link!:
Our current camera setup: https://karaandnate.com/travel-vlogging-gear/
Our suitcases: http://awaytravel.com/karaandnate
Our gear backpacks: http://bit.ly/wandrd_prvke31
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KEEP US ON THE ROAD: http://karaandnate.com/keep-us-on-the-road/
CHECK OUT OUR PACKING LIST: http://karaandnate.com/travel-essentials/
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TWITTER: @karaandnate https://twitter.com/karaandnate
Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, we got married June 2013 and quickly caught the travel bug! We started traveling full-time January 10, 2016. While daily vlogging was not the original plan, we were having way too many cool experiences not to share every single day! Now travel vlogging is our full-time gig and we feel like we have the greatest job in the world! We are incredibly thankful to do something we love every day. :)
- published: 07 Oct 2017
- views: 4672123
CSX O701 in St. Petersburg w/ Drone Views!
CSX O701 does their work at Carrols Building Materials and the Tampa Bay Times in St. Pete, FL on the Clearwater Sub. First time I've caught them with all my eq...
CSX O701 does their work at Carrols Building Materials and the Tampa Bay Times in St. Pete, FL on the Clearwater Sub. First time I've caught them with all my equipment including the drone. The last shot is at the old St.Petersburg Amtrak Station.
CSX O701 does their work at Carrols Building Materials and the Tampa Bay Times in St. Pete, FL on the Clearwater Sub. First time I've caught them with all my equipment including the drone. The last shot is at the old St.Petersburg Amtrak Station.
- published: 05 Apr 2020
- views: 756
Amtrak Northeast Regional #94 Full Ride From Norfolk, VA to Washington, D.C. [3-17-21]
Welcome aboard Amtrak Northeast Regional Train #94 the weekday train from Norfolk, VA to Boston South Station. Today we will only be traveling along the section...
Welcome aboard Amtrak Northeast Regional Train #94 the weekday train from Norfolk, VA to Boston South Station. Today we will only be traveling along the section of track between Norfolk and Washington, D.C. Our train today is led by a GE "Genesis" P42DC locomotive. Our stops along our journey will be Petersburg, Richmond-Staples Mill, Ashland, Fredericksburg, Quantico, and Alexandria all of which are in Virginia.
Unlike most Amtrak Northeast Regional services, all Amtrak trains (including Regionals) that continue south of Washington use diesel locomotives, since the overhead catenary ends at Washington Union Station. Amtrak service to Norfolk, VA is a fairly recent addition to its vast route network, with modern Northeast Regional service being added in December 2012. As of November 2021, there are various Northeast Regional trains that originate in Norfolk that terminate in either New York, Boston, or Springfield and vice-versa. All of Amtrak's Northeast Regional services to/from Virginia are unique in the sense that they operate solely over trackage owned by CSX and NS, two of the largest freight railroads in the U.S. Midwest and East Coast. Specifically in this video, most of the route between Washington and Norfolk is owned by CSX, which owns all of the trackage until just South of Petersburg. The CSX lines that Amtrak utilizes from Washington to Petersburg are the RF&P Subdivision (DC-Richmond) and the North End Subdivision (Richmond-Petersburg). Just south of Petersburg, where most Amtrak trains heading to the South continue towards North Carolina, is where Northeast Regional Trains to/from Norfolk either leave or join the CSX North End Subdivision to join or leave the Norfolk District, a railroad line owned by NS that carries both Amtrak and NS traffic into Norfolk.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the sights and sounds of the journey! :)
Additional Information:
Recording Date: March 17, 2021
Editing Software: Sony Vegas Pro 18
Leading Locomotive: GE "Genesis" P42DC
Train Number: 94
Service Class: Coach
Trip Booked: December 2020
Departure Station: Norfolk, VA
Arrival Station: Washington, D.C., Union Station
Departure Time: 9:00 AM EST
Arrival Time: 1:28 PM EST
Scheduled Travel Time: 4 Hours 28 Minutes
Track Owners: CSX, NS
Railroad Lines Used: RF&P Sub (CSX), North End Sub (CSX), Norfolk District (NS)
Maximum Operating Speed: 79 MPH (127 km/h)
Welcome aboard Amtrak Northeast Regional Train #94 the weekday train from Norfolk, VA to Boston South Station. Today we will only be traveling along the section of track between Norfolk and Washington, D.C. Our train today is led by a GE "Genesis" P42DC locomotive. Our stops along our journey will be Petersburg, Richmond-Staples Mill, Ashland, Fredericksburg, Quantico, and Alexandria all of which are in Virginia.
Unlike most Amtrak Northeast Regional services, all Amtrak trains (including Regionals) that continue south of Washington use diesel locomotives, since the overhead catenary ends at Washington Union Station. Amtrak service to Norfolk, VA is a fairly recent addition to its vast route network, with modern Northeast Regional service being added in December 2012. As of November 2021, there are various Northeast Regional trains that originate in Norfolk that terminate in either New York, Boston, or Springfield and vice-versa. All of Amtrak's Northeast Regional services to/from Virginia are unique in the sense that they operate solely over trackage owned by CSX and NS, two of the largest freight railroads in the U.S. Midwest and East Coast. Specifically in this video, most of the route between Washington and Norfolk is owned by CSX, which owns all of the trackage until just South of Petersburg. The CSX lines that Amtrak utilizes from Washington to Petersburg are the RF&P Subdivision (DC-Richmond) and the North End Subdivision (Richmond-Petersburg). Just south of Petersburg, where most Amtrak trains heading to the South continue towards North Carolina, is where Northeast Regional Trains to/from Norfolk either leave or join the CSX North End Subdivision to join or leave the Norfolk District, a railroad line owned by NS that carries both Amtrak and NS traffic into Norfolk.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy the sights and sounds of the journey! :)
Additional Information:
Recording Date: March 17, 2021
Editing Software: Sony Vegas Pro 18
Leading Locomotive: GE "Genesis" P42DC
Train Number: 94
Service Class: Coach
Trip Booked: December 2020
Departure Station: Norfolk, VA
Arrival Station: Washington, D.C., Union Station
Departure Time: 9:00 AM EST
Arrival Time: 1:28 PM EST
Scheduled Travel Time: 4 Hours 28 Minutes
Track Owners: CSX, NS
Railroad Lines Used: RF&P Sub (CSX), North End Sub (CSX), Norfolk District (NS)
Maximum Operating Speed: 79 MPH (127 km/h)
- published: 06 Apr 2021
- views: 30450
Amtrak 92 7/11/20 Petersburg VA
Amtrak train 92 the northbound Silver Star arrives and departs Petersburg Va 7/11/20
Amtrak train 92 the northbound Silver Star arrives and departs Petersburg Va 7/11/20
Amtrak train 92 the northbound Silver Star arrives and departs Petersburg Va 7/11/20
- published: 15 Jul 2020
- views: 129