Kurt Albert (January 28, 1954 – September 28, 2010) was a climber and photographer. He started climbing at the age of 14. Before he wholly committed his life to climbing in 1986 he was a mathematics and physics teacher.
At the age of seventeen he climbed the Walkerpfeiler in the Grandes Jorasses and one year later he climbed the north face of the Eiger. After a visit to the Saxon Switzerland climbing area in Saxony, Germany in 1973 he recognized the potential of free climbing (free climbing was practised in Saxony since the early 19th century). He started to free climb in his home climbing area, the Frankenjura. In the routes he would now try to ascend while free climbing, he would—in between attempts—paint a red 'X' on the rocks near pitons he did not need as holds or steps. Once he could place a red 'X' on all the pitons and hooks in the route, and was thus able to free climb the entire route, he would paint a red dot at the base of the route. From this comes the English term "redpoint", which is derived from the German Rotpunkt, meaning "red dot" or "red point". In many ways this was the origin of the free climbing movement that led to the development of sport climbing some years later.
In Patagonia is an English travel book by Bruce Chatwin, published in 1977.
In 1972, Chatwin was hired by the Sunday Times Magazine as an adviser on art and architecture. His association with the magazine cultivated his narrative skills and he travelled on many international assignments, writing on such subjects as Algerian migrant workers and the Great Wall of China, and interviewing such people as André Malraux, in France, and Nadezhda Mandelstam, in the Soviet Union.
In 1972, Chatwin interviewed the 93-year-old architect and designer Eileen Gray in her Paris salon, where he noticed a map of the area of South America called Patagonia which she had painted. "I've always wanted to go there," Bruce told her. "So have I," she replied, "go there for me." Two years later, in November 1974, Chatwin flew out to Lima in Peru, and reached Patagonia a month later. When he arrived there he severed himself from the newspaper with a telegram: "Have gone to Patagonia." He spent six months there, a trip which resulted in the book In Patagonia (1977), which established his reputation as a travel writer.
Patagonia is a sparsely populated region located at the southern end of South America, shared by Argentina and Chile. The region comprises the southern section of the Andes mountains as well as the deserts, steppes and grasslands east of this southern portion of the Andes. Patagonia has two coasts; a western one towards the Pacific Ocean and an eastern one towards the Atlantic Ocean.
The Colorado and Barrancas rivers, which run from the Andes to the Atlantic, are commonly considered the northern limit of Argentine Patagonia.Tierra del Fuego, and sometimes the Falkland Islands are included as part of Patagonia. Most geographers and historians locate the northern limit of Chilean Patagonia at Reloncaví Estuary,
The name Patagonia comes from the word patagón used by Magellan in 1520 to describe the native people that his expedition thought to be giants. It is now believed that the people he called the Patagons were Tehuelches, who tended to be taller than Europeans of the time.
Patagonia, Inc. is an American clothing company which focuses mainly on high-end outdoor clothing. Based in Ventura, California, the company is a member of several environmental movements and is a certified B Corp, meaning the company is beholden to public-benefit concerns (in this case environmental) alongside its profit motive. It was founded by Yvon Chouinard in 1973.
The company's roots are in clothing for rock and alpine climbing, but they now offer a diverse mix of apparel targeted towards skiers, surfers, climbers, and others. Patagonia employs a flex-time policy, allowing employees to take time off to go surfing. One of its main product lines is the Capilene base layer clothing. Patagonia recently started making surf-specific products, and currently has three different lines of wetsuits and many different models of swim trunks.
Gwen and Rhys are a Welsh-speaking couple living in Cardiff where Rhys works as a photographer and Gwen is employed as a historical interpreter at a local Welsh cultural centre. Gwen is also an aspiring actress and although she periodically attends auditions, she has yet to be hired for a theatrical part. The couple's inability to conceive a child has caused increasing tension between them. Hoping to reinvigorate their relationship, the pair decide to travel together to southern Argentina where Rhys has been commissioned to photograph the historic Welsh chapels in Patagonia, a vast windswept landscape which was a destination for Welsh immigrants in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. While there, they are served by their local Welsh-Argentine guide, Mateo.
Erinnerungen an Kurt Albert: Der Erfinder des Rotpunkt-Kletterns | Bergauf-Bergab | BR
Vor zehn Jahren ist Kurt Albert ums Leben gekommen, als Kletter-Legende ist er unvergessen. In der Fränkischen Schweiz hatte er die "verrückte Idee", wie er selbst sagt, zur Rotpunkt-Bewegung.
Autorin: Kathrin Denk
Die fränkische Schweiz ist nicht nur eine wunderschöne Gegend und ein Klettergebiet von Weltruf. Die „Fränggische" ist ein Lebensgefühl! Normale Touristen genießen die Mischung von reizvoller Landschaft, einer Menge Kleinbrauereien, riesigen Kuchenstücken und echten Originalen, die hier zuhause sind. Kletterer schätzen zusätzlich die grandiosen Klettermöglichkeiten und den Mythos, der die Felsen in Franken umweht: Hier war die Heimat von ganz besonderen Typen wie Wolfgang Güllich und Kurt Albert, die nicht nur das Klettern in Franken, sondern den Klettersport überhaupt geprägt...
published: 15 Jun 2020
Kurt Albert in Fontainebleau
A clip from german rock legend Kurt Albert bouldering in Fontainebleau.
published: 05 Jul 2020
Kurtl goes West [Dokumentation] | ganzer Film (deutsch) ᴴᴰ
Der unvergessene Kurt Albert klettert am El Capitan und im Grand Canyon-Gebiet
published: 13 Aug 2018
SALEWA ROCKSHOW Interview Kurt Albert über Zukunft im Klettern
Kurt klettert die Route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" und berichtet in einem Interview über die Zukunft des Kletterns
Kurt climbing the route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" and talking about the future of climbing
published: 22 Jun 2010
SALEWA ROCKSHOW Interview Martha (Oma Eichler Gasthof) und Kurt Albert
Interview mit den zwei Frankenjura Persönlichkeiten Martha und Kurt am Campingplatz der Oma Eichler
Interview with the „Frankenjura Personalities" Martha and Kurt at camping site Oma Eichler
published: 22 Jun 2010
The Real Thing, 1996. Starring Jerry Moffatt, Kurt Albert, Sean Myles, Ben Moon, Marc Le Menestrel
Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2D8X1l0
published: 24 Jul 2017
Wolfgang Güllich, Kurt Albert - Free climbing and bouldering in the 80s
Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2D8X1l0
published: 20 Jul 2017
Kurt Albert in Patagonia
Kurt Albert in Patagonia
published: 20 Nov 2007
Kurt Alberts Megaklassiker! Maria tanzt den "Sautanz" im Frankenjura
Wir haben einen Ausflug ins nördliche Frankenjura unternommen.
Auf den Spuren Kurt Alberts geht es heute an die oberen Gößweinsteiner Wände, an denen sich Maria an dem Klassiker Sautanz versucht. In dem Video berichtet sie von ihrem Prozess und ihrer Begehung im Juni 2021.
Sautanz, erstbegangen 1981, war die erste 9- Deutschlands und ist nachwievor eine der schönsten Routen in diesem Grad.
Holt euch hier den neuen Kletterführer für den Bayerischen Jura:
Folgt uns auf Instagram:
#Sautanz #Frankenjura #Klettern
Film and edit by Tobi
published: 02 Jul 2021
Jäger des Augenblicks (2013) - Clip - Rotpunkt Klettern
Der sagenumwobene Tafelberg Roraima im Dreiländereck von Brasilien, Venezuela und Guyana steht gleichsam sinnbildlich für Abenteuer fernab jeglicher Zivilisation und ist von atemberaubender, unvergleichlicher Schönheit.
Ende Februar 2010 startet der Superstar der Sportkletter-Szene Stefan Glowacz gemeinsam mit seinen langjährigen Partnern Kurt Albert, Begründer der Rotpunkt-Kletterbewegung, und Holger Heuber zu einer Expedition ins Ungewisse. Das Ziel ist klar, der Weg dorthin (noch) nicht.
Zunächst in Einbäumen über Flussläufe, dann zu Fuß, geht es zwei Wochen durch den Dschungel -- „by fair means", das heißt ohne technische Hilfsmittel zur Fortbewegung, erkämpfen sich die Kletterer bei 40 Grad und Dauerregen den Weg durch jenen Urwald, der auch als „Lost World" bekannt ist. Schließlich...
Vor zehn Jahren ist Kurt Albert ums Leben gekommen, als Kletter-Legende ist er unvergessen. In der Fränkischen Schweiz hatte er die "verrückte Idee", wie er sel...
Vor zehn Jahren ist Kurt Albert ums Leben gekommen, als Kletter-Legende ist er unvergessen. In der Fränkischen Schweiz hatte er die "verrückte Idee", wie er selbst sagt, zur Rotpunkt-Bewegung.
Autorin: Kathrin Denk
Die fränkische Schweiz ist nicht nur eine wunderschöne Gegend und ein Klettergebiet von Weltruf. Die „Fränggische" ist ein Lebensgefühl! Normale Touristen genießen die Mischung von reizvoller Landschaft, einer Menge Kleinbrauereien, riesigen Kuchenstücken und echten Originalen, die hier zuhause sind. Kletterer schätzen zusätzlich die grandiosen Klettermöglichkeiten und den Mythos, der die Felsen in Franken umweht: Hier war die Heimat von ganz besonderen Typen wie Wolfgang Güllich und Kurt Albert, die nicht nur das Klettern in Franken, sondern den Klettersport überhaupt geprägt haben.
Bergauf-Bergab spürt diesem Mythos nach und erinnert mit Ausschnitten aus dem Archiv an Kurt Albert erinnert, der 2010 bei einem Unfall auf einem Klettersteig ums Leben gekommen ist
Bayerischer Rundfunk: http://www.br.de
Bergauf-Bergab im Internet: http://www.br.de/bergauf
BR-Mediathek mit der Rubrik Berge: https://www.br.de/mediathek/rubriken/berge
Mehr Bergthemen im BR: http://www.br.de/Berge
#Klettern #Sport #BergaufBergab
Vor zehn Jahren ist Kurt Albert ums Leben gekommen, als Kletter-Legende ist er unvergessen. In der Fränkischen Schweiz hatte er die "verrückte Idee", wie er selbst sagt, zur Rotpunkt-Bewegung.
