Slipstream - Zeitreise Sience Fiction Spielfilm (USA / 2005 )
Slipstream - Zeitreise Sience Fiction Spielfilm (USA / 2005 )
Ein phantasievoller Film um Zeitreisen und wie man damit im Film umgeht...
Die Handlung ist wie folgt:
Stuart Conway hat an der Berkeley University in dem Fachgebiet Theoretische Physik promoviert und wurde vom US-Militär engagiert, um an der militärischen Anwendung der String-Theorie zu arbeiten. Da er nach fünf Jahren noch keine Ergebnisse vorweisen konnte und aufgrund seiner Unfähigkeit im Umgang mit Menschen alle Kollegen verprellt hatte, kürzte man ihm die Forschungsgelder und zog ihn von seiner Stelle ab. Daraufhin entwendet er heimlich den Prototyp eines Slipstream genannten Handgeräts, das Zeitreisen möglich machen soll. Nach den bisherigen Tests waren jedoch immer nur Reisen in die Vergangenheit bis maximal zehn M...
published: 23 Apr 2021
5 Weirdest Genres of Fiction — Weird Fiction Month
Subscribe! ➤ http://tinyurl.com/ho9cl6s
Ready to feel simultaneously confused and inspired? Are you looking for someone to wring your creativity for every ounce of originality it can muster? Good. Because we know five different types of fiction that'll do that for you.
Join us as we break down Steampunk, Fantastique, Slipstream, Bizarro, and Weird fiction.
Let's get weird.
Join the community for discussion and daily posts!
Facebook ➤ http://www.facebook.com/TaleFoundry
Twitter ➤ http://www.twitter.com/TheTaleFoundry
Tumblr ➤ http://www.TaleFoundry.tumblr.com
▬▬▬▬ What is Tale Foundry? ▬▬▬▬
Welcome to Tale Foundry! The only place on Youtube (or perhaps the internet, if we want to be bold here) where you not only get to hear a new short story every month, but you get a look at all t...
published: 30 May 2016
Slipstream (1989)
Slipstream (1989). In the near future, where Earth has been devastated by natural disasters, and giant winds rule the planet, bounty hunter Matt kidnaps a murderer out of the hands of two police officers, planning to get the bounty himself. These in turn try to hunt the two men down—in the Slipstream. Filmed in Turkey with all sorts of weird aircraft, this is an imaginative Sci-Fi movie with a different kind of Skywalker. Starring Bob Peck, Mark Hamill, Bill Paxton and Kitty Aldridge.
Want to watch your favorite retro movies on DVD? Click here https://www.adventuresunlimitedpress.com/products.php?cat=47
See more Retro Movies at http://retrodrive-in.com/
published: 14 Aug 2020
Slipstream | Mark Hamill, Bill Paxton, Ben Kingsley (1989) Action, Sci-Fi - Full Movie
For More Great Videos Subscribe 👉 https://bit.ly/3M0OBe8
In a futuristic world savaged by the slipstream wind, bounty hunter Matt snatches a murderer with a price of his head from lawman Will Tasker.
Slipstream is a 1989 science fiction film directed by Steven Lisberger, who had previously directed the cult classic 1982 science fiction film Tron. It was produced by Gary Kurtz, best known for his collaboration with George Lucas on the first two Star Wars films and American Graffiti.
Slipstream reunited Kurtz with his Star Wars lead Mark Hamill, who features alongside Bill Paxton, Bob Peck and Kitty Aldridge, with cameo appearances from Robbie Coltrane, Ben Kingsley and F. Murray Abraham.
published: 19 Jul 2022
BBC Radio Drama - Slipstream - by Simon Bovey (2008)
This wartime tale tells of a British commando raid on a German experimental aircraft development site, following reports of a new German aircraft capable of fantastic speeds, which shot down 150 Allied bombers during a bombing mission. It is described as silver and disc-shaped: have the Nazis built a flying saucer?
