Erinnerungen an Kurt Albert: Der Erfinder des Rotpunkt-Kletterns | Bergauf-Bergab | BR
Vor zehn Jahren ist Kurt Albert ums Leben gekommen, als Kletter-Legende ist er unvergessen. In der Fränkischen Schweiz hatte er die "verrückte Idee", wie er selbst sagt, zur Rotpunkt-Bewegung.
Autorin: Kathrin Denk
Die fränkische Schweiz ist nicht nur eine wunderschöne Gegend und ein Klettergebiet von Weltruf. Die „Fränggische" ist ein Lebensgefühl! Normale Touristen genießen die Mischung von reizvoller Landschaft, einer Menge Kleinbrauereien, riesigen Kuchenstücken und echten Originalen, die hier zuhause sind. Kletterer schätzen zusätzlich die grandiosen Klettermöglichkeiten und den Mythos, der die Felsen in Franken umweht: Hier war die Heimat von ganz besonderen Typen wie Wolfgang Güllich und Kurt Albert, die nicht nur das Klettern in Franken, sondern den Klettersport überhaupt geprägt...
published: 15 Jun 2020
Kurt Albert in Fontainebleau
A clip from german rock legend Kurt Albert bouldering in Fontainebleau.
published: 05 Jul 2020
Kurtl goes West [Dokumentation] | ganzer Film (deutsch) ᴴᴰ
Der unvergessene Kurt Albert klettert am El Capitan und im Grand Canyon-Gebiet
published: 13 Aug 2018
SALEWA ROCKSHOW Interview Kurt Albert über Zukunft im Klettern
Kurt klettert die Route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" und berichtet in einem Interview über die Zukunft des Kletterns
Kurt climbing the route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" and talking about the future of climbing
published: 22 Jun 2010
SALEWA ROCKSHOW Interview Martha (Oma Eichler Gasthof) und Kurt Albert
Interview mit den zwei Frankenjura Persönlichkeiten Martha und Kurt am Campingplatz der Oma Eichler
Interview with the „Frankenjura Personalities" Martha and Kurt at camping site Oma Eichler
published: 22 Jun 2010
The Real Thing, 1996. Starring Jerry Moffatt, Kurt Albert, Sean Myles, Ben Moon, Marc Le Menestrel
Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2D8X1l0
published: 24 Jul 2017
Wolfgang Güllich, Kurt Albert - Free climbing and bouldering in the 80s
Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2D8X1l0
published: 20 Jul 2017
Kurt Albert in Patagonia
Kurt Albert in Patagonia
published: 20 Nov 2007
Kurt Alberts Megaklassiker! Maria tanzt den "Sautanz" im Frankenjura
Wir haben einen Ausflug ins nördliche Frankenjura unternommen.
Auf den Spuren Kurt Alberts geht es heute an die oberen Gößweinsteiner Wände, an denen sich Maria an dem Klassiker Sautanz versucht. In dem Video berichtet sie von ihrem Prozess und ihrer Begehung im Juni 2021.
Sautanz, erstbegangen 1981, war die erste 9- Deutschlands und ist nachwievor eine der schönsten Routen in diesem Grad.
Holt euch hier den neuen Kletterführer für den Bayerischen Jura:
Folgt uns auf Instagram:
#Sautanz #Frankenjura #Klettern
Film and edit by Tobi
published: 02 Jul 2021
Jäger des Augenblicks (2013) - Clip - Rotpunkt Klettern
Der sagenumwobene Tafelberg Roraima im Dreiländereck von Brasilien, Venezuela und Guyana steht gleichsam sinnbildlich für Abenteuer fernab jeglicher Zivilisation und ist von atemberaubender, unvergleichlicher Schönheit.
Ende Februar 2010 startet der Superstar der Sportkletter-Szene Stefan Glowacz gemeinsam mit seinen langjährigen Partnern Kurt Albert, Begründer der Rotpunkt-Kletterbewegung, und Holger Heuber zu einer Expedition ins Ungewisse. Das Ziel ist klar, der Weg dorthin (noch) nicht.
Zunächst in Einbäumen über Flussläufe, dann zu Fuß, geht es zwei Wochen durch den Dschungel -- „by fair means", das heißt ohne technische Hilfsmittel zur Fortbewegung, erkämpfen sich die Kletterer bei 40 Grad und Dauerregen den Weg durch jenen Urwald, der auch als „Lost World" bekannt ist. Schließlich...
published: 18 Mar 2013
Erinnerungen an Kurt Albert: Der Erfinder des Rotpunkt-Kletterns | Bergauf-Bergab | BR
Vor zehn Jahren ist Kurt Albert ums Leben gekommen, als Kletter-Legende ist er unvergessen. In der Fränkischen Schweiz hatte er die "verrückte Idee", wie er sel...
Vor zehn Jahren ist Kurt Albert ums Leben gekommen, als Kletter-Legende ist er unvergessen. In der Fränkischen Schweiz hatte er die "verrückte Idee", wie er selbst sagt, zur Rotpunkt-Bewegung.
Autorin: Kathrin Denk
Die fränkische Schweiz ist nicht nur eine wunderschöne Gegend und ein Klettergebiet von Weltruf. Die „Fränggische" ist ein Lebensgefühl! Normale Touristen genießen die Mischung von reizvoller Landschaft, einer Menge Kleinbrauereien, riesigen Kuchenstücken und echten Originalen, die hier zuhause sind. Kletterer schätzen zusätzlich die grandiosen Klettermöglichkeiten und den Mythos, der die Felsen in Franken umweht: Hier war die Heimat von ganz besonderen Typen wie Wolfgang Güllich und Kurt Albert, die nicht nur das Klettern in Franken, sondern den Klettersport überhaupt geprägt haben.
Bergauf-Bergab spürt diesem Mythos nach und erinnert mit Ausschnitten aus dem Archiv an Kurt Albert erinnert, der 2010 bei einem Unfall auf einem Klettersteig ums Leben gekommen ist
Bayerischer Rundfunk: http://www.br.de
Bergauf-Bergab im Internet: http://www.br.de/bergauf
BR-Mediathek mit der Rubrik Berge: https://www.br.de/mediathek/rubriken/berge
Mehr Bergthemen im BR: http://www.br.de/Berge
#Klettern #Sport #BergaufBergab
Vor zehn Jahren ist Kurt Albert ums Leben gekommen, als Kletter-Legende ist er unvergessen. In der Fränkischen Schweiz hatte er die "verrückte Idee", wie er selbst sagt, zur Rotpunkt-Bewegung.
Autorin: Kathrin Denk
Die fränkische Schweiz ist nicht nur eine wunderschöne Gegend und ein Klettergebiet von Weltruf. Die „Fränggische" ist ein Lebensgefühl! Normale Touristen genießen die Mischung von reizvoller Landschaft, einer Menge Kleinbrauereien, riesigen Kuchenstücken und echten Originalen, die hier zuhause sind. Kletterer schätzen zusätzlich die grandiosen Klettermöglichkeiten und den Mythos, der die Felsen in Franken umweht: Hier war die Heimat von ganz besonderen Typen wie Wolfgang Güllich und Kurt Albert, die nicht nur das Klettern in Franken, sondern den Klettersport überhaupt geprägt haben.
Bergauf-Bergab spürt diesem Mythos nach und erinnert mit Ausschnitten aus dem Archiv an Kurt Albert erinnert, der 2010 bei einem Unfall auf einem Klettersteig ums Leben gekommen ist
Bayerischer Rundfunk: http://www.br.de
Bergauf-Bergab im Internet: http://www.br.de/bergauf
BR-Mediathek mit der Rubrik Berge: https://www.br.de/mediathek/rubriken/berge
Mehr Bergthemen im BR: http://www.br.de/Berge
#Klettern #Sport #BergaufBergab
- published: 15 Jun 2020
- views: 22300
Kurt Albert in Fontainebleau
A clip from german rock legend Kurt Albert bouldering in Fontainebleau.
A clip from german rock legend Kurt Albert bouldering in Fontainebleau.
A clip from german rock legend Kurt Albert bouldering in Fontainebleau.
- published: 05 Jul 2020
- views: 2206
Kurtl goes West [Dokumentation] | ganzer Film (deutsch) ᴴᴰ
Der unvergessene Kurt Albert klettert am El Capitan und im Grand Canyon-Gebiet
Der unvergessene Kurt Albert klettert am El Capitan und im Grand Canyon-Gebiet
Der unvergessene Kurt Albert klettert am El Capitan und im Grand Canyon-Gebiet
- published: 13 Aug 2018
- views: 22918
SALEWA ROCKSHOW Interview Kurt Albert über Zukunft im Klettern
Kurt klettert die Route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" und berichtet in einem Interview über die Zukunft des Kletterns
Kurt ...
Kurt klettert die Route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" und berichtet in einem Interview über die Zukunft des Kletterns
Kurt climbing the route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" and talking about the future of climbing
Kurt klettert die Route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" und berichtet in einem Interview über die Zukunft des Kletterns
Kurt climbing the route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" and talking about the future of climbing
- published: 22 Jun 2010
- views: 33709
SALEWA ROCKSHOW Interview Martha (Oma Eichler Gasthof) und Kurt Albert
Interview mit den zwei Frankenjura Persönlichkeiten Martha und Kurt am Campingplatz der Oma Eichler
Interview with the...
Interview mit den zwei Frankenjura Persönlichkeiten Martha und Kurt am Campingplatz der Oma Eichler
Interview with the „Frankenjura Personalities" Martha and Kurt at camping site Oma Eichler
Interview mit den zwei Frankenjura Persönlichkeiten Martha und Kurt am Campingplatz der Oma Eichler
Interview with the „Frankenjura Personalities" Martha and Kurt at camping site Oma Eichler
- published: 22 Jun 2010
- views: 10283
The Real Thing, 1996. Starring Jerry Moffatt, Kurt Albert, Sean Myles, Ben Moon, Marc Le Menestrel
Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2D8X1l0
Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2D8X1l0
Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2D8X1l0
- published: 24 Jul 2017
- views: 46749
Kurt Alberts Megaklassiker! Maria tanzt den "Sautanz" im Frankenjura
Wir haben einen Ausflug ins nördliche Frankenjura unternommen.