Autorin: Kathrin Denk
Die fränkische Schweiz ist nicht nur eine wunderschöne Gegend und ein Klettergebiet von Weltruf. Die „Fränggische" ist ein Lebensgefühl! Normale Touristen genießen die Mischung von reizvoller Landschaft, einer Menge Kleinbrauereien, riesigen Kuchenstücken und echten Originalen, die hier zuhause sind. Kletterer schätzen zusätzlich die grandiosen Klettermöglichkeiten und den Mythos, der die Felsen in Franken umweht: Hier war die Heimat von ganz besonderen Typen wie Wolfgang Güllich und Kurt Albert, die nicht nur das Klettern in Franken, sondern den Klettersport überhaupt geprägt haben.
Bergauf-Bergab spürt diesem Mythos nach und erinnert mit Ausschnitten aus dem Archiv an Kurt Albert erinnert, der 2010 bei einem Unfall auf einem Klettersteig ums Leben gekommen ist
Bayerischer Rundfunk: http://www.br.de
Bergauf-Bergab im Internet: http://www.br.de/bergauf
BR-Mediathek mit der Rubrik Berge: https://www.br.de/mediathek/rubriken/berge
Mehr Bergthemen im BR: http://www.br.de/Berge
#Klettern #Sport #BergaufBergab
Kurt klettert die Route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" und berichtet in einem Interview über die Zukunft des Kletterns
Kurt ...
Kurt klettert die Route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" und berichtet in einem Interview über die Zukunft des Kletterns
Kurt climbing the route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" and talking about the future of climbing
Kurt klettert die Route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" und berichtet in einem Interview über die Zukunft des Kletterns
Kurt climbing the route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" and talking about the future of climbing
Interview mit den zwei Frankenjura Persönlichkeiten Martha und Kurt am Campingplatz der Oma Eichler
Interview with the...
Interview mit den zwei Frankenjura Persönlichkeiten Martha und Kurt am Campingplatz der Oma Eichler
Interview with the „Frankenjura Personalities" Martha and Kurt at camping site Oma Eichler
Interview mit den zwei Frankenjura Persönlichkeiten Martha und Kurt am Campingplatz der Oma Eichler
Interview with the „Frankenjura Personalities" Martha and Kurt at camping site Oma Eichler
Wir haben einen Ausflug ins nördliche Frankenjura unternommen.
Auf den Spuren Kurt Alberts geht es heute an die oberen Gößweinsteiner Wände, an denen sich Mari...
Wir haben einen Ausflug ins nördliche Frankenjura unternommen.
Auf den Spuren Kurt Alberts geht es heute an die oberen Gößweinsteiner Wände, an denen sich Maria an dem Klassiker Sautanz versucht. In dem Video berichtet sie von ihrem Prozess und ihrer Begehung im Juni 2021.
Sautanz, erstbegangen 1981, war die erste 9- Deutschlands und ist nachwievor eine der schönsten Routen in diesem Grad.
Holt euch hier den neuen Kletterführer für den Bayerischen Jura:
Folgt uns auf Instagram:
#Sautanz #Frankenjura #Klettern
Film and edit by Tobi
Wir haben einen Ausflug ins nördliche Frankenjura unternommen.
Auf den Spuren Kurt Alberts geht es heute an die oberen Gößweinsteiner Wände, an denen sich Maria an dem Klassiker Sautanz versucht. In dem Video berichtet sie von ihrem Prozess und ihrer Begehung im Juni 2021.
Sautanz, erstbegangen 1981, war die erste 9- Deutschlands und ist nachwievor eine der schönsten Routen in diesem Grad.
Holt euch hier den neuen Kletterführer für den Bayerischen Jura:
Folgt uns auf Instagram:
#Sautanz #Frankenjura #Klettern
Film and edit by Tobi
Der sagenumwobene Tafelberg Roraima im Dreiländereck von Brasilien, Venezuela und Guyana steht gleichsam sinnbildlich für Abenteuer fernab jeglicher Zivilisatio...
Der sagenumwobene Tafelberg Roraima im Dreiländereck von Brasilien, Venezuela und Guyana steht gleichsam sinnbildlich für Abenteuer fernab jeglicher Zivilisation und ist von atemberaubender, unvergleichlicher Schönheit.
Ende Februar 2010 startet der Superstar der Sportkletter-Szene Stefan Glowacz gemeinsam mit seinen langjährigen Partnern Kurt Albert, Begründer der Rotpunkt-Kletterbewegung, und Holger Heuber zu einer Expedition ins Ungewisse. Das Ziel ist klar, der Weg dorthin (noch) nicht.
Zunächst in Einbäumen über Flussläufe, dann zu Fuß, geht es zwei Wochen durch den Dschungel -- „by fair means", das heißt ohne technische Hilfsmittel zur Fortbewegung, erkämpfen sich die Kletterer bei 40 Grad und Dauerregen den Weg durch jenen Urwald, der auch als „Lost World" bekannt ist. Schließlich nach 1.000 Höhenmetern erreichen sie den gewaltigen, schiffsbugartig aufragenden Felspfeiler namens „La Proa". Über diese 600 Meter überhängende Nordwand möchten sie den Tafelberg Roraima via einer neuen spektakulären Route erreichen. Doch der Dauerregen, der riesige Wasserfälle herabstürzen lässt, und eine Verletzung am Fuß zwingen die Freunde, ihr Abenteuer in Wandmitte abzubrechen.
Noch im November des gleichen Jahres kehren Stefan Glowacz und Holger Heuber an diese Stelle zurück, um ihre Route zu vollenden. Es wird jedoch ihre schwerste Tour, denn ihr langjähriger Freund und Kletterpartner Kurt Albert kann sie auf ihrer wochenlangen Expedition im Fels nicht mehr begleiten ...
JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS führt uns an einen magischen Ort der Erde und lässt uns an der spektakulären Tour dreier Männer teilhaben, die leidenschaftlich das extreme Abenteuer suchen. Doch JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS ist mehr als ein Abenteuerfilm: Nach dem tragischen Kletterunfall Kurt Alberts müssen sich die beiden verbleibenden Athleten bei ihrer zweiten Roraima-Expedition nicht nur mit der Wand, sondern auch mit dem Verlust des Freundes auseinandersetzen.
Die Besteigung des Roraima gerät so zu einer Tour de Force, einfühlsam und authentisch, in noch nie da gewesener Nähe zu den Protagonisten. Für Qualität bürgt ein hochkarätiges und erfahrenes Filmteam: Kolja Brandt (DOP) erhielt für NORDWAND den Bundesfilmpreis für die beste Kamera, Franz Hinterbrandner (2. Kamera) drehte u.a. die Wandaufnahmen in AM LIMIT und ETERNAL FLAME. Produziert wurde JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS von Red Bull Media House.
Der sagenumwobene Tafelberg Roraima im Dreiländereck von Brasilien, Venezuela und Guyana steht gleichsam sinnbildlich für Abenteuer fernab jeglicher Zivilisation und ist von atemberaubender, unvergleichlicher Schönheit.
Ende Februar 2010 startet der Superstar der Sportkletter-Szene Stefan Glowacz gemeinsam mit seinen langjährigen Partnern Kurt Albert, Begründer der Rotpunkt-Kletterbewegung, und Holger Heuber zu einer Expedition ins Ungewisse. Das Ziel ist klar, der Weg dorthin (noch) nicht.
Zunächst in Einbäumen über Flussläufe, dann zu Fuß, geht es zwei Wochen durch den Dschungel -- „by fair means", das heißt ohne technische Hilfsmittel zur Fortbewegung, erkämpfen sich die Kletterer bei 40 Grad und Dauerregen den Weg durch jenen Urwald, der auch als „Lost World" bekannt ist. Schließlich nach 1.000 Höhenmetern erreichen sie den gewaltigen, schiffsbugartig aufragenden Felspfeiler namens „La Proa". Über diese 600 Meter überhängende Nordwand möchten sie den Tafelberg Roraima via einer neuen spektakulären Route erreichen. Doch der Dauerregen, der riesige Wasserfälle herabstürzen lässt, und eine Verletzung am Fuß zwingen die Freunde, ihr Abenteuer in Wandmitte abzubrechen.
Noch im November des gleichen Jahres kehren Stefan Glowacz und Holger Heuber an diese Stelle zurück, um ihre Route zu vollenden. Es wird jedoch ihre schwerste Tour, denn ihr langjähriger Freund und Kletterpartner Kurt Albert kann sie auf ihrer wochenlangen Expedition im Fels nicht mehr begleiten ...
JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS führt uns an einen magischen Ort der Erde und lässt uns an der spektakulären Tour dreier Männer teilhaben, die leidenschaftlich das extreme Abenteuer suchen. Doch JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS ist mehr als ein Abenteuerfilm: Nach dem tragischen Kletterunfall Kurt Alberts müssen sich die beiden verbleibenden Athleten bei ihrer zweiten Roraima-Expedition nicht nur mit der Wand, sondern auch mit dem Verlust des Freundes auseinandersetzen.
Die Besteigung des Roraima gerät so zu einer Tour de Force, einfühlsam und authentisch, in noch nie da gewesener Nähe zu den Protagonisten. Für Qualität bürgt ein hochkarätiges und erfahrenes Filmteam: Kolja Brandt (DOP) erhielt für NORDWAND den Bundesfilmpreis für die beste Kamera, Franz Hinterbrandner (2. Kamera) drehte u.a. die Wandaufnahmen in AM LIMIT und ETERNAL FLAME. Produziert wurde JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS von Red Bull Media House.
'In Patagonia' is, without a doubt, one of the greatest pieces of travel writing in all of literary history. It was so inventive and unorthodox that it changed the landscape of travel writing - many modern writers owe a massive debt of gratitude to Bruce Chatwin.
Very highly recommended.
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Making videos for YouTube and producing materials for teachers and students alike is a time-consuming and often expensive business.
But any little help I can get would make a big difference, so please, think about tipping me a dollar or two so ...
published: 08 Dec 2019
Find Your Bliss in Patagonia | National Geographic
Are you up for a journey to the "End of the World"? At Chile's Torres Del Paine National Park, you can experience the bliss of Patagonia's beautiful landscapes and hike its dramatic terrain to the park's three iconic granite towers.
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National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible.
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Learn more about traveling in Patagonia fr...
published: 23 Sep 2017
On route 7 into the heart of Patagonia | DW Documentary
A trip along Chile’s National Route 7, the Carretera Austral, takes us into the stunning wilderness of Patagonia - a place that many German emigrants chose as their new home almost a century ago.