Major Bill Barton: Tim McMullan
Flugkapitän Jürgen Rahl: Rory Kinnear
Dr. Kate Ritchie: Joannah Tincey
Lt. Dundas: Ben Crowe
Teazle: Sam Pamphilon
Frau Schenk: Rachel Atkins
Voice of Slipstream: Laura Molyneaux
Brigadier Erskine: Peter Marinker
published: 01 Feb 2023
Human Beings Go To Space To Mine, Accidentally Awakening The Monster There!
published: 07 Dec 2022
Slipstream (science fiction) | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:20 1 Usage in iStar Trek/i
00:03:02 2 Usage in iAndromeda/i
00:03:21 2.1 Function
00:04:39 2.2 Limits of slipstream
00:05:27 3 Usage in iDoctor Who/i
00:05:51 4 Usage in iHalo/i
00:06:38 4.1 Slipspace
00:11:47 4.2 Function
00:12:54 4.3 Limitations
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available ...
published: 27 Mar 2019
Sci-fi Saturday Night presents: Slipstream by Simon Bevoy
Sci-fi Saturday Night presents: Slipstream by Simon Bevoy
Sci-fi adventure series set during World War II written by Simon Bevoy
published: 01 Apr 2023
Slipstream is a 1989 science fiction film directed by Steven Lisberger, who had previously directed the cult classic 1982 science fiction film Tron. It was produced by Gary Kurtz, best known for his collaboration with George Lucas on the first two Star Wars films and American Graffiti. Slipstream reunited Kurtz with his Star Wars lead Mark Hamill, who features alongside Bill Paxton, Bob Peck, and Kitty Aldridge, with cameo appearances from Robbie Coltrane, Ben Kingsley, and F. Murray Abraham.
published: 24 Oct 2021
Bad Movie Review: Slipstream (Starring Mark Hamill & Bill Paxton)
The world we know has been changed. Not by man, but by nature itself. We review Mark Hammill's sci-fi come back movie Slipstream (1989)
You can now support Dark Corners on Patreon and see our uncensored reviews: www.patreon.com/darkcorners
Buy on Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3buynIr USA: https://amzn.to/2IYdJEF
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/RvhRdc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarkCorners3 @DarkCorners3
Summary: In the future, natural disasters (earthquakes, floods) have ravaged Earth, leaving a world where pockets of communities live within canyons while a violent wind known as the "slipsteam" is the only means of transport, via airplanes. Matt Owens is a nomadic adventurer who kidnaps a prisoner ("Byron") of two violent law officers so he can claim the bounty for himself. Traveling acr...
published: 30 Mar 2020
Slipstream - Zeitreise Sience Fiction Spielfilm (USA / 2005 )
Slipstream - Zeitreise Sience Fiction Spielfilm (USA / 2005 )
Ein phantasievoller Film um Zeitreisen und wie man damit im Film umgeht...
Die Handlung ist ...
Slipstream - Zeitreise Sience Fiction Spielfilm (USA / 2005 )
Ein phantasievoller Film um Zeitreisen und wie man damit im Film umgeht...
Die Handlung ist wie folgt:
Stuart Conway hat an der Berkeley University in dem Fachgebiet Theoretische Physik promoviert und wurde vom US-Militär engagiert, um an der militärischen Anwendung der String-Theorie zu arbeiten. Da er nach fünf Jahren noch keine Ergebnisse vorweisen konnte und aufgrund seiner Unfähigkeit im Umgang mit Menschen alle Kollegen verprellt hatte, kürzte man ihm die Forschungsgelder und zog ihn von seiner Stelle ab. Daraufhin entwendet er heimlich den Prototyp eines Slipstream genannten Handgeräts, das Zeitreisen möglich machen soll. Nach den bisherigen Tests waren jedoch immer nur Reisen in die Vergangenheit bis maximal zehn Minuten möglich. Er will das Gerät erstmals selber in einer Filiale der Gateway Bank austesten. Dort versucht er eine Verabredung mit der Bank-Kassiererin Margaret zu erreichen, auf die er ein Auge geworfen hatte. Aufgrund seiner mangelhaften Sozialkompetenz verärgert er jedoch die Frau mit seinen plumpen Anmachsprüchen. Als er nun seinen Gehaltsscheck mit der Zeitmaschine mehrmals hintereinander einlösen will, wird die Filiale von einer Gruppe Bankräubern unter der Führung von Winston Briggs überfallen. Die FBI-Agentin Sarah Tanner, die sich zusammen mit ihrem Partner Jake zwecks Beschattung von Stuart Conway ebenfalls in der Schalterhalle befindet, tritt den Gangstern mit gezogener Waffe entgegen. Die gespannte Situation eskaliert zur wilden Schießerei, als Stuart die Bankräuber mit piependen Geräuschen aus seiner Zeitmaschine irritiert. Der Physiker wird lebensgefährlich angeschossen und bittet Sarah für ihn das Gerät in die Hand zu nehmen und es zu starten. Beide reisen gemeinsam wenige Minuten in die Vergangenheit bis kurz vor dem Überfall. Sarah begreift schnell, was geschehen ist, und versucht mit ihrem Wissen über die kommenden Ereignisse den Überfall zu vereiteln. Das Wissen über die begangenen Zeitsprung haben nach diesem nur Personen, die das Gerät und damit verbundene Menschen berührt haben. Nun stiehlt Winston das Gerät und erschießt auf der Flucht Sarahs Partner Jake...
