- published: 28 Apr 2023
- views: 4746864
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Maggie MacDonald (born 1979) is a writer, playwright and musician who lives in Toronto, Ontario.
MacDonald grew up in Cornwall, Ontario, where she became active in the local independent rock music scene. She put on shows and creating a fanzine called Saucy, which gained attention outside of Cornwall as well. Dubbed the "punk-rock valedictorian," she also grew into politics. She served as a student trustee on her school board at the age of 17. She left Cornwall to attend the University of Toronto.
Returning at age 20, MacDonald ran in the 1999 provincial election as the New Democratic Party candidate in the electoral district of Stormont—Dundas—Charlottenburgh. Facing two redistributed incumbents (Liberal John Cleary and Tory Noble Villeneuve) for a single seat in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, she was given next to no chance to win the election. Her innovative campaign strategy, including the use of a guerrilla theatre play called Revolution Mall Style, drew praise and attention. Her mother, Elaine MacDonald, was an NDP candidate in the 2004 and 2006 federal elections in the redistributed riding of Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry
A greatest hits album, sometimes called a "best of" album or a catalog album, is a compilation of songs by a particular artist or band. Most often the track list contains previously released recordings with a high degree of notability. However, to increase the appeal, especially to people who already own the original release, it is common to include remixes and/or alternate takes of popular songs; even new material (previously unreleased). At times a greatest hits compilation is the original release for songs that have themselves been released as a single and charted successfully.
Madonna's The Immaculate Collection is the best selling greatest hits compilation by a solo artist; all of the songs on it are presented in different versions than the original hit versions. The Eagles' Their Greatest Hits (1971–1975) is the best selling greatest hits compilation by a group and also one of the ten best selling albums in history. Greatest hits albums are typically produced after an artist has had enough successful songs to fill out an album release. Some artists, such as Mariah Carey, Madonna, Janet Jackson, Britney Spears, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, The Beatles, Kenny Rogers, Aerosmith, Kiss, U2, Dolly Parton, Journey, Los Tigres del Norte, Queen, Kylie Minogue and Billy Joel, have released multiple greatest hits albums through their long careers. Some greatest hits albums are released only at the end of the artist or group's career. For example, My Chemical Romance released a greatest hits album after they disbanded. Other artists, like Eminem have released hits albums in the center of their success. He released Curtain Call: The Hits in 2005 and then Shady XV as a compilation album in 2014.
The Best (aka The Best of t.A.T.u., t.A.T.u. The Best) is a CD/ set from the Russian group t.A.T.u. featuring hit singles, rare mixes, three previously unreleased tracks, a live concert, music videos and more. There are two versions of the set, one with only a CD, and another with a CD and a DVD (sometimes referred to as the "Deluxe Edition"). In Korea, the Deluxe Edition came with a poster. In the U.S., only the CD version was sold, and only in Best Buy stores. However, for U.S. online retailers, it was available, and for some by import from Korea.
The Best was t.A.T.u.'s final release with the Universal Music Group label. Previously they went through Universal International.
The set was released on September 4, 2006 in Korea and Brazil, September 11 in Europe, September 27 in Japan, September 29 in Germany and October 10 in the U.S. It was later releases on the iTunes Store on November 7. There were different releases of the album, including a cassette, compact disc, DVD and Vinyl.
The Best is a compilation video released by Bonfire in 1993 which contained all the band's promotional videos from 1986 to 1993. It also includes footage of the band during recording sessions and tours. This package was released when the band's album Live...The Best came out and was basically a way of saying thank you to the fans. By the time this was released, Claus Lessmann was replaced in the band with Michael Bormann.
Union Station is the primary railway station and intercity transportation facility in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is located on Front Street West, on the south side of the block bounded by Bay Street and York Street in downtown Toronto. The station building is owned by the City of Toronto, while the train shed and trackage is owned by the commuter rail operator GO Transit. Union Station has been designated a National Historic Site of Canada since 1975, and a Heritage Railway Station since 1989.
This station is the busiest transportation facility in Canada, serving over 250,000 passengers a day. This is partly due to its position at the centre of Canada's busiest inter-city rail service area, the "The Corridor", which stretches from Quebec City in the east to Windsor in the west. More than half of all Canadian intercity passengers travel by way of Union Station.
Intercity train services are provided at Union Station by Via Rail and Amtrak, while commuter rail services are operated by GO Transit. The station is also connected to the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) subway and streetcar system via its namesake subway station. GO Transit's Union Station Bus Terminal, located across Bay Street from the station building, is connected via the trainshed.The Union Pearson Express train service to the airport operates from a separate UP Express Union Station located along the SkyWalk a short walk west of the main station building.