The Carretera Austral is straddled by mountain ranges, primeval forests, fjords, volcanoes and a huge ice field. It has taken decades to carve its way through the almost impassable terrain - even now a lot of traffic is forced to take a detour across the border into Argentina. The military dictator Augusto Pinochet made the construction of the road a national priority in the 1970s, sending thousands of soldiers to the region to work under the most adverse conditions. One of the last surviving members of Pinochet's junta, former military police chief Rodolfo Stange, talks about the road’s strategi...
published: 21 Jun 2019
What Happened to the British Settlers in Patagonia, Argentina and Chile? History of Y Wladfa
What happened to the British settlers in the Patagonia region of Argentina and Chile? Today we're going to discuss the major modern-day communities of British decent in South America, including the Falklands, the Welsh settlement of Y Wladfa, and other Irish, Scottish and English communities in this neck of the woods.
Be sure to let me know your thoughts on the Falkland islands, as well as the British-descended communities of Patagonia, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Thanks for watching!
published: 13 Nov 2017
Hola from Chile! We're giving away 2 plane tickets to South America! Hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button and check out the links below!!
We are sooo excited to announce a our new partnership with T-Mobile. We use T-Mobile's SIMPLE GLOBAL plan that's available in 210+destinations all over the world.. including Chile!
We had so many amazing moments in Chile. Our first stop was to the famous Torres del Paine in Patagonia. We stayed at Explora Patagonia which has one of the most breathtaking views we've ever seen. Explora is located right inside the Torres del Paine park and every time we look out the window, we are in awe. The view never gets old. Check out Explora Patagonia here if you are planning a visit!
published: 14 Apr 2019
THE PERFECT MOUNTAINS in Patagonia - Morten's South America Vlog Ep. 4
For one year, I travelled around South America to create my best time-lapse video yet. This is how it went down.
In this episode, I drive around in Torres del Paine National Park to chase the picture of the perfect mountains of Patagonia.
See the camera gear I use here: https://youtu.be/Vg6h0U3S8_o
Follow my journey on Instagram: morten.rustad
'In Patagonia' is, without a doubt, one of the greatest pieces of travel writing in all of literary history. It was so inventive and unorthodox that it changed ...
'In Patagonia' is, without a doubt, one of the greatest pieces of travel writing in all of literary history. It was so inventive and unorthodox that it changed the landscape of travel writing - many modern writers owe a massive debt of gratitude to Bruce Chatwin.
Very highly recommended.
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Making videos for YouTube and producing materials for teachers and students alike is a time-consuming and often expensive business.
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'In Patagonia' is, without a doubt, one of the greatest pieces of travel writing in all of literary history. It was so inventive and unorthodox that it changed the landscape of travel writing - many modern writers owe a massive debt of gratitude to Bruce Chatwin.
Very highly recommended.
Find me on Goodreads here:
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Making videos for YouTube and producing materials for teachers and students alike is a time-consuming and often expensive business.
But any little help I can get would make a big difference, so please, think about tipping me a dollar or two so that I can continue making videos for you all.
Thank you so much!
Are you big into reading? Do you want more book reviews like this one? Then Like and Subscribe, so that you can get all of my new videos as and when I make them. You can also follow me here:
Are you up for a journey to the "End of the World"? At Chile's Torres Del Paine National Park, you can experience the bliss of Patagonia's beautiful landscapes ...
Are you up for a journey to the "End of the World"? At Chile's Torres Del Paine National Park, you can experience the bliss of Patagonia's beautiful landscapes and hike its dramatic terrain to the park's three iconic granite towers.
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National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible.
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Learn more about traveling in Patagonia from National Geographic Expeditions.
Find Your Bliss in Patagonia | National Geographic
National Geographic
Are you up for a journey to the "End of the World"? At Chile's Torres Del Paine National Park, you can experience the bliss of Patagonia's beautiful landscapes and hike its dramatic terrain to the park's three iconic granite towers.
➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe
About National Geographic:
National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible.
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Learn more about traveling in Patagonia from National Geographic Expeditions.
Find Your Bliss in Patagonia | National Geographic
National Geographic
A trip along Chile’s National Route 7, the Carretera Austral, takes us into the stunning wilderness of Patagonia - a place that many German emigrants chose as t...
A trip along Chile’s National Route 7, the Carretera Austral, takes us into the stunning wilderness of Patagonia - a place that many German emigrants chose as their new home almost a century ago.
The Carretera Austral is straddled by mountain ranges, primeval forests, fjords, volcanoes and a huge ice field. It has taken decades to carve its way through the almost impassable terrain - even now a lot of traffic is forced to take a detour across the border into Argentina. The military dictator Augusto Pinochet made the construction of the road a national priority in the 1970s, sending thousands of soldiers to the region to work under the most adverse conditions. One of the last surviving members of Pinochet's junta, former military police chief Rodolfo Stange, talks about the road’s strategic importance for the regime.
German marine biologist Vreni Häussermann tells us about a catastrophe in one of the Patagonian fjords - an event that underlines how economic expansion along the route has adversely affected the natural environment in southern Chile. On our journey we meet descendants of German emigrants who found a new home in Patagonia’s remote vastness after the First World War. An insight into the past and present of this unique region.
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A trip along Chile’s National Route 7, the Carretera Austral, takes us into the stunning wilderness of Patagonia - a place that many German emigrants chose as their new home almost a century ago.
The Carretera Austral is straddled by mountain ranges, primeval forests, fjords, volcanoes and a huge ice field. It has taken decades to carve its way through the almost impassable terrain - even now a lot of traffic is forced to take a detour across the border into Argentina. The military dictator Augusto Pinochet made the construction of the road a national priority in the 1970s, sending thousands of soldiers to the region to work under the most adverse conditions. One of the last surviving members of Pinochet's junta, former military police chief Rodolfo Stange, talks about the road’s strategic importance for the regime.
German marine biologist Vreni Häussermann tells us about a catastrophe in one of the Patagonian fjords - an event that underlines how economic expansion along the route has adversely affected the natural environment in southern Chile. On our journey we meet descendants of German emigrants who found a new home in Patagonia’s remote vastness after the First World War. An insight into the past and present of this unique region.
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What happened to the British settlers in the Patagonia region of Argentina and Chile? Today we're going to discuss the major modern-day communities of British d...
What happened to the British settlers in the Patagonia region of Argentina and Chile? Today we're going to discuss the major modern-day communities of British decent in South America, including the Falklands, the Welsh settlement of Y Wladfa, and other Irish, Scottish and English communities in this neck of the woods.
Be sure to let me know your thoughts on the Falkland islands, as well as the British-descended communities of Patagonia, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Thanks for watching!
I don't like to do disclaimers, but no offense is intended towards Argentine people over the Falkland Islands situation. My Argentine subscribers should already know this.
What happened to the British settlers in the Patagonia region of Argentina and Chile? Today we're going to discuss the major modern-day communities of British decent in South America, including the Falklands, the Welsh settlement of Y Wladfa, and other Irish, Scottish and English communities in this neck of the woods.
Be sure to let me know your thoughts on the Falkland islands, as well as the British-descended communities of Patagonia, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Thanks for watching!
I don't like to do disclaimers, but no offense is intended towards Argentine people over the Falkland Islands situation. My Argentine subscribers should already know this.
Hola from Chile! We're giving away 2 plane tickets to South America! Hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button and check out the links below!!
We are sooo excited to a...
Hola from Chile! We're giving away 2 plane tickets to South America! Hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button and check out the links below!!
We are sooo excited to announce a our new partnership with T-Mobile. We use T-Mobile's SIMPLE GLOBAL plan that's available in 210+destinations all over the world.. including Chile!
We had so many amazing moments in Chile. Our first stop was to the famous Torres del Paine in Patagonia. We stayed at Explora Patagonia which has one of the most breathtaking views we've ever seen. Explora is located right inside the Torres del Paine park and every time we look out the window, we are in awe. The view never gets old. Check out Explora Patagonia here if you are planning a visit!
We're excited to share that LATAM Airlines is giving away 2 Tickets to South America. Check out the link to enter :
We had a quick but life changing visit to Santiago. One day, we spent the afternoon about an hour outside of Santiago to partner with LATAM and the non-profit organization, TECHO. TECHO actively helps in 19 countries in Latin America working to overcome poverty. We saw first hand how TECHO has helped. We visited one of these poverty-stricken communities where TECHO had built a community center. They visit twice a week to have activities for children and help the people with other needs. If you're interested in learning more or helping out in their work visit : http://us.techo.org/take-action/
THANK YOU LATAM for taking us all around South America these last few weeks. We hope to be back again soon!
Happy Travels,
The Bucket List Family
LATAM Airlines : https://www.latam.com/en_us/flights-destinations/the-bucket-list-family/sweepstakes/
Ritz Carlton Santiago : http://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/hotels/santiago
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TECHOus/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/techo_org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TECHOus
Web Site: http://us.techo.org/
Hola from Chile! We're giving away 2 plane tickets to South America! Hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button and check out the links below!!
We are sooo excited to announce a our new partnership with T-Mobile. We use T-Mobile's SIMPLE GLOBAL plan that's available in 210+destinations all over the world.. including Chile!
We had so many amazing moments in Chile. Our first stop was to the famous Torres del Paine in Patagonia. We stayed at Explora Patagonia which has one of the most breathtaking views we've ever seen. Explora is located right inside the Torres del Paine park and every time we look out the window, we are in awe. The view never gets old. Check out Explora Patagonia here if you are planning a visit!
We're excited to share that LATAM Airlines is giving away 2 Tickets to South America. Check out the link to enter :
We had a quick but life changing visit to Santiago. One day, we spent the afternoon about an hour outside of Santiago to partner with LATAM and the non-profit organization, TECHO. TECHO actively helps in 19 countries in Latin America working to overcome poverty. We saw first hand how TECHO has helped. We visited one of these poverty-stricken communities where TECHO had built a community center. They visit twice a week to have activities for children and help the people with other needs. If you're interested in learning more or helping out in their work visit : http://us.techo.org/take-action/
THANK YOU LATAM for taking us all around South America these last few weeks. We hope to be back again soon!
Happy Travels,
The Bucket List Family
LATAM Airlines : https://www.latam.com/en_us/flights-destinations/the-bucket-list-family/sweepstakes/
Ritz Carlton Santiago : http://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/hotels/santiago
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TECHOus/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/techo_org/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TECHOus
Web Site: http://us.techo.org/
For one year, I travelled around South America to create my best time-lapse video yet. This is how it went down.
In this episode, I drive around in Torres del...
For one year, I travelled around South America to create my best time-lapse video yet. This is how it went down.