Auf den Spuren Kurt Alberts geht es heute an die oberen Gößweinsteiner Wände, an denen sich Mari...
Wir haben einen Ausflug ins nördliche Frankenjura unternommen.
Auf den Spuren Kurt Alberts geht es heute an die oberen Gößweinsteiner Wände, an denen sich Maria an dem Klassiker Sautanz versucht. In dem Video berichtet sie von ihrem Prozess und ihrer Begehung im Juni 2021.
Sautanz, erstbegangen 1981, war die erste 9- Deutschlands und ist nachwievor eine der schönsten Routen in diesem Grad.
Holt euch hier den neuen Kletterführer für den Bayerischen Jura:
Folgt uns auf Instagram:
#Sautanz #Frankenjura #Klettern
Film and edit by Tobi
Wir haben einen Ausflug ins nördliche Frankenjura unternommen.
Auf den Spuren Kurt Alberts geht es heute an die oberen Gößweinsteiner Wände, an denen sich Maria an dem Klassiker Sautanz versucht. In dem Video berichtet sie von ihrem Prozess und ihrer Begehung im Juni 2021.
Sautanz, erstbegangen 1981, war die erste 9- Deutschlands und ist nachwievor eine der schönsten Routen in diesem Grad.
Holt euch hier den neuen Kletterführer für den Bayerischen Jura:
Folgt uns auf Instagram:
#Sautanz #Frankenjura #Klettern
Film and edit by Tobi
- published: 02 Jul 2021
- views: 16755
Jäger des Augenblicks (2013) - Clip - Rotpunkt Klettern
Der sagenumwobene Tafelberg Roraima im Dreiländereck von Brasilien, Venezuela und Guyana steht gleichsam sinnbildlich für Abenteuer fernab jeglicher Zivilisatio...
Der sagenumwobene Tafelberg Roraima im Dreiländereck von Brasilien, Venezuela und Guyana steht gleichsam sinnbildlich für Abenteuer fernab jeglicher Zivilisation und ist von atemberaubender, unvergleichlicher Schönheit.
Ende Februar 2010 startet der Superstar der Sportkletter-Szene Stefan Glowacz gemeinsam mit seinen langjährigen Partnern Kurt Albert, Begründer der Rotpunkt-Kletterbewegung, und Holger Heuber zu einer Expedition ins Ungewisse. Das Ziel ist klar, der Weg dorthin (noch) nicht.
Zunächst in Einbäumen über Flussläufe, dann zu Fuß, geht es zwei Wochen durch den Dschungel -- „by fair means", das heißt ohne technische Hilfsmittel zur Fortbewegung, erkämpfen sich die Kletterer bei 40 Grad und Dauerregen den Weg durch jenen Urwald, der auch als „Lost World" bekannt ist. Schließlich nach 1.000 Höhenmetern erreichen sie den gewaltigen, schiffsbugartig aufragenden Felspfeiler namens „La Proa". Über diese 600 Meter überhängende Nordwand möchten sie den Tafelberg Roraima via einer neuen spektakulären Route erreichen. Doch der Dauerregen, der riesige Wasserfälle herabstürzen lässt, und eine Verletzung am Fuß zwingen die Freunde, ihr Abenteuer in Wandmitte abzubrechen.
Noch im November des gleichen Jahres kehren Stefan Glowacz und Holger Heuber an diese Stelle zurück, um ihre Route zu vollenden. Es wird jedoch ihre schwerste Tour, denn ihr langjähriger Freund und Kletterpartner Kurt Albert kann sie auf ihrer wochenlangen Expedition im Fels nicht mehr begleiten ...
JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS führt uns an einen magischen Ort der Erde und lässt uns an der spektakulären Tour dreier Männer teilhaben, die leidenschaftlich das extreme Abenteuer suchen. Doch JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS ist mehr als ein Abenteuerfilm: Nach dem tragischen Kletterunfall Kurt Alberts müssen sich die beiden verbleibenden Athleten bei ihrer zweiten Roraima-Expedition nicht nur mit der Wand, sondern auch mit dem Verlust des Freundes auseinandersetzen.
Die Besteigung des Roraima gerät so zu einer Tour de Force, einfühlsam und authentisch, in noch nie da gewesener Nähe zu den Protagonisten. Für Qualität bürgt ein hochkarätiges und erfahrenes Filmteam: Kolja Brandt (DOP) erhielt für NORDWAND den Bundesfilmpreis für die beste Kamera, Franz Hinterbrandner (2. Kamera) drehte u.a. die Wandaufnahmen in AM LIMIT und ETERNAL FLAME. Produziert wurde JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS von Red Bull Media House.
Der sagenumwobene Tafelberg Roraima im Dreiländereck von Brasilien, Venezuela und Guyana steht gleichsam sinnbildlich für Abenteuer fernab jeglicher Zivilisation und ist von atemberaubender, unvergleichlicher Schönheit.
Ende Februar 2010 startet der Superstar der Sportkletter-Szene Stefan Glowacz gemeinsam mit seinen langjährigen Partnern Kurt Albert, Begründer der Rotpunkt-Kletterbewegung, und Holger Heuber zu einer Expedition ins Ungewisse. Das Ziel ist klar, der Weg dorthin (noch) nicht.
Zunächst in Einbäumen über Flussläufe, dann zu Fuß, geht es zwei Wochen durch den Dschungel -- „by fair means", das heißt ohne technische Hilfsmittel zur Fortbewegung, erkämpfen sich die Kletterer bei 40 Grad und Dauerregen den Weg durch jenen Urwald, der auch als „Lost World" bekannt ist. Schließlich nach 1.000 Höhenmetern erreichen sie den gewaltigen, schiffsbugartig aufragenden Felspfeiler namens „La Proa". Über diese 600 Meter überhängende Nordwand möchten sie den Tafelberg Roraima via einer neuen spektakulären Route erreichen. Doch der Dauerregen, der riesige Wasserfälle herabstürzen lässt, und eine Verletzung am Fuß zwingen die Freunde, ihr Abenteuer in Wandmitte abzubrechen.
Noch im November des gleichen Jahres kehren Stefan Glowacz und Holger Heuber an diese Stelle zurück, um ihre Route zu vollenden. Es wird jedoch ihre schwerste Tour, denn ihr langjähriger Freund und Kletterpartner Kurt Albert kann sie auf ihrer wochenlangen Expedition im Fels nicht mehr begleiten ...
JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS führt uns an einen magischen Ort der Erde und lässt uns an der spektakulären Tour dreier Männer teilhaben, die leidenschaftlich das extreme Abenteuer suchen. Doch JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS ist mehr als ein Abenteuerfilm: Nach dem tragischen Kletterunfall Kurt Alberts müssen sich die beiden verbleibenden Athleten bei ihrer zweiten Roraima-Expedition nicht nur mit der Wand, sondern auch mit dem Verlust des Freundes auseinandersetzen.
Die Besteigung des Roraima gerät so zu einer Tour de Force, einfühlsam und authentisch, in noch nie da gewesener Nähe zu den Protagonisten. Für Qualität bürgt ein hochkarätiges und erfahrenes Filmteam: Kolja Brandt (DOP) erhielt für NORDWAND den Bundesfilmpreis für die beste Kamera, Franz Hinterbrandner (2. Kamera) drehte u.a. die Wandaufnahmen in AM LIMIT und ETERNAL FLAME. Produziert wurde JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS von Red Bull Media House.
- published: 18 Mar 2013
- views: 25515
Martha | Official Trailer | Netflix
This definitive documentary on Martha Stewart pulls back the curtain on one of America’s greatest self-made icons, from her start as a teenage model to her stint as a Wall Street stockbroker to her reign as the grand dame of entertaining and good taste. Directed by R.J. Cutler (Elton John: Never Too Late, Billie Eilish: The World’s a Little Blurry, The September Issue), Martha draws on hundreds of hours of intimate interviews with Stewart and those from her inner circle, along with Stewart’s private archives of diaries, letters, and never-seen-before footage. The film illuminates Stewart’s upbringing in a working-class family, compels us to reconsider the scandal that sent her to prison, and heralds her post-prison reinvention as the original influencer who’s still captivating new generati...
published: 10 Oct 2024
What's the Matter, Martha? (A Musical Existential Crisis)
A woman has an existential crisis, so the inanimate objects in her life begin to torment her by singing and trying to find out what's wrong.
Now on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3flh4wZUtiCp4AB2eMIElb?si=MquOMQixRG-jPVKCqGtIQA
published: 28 Sep 2020
Martha Mwaipaja - UMENIITIKA ( Official video ) For Skiza SMS: Skiza 6983288 to 811
published: 11 Jul 2023
Martha - Kaj tu sal ( prod. Vajdis ) 2023
Hudba, Master - Richard Adam ( Vajdis )
Text - Ladix B
Kytara , sólo - Jan Banga
Herci - Mirka Pikolová , Antonín Triska
Awer Čawe - Records 📞+420 777 30 40 41
➡️FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/awercawe
➡️TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@awer_cawe
➡️INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/awer_cawe
published: 09 Nov 2023
Martha & Tommy - Ča brišin perel (prod. Vajdis)
Nahráno ve studiu Awer Čawe - Records 📞+420 777 30 40 41
➡️FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/awercawe
➡️TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@awer_cawe
➡️INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/awer_cawe
published: 03 Sep 2024
Martha Karua akyawanda muliro, aleese bannamateeka abalala okuva mu Africa okuwolereza Besigye
Join this BBS Terefayina family to get access to perks:
#BBSGambuuze #BBSAgeesigika #BBSKATI
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published: 10 Dec 2024
Martha - Mangav (OFFICIAL VIDEO) 2022
Hudební podklad - Skupina K.M.