Sience Fiction Nostalgie der 2000er Jahre
Einfach zurücklehnen, entspannen und zusehen.... Unterhaltung für den spannenden Sience Fictionabend...
Eventuell werden wegen Urheberecht eventuell leider einige Szenen von YouTube stumm geschaltet odergeschnitten.
Egal. Der komplette Ausschnitt kann gerne auf Wunsch unter uns Sammler getauscht werden. Weitere Audio und Videoschätze sind in Vorbereitung und werden Stück für Stück eingestellt, damit diese vielen schönen Erinnerungen nicht in vergessenen Archiven verstauben.
Ihr werdet staunen was alles schönes erhalten geblieben ist.
Wenn es euch gefällt, abonniert doch einfach diesen Kanal, bewertet ihn und schreibt euren Kommentar. Kritik, Verbesserungsvorschläge oder Wünsche, alles ist hoch willkommen... ich wünsche auf jeden Fall, viel Freude beim Hören und Sehen dieses Videos in Erinnerung an längst vergangenen Zeiten und Aktuelles.
Seht auch weitere historische Videoclips von Super 8 und 8mm Schmalfilme aus den 50 bis 90er Jahre unter YouTube Kanal "antikcinemashop" und auch www.schmalfilmschaetze.de.
Slipstream - Zeitreise Sience Fiction Spielfilm (USA / 2005 )
Slipstream - Zeitreise Sience Fiction Spielfilm (USA / 2005 )
Ein phantasievoller Film um Zeitreisen und wie man damit im Film umgeht...
Die Handlung ist wie folgt:
Stuart Conway hat an der Berkeley University in dem Fachgebiet Theoretische Physik promoviert und wurde vom US-Militär engagiert, um an der militärischen Anwendung der String-Theorie zu arbeiten. Da er nach fünf Jahren noch keine Ergebnisse vorweisen konnte und aufgrund seiner Unfähigkeit im Umgang mit Menschen alle Kollegen verprellt hatte, kürzte man ihm die Forschungsgelder und zog ihn von seiner Stelle ab. Daraufhin entwendet er heimlich den Prototyp eines Slipstream genannten Handgeräts, das Zeitreisen möglich machen soll. Nach den bisherigen Tests waren jedoch immer nur Reisen in die Vergangenheit bis maximal zehn Minuten möglich. Er will das Gerät erstmals selber in einer Filiale der Gateway Bank austesten. Dort versucht er eine Verabredung mit der Bank-Kassiererin Margaret zu erreichen, auf die er ein Auge geworfen hatte. Aufgrund seiner mangelhaften Sozialkompetenz verärgert er jedoch die Frau mit seinen plumpen Anmachsprüchen. Als er nun seinen Gehaltsscheck mit der Zeitmaschine mehrmals hintereinander einlösen will, wird die Filiale von einer Gruppe Bankräubern unter der Führung von Winston Briggs überfallen. Die FBI-Agentin Sarah Tanner, die sich zusammen mit ihrem Partner Jake zwecks Beschattung von Stuart Conway ebenfalls in der Schalterhalle befindet, tritt den Gangstern mit gezogener Waffe entgegen. Die gespannte Situation eskaliert zur wilden Schießerei, als Stuart die Bankräuber mit piependen Geräuschen aus seiner Zeitmaschine irritiert. Der Physiker wird lebensgefährlich angeschossen und bittet Sarah für ihn das Gerät in die Hand zu nehmen und es zu starten. Beide reisen gemeinsam wenige Minuten in die Vergangenheit bis kurz vor dem Überfall. Sarah begreift schnell, was geschehen ist, und versucht mit ihrem Wissen über die kommenden Ereignisse den Überfall zu vereiteln. Das Wissen über die begangenen Zeitsprung haben nach diesem nur Personen, die das Gerät und damit verbundene Menschen berührt haben. Nun stiehlt Winston das Gerät und erschießt auf der Flucht Sarahs Partner Jake...