The Toronto Professional Hockey Club was Toronto's first professional ice hockey team, founded in 1906. The team played the 1906–07 season in exhibition games against other professional teams. In 1908, the team was one of the founders of the Ontario Professional Hockey League (OPHL). The club operated for two seasons in the OPHL, 1908 and 1909, before disbanding. The club challenged unsuccessfully for the Stanley Cup in 1908. They were usually referred to as the Toronto Argonauts.
The team featured several prominent players of the time, including Newsy Lalonde who would be inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame and Bruce Ridpath, who would manage the Toronto entry in the National Hockey Association (NHA), fore-runner of the National Hockey League (NHL).
On November 14, 1906, the Ontario Hockey Association (OHA) banned Bruce Ridpath, Rolly Young and Harry Burgoyne from playing with the Toronto Marlboros. The three had been receiving money to play, strictly banned by the OHA. On November 22, Ridpath announced the formation of the Toronto Pros. Ridpath would be captain, and Alexander Miln was named as manager. Miln was manager of the Mutual Street Rink and had previously managed the Toronto Wellingtons, Stanley Cup challengers in 1902. On November 24, Miln attended a meeting of the International Hockey League (IHL) and secured a place in the IHL for the Pros for the 1907–08 season. For the initial season, the Toronto Pros would play only exhibition games.
For the Canadian city of the same name, see Toronto.
Toronto is a lakeside suburb within the city of Lake Macquarie in New South Wales, Australia, approximately 28 kilometres (17 mi) from Newcastle's central business district and is a commercial hub for the sprawling suburbs on the western shore of the lake. It is one of the major centres in the City of Lake Macquarie LGA.
Toronto was named after Toronto, Ontario, Canada, in honour of Edward Hanlan, a Canadian world-champion sculler who visited Australia in 1884. In 1885 the Excelsior Land, Investment and Building Co. and Bank Ltd acquired a portion of Threlkelds' original 1,280 acre grant from McMahon and Whiting plus the 100 ft waterfront reserve from the Crown for £13,722 and subdivided it in 1887. This subdivision coincided with the opening of the Great Northern Railway and became the basis of the future town of Toronto.
The area's subdividers, the Excelsior Company, named the land in honour of Hanlan's visit, which coincided with the opening of the subdivision. The name was not publicly used until 1887. The Canadian city's name theoretically said to have come from the Mohawk language tkaronto, meaning where there are trees standing in the water.
▶️ Welcome to our channel ~ where we promote the best and most popular music artists and greatest hits of all time ▶️ PLAYLIST [00:00:00] - 01. I̲̲̲t M̲u̲̲st H̲a̲̲ve̲̲ B̲e̲̲e̲̲n L̲o̲̲ve̲̲ [00:04:15] - 02. S̲pe̲̲ndi̲̲ng M̲y T̲i̲̲me̲̲ [00:08:47] - 03. F̲a̲̲di̲̲ng L̲i̲̲ke̲̲ A̲̲̲ F̲lo̲̲we̲̲r [00:12:41] - 04. T̲he̲̲ L̲o̲̲o̲̲k [00:16:32] - 05. H̲o̲̲w D̲o̲̲ Y̲o̲̲u̲̲ D̲o̲̲! [00:19:43] - 06. U̲̲̲n D̲ía̲̲ S̲i̲̲n T̲í [00:24:08] - 07. A̲̲̲lo̲̲xne̲̲ [00:25:52] - 08. H̲o̲̲w D̲o̲̲ Y̲o̲̲u̲̲ D̲o̲̲! #Roxette #BestSongs #GreatestHits Thanks for watching! If this music makes you happy, make sure to like, subscribe & share it with others. It's great to read your comment... We hope to make your days more beautiful with the music we share! Tags: Roxette, Roxette songs, Roxette greatest hits,70 80 90 music hits, ...
Ed Sheeran Playlist 2024 - Best Songs Collection Full Album - The Best Of Ed Sheeran - Greatest Hits Ed Sheeran Playlist 2024 - Best Songs Collection Full Album - The Best Of Ed Sheeran - Greatest Hits ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♫ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3sNspb6ittvtMsc8cmhKhM?si=yDEnvGhaSb6Pva3MRb19cg ♫ Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/artist/helions/1695743079 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Tracklist: 00:00:00 1. Shape Of You - Ed Sheeran 00:03:56 2. Photograph - Ed Sheeran 00:08:29 3. Perfect - Ed Sheeran 00:12:53 4. Thinking out Loud - Ed Sheeran 00:17:35 5. Bad Habits - Ed Sheeran 00:21:26 6. I Don't Care - Ed Sheeran x Justin Bieber 00:25:03 7. Give Me Love - Ed Sheeran 00:33:49 8. Supermarket Flowers - Ed Sheeran 00:37:30 9. Eyes Closed - Ed Sheeran 00:40:45 10. Castle...