Kytara solo - Jan Banga
Text - Pavel Botoš
Nahráno ve studiu Awer Čawe - Records
Tel:. +420 777 30 40 41
FB: https://www.facebook.com/awercawe
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/awer_cawe_studio_records/
published: 03 Apr 2022
Gitanorat x Martha - Me Dživav (Oficiálne Video) 2024
Subscribe Gitanorat - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCso1Vs6zetjELn4GPnyqvcw
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🔵Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/6zYg3ZTkRLAHuxL8MMypj2?utm_campaign=website&utm_medium=Email+&utm_source=SendGrid
🔵Apple music - https://music.apple.com/us/album/me-dzivav-feat-martha-single/1730592608
🔵Distrokid - https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/gitanorat/me-dzivav-feat-martha
🔵Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Me-Dzivav-Gitanorat/dp/B0CV8G9S3P
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🟢TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@UCso1Vs6zetjELn4GPnyqvcw
🔴Follow Martha
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Martha.official1
🔴Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/berkyova.marta/
🔴TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com...
published: 21 Feb 2024
Martha Debayle - Haces dieta y tienes rebote ¿Por qué ocurre? | W Radio
#shorts #wradio
¡Bienvenidos a W Radio!
Fernando Pérez Galaz. Médico Bariatra, nos explica porque hay rebote al hacer dieta.
SUSCRÍBETE: https://bit.ly/45FMUxC
Síguenos en Facebook: bit.ly/3LcjIGg
published: 10 Dec 2024
Martha Stewart's Ex-Husband Finally Speaks About Abusive Marriage with Martha
Andrew Stewart, the ex-husband of lifestyle mogul Martha Stewart, has found himself at the center of a fresh controversy following statements made in a new Netflix documentary about Martha's life.
published: 08 Nov 2024
Martha | Official Trailer | Netflix
This definitive documentary on Martha Stewart pulls back the curtain on one of America’s greatest self-made icons, from her start as a teenage model to her stin...
This definitive documentary on Martha Stewart pulls back the curtain on one of America’s greatest self-made icons, from her start as a teenage model to her stint as a Wall Street stockbroker to her reign as the grand dame of entertaining and good taste. Directed by R.J. Cutler (Elton John: Never Too Late, Billie Eilish: The World’s a Little Blurry, The September Issue), Martha draws on hundreds of hours of intimate interviews with Stewart and those from her inner circle, along with Stewart’s private archives of diaries, letters, and never-seen-before footage. The film illuminates Stewart’s upbringing in a working-class family, compels us to reconsider the scandal that sent her to prison, and heralds her post-prison reinvention as the original influencer who’s still captivating new generations of fans.
Watch on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/81479059
About Netflix:
Netflix is one of the world's leading entertainment services, with 278 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, films and games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can play, pause and resume watching as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, and can change their plans at any time.
Martha | Official Trailer | Netflix
Told in her own words, this candid documentary charts the unstoppable rise, sudden fall and hard-won comeback of lifestyle icon Martha Stewart.
This definitive documentary on Martha Stewart pulls back the curtain on one of America’s greatest self-made icons, from her start as a teenage model to her stint as a Wall Street stockbroker to her reign as the grand dame of entertaining and good taste. Directed by R.J. Cutler (Elton John: Never Too Late, Billie Eilish: The World’s a Little Blurry, The September Issue), Martha draws on hundreds of hours of intimate interviews with Stewart and those from her inner circle, along with Stewart’s private archives of diaries, letters, and never-seen-before footage. The film illuminates Stewart’s upbringing in a working-class family, compels us to reconsider the scandal that sent her to prison, and heralds her post-prison reinvention as the original influencer who’s still captivating new generations of fans.
Watch on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/81479059
About Netflix:
Netflix is one of the world's leading entertainment services, with 278 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, films and games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can play, pause and resume watching as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, and can change their plans at any time.
Martha | Official Trailer | Netflix
Told in her own words, this candid documentary charts the unstoppable rise, sudden fall and hard-won comeback of lifestyle icon Martha Stewart.
- published: 10 Oct 2024
- views: 778083
What's the Matter, Martha? (A Musical Existential Crisis)
A woman has an existential crisis, so the inanimate objects in her life begin to torment her by singing and trying to find out what's wrong.
Now on Spotify: ht...
A woman has an existential crisis, so the inanimate objects in her life begin to torment her by singing and trying to find out what's wrong.
Now on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3flh4wZUtiCp4AB2eMIElb?si=MquOMQixRG-jPVKCqGtIQA
A woman has an existential crisis, so the inanimate objects in her life begin to torment her by singing and trying to find out what's wrong.
Now on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3flh4wZUtiCp4AB2eMIElb?si=MquOMQixRG-jPVKCqGtIQA
- published: 28 Sep 2020
- views: 10770601
Martha - Kaj tu sal ( prod. Vajdis ) 2023
Hudba, Master - Richard Adam ( Vajdis )
Text - Ladix B
Kytara , sólo - Jan Banga
Herci - Mirka Pikolová , Antonín Triska
Awer Čawe - Records 📞+42...
Hudba, Master - Richard Adam ( Vajdis )
Text - Ladix B
Kytara , sólo - Jan Banga
Herci - Mirka Pikolová , Antonín Triska
Awer Čawe - Records 📞+420 777 30 40 41
➡️FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/awercawe
➡️TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@awer_cawe
➡️INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/awer_cawe
Hudba, Master - Richard Adam ( Vajdis )
Text - Ladix B
Kytara , sólo - Jan Banga
Herci - Mirka Pikolová , Antonín Triska
Awer Čawe - Records 📞+420 777 30 40 41
➡️FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/awercawe
➡️TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@awer_cawe
➡️INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/awer_cawe
- published: 09 Nov 2023
- views: 1020396
Martha & Tommy - Ča brišin perel (prod. Vajdis)
Nahráno ve studiu Awer Čawe - Records 📞+420 777 30 40 41
➡️FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/awercawe
➡️TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@awer_cawe
Nahráno ve studiu Awer Čawe - Records 📞+420 777 30 40 41
➡️FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/awercawe
➡️TIKTOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@awer_cawe
➡️INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/awer_cawe
Nahráno ve studiu Awer Čawe - Records 📞+420 777 30 40 41
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- published: 03 Sep 2024
- views: 262037
Martha Karua akyawanda muliro, aleese bannamateeka abalala okuva mu Africa okuwolereza Besigye
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- published: 10 Dec 2024
- views: 17821
Martha - Mangav (OFFICIAL VIDEO) 2022
Hudební podklad - Skupina K.M.
Kytara solo - Jan Banga
Text - Pavel Botoš
Nahráno ve studiu Awer Čawe - Records
Tel:. +420 777 30 40 41
FB: https://w...
Hudební podklad - Skupina K.M.
Kytara solo - Jan Banga
Text - Pavel Botoš
Nahráno ve studiu Awer Čawe - Records
Tel:. +420 777 30 40 41
FB: https://www.facebook.com/awercawe
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/awer_cawe_studio_records/
Hudební podklad - Skupina K.M.
Kytara solo - Jan Banga
Text - Pavel Botoš
Nahráno ve studiu Awer Čawe - Records
Tel:. +420 777 30 40 41
FB: https://www.facebook.com/awercawe
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/awer_cawe_studio_records/
- published: 03 Apr 2022
- views: 116360
Gitanorat x Martha - Me Dživav (Oficiálne Video) 2024
Subscribe Gitanorat - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCso1Vs6zetjELn4GPnyqvcw
🎵 Stream/Download
🔵Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/6zYg3ZTkRLAHuxL8MMypj...
Subscribe Gitanorat - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCso1Vs6zetjELn4GPnyqvcw
🎵 Stream/Download
🔵Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/6zYg3ZTkRLAHuxL8MMypj2?utm_campaign=website&utm_medium=Email+&utm_source=SendGrid
🔵Apple music - https://music.apple.com/us/album/me-dzivav-feat-martha-single/1730592608
🔵Distrokid - https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/gitanorat/me-dzivav-feat-martha
🔵Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Me-Dzivav-Gitanorat/dp/B0CV8G9S3P
🟢Follow Gitanorat
Fabebook - https://www.facebook.com/GitanoratOfficial
🟢Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/gitanorat/
🟢TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@UCso1Vs6zetjELn4GPnyqvcw
🔴Follow Martha
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Martha.official1
🔴Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/berkyova.marta/
🔴TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@makika360
☑️Credits :
🟣Autor Hudby - K. Marik
🟣Autor Textu - Gitanorat, Pavel Botos
🟣Video by Pierre Lexis - https://www.instagram.com/pierrelexis/
🟣Graffer Timotej Tahotny : https://www.instagram.com/timothytah_/
🟣Produkcia : Lesana Kúrill - https://www.instagram.com/iamlesana?igsh=MTB6YjUwMXJvNmhlZQ==
🟠Text :
Martha -
Andro brišind paštu bešav.
Pre koča som, me rovav.
Parne ruží pre tu thoďžom.
Apsendar me nadikchav.
Račaha me avlom pal tu.
Našči sovav, ča rovav.
Kamlomas tut te čumidel.
Kaj tut kamav, kaj tut kamav.
Tu džanľal.
Devlestar phučav me soske man adaj mukľal.
Soske me korkori ačilom, soske dživav.
Terno les tu iľal mandar ča ke peste.
Le man tu devla paleste.
Mangav tut pre koča av pale mro jiloro.
Chudas pes vastendar,
av mro kchamoro.
Kchamiben nane imar.
Bijaltu me nadživav.
Te merel me kamav.
(Aj aj aj laji laji laji daj)
Neplač za mnou moja milá.
Nesmúť za mnou a buď silná.
Som pri tebe celý čas, vidím, cítim jak sa ty veľmi trápiš .
(Trápiš )
V tvojej mysli budem, v tvojim srdci zostanem, som tvoj anjel strážny.
Po Celý čas budem pri tebe láska ťa budem chrániť..
Ja som celý čas pri tebe, žena, láska moja.
No ty ma nevidíš.
Tu nadikches man
Nie si sama, romni miri, chcem ťa objať, ruku ti podať, pohladiť ťa po tvári.
(Po tvojej tvári)
Ja ťa prosim netráp sa, unavená si, nebuď strapená, duša tvoja je zlomená!
Milovali sme sa, naša láska bola taká šialená.
Odpusť mi, moja žena, že som odišiel taký mladý. Ja viem, mali sme plány a sny no moje telo odišlo, moja duša tu bude s tebou navždy.
Me ďživav,
Paš tute som, dživav.
Narov mange, miri romnori.
Tuha som rači, tosara.
Igen mange pharo.
Sar tut trapines, roves.
Jilo tut dukchal.
Narov miri romni.
Me ďživav,
Paš tute som, me dživav.
Narov mange, miri romnori.