Sience Fiction Nostalgie der 2000er Jahre
Einfach zurücklehnen, entspannen und zusehen.... Unterhaltung für den spannenden Sience Fictionabend...
Eventuell werden wegen Urheberecht eventuell leider einige Szenen von YouTube stumm geschaltet odergeschnitten.
Egal. Der komplette Ausschnitt kann gerne auf Wunsch unter uns Sammler getauscht werden. Weitere Audio und Videoschätze sind in Vorbereitung und werden Stück für Stück eingestellt, damit diese vielen schönen Erinnerungen nicht in vergessenen Archiven verstauben.
Ihr werdet staunen was alles schönes erhalten geblieben ist.
Wenn es euch gefällt, abonniert doch einfach diesen Kanal, bewertet ihn und schreibt euren Kommentar. Kritik, Verbesserungsvorschläge oder Wünsche, alles ist hoch willkommen... ich wünsche auf jeden Fall, viel Freude beim Hören und Sehen dieses Videos in Erinnerung an längst vergangenen Zeiten und Aktuelles.
Seht auch weitere historische Videoclips von Super 8 und 8mm Schmalfilme aus den 50 bis 90er Jahre unter YouTube Kanal "antikcinemashop" und auch www.schmalfilmschaetze.de.
Slipstream - Zeitreise Sience Fiction Spielfilm (USA / 2005 )
- published: 23 Apr 2021
- views: 25526
5 Weirdest Genres of Fiction — Weird Fiction Month
Subscribe! ➤ http://tinyurl.com/ho9cl6s
Ready to feel simultaneously confused and inspired? Are you looking for someone to wring your creativity for every ounc...
Subscribe! ➤ http://tinyurl.com/ho9cl6s
Ready to feel simultaneously confused and inspired? Are you looking for someone to wring your creativity for every ounce of originality it can muster? Good. Because we know five different types of fiction that'll do that for you.
Join us as we break down Steampunk, Fantastique, Slipstream, Bizarro, and Weird fiction.
Let's get weird.
Join the community for discussion and daily posts!
Facebook ➤ http://www.facebook.com/TaleFoundry
Twitter ➤ http://www.twitter.com/TheTaleFoundry
Tumblr ➤ http://www.TaleFoundry.tumblr.com
▬▬▬▬ What is Tale Foundry? ▬▬▬▬
Welcome to Tale Foundry! The only place on Youtube (or perhaps the internet, if we want to be bold here) where you not only get to hear a new short story every month, but you get a look at all the ideas and inspiration that goes into them!
Our real goal is to educate, inspire, and encourage you to share the stories in your head with the world. This is a place for storytellers, writers, and nerds who like to make stuff up.
Share your ideas with us; give us feedback on our stories; let us know what inspires you! Anything creative is welcome.
We look forward to seeing you around~
▬▬▬▬ Daily Posts and Other Stuff ▬▬▬▬
•Something Interesting — Almost every day, we post an informational/inspirational blurb related to our monthly theme. You can see them on any of our social media sites, listed above.
•Q&A — You can ask Talebot and the Taleoids questions anonymously (or with your Tumblr account) here: http://talefoundry.tumblr.com/ask
•Fan stories — Coming soon
•Voting — Every other month we let the community choose which subject they want us to cover next by hosting a poll on our social media sites, listed above. We may also use these polls to ask for opinions and suggestions for upcoming stories, so keep an eye out!