Bob Marley Best Songs Playlist Ever - Greatest Hits Of Bob Marley Full Album https://youtu.be/RcB83TbB52U ------------------------------------------------------------------ Bob Marley (1945-1981) was a Jamaican singer, songwriter, and musician who became an international icon of reggae music and one of the most influential figures in popular culture. Born in Nine Mile, Jamaica, Marley began his musical career in the late 1960s with the Wailers, a group he formed with Peter Tosh and Bunny Wailer. They achieved widespread success with hits such as "No Woman, No Cry," "Stir It Up," and "Get Up, Stand Up." Marley's music often carried messages of peace, love, and social justice, reflecting his Rastafarian beliefs. He played a significant role in popularizing reggae music worldwide and became ...
Bruno Mars Playlist 2024 - Best Songs Collection Full Album - The Best Of Bruno Mars - Greatest Hits TOP HITS 2024 PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-DtvIoCX_g Tracklist: 00:00:00 1. The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars 00:03:09 2. Thats What I Like - Bruno Mars 00:06:36 3. Just the Way You Are - Bruno Mars 00:10:17 4. 24K Magic - Bruno Mars 00:14:03 5. When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars 00:17:37 6. Grenade - Bruno Mars 00:21:19 7. Locked out of Heaven - Bruno Mars 00:25:13 8. Talking To The Moon - Bruno Mars 00:28:48 9. Versace on The Floor - Bruno Mars vs David Guetta 00:32:10 10. It Will Rain - Bruno Mars 00:36:28 11. Treasure - Bruno Mars 00:39:27 12. Too Good to Say Goodbye - Bruno Mars 00:44:09 13. Perm - Bruno Mars 00:47:39 14. Finesse - Bruno Mars 00:50:50 15. Money Make Her Smile -...
Bee Gees Greatest Hits 2024 - Pop Music Mix - Top 10 Hits Of All Time TRACKLIST:▶️▶️▶️ [00:04:00] - 1. ho̲̲w̲ de̲ep is̲ y̲o̲ur lov̲e̲ - b̲̲ee̲ g̲̲e̲es [00:07:28] - 2. h̲̲o̲̲w̲ can̲̲ y̲̲o̲̲u̲ m̲̲end̲ a̲̲ b̲r̲o̲̲ken̲ h̲eart̲̲ (̲in̲ l̲̲a̲̲s̲̲ ve̲̲ga̲s̲,̲̲ 19̲97̲ -̲ b̲e̲̲e g̲̲e̲e̲s [00:08:19] - 3. c̲ha̲r̲̲t hi̲̲st̲or̲̲y̲: h̲̲ow deep̲ is yo̲̲u̲̲r̲̲ l̲ove̲̲ - be̲̲e g̲̲ees [00:12:12] - 4. i’ve̲ g̲̲ot̲̲ta g̲̲et a̲̲ m̲es̲̲sage t̲o y̲o̲̲u̲ (i̲̲n̲ l̲as̲̲ ve̲̲g̲̲as̲,̲ 1997̲̲ - bee̲ g̲ees [00:16:12] - 5. how̲ d̲eep̲̲ i̲s yo̲̲ur lov̲e -̲ bee g̲ees̲̲ [00:19:40] - 6. ho̲w̲̲ c̲̲an yo̲̲u men̲̲d a broken̲ h̲ea̲r̲t̲̲ (in la̲s̲̲ v̲̲ega̲s, 1̲̲997 - b̲e̲̲e̲ ge̲̲e̲̲s [00:20:31] - 7. c̲hart histo̲̲r̲̲y:̲̲ h̲o̲̲w deep̲ i̲̲s̲ y̲o̲̲ur lov̲e -̲̲ be̲e̲ g̲̲e̲e̲̲s̲ [00:24:24] - 8. i’̲v̲̲e̲̲ gott̲̲a g̲e̲t̲̲ a̲ mess̲̲ag̲̲...