Tuha som rači, tosara.
Me nakamav avke te džives, roves.
Šero vazde upre, so keres.
Avela džives, aveha upre manca, miri romni.
Mire vasta upre vazdav, miro devloro dik pre late, pre miri romni, me tut igen mangav.
(Tut mangav)
( Tut Mangav)
#Gitanorat #Martha
Subscribe Gitanorat - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCso1Vs6zetjELn4GPnyqvcw
🎵 Stream/Download
🔵Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/album/6zYg3ZTkRLAHuxL8MMypj2?utm_campaign=website&utm_medium=Email+&utm_source=SendGrid
🔵Apple music - https://music.apple.com/us/album/me-dzivav-feat-martha-single/1730592608
🔵Distrokid - https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/gitanorat/me-dzivav-feat-martha
🔵Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/Me-Dzivav-Gitanorat/dp/B0CV8G9S3P
🟢Follow Gitanorat
Fabebook - https://www.facebook.com/GitanoratOfficial
🟢Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/gitanorat/
🟢TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@UCso1Vs6zetjELn4GPnyqvcw
🔴Follow Martha
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Martha.official1
🔴Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/berkyova.marta/
🔴TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@makika360
☑️Credits :
🟣Autor Hudby - K. Marik
🟣Autor Textu - Gitanorat, Pavel Botos
🟣Video by Pierre Lexis - https://www.instagram.com/pierrelexis/
🟣Graffer Timotej Tahotny : https://www.instagram.com/timothytah_/
🟣Produkcia : Lesana Kúrill - https://www.instagram.com/iamlesana?igsh=MTB6YjUwMXJvNmhlZQ==
🟠Text :
Martha -
Andro brišind paštu bešav.
Pre koča som, me rovav.
Parne ruží pre tu thoďžom.
Apsendar me nadikchav.
Račaha me avlom pal tu.
Našči sovav, ča rovav.
Kamlomas tut te čumidel.
Kaj tut kamav, kaj tut kamav.
Tu džanľal.
Devlestar phučav me soske man adaj mukľal.
Soske me korkori ačilom, soske dživav.
Terno les tu iľal mandar ča ke peste.
Le man tu devla paleste.
Mangav tut pre koča av pale mro jiloro.
Chudas pes vastendar,
av mro kchamoro.
Kchamiben nane imar.
Bijaltu me nadživav.
Te merel me kamav.
(Aj aj aj laji laji laji daj)
Neplač za mnou moja milá.
Nesmúť za mnou a buď silná.
Som pri tebe celý čas, vidím, cítim jak sa ty veľmi trápiš .
(Trápiš )
V tvojej mysli budem, v tvojim srdci zostanem, som tvoj anjel strážny.
Po Celý čas budem pri tebe láska ťa budem chrániť..
Ja som celý čas pri tebe, žena, láska moja.
No ty ma nevidíš.
Tu nadikches man
Nie si sama, romni miri, chcem ťa objať, ruku ti podať, pohladiť ťa po tvári.
(Po tvojej tvári)
Ja ťa prosim netráp sa, unavená si, nebuď strapená, duša tvoja je zlomená!
Milovali sme sa, naša láska bola taká šialená.
Odpusť mi, moja žena, že som odišiel taký mladý. Ja viem, mali sme plány a sny no moje telo odišlo, moja duša tu bude s tebou navždy.
Me ďživav,
Paš tute som, dživav.
Narov mange, miri romnori.
Tuha som rači, tosara.
Igen mange pharo.
Sar tut trapines, roves.
Jilo tut dukchal.
Narov miri romni.
Me ďživav,
Paš tute som, me dživav.
Narov mange, miri romnori.
Tuha som rači, tosara.
Me nakamav avke te džives, roves.
Šero vazde upre, so keres.
Avela džives, aveha upre manca, miri romni.
Mire vasta upre vazdav, miro devloro dik pre late, pre miri romni, me tut igen mangav.
(Tut mangav)
( Tut Mangav)
#Gitanorat #Martha
- published: 21 Feb 2024
- views: 1124841
Martha Debayle - Haces dieta y tienes rebote ¿Por qué ocurre? | W Radio
#shorts #wradio
¡Bienvenidos a W Radio!
Fernando Pérez Galaz. Médico Bariatra, nos explica porque hay rebote al hacer dieta.
SUSCRÍBETE: https://bit.ly/45FM...
#shorts #wradio
¡Bienvenidos a W Radio!
Fernando Pérez Galaz. Médico Bariatra, nos explica porque hay rebote al hacer dieta.
SUSCRÍBETE: https://bit.ly/45FMUxC
Síguenos en Facebook: bit.ly/3LcjIGg
#shorts #wradio
¡Bienvenidos a W Radio!
Fernando Pérez Galaz. Médico Bariatra, nos explica porque hay rebote al hacer dieta.
SUSCRÍBETE: https://bit.ly/45FMUxC
Síguenos en Facebook: bit.ly/3LcjIGg
- published: 10 Dec 2024
- views: 672
Martha Stewart's Ex-Husband Finally Speaks About Abusive Marriage with Martha
Andrew Stewart, the ex-husband of lifestyle mogul Martha Stewart, has found himself at the center of a fresh controversy following statements made in a new Netf...
Andrew Stewart, the ex-husband of lifestyle mogul Martha Stewart, has found himself at the center of a fresh controversy following statements made in a new Netflix documentary about Martha's life.
Andrew Stewart, the ex-husband of lifestyle mogul Martha Stewart, has found himself at the center of a fresh controversy following statements made in a new Netflix documentary about Martha's life.
- published: 08 Nov 2024
- views: 29959
St. Simeon the Stylite || മാർ ശെമവൂൻ ദെസ്തുനി || (Mar Shemavoon Desthuni)||July27 ||TEAM വഴിവിളക്ക്
27 July- Commemorating St. Simeon the Stylite (Mar Shemavoon Desthuni)
The liturgical calendar of the Indian Orthodox Church commemorates on July 27th, one of the most famous of the “pillar-hermits” - St. Simeon the Stylite who was renowned for extreme ascetism and holy life. We also remember him in the 5th Thubden- “..and Mar BarSauma, the chief among the mourners and Mar Simeon the Stylite…”
St Simeon the Stylite was born near the end of the fourth century at Sis, near Nicopolis, in Northern Syria. It is said that before his mother had conceived of him, St. John the Baptist appeared to her in a dream and told her of her conception and what her son would become.
Having been a shepherd since young age, he entered the monastery to initiate his monastic life at the age of sixteen (some me...
published: 27 Jul 2020
ጸሎተ ስምኦን ኣምዳዊ ( Prayer of St Simeon Stylites)
Saint Symeon, the "New Stylite," was born near the end of the 4th century from his father John and his mother Martha . From his childhood he was under the special guidance of Saint John the Baptist and adopted an extremely ascetical way of life. He entered monastery at the age 16. Some years later, Saint Simeon felt the need for a more solitary life, and the idea of becoming a hermit monk only seemed logical. After living in the monastery for a while he ascended upon a pillar, and abode upon it for eighteen years. Then he came to Wondrous Mountain, and lived in a dry and rocky place, where after ten years he mounted another pillar, upon which he lived in great hardship for forty-five years, working many miracles and being counted worthy of divine revelations
Saint Simeon prayed ardentl...
published: 04 Jun 2020
May 24, 2022 | Symeon the Stylite of the Mountain | Greek Orthodox Divine Liturgy Live stream
Saint Simeon the Stylite was born in the year 521 in Antioch, Syria of pious parents John and Martha. From her youth Saint Martha prepared herself for a life of virginity and longed for monasticism, but her parents insisted that she marry John. After ardent prayer in a church dedicated to Saint John the Forerunner, the future nun was directed in a vision to submit to the will of her parents and enter into marriage.As a married woman, Saint Martha strove to please God and her husband in everything. She often prayed for a baby and promised to dedicate him to the service of God. Saint John the Forerunner revealed to Martha that she would have a son who would serve God. When the infant was born, he was named Simeon and baptized at two years of age.
When Simeon was six years old, an earthquake...
published: 24 May 2022
Житие преподобного отца нашего Даниила столпника.
Преподобный Даниил Столпник родился в селе Вифара, близ города Самосаты в Месопотамии. Мать его Mapфа долго была бесплодной и в молитвах дала обет, если родится ребенок, посвятить его Господу. Молитва была услышана, и Марфа вскоре родила сына, который до 5 лет рос без имени. Родители мальчика хотели, чтобы рожденный по благоволению Божиему также от Бога получил бы и имя. Они привели сына в находившийся поблизости монастырь и обратились к игумену. Игумен велел подать одну из богослужебных книг и, наугад развернув ее, нашел в ней слова пророка Даниила (память 17 декабря). Так отрок получил имя. Родители просили, чтобы мальчик остался в монастыре, но игумен не принял его, т...
published: 27 Dec 2021
The Life of St Daniel the Stylite (1/2) FREE AUDIO BOOK
Please turn on English subtitles if you prefer to read along. The text, translation and audio are all under copyright by *Virgin Mary of Australia and Oceania* publishers.
To purchase the paperback book, please click on following link:
Please consider joining our patreon where we have full audio books or making a donation to our monastery to continue these translations:
published: 31 May 2022
Life in Christ, Vol 6 | Charles H. Spurgeon | Christian Audiobook
~ Audiobook Description ~
“Go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.” (Mark 5:19)
A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ's miracles and parables.
Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home without a guide, rejoicing that Jesus Christ had opened their eyes. Jesus is still able to perform such miracles. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, his Word will be expounded and we’ll watch for the signs to follow, expecting to see them at once. Why shouldn’t those who read this be blessed with the light of heaven? This is my heart's inmost desire.
I can’t put fine words together. I’ve never studied speech. In fac...
published: 26 Aug 2022
05-24-2022 - Spiritual Calisthenics - Daily Readings with Fr. Dimitri
St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Church: Preaching the Gospel, Serving the Needy, A Spiritual Home and Family where You Belong!
Join us as we do a 5 minute Bible Study on the Daily Readings today! Daily exercise is good for your body and also for your soul! Let us be edified by the readings that Mother Church has offered for us today!