▬▬▬▬ Past Themes ▬▬▬▬
Game of Thrones Month (April 2016) — https://goo.gl/I7uqeq
Celtic Folklore Month (March 2016) — https://goo.gl/iaP1sy
▬▬▬▬ Friends and Affiliates ▬▬▬▬
Because Geek (Game of Thrones videos) — https://goo.gl/yIiLGK
Red Team Review (Game of Thrones videos) — https://goo.gl/NMAFng
▬▬▬▬ Credit/Attributions ▬▬▬▬
The following resources were used fairly under Creative Commons:
—“Ghost Piano,” by Namfoodle on Soundcloud.com
—"Gone Beyond," "Sleep Away," and "Danse Morialta" by Kevin Macleod on Incompetech.com
—“What Do You Mean it Started Up and Walked Away?” by ReadWryt on Soundcloud.com
—“Fantasy Landscape,” by Federico Ferrandina on Soundcloud.com
—“Monster Sounds” by Kristoffer Sandstrom
•Video Footage:
—“Luminous Matter” by Andrew Fernandes
—“Contemporal 2013” by Beatdown Boogie
—"The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug" film trailer
—"The Hunger Games" film trailer
—"White Christmas" special from TV series "Black Mirror"
—"American Horror Story," TV series "Freakshow" promotional content
—"Videodrome" film (1989)
—“Science Fiction: The Literature of Ideas”: http://www.writing-world.com/sf/sf.shtml
—“Slipstream—Catscan 5,” essay by Bruce Sterling: https://w2.eff.org/Misc/Publications/Bruce_Sterling/Catscan_columns/catscan.05
—Slipstream essay: http://electricliterature.com/oh-slippery-slipstream-who-is-the-weirdest-genre-of-them-all/
—“What the Fuck is This All About?,” bizzaro fiction essay: http://mondobizarro.yuku.com/topic/968/What-the-Fuck-is-This-All-About#.V0YYqfkrKM8
•Wikipedia "Research":
—All relevant genres have self-named wikipedia pages
Subscribe! ➤ http://tinyurl.com/ho9cl6s
Ready to feel simultaneously confused and inspired? Are you looking for someone to wring your creativity for every ounce of originality it can muster? Good. Because we know five different types of fiction that'll do that for you.
Join us as we break down Steampunk, Fantastique, Slipstream, Bizarro, and Weird fiction.
Let's get weird.
Join the community for discussion and daily posts!
Facebook ➤ http://www.facebook.com/TaleFoundry
Twitter ➤ http://www.twitter.com/TheTaleFoundry
Tumblr ➤ http://www.TaleFoundry.tumblr.com
▬▬▬▬ What is Tale Foundry? ▬▬▬▬
Welcome to Tale Foundry! The only place on Youtube (or perhaps the internet, if we want to be bold here) where you not only get to hear a new short story every month, but you get a look at all the ideas and inspiration that goes into them!
Our real goal is to educate, inspire, and encourage you to share the stories in your head with the world. This is a place for storytellers, writers, and nerds who like to make stuff up.
Share your ideas with us; give us feedback on our stories; let us know what inspires you! Anything creative is welcome.
We look forward to seeing you around~
▬▬▬▬ Daily Posts and Other Stuff ▬▬▬▬
•Something Interesting — Almost every day, we post an informational/inspirational blurb related to our monthly theme. You can see them on any of our social media sites, listed above.
•Q&A — You can ask Talebot and the Taleoids questions anonymously (or with your Tumblr account) here: http://talefoundry.tumblr.com/ask
•Fan stories — Coming soon
•Voting — Every other month we let the community choose which subject they want us to cover next by hosting a poll on our social media sites, listed above. We may also use these polls to ask for opinions and suggestions for upcoming stories, so keep an eye out!
▬▬▬▬ Past Themes ▬▬▬▬
Game of Thrones Month (April 2016) — https://goo.gl/I7uqeq
Celtic Folklore Month (March 2016) — https://goo.gl/iaP1sy
▬▬▬▬ Friends and Affiliates ▬▬▬▬
Because Geek (Game of Thrones videos) — https://goo.gl/yIiLGK
Red Team Review (Game of Thrones videos) — https://goo.gl/NMAFng
▬▬▬▬ Credit/Attributions ▬▬▬▬
The following resources were used fairly under Creative Commons:
—“Ghost Piano,” by Namfoodle on Soundcloud.com
—"Gone Beyond," "Sleep Away," and "Danse Morialta" by Kevin Macleod on Incompetech.com
—“What Do You Mean it Started Up and Walked Away?” by ReadWryt on Soundcloud.com
—“Fantasy Landscape,” by Federico Ferrandina on Soundcloud.com
—“Monster Sounds” by Kristoffer Sandstrom
•Video Footage:
—“Luminous Matter” by Andrew Fernandes
—“Contemporal 2013” by Beatdown Boogie
—"The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug" film trailer
—"The Hunger Games" film trailer
—"White Christmas" special from TV series "Black Mirror"
—"American Horror Story," TV series "Freakshow" promotional content
—"Videodrome" film (1989)
—“Science Fiction: The Literature of Ideas”: http://www.writing-world.com/sf/sf.shtml
—“Slipstream—Catscan 5,” essay by Bruce Sterling: https://w2.eff.org/Misc/Publications/Bruce_Sterling/Catscan_columns/catscan.05
—Slipstream essay: http://electricliterature.com/oh-slippery-slipstream-who-is-the-weirdest-genre-of-them-all/
—“What the Fuck is This All About?,” bizzaro fiction essay: http://mondobizarro.yuku.com/topic/968/What-the-Fuck-is-This-All-About#.V0YYqfkrKM8
•Wikipedia "Research":
—All relevant genres have self-named wikipedia pages
- published: 30 May 2016
- views: 140265
Slipstream (1989)
Slipstream (1989). In the near future, where Earth has been devastated by natural disasters, and giant winds rule the planet, bounty hunter Matt kidnaps a murde...