👋 Hello everyone! Music always brings you relaxing moments and the most positive mood. So here Soft Rock Legends - All our time and energy was invested in creating the video to ensure quality highest and original video. I work hard with passion and dedication. ⭐ About Soft Rock Legends: We have compiled the best soft rock tunes of all time with lyrics We hope our music can give you some space to stay optimistic in life. Release all negative thoughts and just relax to keep creating! From now on, your life will only be filled with your emotions. ⭐If you like this video, please share it with your friends and family, like and comment on the video and subscribe to my channel to help us get more of our next products. To support my efforts, you can buy a coffee to give me more energy to try to...
Greatest Hits Relaxing Love Songs 80s & 90s English Classics to🌻Romantic English Classics 80s & 90s Greatest Hits Relaxing Love Songs 80s & 90s English Classics to🌻Romantic English Classics 80s & 90s Greatest Hits Relaxing Love Songs 80s & 90s English Classics to🌻Romantic English Classics 80s & 90s
The Eagles Full Albums || Best Songs of The Eagles
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Bon Jovi Best Rock Songs Playlist Ever ~ Greatest Hits Of Full Album ----- [00:00:00] - 01. I̲̲̲t's M̲y L̲i̲̲fe̲̲ [00:03:59] - 02. Y̲o̲̲u̲̲ G̲i̲̲ve̲̲ L̲o̲̲ve̲̲ A̲̲̲ B̲a̲̲d N̲a̲̲me̲̲ [00:07:36] - 03. L̲i̲̲vi̲̲n' O̲̲̲n A̲̲̲ P̲ra̲̲ye̲̲r [00:11:33] - 04. I̲̲̲'ll B̲e̲̲ T̲he̲̲re̲̲ F̲o̲̲r Y̲o̲̲u̲̲ [00:17:04] - 05. B̲a̲̲d M̲e̲̲di̲̲ci̲̲ne̲̲ [00:22:20] - 06. B̲e̲̲d O̲̲̲f R̲o̲̲se̲̲s [00:29:31] - 07. T̲ha̲̲nk Y̲o̲̲u̲̲ F̲o̲̲r L̲o̲̲vi̲̲ng M̲e̲̲ [00:34:16] - 08. B̲la̲̲ze̲̲ O̲̲̲f G̲lo̲̲ry [00:39:46] - 09. M̲a̲̲ke̲̲ a̲̲̲ M̲e̲̲mo̲̲ry [00:44:09] - 10. W̲a̲̲nte̲̲d D̲e̲̲a̲̲d O̲̲̲r A̲̲̲li̲̲ve̲̲ [00:48:42] - 11. A̲̲̲lo̲̲xne̲̲ [00:51:20] - 12. M̲a̲̲ke̲̲ a̲̲̲ M̲e̲̲mo̲̲ry #BonJovi #Rock #Rockmusic #Rocksongs Tags: Bon Jovi, Livin' On A Prayer, You Give Love A Bad Name, It's My Life, I'll Be There For You, Rock,...
Kenny G Greatest Hits Full Album - Kenny G Best Collection Thanks for watching! Do not forget to SUBCRIBE, I like and share my video if you enjoy it! You have a good day! © Suger: Youtube → https://bit.ly/35SfoVK Playlist → https://bit.ly/38VY9Fc Deep Saxhouse → https://bit.ly/2twtnCs 🚫 If you have any problem with copyright, please CONTACT US DIRECTLY before doing anything, or question please write to me in the email
Led Zeppelin – Mothership (Full Album Remastered) ► Listen to Mothership https://lnk.to/StreamMothership Track Listing: Good Times Bad Times 00:00 Communication Breakdown 02:46 Dazed and Confused 05:14 Babe I'm Gonna Leave You 11:42 Whole Lotta Love 18:23 Ramble On 23:55 Heartbreaker 28:15 Immigrant Song 32:33 Since I've Been Loving You 34:58 Rock and Roll 42:21 Black Dog 46:02 When the Levee Breaks 50:56 Stairway to Heaven 58:05 The Song Remains the Same 1:06:06 Over the Hills and Far Away 1:11:38 D'yer Mak'er 1:16:25 No Quarter 1:20:48 Trampled Under Foot 1:27:45 Houses of the Holy 1:33:22 Kashmir 1:37:24 Nobody's Fault but Mine 1:45:51 Achilles Last Stand 1:52:11 In the Evening 2:02:32 All My Love 2:09:19 ♪ Watch all episodes of Led Zeppelin History https://lnk.to/LedZeppelinHistor...