Symeon the Stylite of the Mountain
Saint Vincent of Lerins
Meletios the Commander & his Companion Martyrs
Gregory, Archbishop of Novgorod
Epistle Reading: Acts of the Apostles 12:25; 13:1-12
Gospel Reading: John 8:51-59
#spiritualcalisthenics #standrewchicago #biblestudy #dailyreadings #saints #metropolisofchicago #goarch #liveorthodoxy #frdimitri #GospelofJohn #Pascha #Christisrisen #Χριστ...
published: 24 May 2022
Up to What Extend You Can Go to Express Your Faith l Meet Pillar Monk l Simeon Stylite l Assamese
Few more Bible Messages-
- Good Friday Message
-Un known facts about children day
- 5 Secret of starting new life in 2022
- Dark side of Facebook
- How do you know that the Bible is True?
-The missing Years of Jesus :
-What is true Worship ?
-Girlfriend & Boyfriend and the Bible
- How did we Get complete 66 books in the Bible ?
-Proofs that the Bible is True
-Cyber sex, phone sex, oral sex and the Bible
published: 10 Jan 2023
Simeon & The Hagia Sophia's Secret
Answering a few questions. Shroud man, his religion and his image hidden in the Hagia Sophia in ancient Constantinople.
Shroud playlist
published: 03 Feb 2017
Necessity of Atheism | David Marshall Brooks | Religion | Talking Book | English | 3/7
https://amzn.to/3Wo7zSa- Audible is an online audio bookstore and a provider of spoken audio entertainment, information, and educational programming. It is a service owned by Amazon and offers a selection of audiobooks, radio and TV programs, and audio versions of magazines and newspapers. With Audible, users can listen to books on their computers, smartphones, or other devices. Audible offers a free trial for new users, after which users can choose to become a member and pay a monthly fee for access to Audible's content. Members can also purchase individual audiobooks or audio shows at a discounted price. Audible is available in several countries around the world. https://linktr.ee/audiobiblion
It's the stuff of dreams....
published: 19 Jun 2018
St. Simeon the Stylite || മാർ ശെമവൂൻ ദെസ്തുനി || (Mar Shemavoon Desthuni)||July27 ||TEAM വഴിവിളക്ക്
27 July- Commemorating St. Simeon the Stylite (Mar Shemavoon Desthuni)
The liturgical calendar of the Indian Orthodox Church commemorates on July 27th, one of ...
27 July- Commemorating St. Simeon the Stylite (Mar Shemavoon Desthuni)
The liturgical calendar of the Indian Orthodox Church commemorates on July 27th, one of the most famous of the “pillar-hermits” - St. Simeon the Stylite who was renowned for extreme ascetism and holy life. We also remember him in the 5th Thubden- “..and Mar BarSauma, the chief among the mourners and Mar Simeon the Stylite…”
St Simeon the Stylite was born near the end of the fourth century at Sis, near Nicopolis, in Northern Syria. It is said that before his mother had conceived of him, St. John the Baptist appeared to her in a dream and told her of her conception and what her son would become.
Having been a shepherd since young age, he entered the monastery to initiate his monastic life at the age of sixteen (some mention as eighteen) and led a great ascetic life in worship and prayer. During his life in the monastery, when other monks finished the night prayers and proceeded to sleep, St. Simeon would stand weighed down with a stone hung to his neck, keeping vigil. When it was time for the others to arise, he would remove the stone and join in the prescribed service. One night, as he was putting the stone on his neck, he fell asleep.
Deeply annoyed at himself because he yielded to what he regarded as satanic temptation, St. Simeon obtained a rounded piece of wood and he stood on it during the nightly vigil, so that if he should fall asleep, the wood, rolling, might awaken him. These severe practices aroused the resentment of the monks, who would have him to do only as the monastery rules commanded.
St Simeon then withdrew from the monastery and lived in an empty cave in the nearby mountains, carrying on with his ascetic struggles. Once he decided to spend the entire Great Lent without food or drink. With the help of the merciful Lord, St Simeon was able to endure this strict fast. He would pray standing all the time as long as his limbs were able to support.
There is a quote attributed to the great and famous Indian philosopher and teacher- Chanakya and it says thus: “The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all direction.” Perhaps this was the reason that multitude of pilgrims came to his abode, asking for his counsel or his prayers, which left him insufficient time for his own devotions.
Shunning worldly glory and striving again to find his lost solitude, St Simeon became determined him to adopt a new way of life. He had a pillar erected with a small platform at the top, and upon this he determined to take up his abode until his death. At first the pillar was little more than nine feet high, but it was subsequently replaced by others, the last in the series being apparently over fifty feet from the ground.
Around the pillar a double wall was raised, which hindered the unruly crowd of people from coming too close and disturbing his prayerful concentration. Women, in general, were not permitted beyond the wall. St Simeon did not make an exception even for his own mother!
She had undertaken long and often unsuccessful searches in finding her son. When she finally found him on the pillar, St Simeon pleaded that he would not see her. He said to her, “If we are worthy, we shall see one another in the life to come.” His mother (whose name was Martha), accepted her son’s will and remained at the foot of the pillar in silence and prayer, and where she breathed her last. St Simeon asked that her coffin be brought to him. He reverently bid farewell to his departed mother, and a joyful smile appeared on her face.
After spending many years in intense ascetic struggles, St Simeon reposed in the Lord in around AD 459.
By the prayers of our holy father among the saints- St Simeon the Stylite, Lord have mercy upon us.
In Christ,
Rincy John
#St.Simeon_the_Stylite #മാർ_ശെമവൂൻ_ദെസ്തുനി #TEAM_വഴിവിളക്ക് #team_vazhivilak
27 July- Commemorating St. Simeon the Stylite (Mar Shemavoon Desthuni)
The liturgical calendar of the Indian Orthodox Church commemorates on July 27th, one of the most famous of the “pillar-hermits” - St. Simeon the Stylite who was renowned for extreme ascetism and holy life. We also remember him in the 5th Thubden- “..and Mar BarSauma, the chief among the mourners and Mar Simeon the Stylite…”
St Simeon the Stylite was born near the end of the fourth century at Sis, near Nicopolis, in Northern Syria. It is said that before his mother had conceived of him, St. John the Baptist appeared to her in a dream and told her of her conception and what her son would become.
Having been a shepherd since young age, he entered the monastery to initiate his monastic life at the age of sixteen (some mention as eighteen) and led a great ascetic life in worship and prayer. During his life in the monastery, when other monks finished the night prayers and proceeded to sleep, St. Simeon would stand weighed down with a stone hung to his neck, keeping vigil. When it was time for the others to arise, he would remove the stone and join in the prescribed service. One night, as he was putting the stone on his neck, he fell asleep.
Deeply annoyed at himself because he yielded to what he regarded as satanic temptation, St. Simeon obtained a rounded piece of wood and he stood on it during the nightly vigil, so that if he should fall asleep, the wood, rolling, might awaken him. These severe practices aroused the resentment of the monks, who would have him to do only as the monastery rules commanded.
St Simeon then withdrew from the monastery and lived in an empty cave in the nearby mountains, carrying on with his ascetic struggles. Once he decided to spend the entire Great Lent without food or drink. With the help of the merciful Lord, St Simeon was able to endure this strict fast. He would pray standing all the time as long as his limbs were able to support.
There is a quote attributed to the great and famous Indian philosopher and teacher- Chanakya and it says thus: “The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all direction.” Perhaps this was the reason that multitude of pilgrims came to his abode, asking for his counsel or his prayers, which left him insufficient time for his own devotions.
Shunning worldly glory and striving again to find his lost solitude, St Simeon became determined him to adopt a new way of life. He had a pillar erected with a small platform at the top, and upon this he determined to take up his abode until his death. At first the pillar was little more than nine feet high, but it was subsequently replaced by others, the last in the series being apparently over fifty feet from the ground.
Around the pillar a double wall was raised, which hindered the unruly crowd of people from coming too close and disturbing his prayerful concentration. Women, in general, were not permitted beyond the wall. St Simeon did not make an exception even for his own mother!
She had undertaken long and often unsuccessful searches in finding her son. When she finally found him on the pillar, St Simeon pleaded that he would not see her. He said to her, “If we are worthy, we shall see one another in the life to come.” His mother (whose name was Martha), accepted her son’s will and remained at the foot of the pillar in silence and prayer, and where she breathed her last. St Simeon asked that her coffin be brought to him. He reverently bid farewell to his departed mother, and a joyful smile appeared on her face.
After spending many years in intense ascetic struggles, St Simeon reposed in the Lord in around AD 459.
By the prayers of our holy father among the saints- St Simeon the Stylite, Lord have mercy upon us.
In Christ,
Rincy John
#St.Simeon_the_Stylite #മാർ_ശെമവൂൻ_ദെസ്തുനി #TEAM_വഴിവിളക്ക് #team_vazhivilak
- published: 27 Jul 2020
- views: 409
ጸሎተ ስምኦን ኣምዳዊ ( Prayer of St Simeon Stylites)
Saint Symeon, the "New Stylite," was born near the end of the 4th century from his father John and his mother Martha . From his childhood he was under the sp...
Saint Symeon, the "New Stylite," was born near the end of the 4th century from his father John and his mother Martha . From his childhood he was under the special guidance of Saint John the Baptist and adopted an extremely ascetical way of life. He entered monastery at the age 16. Some years later, Saint Simeon felt the need for a more solitary life, and the idea of becoming a hermit monk only seemed logical. After living in the monastery for a while he ascended upon a pillar, and abode upon it for eighteen years. Then he came to Wondrous Mountain, and lived in a dry and rocky place, where after ten years he mounted another pillar, upon which he lived in great hardship for forty-five years, working many miracles and being counted worthy of divine revelations
Saint Simeon prayed ardently for the Holy Spirit to descend upon him, and the holy prayer of the ascetic was heard. The Holy Spirit came upon him in the form of a blazing light, filling the ascetic with divine wisdom. Along with oral instructions, Saint Simeon wrote letters about repentance, monasticism, about the Incarnation of Christ, and about the future Judgment.
Saint Simeon established a monastery on Wonderful Mountain,where the sick people he healed built a church in gratitude for the mercy shown them. The saint prayed for a spring of water for the needs of the monastery, and once during a shortage of grain, the granaries of the monastery were filled with wheat by his prayers.