Slipstream (1989). In the near future, where Earth has been devastated by natural disasters, and giant winds rule the planet, bounty hunter Matt kidnaps a murderer out of the hands of two police officers, planning to get the bounty himself. These in turn try to hunt the two men down—in the Slipstream. Filmed in Turkey with all sorts of weird aircraft, this is an imaginative Sci-Fi movie with a different kind of Skywalker. Starring Bob Peck, Mark Hamill, Bill Paxton and Kitty Aldridge.
Want to watch your favorite retro movies on DVD? Click here https://www.adventuresunlimitedpress.com/products.php?cat=47
See more Retro Movies at http://retrodrive-in.com/
Slipstream (1989). In the near future, where Earth has been devastated by natural disasters, and giant winds rule the planet, bounty hunter Matt kidnaps a murderer out of the hands of two police officers, planning to get the bounty himself. These in turn try to hunt the two men down—in the Slipstream. Filmed in Turkey with all sorts of weird aircraft, this is an imaginative Sci-Fi movie with a different kind of Skywalker. Starring Bob Peck, Mark Hamill, Bill Paxton and Kitty Aldridge.
Want to watch your favorite retro movies on DVD? Click here https://www.adventuresunlimitedpress.com/products.php?cat=47
See more Retro Movies at http://retrodrive-in.com/
- published: 14 Aug 2020
- views: 14064
Slipstream | Mark Hamill, Bill Paxton, Ben Kingsley (1989) Action, Sci-Fi - Full Movie
For More Great Videos Subscribe 👉 https://bit.ly/3M0OBe8
In a futuristic world savaged by the sli...
For More Great Videos Subscribe 👉 https://bit.ly/3M0OBe8
In a futuristic world savaged by the slipstream wind, bounty hunter Matt snatches a murderer with a price of his head from lawman Will Tasker.
Slipstream is a 1989 science fiction film directed by Steven Lisberger, who had previously directed the cult classic 1982 science fiction film Tron. It was produced by Gary Kurtz, best known for his collaboration with George Lucas on the first two Star Wars films and American Graffiti.
Slipstream reunited Kurtz with his Star Wars lead Mark Hamill, who features alongside Bill Paxton, Bob Peck and Kitty Aldridge, with cameo appearances from Robbie Coltrane, Ben Kingsley and F. Murray Abraham.
This is for educational purposes.
#fullmovie #freemovies #markhamill
For More Great Videos Subscribe 👉 https://bit.ly/3M0OBe8
In a futuristic world savaged by the slipstream wind, bounty hunter Matt snatches a murderer with a price of his head from lawman Will Tasker.
Slipstream is a 1989 science fiction film directed by Steven Lisberger, who had previously directed the cult classic 1982 science fiction film Tron. It was produced by Gary Kurtz, best known for his collaboration with George Lucas on the first two Star Wars films and American Graffiti.
Slipstream reunited Kurtz with his Star Wars lead Mark Hamill, who features alongside Bill Paxton, Bob Peck and Kitty Aldridge, with cameo appearances from Robbie Coltrane, Ben Kingsley and F. Murray Abraham.
This is for educational purposes.
#fullmovie #freemovies #markhamill
- published: 19 Jul 2022
- views: 4546
BBC Radio Drama - Slipstream - by Simon Bovey (2008)
This wartime tale tells of a British commando raid on a German experimental aircraft development site, following reports of a new German aircraft capable of fan...
This wartime tale tells of a British commando raid on a German experimental aircraft development site, following reports of a new German aircraft capable of fantastic speeds, which shot down 150 Allied bombers during a bombing mission. It is described as silver and disc-shaped: have the Nazis built a flying saucer?