In this episode, I drive around in Torres del Paine National Park to chase the picture of the perfect mountains of Patagonia.
See the camera gear I use here: https://youtu.be/Vg6h0U3S8_o
Follow my journey on Instagram: morten.rustad
For one year, I travelled around South America to create my best time-lapse video yet. This is how it went down.
In this episode, I drive around in Torres del Paine National Park to chase the picture of the perfect mountains of Patagonia.
See the camera gear I use here: https://youtu.be/Vg6h0U3S8_o
Follow my journey on Instagram: morten.rustad
Patagonia – travel here to the land that time forgot and set out on the journey of a lifetime where Mother Nature runs the show.
When ready, browse vacation packages to Patagonia: https://www.expedia.com/Chilean-Patagonia.d6053659.Destination-Travel-Guides
#Patagonia, the fabled ‘edge of the world’, spans the southernmost regions of Chile and Argentina and can be rugged and desolate as well as breathtakingly beautiful and inviting.
This last frontier of South America is a colorful mosaic of snow-capped mountains, icebergs, volcanoes, glaciers, forests, lakes and vast steppe plains. This is a land of legendary beauty.
On the Argentinean side, the scenic Road of the 7 Lakes takes you from San Martín de los Andes to Villa La Angostura and finally San Carlos de Bariloche, a popular ski re...
published: 02 Dec 2015
2 YEARS with the Patagonia Torrentshell 3L Rain Jacket My Review
Today I review the Patagonia Torrentshell 3L Jacket after two years of solid use, I've worn this jacket up Mont Blanc, along the Ridgeway along the South Downs way AND even from London to Birmingham. It has been my go to jacket for the last 2 years and I'd highly recommend it.
STAY DRY AND BUY THE JACKET HERE 🦺🌦️ - https://amzn.to/3OuYANn
Get a XL hat that actually fits your XL head here:
https://www.BigHatsForBigHeads.co.uk 🧢
☕LIKE MY VIDEOS? Help me fund them 💙
published: 03 Jul 2022
Patagonia® W's Torrentshell 3L Rain Jkt
Explore the Women's Torrentshell 3L Jacket: https://www.patagonia.com/product/womens-torrentshell-3l-rain-jacket/85246.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=seo&utm_campaign=yt_S23_85246
Simple and unpretentious, our trusted Torrentshell 3L Rain Jacket uses 3-layer H2No® Performance Standard technology and a PFC-free DWR finish (durable water repellent coating that does not contain perfluorinated chemicals) for exceptional waterproof/breathable performance, all-day comfort and long-lasting waterproof durability. Fair Trade Certified™ sewn.
Subscribe: https://pat.ag/Subscribe
Get more from Patagonia:
Official site: https://pat.ag/Patagonia
Patagonia Stories: https://pat.ag/PatagoniaStories
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patagonia/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PATAGONIA/
Twitter: ...
published: 17 May 2023
Patagonia® Men's Nano Puff® Jacket
Explore the Men's Nano Puff® Jacket: https://www.patagonia.com/product/mens-nano-puff-jacket/84212.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=seo&utm_campaign=yt_F21_84212
Warm, windproof, water-resistant—the Nano Puff® Jacket uses incredibly lightweight and highly compressible 60-g PrimaLoft® Gold Insulation Eco 100% postconsumer recycled polyester with P.U.R.E.™ (Produced Using Reduced Emissions) technology, wrapped in a 100% recycled polyester shell and lining. Fair Trade Certified™ sewn.
Subscribe: https://pat.ag/Subscribe
Get more from Patagonia:
Official site: https://pat.ag/Patagonia
Patagonia Stories: https://pat.ag/PatagoniaStories
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patagonia/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PATAGONIA/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/patagonia
TikTok: https://www.tikt...
published: 15 Dec 2021
The Geography of Patagonia Explained
Learn everything there is to know about the #Geography of #Patagonia. From deep Fjords in the west to towering mountains and glaciers in the center to the dry, tet beautiful Patagonian Desert in the east, Patagonia is one of the most fascinating regions in the world!
For the deep dive into Antarctica:
Subscribe and leave a like if you enjoyed this one, cheers!
Thumbnail art by Alvaro Mosquera
His Instagram:
And Website:
0:00 Intro
0:28 The Patagonian Desert
1:43 The Lake Districts
3:31 The Ice Fields
5:19 The Southern Fjords
6:54 Tierra del Fuego
Soothsayer - John Patitucci
Fruits of Life - Jimena Contreras
Snowfall Butterflies - Asher Fu...
published: 22 Oct 2023
The Ultimate Arc'teryx, Patagonia, and North Face Guide.
Buy the Filson jacket here: https://carrot.link/r/cart-item/bf8dfa07-875b-4124-b143-17e38ca5e675
Buy everything I mentioned in this video/wore here: https://carrot.link/theironsnail/patagonia-vs-arcteryx-vs-north-face-best-down-jackets
Today we are looking at some of the best down jacket brands in the world. Are you wondering what the difference between The North Face, Patagonia, and Arc'teryx are? What about Filson? What about a secret brand that I love very much...Manifattura Ceccarelli. Well anyways today we are looking at the best down jacket brands in the world, the most trendy big boy names of 2023 and BEYOND!
Can I interest you in a hot bowl of following ME and The Snail in other places??
- The Iron Snail Clothing Website: https://theironsnail.us
- The Iron Snail Clothing Insta...
published: 08 Feb 2023
Best travel jacket? The Patagonia Nano Puff review
A deceptively light jacket that keeps you super warm for the weight that it is—the Patagonia Nano Puff stows away easily when not in use—ultralight. View Our Full Review: https://packhacker.com/travel-gear/patagonia/nano-puff/
What's the best travel jacket? The Patagonia Nano Puff review—lightweight, warm, and compressible. This nylon jacket from Patagonia is one of the lightest, smallest, and warmest we've been able to find. It compresses down very small, and easily keeps your loadout minimal while traveling. Not using it in a warmer country? Easy. Just stash it at the bottom of your bag and forget about it. Or, use it as a pillow in dire times.
Buff USA Multifunctional Headwear Review: https://youtu.be/WIDBOw8RMlo
Patagonia Alpine Houdini (Rain Jacket) Review: https://yo...
We are a traveling couple that is looking for good, lightweight packable gear for our rv adventures through the US and Canada and our world wide tours. After buying a cheap jacket that failed I went big with this offering from Patagonia. Do you get what you pay for or do rain coats just not work??
My Amazon https://www.amazon.com/shop/l2thew
Shop at Techno RV https://technorv.com?Click=11869
Please help support my channel
Get your ceramic car detailer here use LW10 save 10percent off
DOPE NEONS - https://dopeneons.com/?ref=6dv644ygqlt USE CODE L2THEW 10% OFF!!
published: 14 Jun 2021
What did we give away? PATAGONIA COTTON JACKET + free gift #ebay #whatsold #freegift
What did we give away? PATAGONIA COTTON JACKET + free gift #ebay #whatsold #freegift
published: 19 Sep 2024
Patagonia Men's Houdini® Jacket
Packable and weather-resistant, the featherweight nylon Houdini® Jacket is a super versatile shell that offers protection from the elements and a minimalist feature set built for trail runners but equally suited to climbers, mountain-bikers, anglers and anyone else going outdoors.
Check out the Men's Houdini Jacket: http://www.patagonia.com/product/mens-houdini-windbreaker-jacket/24141.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=seo&utm_campaign=yt_s16_24141
Patagonia – travel here to the land that time forgot and set out on the journey of a lifetime where Mother Nature runs the show.
When ready, browse vacation p...
Patagonia – travel here to the land that time forgot and set out on the journey of a lifetime where Mother Nature runs the show.
When ready, browse vacation packages to Patagonia: https://www.expedia.com/Chilean-Patagonia.d6053659.Destination-Travel-Guides
#Patagonia, the fabled ‘edge of the world’, spans the southernmost regions of Chile and Argentina and can be rugged and desolate as well as breathtakingly beautiful and inviting.
This last frontier of South America is a colorful mosaic of snow-capped mountains, icebergs, volcanoes, glaciers, forests, lakes and vast steppe plains. This is a land of legendary beauty.
On the Argentinean side, the scenic Road of the 7 Lakes takes you from San Martín de los Andes to Villa La Angostura and finally San Carlos de Bariloche, a popular ski resort on the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi. Trekking opportunities, national parks and awe-inspiring glaciers await you when on #vacation here.
On the Chilean side of Patagonia, the regional capital Punta Arenas attracts visitors with its colonial architecture, cultural attractions and hospitality. Caves, horse riding and hiking opportunities, peaks and waterfalls are ripe for exploring.
For now, we hope you enjoy watching this #travel #guide as much as we enjoyed making it.
More travel information around Patagonia: https://www.expedia.com/Chilean-Patagonia.dx6053659
Subscribe to Expedia’s YouTube Channel for great travel videos and join the conversation on the best vacation ideas.
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0:00 - Patagonia
2:49 - Villa La Angostura
3:12 - San Carlos de Bariloche
3:29 - El Chalten
3:42 - Laguna Capri
3:55 - Cerro Torre
4:09 - El Calafate
4:25 - Lago Argentino
4:40 - Perito Moreno glacier
5:22 - Canal Upsala
5:40 - Strait of Magellan
6:03 - Ushuaia
6:49 - Bird Island and Seal Island
6:57 - Eclaireurs lighthouse
7:09 - Tierra del Fuego National Park
7:37 - Punta Arenas
8:22 - Milodon cave
8:46 - Torres del Paine
8:57 - Salto Grande
9:13 - Osorno Volcano
9:21 - Los Lagos
9:31 - Puerto Varas
Patagonia – travel here to the land that time forgot and set out on the journey of a lifetime where Mother Nature runs the show.
When ready, browse vacation packages to Patagonia: https://www.expedia.com/Chilean-Patagonia.d6053659.Destination-Travel-Guides
#Patagonia, the fabled ‘edge of the world’, spans the southernmost regions of Chile and Argentina and can be rugged and desolate as well as breathtakingly beautiful and inviting.
This last frontier of South America is a colorful mosaic of snow-capped mountains, icebergs, volcanoes, glaciers, forests, lakes and vast steppe plains. This is a land of legendary beauty.
On the Argentinean side, the scenic Road of the 7 Lakes takes you from San Martín de los Andes to Villa La Angostura and finally San Carlos de Bariloche, a popular ski resort on the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi. Trekking opportunities, national parks and awe-inspiring glaciers await you when on #vacation here.