Saint Symeon, the "New Stylite," was born near the end of the 4th century from his father John and his mother Martha . From his childhood he was under the special guidance of Saint John the Baptist and adopted an extremely ascetical way of life. He entered monastery at the age 16. Some years later, Saint Simeon felt the need for a more solitary life, and the idea of becoming a hermit monk only seemed logical. After living in the monastery for a while he ascended upon a pillar, and abode upon it for eighteen years. Then he came to Wondrous Mountain, and lived in a dry and rocky place, where after ten years he mounted another pillar, upon which he lived in great hardship for forty-five years, working many miracles and being counted worthy of divine revelations
Saint Simeon prayed ardently for the Holy Spirit to descend upon him, and the holy prayer of the ascetic was heard. The Holy Spirit came upon him in the form of a blazing light, filling the ascetic with divine wisdom. Along with oral instructions, Saint Simeon wrote letters about repentance, monasticism, about the Incarnation of Christ, and about the future Judgment.
Saint Simeon established a monastery on Wonderful Mountain,where the sick people he healed built a church in gratitude for the mercy shown them. The saint prayed for a spring of water for the needs of the monastery, and once during a shortage of grain, the granaries of the monastery were filled with wheat by his prayers.
- published: 04 Jun 2020
- views: 217
May 24, 2022 | Symeon the Stylite of the Mountain | Greek Orthodox Divine Liturgy Live stream
Saint Simeon the Stylite was born in the year 521 in Antioch, Syria of pious parents John and Martha. From her youth Saint Martha prepared herself for a life of...
Saint Simeon the Stylite was born in the year 521 in Antioch, Syria of pious parents John and Martha. From her youth Saint Martha prepared herself for a life of virginity and longed for monasticism, but her parents insisted that she marry John. After ardent prayer in a church dedicated to Saint John the Forerunner, the future nun was directed in a vision to submit to the will of her parents and enter into marriage.As a married woman, Saint Martha strove to please God and her husband in everything. She often prayed for a baby and promised to dedicate him to the service of God. Saint John the Forerunner revealed to Martha that she would have a son who would serve God. When the infant was born, he was named Simeon and baptized at two years of age.
When Simeon was six years old, an earthquake occurred in the city of Antioch, in which his father perished. Simeon was in church at the time of the earthquake. Leaving the church, he became lost and spent seven days sheltered by a pious woman. Saint John the Baptist again appeared to Saint Martha, and indicated where to find the lost boy. The saint’s mother found her lost son, and moved to the outskirts of Antioch after the earthquake. Already during his childhood the Lord Jesus Christ appeared several times to Saint Simeon, foretelling his future exploits and the reward for them.
The six-year-old child Simeon went into the wilderness, where he lived in complete isolation. During this time a light-bearing angel guarded and fed him. Finally, he arrived at a monastery, headed by the igumen Abba John, who lived in asceticism upon a pillar. He accepted the boy with love.
After a time, Saint Simeon asked the Elder John to permit him also to struggle upon a pillar. A new pillar was raised by the brethren of the monastery with the blessing of the igumen, near his pillar. Having completed the initiation of the seven-year-old boy into monasticism, Abba John placed him upon this pillar. The young ascetic, strengthened by the Lord, quickly grew spiritually, in his efforts surpassing even his experienced instructor. For his efforts, Saint Simeon received from God the gift of healing.
The fame of the young monk’s deeds began to spread beyond the bounds of the monastery. Monks and laypeople began to come to him from various places, desiring to hear his counsel and receive healing from their infirmities. The humble ascetic continued to pursue asceticism with instructions from his spiritual mentor Abba John.
When he was eleven, Simeon decided to pursue asceticism upon a higher pillar, the top of which was forty feet from the ground. The bishops of Antioch and Seleukia came to the place of the monk’s endeavors, and ordained him as a deacon. Then they permitted him to ascend the new pillar, on which Saint Simeon labored for eight years.
Saint Simeon prayed ardently for the Holy Spirit to descend upon him, and the holy prayer of the ascetic was heard. The Holy Spirit came upon him in the form of a blazing light, filling the ascetic with divine wisdom. Along with oral instructions, Saint Simeon wrote letters about repentance, monasticism, about the Incarnation of Christ, and about the future Judgment.
After the death of his Elder, Saint Simeon’s life followed a certain pattern. From the rising of the sun until mid-afternoon he read books and copied Holy Scripture. Then he rose and prayed all night. When the new day began, he rested somewhat, then began his usual Rule of prayer.
Saint Simeon concluded his efforts on the second column, and by God’s dispensation, settled upon the Wonderful Mountain, having become an experienced Elder to the monks in his monastery. The ascent to Wonderful Mountain was marked by a vision of the Lord, standing atop a column. Saint Simeon continued his efforts at this place where he saw the Lord, at first upon a stone, and then upon a pillar.
Future events were revealed to Saint Simeon, and so he foretold the death of Archbishop Ephraim of Antioch, and the illness of Bishop Domnus, which overtook him as punishment for his lack of pity. Finally, Saint Simeon predicted an earthquake for the city of Antioch and urged all the inhabitants to repent of their sins.
Saint Simeon established a monastery on Wonderful Mountain,where the sick people he healed built a church in gratitude for the mercy shown them. The saint prayed for a spring of water for the needs of the monastery, and once during a shortage of grain, the granaries of the monastery were filled with wheat by his prayers.
In the year 560 the holy ascetic was ordained to the priesthood by Dionysius, Bishop of Seleukia. At age seventy-five Saint Simeon was warned by the Lord of his impending end. He summoned the brethren of the monastery, instructed them in a farewell talk, and peacefully fell asleep in the Lord in the year 596, having toiled as a stylite for sixty-eight years.After death, the saint worked miracles just as he had when alive.
#SaintSymeon #Stylite #GreekOrthodox #DivineLiturgy
Saint Simeon the Stylite was born in the year 521 in Antioch, Syria of pious parents John and Martha. From her youth Saint Martha prepared herself for a life of virginity and longed for monasticism, but her parents insisted that she marry John. After ardent prayer in a church dedicated to Saint John the Forerunner, the future nun was directed in a vision to submit to the will of her parents and enter into marriage.As a married woman, Saint Martha strove to please God and her husband in everything. She often prayed for a baby and promised to dedicate him to the service of God. Saint John the Forerunner revealed to Martha that she would have a son who would serve God. When the infant was born, he was named Simeon and baptized at two years of age.
When Simeon was six years old, an earthquake occurred in the city of Antioch, in which his father perished. Simeon was in church at the time of the earthquake. Leaving the church, he became lost and spent seven days sheltered by a pious woman. Saint John the Baptist again appeared to Saint Martha, and indicated where to find the lost boy. The saint’s mother found her lost son, and moved to the outskirts of Antioch after the earthquake. Already during his childhood the Lord Jesus Christ appeared several times to Saint Simeon, foretelling his future exploits and the reward for them.
The six-year-old child Simeon went into the wilderness, where he lived in complete isolation. During this time a light-bearing angel guarded and fed him. Finally, he arrived at a monastery, headed by the igumen Abba John, who lived in asceticism upon a pillar. He accepted the boy with love.
After a time, Saint Simeon asked the Elder John to permit him also to struggle upon a pillar. A new pillar was raised by the brethren of the monastery with the blessing of the igumen, near his pillar. Having completed the initiation of the seven-year-old boy into monasticism, Abba John placed him upon this pillar. The young ascetic, strengthened by the Lord, quickly grew spiritually, in his efforts surpassing even his experienced instructor. For his efforts, Saint Simeon received from God the gift of healing.
The fame of the young monk’s deeds began to spread beyond the bounds of the monastery. Monks and laypeople began to come to him from various places, desiring to hear his counsel and receive healing from their infirmities. The humble ascetic continued to pursue asceticism with instructions from his spiritual mentor Abba John.
When he was eleven, Simeon decided to pursue asceticism upon a higher pillar, the top of which was forty feet from the ground. The bishops of Antioch and Seleukia came to the place of the monk’s endeavors, and ordained him as a deacon. Then they permitted him to ascend the new pillar, on which Saint Simeon labored for eight years.
Saint Simeon prayed ardently for the Holy Spirit to descend upon him, and the holy prayer of the ascetic was heard. The Holy Spirit came upon him in the form of a blazing light, filling the ascetic with divine wisdom. Along with oral instructions, Saint Simeon wrote letters about repentance, monasticism, about the Incarnation of Christ, and about the future Judgment.
After the death of his Elder, Saint Simeon’s life followed a certain pattern. From the rising of the sun until mid-afternoon he read books and copied Holy Scripture. Then he rose and prayed all night. When the new day began, he rested somewhat, then began his usual Rule of prayer.
Saint Simeon concluded his efforts on the second column, and by God’s dispensation, settled upon the Wonderful Mountain, having become an experienced Elder to the monks in his monastery. The ascent to Wonderful Mountain was marked by a vision of the Lord, standing atop a column. Saint Simeon continued his efforts at this place where he saw the Lord, at first upon a stone, and then upon a pillar.
Future events were revealed to Saint Simeon, and so he foretold the death of Archbishop Ephraim of Antioch, and the illness of Bishop Domnus, which overtook him as punishment for his lack of pity. Finally, Saint Simeon predicted an earthquake for the city of Antioch and urged all the inhabitants to repent of their sins.
Saint Simeon established a monastery on Wonderful Mountain,where the sick people he healed built a church in gratitude for the mercy shown them. The saint prayed for a spring of water for the needs of the monastery, and once during a shortage of grain, the granaries of the monastery were filled with wheat by his prayers.
In the year 560 the holy ascetic was ordained to the priesthood by Dionysius, Bishop of Seleukia. At age seventy-five Saint Simeon was warned by the Lord of his impending end. He summoned the brethren of the monastery, instructed them in a farewell talk, and peacefully fell asleep in the Lord in the year 596, having toiled as a stylite for sixty-eight years.After death, the saint worked miracles just as he had when alive.
#SaintSymeon #Stylite #GreekOrthodox #DivineLiturgy
- published: 24 May 2022
- views: 444
Житие преподобного отца нашего Даниила столпника.
Преподобный Даниил Столпник родился в селе Вифара, близ города Самосаты в Месопотамии. Мать его Mapфа долго была бесплодной и в молитва...