Fan-Made Album Made By Me. This Is Made For Fans. Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/0sbkbwnsknbz3al/2PV18thA2019.zip/file Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
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Music video by t.A.T.u. performing All About Us. (C) 2005 Interscope Records #tATu #AllAboutUs #Vevo
REMASTERED IN HD! Music video by t.A.T.u. performing All The Things She Said. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 5,405,015. (C) 2002 Universal Music Russia #tATu #AllTheThingsSheSaid #Remastered
Music video by t.A.T.u. performing All About Us. (C) 2005 Interscope Records #TATu #AllAboutUs #Vevo
t.A.T.u. was a Russian music duo that consisted of Lena Katina and Julia Volkova. t.A.T.u.'s debut album 200 Po Vstrechnoy (2001) was a commercial success in Eastern Europe, and that made the duo sign with Interscope Records to release its English-language counterpart, 200 km/h in the Wrong Lane (2002). The album was certified platinum by the IFPI for one million copies sold in Europe and became the first album by a foreign group to reach number one in Japan. It was also certified gold in the United States and included the international hits "All the Things She Said" and "Not Gonna Get Us". The duo represented Russia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2003 with the song "Ne ver', ne boysia", finishing third. Overall t.A.t.u. sold an estimated 8 million albums & singles worldwide, #Tatu #Al...
"Not Gonna Get Us" - the second music video from t.A.T.u.'s debute album "200 Km/H In The Wrong Lane (2003). English language pair to the song "Nas Ne Dogonyat" ("200 Po Vstrechnoi", 2001). ______ Waste Management studio album is out and available at iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=341805687
White Robe - a single from t.A.T.u.'s third international studio album "Waste Management". English version. Waste Management studio album is out and available at iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=341805687
Maggie MacDonald (born 1979) is a writer, playwright and musician who lives in Toronto, Ontario.
MacDonald grew up in Cornwall, Ontario, where she became active in the local independent rock music scene. She put on shows and creating a fanzine called Saucy, which gained attention outside of Cornwall as well. Dubbed the "punk-rock valedictorian," she also grew into politics. She served as a student trustee on her school board at the age of 17. She left Cornwall to attend the University of Toronto.
Returning at age 20, MacDonald ran in the 1999 provincial election as the New Democratic Party candidate in the electoral district of Stormont—Dundas—Charlottenburgh. Facing two redistributed incumbents (Liberal John Cleary and Tory Noble Villeneuve) for a single seat in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario, she was given next to no chance to win the election. Her innovative campaign strategy, including the use of a guerrilla theatre play called Revolution Mall Style, drew praise and attention. Her mother, Elaine MacDonald, was an NDP candidate in the 2004 and 2006 federal elections in the redistributed riding of Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry
Guy feat. 1 Life 2 Live
Yeah uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, yeah
Yes! G-U-Y and I
Gotta get a piece of this pie
Gonna take you on a high
Do or die
Are you with it?
Cause you can be the one who can get it
And if I get money we can split it
If I gave you my life would you live it
Would you fit it?
Now who wanna be the freeloader
Who wanna be the shareholder
Who's gonna be the downloaders
When I download the **** on the block
All consumers just be ready to cop
Cause I'm ready to drop, **** be fifty a pop
You better let me know if you want it or not
Yo it's gonna be gone by the end of the day
Cause **** from Y2K
1 - We're talking 'bout the best
Take it to the wild, wild West
Talking about the dirty south
That's what I'm all about, no doubt
Take it to the East
You gotta go fast in the streets
Cause I'm living in the belly of the beast
I'm just trying to live in peace, roll out
Now we're rolling on the South side
With my true playas this is from the East side
Got my shorties in the back
Got my niggaz in the front
And my fifteen inch rims on my hoo ride
Now who rides, rolling through the ATL so don't trip
Plus you're about to get yourself in some ****
And you know we got your back
All the clubs are pack from front to back, the girls are phat
Booty banging like a budha sack
And when you're living in the ghetto
You gotta know when to let go
How to hold every dice roll
Or your platinum from your white gold
Plus the price is on your soul
And everyday's in vain
Shooting you're luck like a monopoly game
And everybody's looking for the fortune and fame
That's the name of this thang
Repeat 1
[1 Life 2 Live]:
Only the best like pushing black Bentley coupes
You ain't the best so that just can't be you
Only the best like coppin' a platinum piece
You ain't the best nigga **** cheap
Me, toxic, I split vintage
Everything you talk you know we been did
You kick one rap and you all winded
Your career real quick started and ended
We the elite means we the top of the line
Means we go straight in while you stopping in the line
Means I don't give a **** what you got in your rhymes
Means y'all get to going when I'm cocking my nine
When Teddy told me the cost, **** hit me hard
Pay me how many thousands for sixteen bars?
You wiling, you gon' regret that you started this mess
Got two g but will never be part of the best
Repeat 1
Just trying to live in peace yeah, yeah