On the Chilean side of Patagonia, the regional capital Punta Arenas attracts visitors with its colonial architecture, cultural attractions and hospitality. Caves, horse riding and hiking opportunities, peaks and waterfalls are ripe for exploring.
For now, we hope you enjoy watching this #travel #guide as much as we enjoyed making it.
More travel information around Patagonia: https://www.expedia.com/Chilean-Patagonia.dx6053659
Subscribe to Expedia’s YouTube Channel for great travel videos and join the conversation on the best vacation ideas.
Follow us on social media:
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/expedia
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Expedia
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/expedia/
PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/expedia
0:00 - Patagonia
2:49 - Villa La Angostura
3:12 - San Carlos de Bariloche
3:29 - El Chalten
3:42 - Laguna Capri
3:55 - Cerro Torre
4:09 - El Calafate
4:25 - Lago Argentino
4:40 - Perito Moreno glacier
5:22 - Canal Upsala
5:40 - Strait of Magellan
6:03 - Ushuaia
6:49 - Bird Island and Seal Island
6:57 - Eclaireurs lighthouse
7:09 - Tierra del Fuego National Park
7:37 - Punta Arenas
8:22 - Milodon cave
8:46 - Torres del Paine
8:57 - Salto Grande
9:13 - Osorno Volcano
9:21 - Los Lagos
9:31 - Puerto Varas
Today I review the Patagonia Torrentshell 3L Jacket after two years of solid use, I've worn this jacket up Mont Blanc, along the Ridgeway along the South Downs ...
Today I review the Patagonia Torrentshell 3L Jacket after two years of solid use, I've worn this jacket up Mont Blanc, along the Ridgeway along the South Downs way AND even from London to Birmingham. It has been my go to jacket for the last 2 years and I'd highly recommend it.
STAY DRY AND BUY THE JACKET HERE 🦺🌦️ - https://amzn.to/3OuYANn
Get a XL hat that actually fits your XL head here:
https://www.BigHatsForBigHeads.co.uk 🧢
☕LIKE MY VIDEOS? Help me fund them 💙
Super light Tent - https://amzn.to/375VglB
Sleeping bag - https://amzn.to/3OmPeRW
(RAB alpine 600 sleeping bag)
AMAZING Pillow - https://amzn.to/3qfzwNR
Soft Pillow Case - https://amzn.to/3u4k6x6
Sleeping Blow Up Mat - https://amzn.to/3CTbGMS
Sleeping bag liner - https://amzn.to/3oc0RhP
Hiking Pack - https://www.gossamergear.com/collections/backpacks
Waterproof Jacket - https://amzn.to/3y6ZlC1
Down Jacket - https://amzn.to/3plBXNH
Favourite Hat - https://amzn.to/2SMQNjL
Long Sleeve Black Top - https://amzn.to/3HjMa5E
Waterproof Trousers - https://amzn.to/33EZ1MV
Trail Running SHOES - https://amzn.to/3iehCaV
Marino Wool Socks - https://amzn.to/30rQi2B
Sock Liners - https://amzn.to/3oqXDaP
Climb on Butter (for open Blisters) - https://amzn.to/3C9yVk5
Headphones - https://amzn.to/3okyaQo
Rechargeable portable battery - https://amzn.to/3fhaBU0
My NEW Tent - https://amzn.to/375VglB
Sleeping mat - https://amzn.to/3CTbGMS
Sleeping bag liner - https://amzn.to/3oc0RhP
Stove & Pots - https://amzn.to/2QcEFYe
Vango Wind Shield - https://amzn.to/3y7y02C
Sea to Summit Spoon - https://amzn.to/31mrCZy
Down Jacket repair kit - https://amzn.to/3ddD8ZT
First Aid kit - https://amzn.to/2W17ABo
MASSIVE plasters for blisters - https://amzn.to/3Hh3EPJ
Medical tape / Bandage Wrap - https://amzn.to/3C7VmGo
App I use for Navigation - https://www.alltrails.com/
Videography Pack - https://amzn.to/2QgLiZK
4K Camera - https://amzn.to/3yapAYg
4K Drone - https://amzn.to/3uJ41Mv
4K iPhone - https://amzn.to/3uIKKLe
4K GoPro - https://amzn.to/3hTG7cz
Wide angle Lens - https://amzn.to/3y6T2i2
Zoom Lens - https://amzn.to/3huGydY
ND Filters - https://amzn.to/3eIQ9MM
CAMERA TO PACK CLIP (SILVER) - https://amzn.to/3ohn6EQ
CAMERA TO PACK CLIP (BLACK) - https://amzn.to/31ngcoy
Studio Tripod - https://amzn.to/3tJCOrB
Light Tripod - https://amzn.to/3g1kGp1
Vlog tripod - https://amzn.to/37IMBpl
Microphone - https://amzn.to/3oMCRUu
Voice Over Microphone - https://amzn.to/3w2uBAy
Light - https://amzn.to/2SoFAG5
SoftBox - https://amzn.to/3pzyJG5
Camera SD Card - https://amzn.to/3of67RD
Drone SD Card - https://amzn.to/33GNrkk
Camera Battery - https://amzn.to/3vWsNJ8
Sony Battery Charger - https://amzn.to/3DdD1c9
Drone accessories - https://amzn.to/33FtpaccDrone
Drone Battery Adapter - https://amzn.to/3hjQRSgPortable
GoPro Batteries - https://amzn.to/3Eimrsn
What I use for Music & SFX - https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/6b1yfd/
Thank you for reading and thank you for your support, if you got this far good on you!
Published on the 03 / 07 / 2022 at 8:30am - with 5858 Subscribers.
Stuff for SEO:
#patagonia #Patagoniatorrentshell #torrentshell #newjacket #raincoat #waterproof #waterproofcoat #waterproofjacket
(Some links are affiliate, this is a small way I can make some additional income to support the continued growth of the channel. It doesn't equate to much but every little helps!)🌦️
Today I review the Patagonia Torrentshell 3L Jacket after two years of solid use, I've worn this jacket up Mont Blanc, along the Ridgeway along the South Downs way AND even from London to Birmingham. It has been my go to jacket for the last 2 years and I'd highly recommend it.
STAY DRY AND BUY THE JACKET HERE 🦺🌦️ - https://amzn.to/3OuYANn
Get a XL hat that actually fits your XL head here:
https://www.BigHatsForBigHeads.co.uk 🧢
☕LIKE MY VIDEOS? Help me fund them 💙
Super light Tent - https://amzn.to/375VglB
Sleeping bag - https://amzn.to/3OmPeRW
(RAB alpine 600 sleeping bag)
AMAZING Pillow - https://amzn.to/3qfzwNR
Soft Pillow Case - https://amzn.to/3u4k6x6
Sleeping Blow Up Mat - https://amzn.to/3CTbGMS
Sleeping bag liner - https://amzn.to/3oc0RhP
Hiking Pack - https://www.gossamergear.com/collections/backpacks
Waterproof Jacket - https://amzn.to/3y6ZlC1
Down Jacket - https://amzn.to/3plBXNH
Favourite Hat - https://amzn.to/2SMQNjL
Long Sleeve Black Top - https://amzn.to/3HjMa5E
Waterproof Trousers - https://amzn.to/33EZ1MV
Trail Running SHOES - https://amzn.to/3iehCaV
Marino Wool Socks - https://amzn.to/30rQi2B
Sock Liners - https://amzn.to/3oqXDaP
Climb on Butter (for open Blisters) - https://amzn.to/3C9yVk5
Headphones - https://amzn.to/3okyaQo
Rechargeable portable battery - https://amzn.to/3fhaBU0
My NEW Tent - https://amzn.to/375VglB
Sleeping mat - https://amzn.to/3CTbGMS
Sleeping bag liner - https://amzn.to/3oc0RhP
Stove & Pots - https://amzn.to/2QcEFYe
Vango Wind Shield - https://amzn.to/3y7y02C
Sea to Summit Spoon - https://amzn.to/31mrCZy
Down Jacket repair kit - https://amzn.to/3ddD8ZT
First Aid kit - https://amzn.to/2W17ABo
MASSIVE plasters for blisters - https://amzn.to/3Hh3EPJ
Medical tape / Bandage Wrap - https://amzn.to/3C7VmGo
App I use for Navigation - https://www.alltrails.com/
Videography Pack - https://amzn.to/2QgLiZK
4K Camera - https://amzn.to/3yapAYg
4K Drone - https://amzn.to/3uJ41Mv
4K iPhone - https://amzn.to/3uIKKLe
4K GoPro - https://amzn.to/3hTG7cz
Wide angle Lens - https://amzn.to/3y6T2i2
Zoom Lens - https://amzn.to/3huGydY
ND Filters - https://amzn.to/3eIQ9MM
CAMERA TO PACK CLIP (SILVER) - https://amzn.to/3ohn6EQ
CAMERA TO PACK CLIP (BLACK) - https://amzn.to/31ngcoy
Studio Tripod - https://amzn.to/3tJCOrB
Light Tripod - https://amzn.to/3g1kGp1
Vlog tripod - https://amzn.to/37IMBpl
Microphone - https://amzn.to/3oMCRUu
Voice Over Microphone - https://amzn.to/3w2uBAy
Light - https://amzn.to/2SoFAG5
SoftBox - https://amzn.to/3pzyJG5
Camera SD Card - https://amzn.to/3of67RD
Drone SD Card - https://amzn.to/33GNrkk
Camera Battery - https://amzn.to/3vWsNJ8
Sony Battery Charger - https://amzn.to/3DdD1c9
Drone accessories - https://amzn.to/33FtpaccDrone
Drone Battery Adapter - https://amzn.to/3hjQRSgPortable
GoPro Batteries - https://amzn.to/3Eimrsn
What I use for Music & SFX - https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/6b1yfd/
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Published on the 03 / 07 / 2022 at 8:30am - with 5858 Subscribers.
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#patagonia #Patagoniatorrentshell #torrentshell #newjacket #raincoat #waterproof #waterproofcoat #waterproofjacket
(Some links are affiliate, this is a small way I can make some additional income to support the continued growth of the channel. It doesn't equate to much but every little helps!)🌦️
Explore the Women's Torrentshell 3L Jacket: https://www.patagonia.com/product/womens-torrentshell-3l-rain-jacket/85246.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=seo&ut...