Преподобный Даниил Столпник родился в селе Вифара, близ города Самосаты в Месопотамии. Мать его Mapфа долго была бесплодной и в молитвах дала обет, если родится ребенок, посвятить его Господу. Молитва была услышана, и Марфа вскоре родила сына, который до 5 лет рос без имени. Родители мальчика хотели, чтобы рожденный по благоволению Божиему также от Бога получил бы и имя. Они привели сына в находившийся поблизости монастырь и обратились к игумену. Игумен велел подать одну из богослужебных книг и, наугад развернув ее, нашел в ней слова пророка Даниила (память 17 декабря). Так отрок получил имя. Родители просили, чтобы мальчик остался в монастыре, но игумен не принял его, так как тот был еще очень мал. В 12 лет, никому не говоря, отрок ушел из дома в монастырь.
Родители обрадовались, когда узнали, где находится сын, и пришли в монастырь. Увидев, что он еще ходит в мирской одежде, они умолили игумена постричь его в Ангельский чин. В воскресный день игумен исполнил их просьбу, но запретил им часто посещать сына. Братия обители удивлялась подвигам инока.
Однажды вместе с игуменом монастыря Даниил посетил святого Симеона Столпника (память 1 сентября), который предрек юному монаху, что и он понесет подвиг столпничества. Преподобный Даниил продолжил подвижническую жизнь в затворе. Когда в видении ему было указано место нового подвига, он удалился во Фракийскую пустыню вместе с двумя учениками, где они достроили столп, на котором преподобный Даниил провел 33 года. К столпу стекались люди, несчастные и больные, и все получали от преподобного Даниила помощь и исцеление. Молитв святого подвижника испрашивали византийские императоры. Из многочисленных предсказаний преподобного наиболее значительным было пророчество о сильном пожаре в Константинополе. Преподобный Даниил обладал еще и даром благодатного слова. Он наставлял многих на путь исправления жизни.
Преподобный преставился 80-ти лет (ок. 489–490 гг.).Жития святых на русском языке, изложенные по руководству Четьих-Миней Св. Димитрия Ростовского . #даниилстолпник #иисусхристос #иисусовамолитва #житиясвятых #ИисусХристос #богородица
@ЕвгенийВладимировичДрачиловский Помочь в развитии канала можно здесь :
Преподобный Даниил Столпник родился в селе Вифара, близ города Самосаты в Месопотамии. Мать его Mapфа долго была бесплодной и в молитвах дала обет, если родится ребенок, посвятить его Господу. Молитва была услышана, и Марфа вскоре родила сына, который до 5 лет рос без имени. Родители мальчика хотели, чтобы рожденный по благоволению Божиему также от Бога получил бы и имя. Они привели сына в находившийся поблизости монастырь и обратились к игумену. Игумен велел подать одну из богослужебных книг и, наугад развернув ее, нашел в ней слова пророка Даниила (память 17 декабря). Так отрок получил имя. Родители просили, чтобы мальчик остался в монастыре, но игумен не принял его, так как тот был еще очень мал. В 12 лет, никому не говоря, отрок ушел из дома в монастырь.
Родители обрадовались, когда узнали, где находится сын, и пришли в монастырь. Увидев, что он еще ходит в мирской одежде, они умолили игумена постричь его в Ангельский чин. В воскресный день игумен исполнил их просьбу, но запретил им часто посещать сына. Братия обители удивлялась подвигам инока.
Однажды вместе с игуменом монастыря Даниил посетил святого Симеона Столпника (память 1 сентября), который предрек юному монаху, что и он понесет подвиг столпничества. Преподобный Даниил продолжил подвижническую жизнь в затворе. Когда в видении ему было указано место нового подвига, он удалился во Фракийскую пустыню вместе с двумя учениками, где они достроили столп, на котором преподобный Даниил провел 33 года. К столпу стекались люди, несчастные и больные, и все получали от преподобного Даниила помощь и исцеление. Молитв святого подвижника испрашивали византийские императоры. Из многочисленных предсказаний преподобного наиболее значительным было пророчество о сильном пожаре в Константинополе. Преподобный Даниил обладал еще и даром благодатного слова. Он наставлял многих на путь исправления жизни.
Преподобный преставился 80-ти лет (ок. 489–490 гг.).Жития святых на русском языке, изложенные по руководству Четьих-Миней Св. Димитрия Ростовского . #даниилстолпник #иисусхристос #иисусовамолитва #житиясвятых #ИисусХристос #богородица
@ЕвгенийВладимировичДрачиловский Помочь в развитии канала можно здесь :
- published: 27 Dec 2021
- views: 110
The Life of St Daniel the Stylite (1/2) FREE AUDIO BOOK
Please turn on English subtitles if you prefer to read along. The text, translation and audio are all under copyright by *Virgin Mary of Australia and Oceania* ...
Please turn on English subtitles if you prefer to read along. The text, translation and audio are all under copyright by *Virgin Mary of Australia and Oceania* publishers.
To purchase the paperback book, please click on following link:
Please consider joining our patreon where we have full audio books or making a donation to our monastery to continue these translations:
Please turn on English subtitles if you prefer to read along. The text, translation and audio are all under copyright by *Virgin Mary of Australia and Oceania* publishers.
To purchase the paperback book, please click on following link:
Please consider joining our patreon where we have full audio books or making a donation to our monastery to continue these translations:
- published: 31 May 2022
- views: 547
Life in Christ, Vol 6 | Charles H. Spurgeon | Christian Audiobook
~ Audiobook Description ~
“Go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.” (Mark 5:19)
A d...
~ Audiobook Description ~
“Go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.” (Mark 5:19)
A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ's miracles and parables.
Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home without a guide, rejoicing that Jesus Christ had opened their eyes. Jesus is still able to perform such miracles. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, his Word will be expounded and we’ll watch for the signs to follow, expecting to see them at once. Why shouldn’t those who read this be blessed with the light of heaven? This is my heart's inmost desire.
I can’t put fine words together. I’ve never studied speech. In fact, my heart loathes the very thought of intentionally speaking with fine words when souls are in danger of eternal punishment. No, I work to speak straight to your hearts and consciences, and if there is anyone with faith to receive, God will bless them with fresh revelation.
– Charles H. Spurgeon
In this sixth volume, Charles H. Spurgeon expounds on the deliverance of the demon-possessed man from the region of the Gerasenes, the forgiveness and healing of the paralytic man let down through the roof by his friends, and the woman with an issue of blood healed by touching the hem of Jesus' garment.
~ Contents ~
00:00 Opening Credits
00:12 Ch. 1: Plain Words with the Careless (Luke 8:28)
45:34 Ch. 2: Christ’s Curate in Decapolis (Mark 5:17-19)
01:16:51 Ch. 3: Going Home (Mark 5:19)
01:54:28 Ch. 4: The Physician Pardons His Paralyzed Patient (Matthew 9:2-7)
02:31:43 Ch. 5: The New Fashion (Mark 2:12)
03:14:36 Ch. 6: Carried by Four (Luke 5:16-26)
03:57:09 Ch. 7: The Gospel’s Healing Power (Luke 5:17)
04:40:25 Ch. 8: Sitting There (Luke 5:17)
05:22:56 Ch. 9: First Forgiveness, Then Healing (Luke 5:20)
05:55:15 Ch. 10: May I? (Matthew 9:21)
06:40:10 Ch. 11: The Great Physician Successful (Mark 5:25-28)
07:20:14 Ch. 12: The Touch (Mark 5:28)
08:03:11 Ch. 13: Sincere Faith (Mark 5:21-43)
08:44:43 Ch. 14: Tell It All (Mark 5:33)
09:28:59 Ch. 15: Cured at Last (Luke 8:43-44)
10:12:45 Ch. 16: She Had Not Escaped Notice (Luke 8:47)
10:56:01 About the Author
Narrated by Saethon Williams.
Updated and Annotated.
Copyright © 2022 by Aneko Press, 203 E Birch St., Abbotsford, WI 54405
● Audible edition, free trial or buy: (Link coming soon...)
● Paperback on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3KrHZXd
● Paperback on ChristianBook: https://bit.ly/4abp92E
● Free eBook on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3KiLHT5
● Free eBook on other eBook sites: https://bit.ly/3CyC40M
♥ Support books like these being sent to prisons and third-world countries: https://anekopress.org/donate
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~ Audiobook Description ~
“Go home to your people and report to them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He had mercy on you.” (Mark 5:19)
A deep, inspiring, and often challenging study of the Lord Jesus Christ's miracles and parables.
Men who were led by the hand or groped their way along the wall to reach Jesus were touched by his finger and went home without a guide, rejoicing that Jesus Christ had opened their eyes. Jesus is still able to perform such miracles. And, with the power of the Holy Spirit, his Word will be expounded and we’ll watch for the signs to follow, expecting to see them at once. Why shouldn’t those who read this be blessed with the light of heaven? This is my heart's inmost desire.
I can’t put fine words together. I’ve never studied speech. In fact, my heart loathes the very thought of intentionally speaking with fine words when souls are in danger of eternal punishment. No, I work to speak straight to your hearts and consciences, and if there is anyone with faith to receive, God will bless them with fresh revelation.
– Charles H. Spurgeon
In this sixth volume, Charles H. Spurgeon expounds on the deliverance of the demon-possessed man from the region of the Gerasenes, the forgiveness and healing of the paralytic man let down through the roof by his friends, and the woman with an issue of blood healed by touching the hem of Jesus' garment.
~ Contents ~
00:00 Opening Credits
00:12 Ch. 1: Plain Words with the Careless (Luke 8:28)
45:34 Ch. 2: Christ’s Curate in Decapolis (Mark 5:17-19)
01:16:51 Ch. 3: Going Home (Mark 5:19)
01:54:28 Ch. 4: The Physician Pardons His Paralyzed Patient (Matthew 9:2-7)
02:31:43 Ch. 5: The New Fashion (Mark 2:12)
03:14:36 Ch. 6: Carried by Four (Luke 5:16-26)
03:57:09 Ch. 7: The Gospel’s Healing Power (Luke 5:17)
04:40:25 Ch. 8: Sitting There (Luke 5:17)
05:22:56 Ch. 9: First Forgiveness, Then Healing (Luke 5:20)
05:55:15 Ch. 10: May I? (Matthew 9:21)
06:40:10 Ch. 11: The Great Physician Successful (Mark 5:25-28)
07:20:14 Ch. 12: The Touch (Mark 5:28)
08:03:11 Ch. 13: Sincere Faith (Mark 5:21-43)
08:44:43 Ch. 14: Tell It All (Mark 5:33)
09:28:59 Ch. 15: Cured at Last (Luke 8:43-44)
10:12:45 Ch. 16: She Had Not Escaped Notice (Luke 8:47)
10:56:01 About the Author
Narrated by Saethon Williams.