Major Bill Barton: Tim McMullan
Flugkapitän Jürgen Rahl: Rory Kinnear
Dr. Kate Ritchie: Joannah Tincey
Lt. Dundas: Ben Crowe
Teazle: Sam Pamphilon
Frau Schenk: Rachel Atkins
Voice of Slipstream: Laura Molyneaux
Brigadier Erskine: Peter Marinker
This wartime tale tells of a British commando raid on a German experimental aircraft development site, following reports of a new German aircraft capable of fantastic speeds, which shot down 150 Allied bombers during a bombing mission. It is described as silver and disc-shaped: have the Nazis built a flying saucer?
Major Bill Barton: Tim McMullan
Flugkapitän Jürgen Rahl: Rory Kinnear
Dr. Kate Ritchie: Joannah Tincey
Lt. Dundas: Ben Crowe
Teazle: Sam Pamphilon
Frau Schenk: Rachel Atkins
Voice of Slipstream: Laura Molyneaux
Brigadier Erskine: Peter Marinker
- published: 01 Feb 2023
- views: 3227
Slipstream (science fiction) | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:20 1 Usage in iStar Trek/i
00:03:02 2 ...
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:20 1 Usage in iStar Trek/i
00:03:02 2 Usage in iAndromeda/i
00:03:21 2.1 Function
00:04:39 2.2 Limits of slipstream
00:05:27 3 Usage in iDoctor Who/i
00:05:51 4 Usage in iHalo/i
00:06:38 4.1 Slipspace
00:11:47 4.2 Function
00:12:54 4.3 Limitations
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.709067355325616
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-C
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates
"Slipstream" is a science fiction term for a fictional method of faster-than-light space travel, similar to hyperspace travel, warp drive, or "transfer points" from David Brin's Uplift series.
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:20 1 Usage in iStar Trek/i
00:03:02 2 Usage in iAndromeda/i
00:03:21 2.1 Function
00:04:39 2.2 Limits of slipstream
00:05:27 3 Usage in iDoctor Who/i
00:05:51 4 Usage in iHalo/i
00:06:38 4.1 Slipspace
00:11:47 4.2 Function
00:12:54 4.3 Limitations
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.709067355325616
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-C
"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think."
- Socrates
"Slipstream" is a science fiction term for a fictional method of faster-than-light space travel, similar to hyperspace travel, warp drive, or "transfer points" from David Brin's Uplift series.
- published: 27 Mar 2019
- views: 16
Sci-fi Saturday Night presents: Slipstream by Simon Bevoy
Sci-fi Saturday Night presents: Slipstream by Simon Bevoy
Sci-fi adventure series set during World War II written by Simon Bevoy
Sci-fi Saturday Night presents: Slipstream by Simon Bevoy
Sci-fi adventure series set during World War II written by Simon Bevoy
Sci-fi Saturday Night presents: Slipstream by Simon Bevoy
Sci-fi adventure series set during World War II written by Simon Bevoy
- published: 01 Apr 2023
- views: 391
Slipstream is a 1989 science fiction film directed by Steven Lisberger, who had previously directed the cult classic 1982 science fiction film Tron. It was prod...
Slipstream is a 1989 science fiction film directed by Steven Lisberger, who had previously directed the cult classic 1982 science fiction film Tron. It was produced by Gary Kurtz, best known for his collaboration with George Lucas on the first two Star Wars films and American Graffiti. Slipstream reunited Kurtz with his Star Wars lead Mark Hamill, who features alongside Bill Paxton, Bob Peck, and Kitty Aldridge, with cameo appearances from Robbie Coltrane, Ben Kingsley, and F. Murray Abraham.
Slipstream is a 1989 science fiction film directed by Steven Lisberger, who had previously directed the cult classic 1982 science fiction film Tron. It was produced by Gary Kurtz, best known for his collaboration with George Lucas on the first two Star Wars films and American Graffiti. Slipstream reunited Kurtz with his Star Wars lead Mark Hamill, who features alongside Bill Paxton, Bob Peck, and Kitty Aldridge, with cameo appearances from Robbie Coltrane, Ben Kingsley, and F. Murray Abraham.
- published: 24 Oct 2021
- views: 36
Bad Movie Review: Slipstream (Starring Mark Hamill & Bill Paxton)
The world we know has been changed. Not by man, but by nature itself. We review Mark Hammill's sci-fi come back movie Slipstream (1989)
You can now support Dar...