Explore the Women's Torrentshell 3L Jacket: https://www.patagonia.com/product/womens-torrentshell-3l-rain-jacket/85246.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=seo&utm_campaign=yt_S23_85246
Simple and unpretentious, our trusted Torrentshell 3L Rain Jacket uses 3-layer H2No® Performance Standard technology and a PFC-free DWR finish (durable water repellent coating that does not contain perfluorinated chemicals) for exceptional waterproof/breathable performance, all-day comfort and long-lasting waterproof durability. Fair Trade Certified™ sewn.
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Explore the Women's Torrentshell 3L Jacket: https://www.patagonia.com/product/womens-torrentshell-3l-rain-jacket/85246.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=seo&utm_campaign=yt_S23_85246
Simple and unpretentious, our trusted Torrentshell 3L Rain Jacket uses 3-layer H2No® Performance Standard technology and a PFC-free DWR finish (durable water repellent coating that does not contain perfluorinated chemicals) for exceptional waterproof/breathable performance, all-day comfort and long-lasting waterproof durability. Fair Trade Certified™ sewn.
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Learn everything there is to know about the #Geography of #Patagonia. From deep Fjords in the west to towering mountains and glaciers in the center to the dry, ...
Learn everything there is to know about the #Geography of #Patagonia. From deep Fjords in the west to towering mountains and glaciers in the center to the dry, tet beautiful Patagonian Desert in the east, Patagonia is one of the most fascinating regions in the world!
For the deep dive into Antarctica:
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Thumbnail art by Alvaro Mosquera
His Instagram:
And Website:
0:00 Intro
0:28 The Patagonian Desert
1:43 The Lake Districts
3:31 The Ice Fields
5:19 The Southern Fjords
6:54 Tierra del Fuego
Soothsayer - John Patitucci
Fruits of Life - Jimena Contreras
Snowfall Butterflies - Asher Fulero
Serenade Op 6 - A Far Cry - Josef Suk
World's Sunrise - Jimena Contreras
There is a lot of effort going into creating these mini documentaries. If you want to support the work I am doing, you can now leave a small donation here: https://buymeacoffee.com/factspark
Any support is greatly appreciated!
Learn everything there is to know about the #Geography of #Patagonia. From deep Fjords in the west to towering mountains and glaciers in the center to the dry, tet beautiful Patagonian Desert in the east, Patagonia is one of the most fascinating regions in the world!
For the deep dive into Antarctica:
Subscribe and leave a like if you enjoyed this one, cheers!
Thumbnail art by Alvaro Mosquera
His Instagram:
And Website:
0:00 Intro
0:28 The Patagonian Desert
1:43 The Lake Districts
3:31 The Ice Fields
5:19 The Southern Fjords
6:54 Tierra del Fuego
Soothsayer - John Patitucci
Fruits of Life - Jimena Contreras
Snowfall Butterflies - Asher Fulero
Serenade Op 6 - A Far Cry - Josef Suk
World's Sunrise - Jimena Contreras
There is a lot of effort going into creating these mini documentaries. If you want to support the work I am doing, you can now leave a small donation here: https://buymeacoffee.com/factspark
Any support is greatly appreciated!
Buy the Filson jacket here: https://carrot.link/r/cart-item/bf8dfa07-875b-4124-b143-17e38ca5e675
Buy everything I mentioned in this video/wore here: https://c...
Buy the Filson jacket here: https://carrot.link/r/cart-item/bf8dfa07-875b-4124-b143-17e38ca5e675
Buy everything I mentioned in this video/wore here: https://carrot.link/theironsnail/patagonia-vs-arcteryx-vs-north-face-best-down-jackets
Today we are looking at some of the best down jacket brands in the world. Are you wondering what the difference between The North Face, Patagonia, and Arc'teryx are? What about Filson? What about a secret brand that I love very much...Manifattura Ceccarelli. Well anyways today we are looking at the best down jacket brands in the world, the most trendy big boy names of 2023 and BEYOND!
Can I interest you in a hot bowl of following ME and The Snail in other places??
- The Iron Snail Clothing Website: https://theironsnail.us
- The Iron Snail Clothing Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theironsnail
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- Need to reach out to me outside of Youtube?
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Jackets Mentioned:
1. Filson Down Cruiser Jacket
2. The North Face McMurdo Parka
3. Patagonia Tres 3-1 Parka
4. The Arc'teryx Therme Parka
5. Manifattura Ceccarelli
The Iron Snail is a men’s fashion vlog starring a young man named Michael and featuring a snail no bigger than a quarter. The two are set on taking over the world of fashion by creating a clothing line to end all clothing lines. Until then, we’re here to tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about the best clothing out there, from the highest quality raw denim jeans to the warmest jacket to the sturdiest boots…the Iron Snail has got you covered. (written by Taylor, though Michael is sometimes known to talk about himself in the third person… xoxo)
Buy the Filson jacket here: https://carrot.link/r/cart-item/bf8dfa07-875b-4124-b143-17e38ca5e675
Buy everything I mentioned in this video/wore here: https://carrot.link/theironsnail/patagonia-vs-arcteryx-vs-north-face-best-down-jackets
Today we are looking at some of the best down jacket brands in the world. Are you wondering what the difference between The North Face, Patagonia, and Arc'teryx are? What about Filson? What about a secret brand that I love very much...Manifattura Ceccarelli. Well anyways today we are looking at the best down jacket brands in the world, the most trendy big boy names of 2023 and BEYOND!
Can I interest you in a hot bowl of following ME and The Snail in other places??
- The Iron Snail Clothing Website: https://theironsnail.us
- The Iron Snail Clothing Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theironsnail
- My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michaelkristy_
- My Other Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@michaelkristy1868
- Need to reach out to me outside of Youtube?
[email protected]
Jackets Mentioned:
1. Filson Down Cruiser Jacket
2. The North Face McMurdo Parka
3. Patagonia Tres 3-1 Parka
4. The Arc'teryx Therme Parka
5. Manifattura Ceccarelli
The Iron Snail is a men’s fashion vlog starring a young man named Michael and featuring a snail no bigger than a quarter. The two are set on taking over the world of fashion by creating a clothing line to end all clothing lines. Until then, we’re here to tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about the best clothing out there, from the highest quality raw denim jeans to the warmest jacket to the sturdiest boots…the Iron Snail has got you covered. (written by Taylor, though Michael is sometimes known to talk about himself in the third person… xoxo)
A deceptively light jacket that keeps you super warm for the weight that it is—the Patagonia Nano Puff stows away easily when not in use—ultralight. View Our Fu...
A deceptively light jacket that keeps you super warm for the weight that it is—the Patagonia Nano Puff stows away easily when not in use—ultralight. View Our Full Review: https://packhacker.com/travel-gear/patagonia/nano-puff/
What's the best travel jacket? The Patagonia Nano Puff review—lightweight, warm, and compressible. This nylon jacket from Patagonia is one of the lightest, smallest, and warmest we've been able to find. It compresses down very small, and easily keeps your loadout minimal while traveling. Not using it in a warmer country? Easy. Just stash it at the bottom of your bag and forget about it. Or, use it as a pillow in dire times.
Buff USA Multifunctional Headwear Review: https://youtu.be/WIDBOw8RMlo
Patagonia Alpine Houdini (Rain Jacket) Review: https://youtu.be/Eg7ASaQDb-8
View All of our Travel Clothing Reviews on our Website: https://packhacker.com/travel-gear/category/clothing/
In this video, Tom Wahlin of Pack Hacker reviews the Patagonia Nano Puff Ultralight Jacket.
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A deceptively light jacket that keeps you super warm for the weight that it is—the Patagonia Nano Puff stows away easily when not in use—ultralight. View Our Full Review: https://packhacker.com/travel-gear/patagonia/nano-puff/
What's the best travel jacket? The Patagonia Nano Puff review—lightweight, warm, and compressible. This nylon jacket from Patagonia is one of the lightest, smallest, and warmest we've been able to find. It compresses down very small, and easily keeps your loadout minimal while traveling. Not using it in a warmer country? Easy. Just stash it at the bottom of your bag and forget about it. Or, use it as a pillow in dire times.
Buff USA Multifunctional Headwear Review: https://youtu.be/WIDBOw8RMlo
Patagonia Alpine Houdini (Rain Jacket) Review: https://youtu.be/Eg7ASaQDb-8
View All of our Travel Clothing Reviews on our Website: https://packhacker.com/travel-gear/category/clothing/
In this video, Tom Wahlin of Pack Hacker reviews the Patagonia Nano Puff Ultralight Jacket.
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We are a traveling couple that is looking for good, lightweight packable gear for our rv adventures through the US and Canada and our world wide tours. After bu...
We are a traveling couple that is looking for good, lightweight packable gear for our rv adventures through the US and Canada and our world wide tours. After buying a cheap jacket that failed I went big with this offering from Patagonia. Do you get what you pay for or do rain coats just not work??
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#patagonia #travelgear #rainjacket
We are a traveling couple that is looking for good, lightweight packable gear for our rv adventures through the US and Canada and our world wide tours. After buying a cheap jacket that failed I went big with this offering from Patagonia. Do you get what you pay for or do rain coats just not work??
My Amazon https://www.amazon.com/shop/l2thew
Shop at Techno RV https://technorv.com?Click=11869
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DOPE NEONS - https://dopeneons.com/?ref=6dv644ygqlt USE CODE L2THEW 10% OFF!!
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MUSIC by Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/
THUMBNAILS created by Canva https://www.canva.com/join/latch-birds-chords
#patagonia #travelgear #rainjacket
Packable and weather-resistant, the featherweight nylon Houdini® Jacket is a super versatile shell that offers protection from the elements and a minimalist fea...
Packable and weather-resistant, the featherweight nylon Houdini® Jacket is a super versatile shell that offers protection from the elements and a minimalist feature set built for trail runners but equally suited to climbers, mountain-bikers, anglers and anyone else going outdoors.
Check out the Men's Houdini Jacket: http://www.patagonia.com/product/mens-houdini-windbreaker-jacket/24141.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=seo&utm_campaign=yt_s16_24141
Packable and weather-resistant, the featherweight nylon Houdini® Jacket is a super versatile shell that offers protection from the elements and a minimalist feature set built for trail runners but equally suited to climbers, mountain-bikers, anglers and anyone else going outdoors.
Check out the Men's Houdini Jacket: http://www.patagonia.com/product/mens-houdini-windbreaker-jacket/24141.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=seo&utm_campaign=yt_s16_24141
Vor zehn Jahren ist Kurt Albert ums Leben gekommen, als Kletter-Legende ist er unvergessen. In der Fränkischen Schweiz hatte er die "verrückte Idee", wie er selbst sagt, zur Rotpunkt-Bewegung.