Updated and Annotated.
Copyright © 2022 by Aneko Press, 203 E Birch St., Abbotsford, WI 54405
● Audible edition, free trial or buy: (Link coming soon...)
● Paperback on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3KrHZXd
● Paperback on ChristianBook: https://bit.ly/4abp92E
● Free eBook on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3KiLHT5
● Free eBook on other eBook sites: https://bit.ly/3CyC40M
♥ Support books like these being sent to prisons and third-world countries: https://anekopress.org/donate
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- published: 26 Aug 2022
- views: 12912
05-24-2022 - Spiritual Calisthenics - Daily Readings with Fr. Dimitri
St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Church: Preaching the Gospel, Serving the Needy, A Spiritual Home and Family where You Belong!
Join us as we do a 5 minute Bible ...
St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Church: Preaching the Gospel, Serving the Needy, A Spiritual Home and Family where You Belong!
Join us as we do a 5 minute Bible Study on the Daily Readings today! Daily exercise is good for your body and also for your soul! Let us be edified by the readings that Mother Church has offered for us today!
Symeon the Stylite of the Mountain
Saint Vincent of Lerins
Meletios the Commander & his Companion Martyrs
Gregory, Archbishop of Novgorod
Epistle Reading: Acts of the Apostles 12:25; 13:1-12
Gospel Reading: John 8:51-59
#spiritualcalisthenics #standrewchicago #biblestudy #dailyreadings #saints #metropolisofchicago #goarch #liveorthodoxy #frdimitri #GospelofJohn #Pascha #Christisrisen #Χριστοσανεστη
St. Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Church: Preaching the Gospel, Serving the Needy, A Spiritual Home and Family where You Belong!
Join us as we do a 5 minute Bible Study on the Daily Readings today! Daily exercise is good for your body and also for your soul! Let us be edified by the readings that Mother Church has offered for us today!
Symeon the Stylite of the Mountain
Saint Vincent of Lerins
Meletios the Commander & his Companion Martyrs
Gregory, Archbishop of Novgorod
Epistle Reading: Acts of the Apostles 12:25; 13:1-12
Gospel Reading: John 8:51-59
#spiritualcalisthenics #standrewchicago #biblestudy #dailyreadings #saints #metropolisofchicago #goarch #liveorthodoxy #frdimitri #GospelofJohn #Pascha #Christisrisen #Χριστοσανεστη
- published: 24 May 2022
- views: 8
Up to What Extend You Can Go to Express Your Faith l Meet Pillar Monk l Simeon Stylite l Assamese
Few more Bible Messages-
- Good Friday Message
-Un known facts about children day
- 5 Secret of star...
Few more Bible Messages-
- Good Friday Message
-Un known facts about children day
- 5 Secret of starting new life in 2022
- Dark side of Facebook
- How do you know that the Bible is True?
-The missing Years of Jesus :
-What is true Worship ?
-Girlfriend & Boyfriend and the Bible
- How did we Get complete 66 books in the Bible ?
-Proofs that the Bible is True
-Cyber sex, phone sex, oral sex and the Bible
If you read this Please share this message with your friends also. May God bless you all.
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Can Follow me on :
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I'm on Instagram as @bruno_tarchiyash. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=4qirxa35gctd&utm_content=i781wm5...
You can follow me on Twitter :
@Assamese Christian Community
Few more Bible Messages-
- Good Friday Message
-Un known facts about children day
- 5 Secret of starting new life in 2022
- Dark side of Facebook
- How do you know that the Bible is True?
-The missing Years of Jesus :
-What is true Worship ?
-Girlfriend & Boyfriend and the Bible
- How did we Get complete 66 books in the Bible ?
-Proofs that the Bible is True
-Cyber sex, phone sex, oral sex and the Bible
If you read this Please share this message with your friends also. May God bless you all.
Send Your prayer requests :
[email protected] (Email address)
If would like to Support our Ministry & help for video production :-
State Bank of India
Ac- 20360956023
IFSC- SBIN0003835
Gpay -
Can Follow me on :
Personal facebook account : https://www.facebook.com/bruno.john.714
Facebook Page :
I'm on Instagram as @bruno_tarchiyash. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=4qirxa35gctd&utm_content=i781wm5...
You can follow me on Twitter :
@Assamese Christian Community
- published: 10 Jan 2023
- views: 172
Simeon & The Hagia Sophia's Secret
Answering a few questions. Shroud man, his religion and his image hidden in the Hagia Sophia in ancient Constantinople.
Answering a few questions. Shroud man, his religion and his image hidden in the Hagia Sophia in ancient Constantinople.
Shroud playlist
Answering a few questions. Shroud man, his religion and his image hidden in the Hagia Sophia in ancient Constantinople.
Shroud playlist
- published: 03 Feb 2017
- views: 1829
Necessity of Atheism | David Marshall Brooks | Religion | Talking Book | English | 3/7
https://amzn.to/3Wo7zSa- Audible is an online audio bookstore and a provider of spoken audio entertainment, information, and educational programming. It is a se...
https://amzn.to/3Wo7zSa- Audible is an online audio bookstore and a provider of spoken audio entertainment, information, and educational programming. It is a service owned by Amazon and offers a selection of audiobooks, radio and TV programs, and audio versions of magazines and newspapers. With Audible, users can listen to books on their computers, smartphones, or other devices. Audible offers a free trial for new users, after which users can choose to become a member and pay a monthly fee for access to Audible's content. Members can also purchase individual audiobooks or audio shows at a discounted price. Audible is available in several countries around the world. https://linktr.ee/audiobiblion
It's the stuff of dreams. A book borrowed 84 years ago was returned to the library in Britain. In the British suburb of Earlsdon, a resident found quite a by accident a book on a shelf at home that his grandfather took to read from the library 84 years ago and forgot to return. "You don't see that every day. We got a copy of 'Red Deer' by Richard Jeffries Back - only 84 years and two weeks overdue," the library said. https://youtube.com/@LookAudioBook FREE Thank you so much for listening, appreciating, and commenting! We always welcome feedback; please feel free to exchange links, suggestions, recommendations, criticisms, and questions. #PricelessAudiobooks is a library of free #audiobooks in video format.
We share
1). full versions of audiobooks read by LibriVox volunteers - these are audiobooks on works in the public domain, which means they are not copyrighted and own anyone around the world. The volunteers at LIBRIVOX have put in the love and effort to bring us back the great works and the names of their authors in audio format and make them available to ALL of us.
2). very short fragments of modern and the newest audiobooks: works of classics and contemporary authors performed by professional voice actors, as well as digital catalogs of audiobooks, for free download and use-catalogs allow to listen to a short fragment, quick access to information about the audiobook, including ISBN number, which will allow finding an audiobook at the most attractive price or purchase terms.
3). A word of caution: if you follow the link in the "Description" or digital catalog boxes and make a purchase, we may receive a HUGE commission from the seller. It won't affect your price for the audiobooks but it will help us keep ourselves up and running. This means a lot to me! #audiobooksfree, #audiobooksfree90, #audiobooksfreeyourhands, #audiobooksfreedom, #freeaudiobooks, #freeaudiobooksforkids, #freeaudiobooks365, #freeaudiobooksmotivational, #freeaudiobooksonyoutube,#2freeaudiobooks, #8freeaudiobooksleft
https://amzn.to/3Wo7zSa- Audible is an online audio bookstore and a provider of spoken audio entertainment, information, and educational programming. It is a service owned by Amazon and offers a selection of audiobooks, radio and TV programs, and audio versions of magazines and newspapers. With Audible, users can listen to books on their computers, smartphones, or other devices. Audible offers a free trial for new users, after which users can choose to become a member and pay a monthly fee for access to Audible's content. Members can also purchase individual audiobooks or audio shows at a discounted price. Audible is available in several countries around the world. https://linktr.ee/audiobiblion
It's the stuff of dreams. A book borrowed 84 years ago was returned to the library in Britain. In the British suburb of Earlsdon, a resident found quite a by accident a book on a shelf at home that his grandfather took to read from the library 84 years ago and forgot to return. "You don't see that every day. We got a copy of 'Red Deer' by Richard Jeffries Back - only 84 years and two weeks overdue," the library said. https://youtube.com/@LookAudioBook FREE Thank you so much for listening, appreciating, and commenting! We always welcome feedback; please feel free to exchange links, suggestions, recommendations, criticisms, and questions. #PricelessAudiobooks is a library of free #audiobooks in video format.
We share
1). full versions of audiobooks read by LibriVox volunteers - these are audiobooks on works in the public domain, which means they are not copyrighted and own anyone around the world. The volunteers at LIBRIVOX have put in the love and effort to bring us back the great works and the names of their authors in audio format and make them available to ALL of us.
2). very short fragments of modern and the newest audiobooks: works of classics and contemporary authors performed by professional voice actors, as well as digital catalogs of audiobooks, for free download and use-catalogs allow to listen to a short fragment, quick access to information about the audiobook, including ISBN number, which will allow finding an audiobook at the most attractive price or purchase terms.
3). A word of caution: if you follow the link in the "Description" or digital catalog boxes and make a purchase, we may receive a HUGE commission from the seller. It won't affect your price for the audiobooks but it will help us keep ourselves up and running. This means a lot to me! #audiobooksfree, #audiobooksfree90, #audiobooksfreeyourhands, #audiobooksfreedom, #freeaudiobooks, #freeaudiobooksforkids, #freeaudiobooks365, #freeaudiobooksmotivational, #freeaudiobooksonyoutube,#2freeaudiobooks, #8freeaudiobooksleft
- published: 19 Jun 2018
- views: 90