The world we know has been changed. Not by man, but by nature itself. We review Mark Hammill's sci-fi come back movie Slipstream (1989)
You can now support Dark Corners on Patreon and see our uncensored reviews: www.patreon.com/darkcorners
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Summary: In the future, natural disasters (earthquakes, floods) have ravaged Earth, leaving a world where pockets of communities live within canyons while a violent wind known as the "slipsteam" is the only means of transport, via airplanes. Matt Owens is a nomadic adventurer who kidnaps a prisoner ("Byron") of two violent law officers so he can claim the bounty for himself. Traveling across the wind swept landscape, Matt and Byron are relentlessly pursued by the officers, and Matt finds Byron isn't what he appears to be, as they travel from community to community and encounter pockets of strange societies that live beyond the slipstream.
A special thanks to our Dark Cultist Patreon supporters.
Shadows - Brent Beebe, Chris Hewson, Chris Weakley, Christie Bryden, Colleen Crouch, Conner Brennan, David H. Adler, Hidden Trail Video, Joseph Dougherty, Micheal Bailes, Steve Scibelli, Brad Webb, Henry Brennan, Godessoftransitory, Allan Liska, Jasmine Shafer, Ford, David Church, You Don't Get To Know
Acolytes – Dark Roast, Dave Smith, Lavaughn Towell, Mark Buckley, R Lagdao, Raven House Mystery, Russ Chandler, Simon Ash, Simon Esslemont, Uwe Marquardt, Alex B, Amber Wesley, Tony Belmonte, Amber Wesley, Peter Grantham, David Conner, John S. Savage
Initiates – Alexandra Virgiel, Bob de Builder, Brian Ullmark, Clifford Parson, Derek , Double-U, Felix Weibig, GadgetBlues, Greg Galanos, Greg Hartwick, Jakub Kabenski, James Smith, Karl Bunker, Martin Vlachynsky, Maria Gd, Melissa Hayes, Popeye Otaku, Stephen LaPlante, Tim Smith , Roop 298, VC, Jonathan Olds, Terry Le Croix, Barry P, Jeffrey A Pleimling
Written and presented by Robin Bailes @robinbailes
Directed and Edited by Graham Trelfer
#BadMovieReview #DarkCornersReview #CultMovieReview
The world we know has been changed. Not by man, but by nature itself. We review Mark Hammill's sci-fi come back movie Slipstream (1989)
You can now support Dark Corners on Patreon and see our uncensored reviews: www.patreon.com/darkcorners
Buy on Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3buynIr USA: https://amzn.to/2IYdJEF
Facebook: http://on.fb.me/RvhRdc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarkCorners3 @DarkCorners3
Summary: In the future, natural disasters (earthquakes, floods) have ravaged Earth, leaving a world where pockets of communities live within canyons while a violent wind known as the "slipsteam" is the only means of transport, via airplanes. Matt Owens is a nomadic adventurer who kidnaps a prisoner ("Byron") of two violent law officers so he can claim the bounty for himself. Traveling across the wind swept landscape, Matt and Byron are relentlessly pursued by the officers, and Matt finds Byron isn't what he appears to be, as they travel from community to community and encounter pockets of strange societies that live beyond the slipstream.
A special thanks to our Dark Cultist Patreon supporters.
Shadows - Brent Beebe, Chris Hewson, Chris Weakley, Christie Bryden, Colleen Crouch, Conner Brennan, David H. Adler, Hidden Trail Video, Joseph Dougherty, Micheal Bailes, Steve Scibelli, Brad Webb, Henry Brennan, Godessoftransitory, Allan Liska, Jasmine Shafer, Ford, David Church, You Don't Get To Know
Acolytes – Dark Roast, Dave Smith, Lavaughn Towell, Mark Buckley, R Lagdao, Raven House Mystery, Russ Chandler, Simon Ash, Simon Esslemont, Uwe Marquardt, Alex B, Amber Wesley, Tony Belmonte, Amber Wesley, Peter Grantham, David Conner, John S. Savage
Initiates – Alexandra Virgiel, Bob de Builder, Brian Ullmark, Clifford Parson, Derek , Double-U, Felix Weibig, GadgetBlues, Greg Galanos, Greg Hartwick, Jakub Kabenski, James Smith, Karl Bunker, Martin Vlachynsky, Maria Gd, Melissa Hayes, Popeye Otaku, Stephen LaPlante, Tim Smith , Roop 298, VC, Jonathan Olds, Terry Le Croix, Barry P, Jeffrey A Pleimling
Written and presented by Robin Bailes @robinbailes
Directed and Edited by Graham Trelfer
#BadMovieReview #DarkCornersReview #CultMovieReview
- published: 30 Mar 2020
- views: 29496