Autorin: Kathrin Denk
Die fränkische Schweiz ist nicht nur eine wunderschöne Gegend und ein Klettergebiet von Weltruf. Die „Fränggische" ist ein Lebensgefühl! Normale Touristen genießen die Mischung von reizvoller Landschaft, einer Menge Kleinbrauereien, riesigen Kuchenstücken und echten Originalen, die hier zuhause sind. Kletterer schätzen zusätzlich die grandiosen Klettermöglichkeiten und den Mythos, der die Felsen in Franken umweht: Hier war die Heimat von ganz besonderen Typen wie Wolfgang Güllich und Kurt Albert, die nicht nur das Klettern in Franken, sondern den Klettersport überhaupt geprägt haben.
Bergauf-Bergab spürt diesem Mythos nach und erinnert mit Ausschnitten aus dem Archiv an Kurt Albert erinnert, der 2010 bei einem Unfall auf einem Klettersteig ums Leben gekommen ist
Bayerischer Rundfunk: http://www.br.de
Bergauf-Bergab im Internet: http://www.br.de/bergauf
BR-Mediathek mit der Rubrik Berge: https://www.br.de/mediathek/rubriken/berge
Mehr Bergthemen im BR: http://www.br.de/Berge
#Klettern #Sport #BergaufBergab
Kurt klettert die Route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" und berichtet in einem Interview über die Zukunft des Kletterns
Kurt climbing the route „Neger mit Knackarsch 7" and talking about the future of climbing
Interview mit den zwei Frankenjura Persönlichkeiten Martha und Kurt am Campingplatz der Oma Eichler
Interview with the „Frankenjura Personalities" Martha and Kurt at camping site Oma Eichler
Wir haben einen Ausflug ins nördliche Frankenjura unternommen.
Auf den Spuren Kurt Alberts geht es heute an die oberen Gößweinsteiner Wände, an denen sich Maria an dem Klassiker Sautanz versucht. In dem Video berichtet sie von ihrem Prozess und ihrer Begehung im Juni 2021.
Sautanz, erstbegangen 1981, war die erste 9- Deutschlands und ist nachwievor eine der schönsten Routen in diesem Grad.
Holt euch hier den neuen Kletterführer für den Bayerischen Jura:
Folgt uns auf Instagram:
#Sautanz #Frankenjura #Klettern
Film and edit by Tobi
Der sagenumwobene Tafelberg Roraima im Dreiländereck von Brasilien, Venezuela und Guyana steht gleichsam sinnbildlich für Abenteuer fernab jeglicher Zivilisation und ist von atemberaubender, unvergleichlicher Schönheit.
Ende Februar 2010 startet der Superstar der Sportkletter-Szene Stefan Glowacz gemeinsam mit seinen langjährigen Partnern Kurt Albert, Begründer der Rotpunkt-Kletterbewegung, und Holger Heuber zu einer Expedition ins Ungewisse. Das Ziel ist klar, der Weg dorthin (noch) nicht.
Zunächst in Einbäumen über Flussläufe, dann zu Fuß, geht es zwei Wochen durch den Dschungel -- „by fair means", das heißt ohne technische Hilfsmittel zur Fortbewegung, erkämpfen sich die Kletterer bei 40 Grad und Dauerregen den Weg durch jenen Urwald, der auch als „Lost World" bekannt ist. Schließlich nach 1.000 Höhenmetern erreichen sie den gewaltigen, schiffsbugartig aufragenden Felspfeiler namens „La Proa". Über diese 600 Meter überhängende Nordwand möchten sie den Tafelberg Roraima via einer neuen spektakulären Route erreichen. Doch der Dauerregen, der riesige Wasserfälle herabstürzen lässt, und eine Verletzung am Fuß zwingen die Freunde, ihr Abenteuer in Wandmitte abzubrechen.
Noch im November des gleichen Jahres kehren Stefan Glowacz und Holger Heuber an diese Stelle zurück, um ihre Route zu vollenden. Es wird jedoch ihre schwerste Tour, denn ihr langjähriger Freund und Kletterpartner Kurt Albert kann sie auf ihrer wochenlangen Expedition im Fels nicht mehr begleiten ...
JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS führt uns an einen magischen Ort der Erde und lässt uns an der spektakulären Tour dreier Männer teilhaben, die leidenschaftlich das extreme Abenteuer suchen. Doch JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS ist mehr als ein Abenteuerfilm: Nach dem tragischen Kletterunfall Kurt Alberts müssen sich die beiden verbleibenden Athleten bei ihrer zweiten Roraima-Expedition nicht nur mit der Wand, sondern auch mit dem Verlust des Freundes auseinandersetzen.
Die Besteigung des Roraima gerät so zu einer Tour de Force, einfühlsam und authentisch, in noch nie da gewesener Nähe zu den Protagonisten. Für Qualität bürgt ein hochkarätiges und erfahrenes Filmteam: Kolja Brandt (DOP) erhielt für NORDWAND den Bundesfilmpreis für die beste Kamera, Franz Hinterbrandner (2. Kamera) drehte u.a. die Wandaufnahmen in AM LIMIT und ETERNAL FLAME. Produziert wurde JÄGER DES AUGENBLICKS von Red Bull Media House.
Kurt Albert (January 28, 1954 – September 28, 2010) was a climber and photographer. He started climbing at the age of 14. Before he wholly committed his life to climbing in 1986 he was a mathematics and physics teacher.
At the age of seventeen he climbed the Walkerpfeiler in the Grandes Jorasses and one year later he climbed the north face of the Eiger. After a visit to the Saxon Switzerland climbing area in Saxony, Germany in 1973 he recognized the potential of free climbing (free climbing was practised in Saxony since the early 19th century). He started to free climb in his home climbing area, the Frankenjura. In the routes he would now try to ascend while free climbing, he would—in between attempts—paint a red 'X' on the rocks near pitons he did not need as holds or steps. Once he could place a red 'X' on all the pitons and hooks in the route, and was thus able to free climb the entire route, he would paint a red dot at the base of the route. From this comes the English term "redpoint", which is derived from the German Rotpunkt, meaning "red dot" or "red point". In many ways this was the origin of the free climbing movement that led to the development of sport climbing some years later.
'In Patagonia' is, without a doubt, one of the greatest pieces of travel writing in all of literary history. It was so inventive and unorthodox that it changed the landscape of travel writing - many modern writers owe a massive debt of gratitude to Bruce Chatwin.
Very highly recommended.
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Are you up for a journey to the "End of the World"? At Chile's Torres Del Paine National Park, you can experience the bliss of Patagonia's beautiful landscapes and hike its dramatic terrain to the park's three iconic granite towers.
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Learn more about traveling in Patagonia from National Geographic Expeditions.
Find Your Bliss in Patagonia | National Geographic
National Geographic
A trip along Chile’s National Route 7, the Carretera Austral, takes us into the stunning wilderness of Patagonia - a place that many German emigrants chose as their new home almost a century ago.
The Carretera Austral is straddled by mountain ranges, primeval forests, fjords, volcanoes and a huge ice field. It has taken decades to carve its way through the almost impassable terrain - even now a lot of traffic is forced to take a detour across the border into Argentina. The military dictator Augusto Pinochet made the construction of the road a national priority in the 1970s, sending thousands of soldiers to the region to work under the most adverse conditions. One of the last surviving members of Pinochet's junta, former military police chief Rodolfo Stange, talks about the road’s strategic importance for the regime.
German marine biologist Vreni Häussermann tells us about a catastrophe in one of the Patagonian fjords - an event that underlines how economic expansion along the route has adversely affected the natural environment in southern Chile. On our journey we meet descendants of German emigrants who found a new home in Patagonia’s remote vastness after the First World War. An insight into the past and present of this unique region.
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What happened to the British settlers in the Patagonia region of Argentina and Chile? Today we're going to discuss the major modern-day communities of British decent in South America, including the Falklands, the Welsh settlement of Y Wladfa, and other Irish, Scottish and English communities in this neck of the woods.
Be sure to let me know your thoughts on the Falkland islands, as well as the British-descended communities of Patagonia, Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Thanks for watching!
I don't like to do disclaimers, but no offense is intended towards Argentine people over the Falkland Islands situation. My Argentine subscribers should already know this.
Hola from Chile! We're giving away 2 plane tickets to South America! Hit the LIKE and SUBSCRIBE button and check out the links below!!
We are sooo excited to announce a our new partnership with T-Mobile. We use T-Mobile's SIMPLE GLOBAL plan that's available in 210+destinations all over the world.. including Chile!
We had so many amazing moments in Chile. Our first stop was to the famous Torres del Paine in Patagonia. We stayed at Explora Patagonia which has one of the most breathtaking views we've ever seen. Explora is located right inside the Torres del Paine park and every time we look out the window, we are in awe. The view never gets old. Check out Explora Patagonia here if you are planning a visit!
We're excited to share that LATAM Airlines is giving away 2 Tickets to South America. Check out the link to enter :
We had a quick but life changing visit to Santiago. One day, we spent the afternoon about an hour outside of Santiago to partner with LATAM and the non-profit organization, TECHO. TECHO actively helps in 19 countries in Latin America working to overcome poverty. We saw first hand how TECHO has helped. We visited one of these poverty-stricken communities where TECHO had built a community center. They visit twice a week to have activities for children and help the people with other needs. If you're interested in learning more or helping out in their work visit : http://us.techo.org/take-action/
THANK YOU LATAM for taking us all around South America these last few weeks. We hope to be back again soon!
Happy Travels,
The Bucket List Family
LATAM Airlines : https://www.latam.com/en_us/flights-destinations/the-bucket-list-family/sweepstakes/
Ritz Carlton Santiago : http://www.ritzcarlton.com/en/hotels/santiago
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For one year, I travelled around South America to create my best time-lapse video yet. This is how it went down.
In this episode, I drive around in Torres del Paine National Park to chase the picture of the perfect mountains of Patagonia.
See the camera gear I use here: https://youtu.be/Vg6h0U3S8_o
Follow my journey on Instagram: morten.rustad
Patagonia – travel here to the land that time forgot and set out on the journey of a lifetime where Mother Nature runs the show.
When ready, browse vacation packages to Patagonia: https://www.expedia.com/Chilean-Patagonia.d6053659.Destination-Travel-Guides
#Patagonia, the fabled ‘edge of the world’, spans the southernmost regions of Chile and Argentina and can be rugged and desolate as well as breathtakingly beautiful and inviting.
This last frontier of South America is a colorful mosaic of snow-capped mountains, icebergs, volcanoes, glaciers, forests, lakes and vast steppe plains. This is a land of legendary beauty.
On the Argentinean side, the scenic Road of the 7 Lakes takes you from San Martín de los Andes to Villa La Angostura and finally San Carlos de Bariloche, a popular ski resort on the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi. Trekking opportunities, national parks and awe-inspiring glaciers await you when on #vacation here.
On the Chilean side of Patagonia, the regional capital Punta Arenas attracts visitors with its colonial architecture, cultural attractions and hospitality. Caves, horse riding and hiking opportunities, peaks and waterfalls are ripe for exploring.
For now, we hope you enjoy watching this #travel #guide as much as we enjoyed making it.
More travel information around Patagonia: https://www.expedia.com/Chilean-Patagonia.dx6053659
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0:00 - Patagonia
2:49 - Villa La Angostura
3:12 - San Carlos de Bariloche
3:29 - El Chalten
3:42 - Laguna Capri
3:55 - Cerro Torre
4:09 - El Calafate
4:25 - Lago Argentino
4:40 - Perito Moreno glacier
5:22 - Canal Upsala
5:40 - Strait of Magellan
6:03 - Ushuaia
6:49 - Bird Island and Seal Island
6:57 - Eclaireurs lighthouse
7:09 - Tierra del Fuego National Park
7:37 - Punta Arenas
8:22 - Milodon cave
8:46 - Torres del Paine
8:57 - Salto Grande
9:13 - Osorno Volcano
9:21 - Los Lagos
9:31 - Puerto Varas
Today I review the Patagonia Torrentshell 3L Jacket after two years of solid use, I've worn this jacket up Mont Blanc, along the Ridgeway along the South Downs way AND even from London to Birmingham. It has been my go to jacket for the last 2 years and I'd highly recommend it.
STAY DRY AND BUY THE JACKET HERE 🦺🌦️ - https://amzn.to/3OuYANn
Get a XL hat that actually fits your XL head here:
https://www.BigHatsForBigHeads.co.uk 🧢
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Super light Tent - https://amzn.to/375VglB
Sleeping bag - https://amzn.to/3OmPeRW
(RAB alpine 600 sleeping bag)
AMAZING Pillow - https://amzn.to/3qfzwNR
Soft Pillow Case - https://amzn.to/3u4k6x6
Sleeping Blow Up Mat - https://amzn.to/3CTbGMS
Sleeping bag liner - https://amzn.to/3oc0RhP
Hiking Pack - https://www.gossamergear.com/collections/backpacks
Waterproof Jacket - https://amzn.to/3y6ZlC1
Down Jacket - https://amzn.to/3plBXNH
Favourite Hat - https://amzn.to/2SMQNjL
Long Sleeve Black Top - https://amzn.to/3HjMa5E
Waterproof Trousers - https://amzn.to/33EZ1MV
Trail Running SHOES - https://amzn.to/3iehCaV
Marino Wool Socks - https://amzn.to/30rQi2B
Sock Liners - https://amzn.to/3oqXDaP
Climb on Butter (for open Blisters) - https://amzn.to/3C9yVk5
Headphones - https://amzn.to/3okyaQo
Rechargeable portable battery - https://amzn.to/3fhaBU0
My NEW Tent - https://amzn.to/375VglB
Sleeping mat - https://amzn.to/3CTbGMS
Sleeping bag liner - https://amzn.to/3oc0RhP
Stove & Pots - https://amzn.to/2QcEFYe
Vango Wind Shield - https://amzn.to/3y7y02C
Sea to Summit Spoon - https://amzn.to/31mrCZy
Down Jacket repair kit - https://amzn.to/3ddD8ZT
First Aid kit - https://amzn.to/2W17ABo
MASSIVE plasters for blisters - https://amzn.to/3Hh3EPJ
Medical tape / Bandage Wrap - https://amzn.to/3C7VmGo
App I use for Navigation - https://www.alltrails.com/
Videography Pack - https://amzn.to/2QgLiZK
4K Camera - https://amzn.to/3yapAYg
4K Drone - https://amzn.to/3uJ41Mv
4K iPhone - https://amzn.to/3uIKKLe
4K GoPro - https://amzn.to/3hTG7cz
Wide angle Lens - https://amzn.to/3y6T2i2
Zoom Lens - https://amzn.to/3huGydY
ND Filters - https://amzn.to/3eIQ9MM
CAMERA TO PACK CLIP (SILVER) - https://amzn.to/3ohn6EQ
CAMERA TO PACK CLIP (BLACK) - https://amzn.to/31ngcoy
Studio Tripod - https://amzn.to/3tJCOrB
Light Tripod - https://amzn.to/3g1kGp1
Vlog tripod - https://amzn.to/37IMBpl
Microphone - https://amzn.to/3oMCRUu
Voice Over Microphone - https://amzn.to/3w2uBAy
Light - https://amzn.to/2SoFAG5
SoftBox - https://amzn.to/3pzyJG5
Camera SD Card - https://amzn.to/3of67RD
Drone SD Card - https://amzn.to/33GNrkk
Camera Battery - https://amzn.to/3vWsNJ8
Sony Battery Charger - https://amzn.to/3DdD1c9
Drone accessories - https://amzn.to/33FtpaccDrone
Drone Battery Adapter - https://amzn.to/3hjQRSgPortable
GoPro Batteries - https://amzn.to/3Eimrsn
What I use for Music & SFX - https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/6b1yfd/
Thank you for reading and thank you for your support, if you got this far good on you!
Published on the 03 / 07 / 2022 at 8:30am - with 5858 Subscribers.
Stuff for SEO:
#patagonia #Patagoniatorrentshell #torrentshell #newjacket #raincoat #waterproof #waterproofcoat #waterproofjacket
(Some links are affiliate, this is a small way I can make some additional income to support the continued growth of the channel. It doesn't equate to much but every little helps!)🌦️
Explore the Women's Torrentshell 3L Jacket: https://www.patagonia.com/product/womens-torrentshell-3l-rain-jacket/85246.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=seo&utm_campaign=yt_S23_85246
Simple and unpretentious, our trusted Torrentshell 3L Rain Jacket uses 3-layer H2No® Performance Standard technology and a PFC-free DWR finish (durable water repellent coating that does not contain perfluorinated chemicals) for exceptional waterproof/breathable performance, all-day comfort and long-lasting waterproof durability. Fair Trade Certified™ sewn.
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Learn everything there is to know about the #Geography of #Patagonia. From deep Fjords in the west to towering mountains and glaciers in the center to the dry, tet beautiful Patagonian Desert in the east, Patagonia is one of the most fascinating regions in the world!
For the deep dive into Antarctica:
Subscribe and leave a like if you enjoyed this one, cheers!
Thumbnail art by Alvaro Mosquera
His Instagram:
And Website:
0:00 Intro
0:28 The Patagonian Desert
1:43 The Lake Districts
3:31 The Ice Fields
5:19 The Southern Fjords
6:54 Tierra del Fuego
Soothsayer - John Patitucci
Fruits of Life - Jimena Contreras
Snowfall Butterflies - Asher Fulero
Serenade Op 6 - A Far Cry - Josef Suk
World's Sunrise - Jimena Contreras
There is a lot of effort going into creating these mini documentaries. If you want to support the work I am doing, you can now leave a small donation here: https://buymeacoffee.com/factspark
Any support is greatly appreciated!
Buy the Filson jacket here: https://carrot.link/r/cart-item/bf8dfa07-875b-4124-b143-17e38ca5e675
Buy everything I mentioned in this video/wore here: https://carrot.link/theironsnail/patagonia-vs-arcteryx-vs-north-face-best-down-jackets
Today we are looking at some of the best down jacket brands in the world. Are you wondering what the difference between The North Face, Patagonia, and Arc'teryx are? What about Filson? What about a secret brand that I love very much...Manifattura Ceccarelli. Well anyways today we are looking at the best down jacket brands in the world, the most trendy big boy names of 2023 and BEYOND!
Can I interest you in a hot bowl of following ME and The Snail in other places??
- The Iron Snail Clothing Website: https://theironsnail.us
- The Iron Snail Clothing Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theironsnail
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[email protected]
Jackets Mentioned:
1. Filson Down Cruiser Jacket
2. The North Face McMurdo Parka
3. Patagonia Tres 3-1 Parka
4. The Arc'teryx Therme Parka
5. Manifattura Ceccarelli
The Iron Snail is a men’s fashion vlog starring a young man named Michael and featuring a snail no bigger than a quarter. The two are set on taking over the world of fashion by creating a clothing line to end all clothing lines. Until then, we’re here to tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about the best clothing out there, from the highest quality raw denim jeans to the warmest jacket to the sturdiest boots…the Iron Snail has got you covered. (written by Taylor, though Michael is sometimes known to talk about himself in the third person… xoxo)
A deceptively light jacket that keeps you super warm for the weight that it is—the Patagonia Nano Puff stows away easily when not in use—ultralight. View Our Full Review: https://packhacker.com/travel-gear/patagonia/nano-puff/
What's the best travel jacket? The Patagonia Nano Puff review—lightweight, warm, and compressible. This nylon jacket from Patagonia is one of the lightest, smallest, and warmest we've been able to find. It compresses down very small, and easily keeps your loadout minimal while traveling. Not using it in a warmer country? Easy. Just stash it at the bottom of your bag and forget about it. Or, use it as a pillow in dire times.
Buff USA Multifunctional Headwear Review: https://youtu.be/WIDBOw8RMlo
Patagonia Alpine Houdini (Rain Jacket) Review: https://youtu.be/Eg7ASaQDb-8
View All of our Travel Clothing Reviews on our Website: https://packhacker.com/travel-gear/category/clothing/
In this video, Tom Wahlin of Pack Hacker reviews the Patagonia Nano Puff Ultralight Jacket.
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We are a traveling couple that is looking for good, lightweight packable gear for our rv adventures through the US and Canada and our world wide tours. After buying a cheap jacket that failed I went big with this offering from Patagonia. Do you get what you pay for or do rain coats just not work??
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Shop at Techno RV https://technorv.com?Click=11869
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#patagonia #travelgear #rainjacket
Packable and weather-resistant, the featherweight nylon Houdini® Jacket is a super versatile shell that offers protection from the elements and a minimalist feature set built for trail runners but equally suited to climbers, mountain-bikers, anglers and anyone else going outdoors.
Check out the Men's Houdini Jacket: http://www.patagonia.com/product/mens-houdini-windbreaker-jacket/24141.html?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=seo&utm_campaign=yt_s16_24141