Integrated injection logic (IIL, I2L, or I2L) is a class of digital circuits built with multiple collector bipolar junction transistors (BJT). When introduced it had speed comparable to TTL yet was almost as low power as CMOS, making it ideal for use in VLSI (and larger) integrated circuits. Although the logic voltage levels are very close (High: 0.7V, Low: 0.2V), I2L has high noise immunity because it operates by current instead of voltage. It is sometimes also known as merged transistor logic.
The heart of an I2L circuit is the common emitter open collector inverter. Typically, an inverter consists of an NPN transistor with the emitter connected to ground and the base biased with a forward current. The input is supplied to the base as either a current sink (low logic level) or as a high-z floating condition (high logic level). The output of an inverter is at the collector. Likewise, it is either a current sink (low logic level) or a high-z floating condition (high logic level).
In computing, the Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual (ICCCM or I39L short for "I", 39 letters and "L") is a standard for interoperability between X Window Systemclients of the same X server. It is primarily used for communication between normal clients and the window manager. It was designed by David S. H. Rosenthal of the MIT X Consortium in 1988. Version 1.0 was released in July 1989 and version 2.0 in early 1994.
X deliberately specifies "mechanism, not policy". As such, an additional specification beyond the X protocol itself was needed for client interoperation. The ICCCM specifies cut and paste buffers, window manager interaction, session management, how to manipulate shared resources and how to manage device colours. These low-level functions are generally implemented within widget toolkits or desktop environments, meaning that application programmers rarely work directly with the ICCCM itself but instead use the higher-level toolkit functions that implement it.
Brazil (i/brəˈzɪl/; Portuguese:Brasil[bɾaˈziw] ), officially the Federative Republic of Brazil (Portuguese:República Federativa do Brasil, listen ), is the largest sovereign state in both South America and the Latin American region. It is the world's fifth-largest country, both by geographical area and by population. It is the largest Portuguese-speaking country in the world, and the only one in the Americas.
Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of 7,491km (4,655mi). It borders all other South American countries except Ecuador and Chile and occupies 47.3 percent of the continent of South America. Its Amazon River basin includes a vast tropical forest, home to diverse wildlife, a variety of ecological systems, and extensive natural resources spanning numerous protected habitats. This unique environmental heritage makes Brazil one of 17 megadiverse countries, and is the subject of significant global interest and debate regarding deforestation and environmental protection.
Brasil, also known as Hy-Brasil or several other variants, is a phantom island said to lie in the Atlantic Ocean west of Ireland. Irish myths described it as cloaked in mist except for one day every seven years, when it became visible but still could not be reached.
Etymology of the name
The etymology of the names Brasil and Hy-Brasil is unknown, but in Irish tradition it is thought to come from the Irish Uí Breasail (meaning "descendants (i.e., clan) of Breasal"), one of the ancient clans of northeastern Ireland. cf.Old Irish: Í: island; bres: beauty, worth, great, mighty.
Despite the similarity, the name of the country Brazil has no connection to the mythical islands. The South American country was at first named Ilha de Vera Cruz (Island of the True Cross) and later Terra de Santa Cruz (Land of the Holy Cross) by the Portuguese navigators who discovered the land. After some decades, it started to be called "Brazil" (Brasil, in Portuguese) due to the exploitation of native Brazilwood, at that time the only export of the land. In Portuguese, brazilwood is called pau-brasil, with the word brasil commonly given the etymology "red like an ember", formed from Latinbrasa ("ember") and the suffix -il (from -iculum or -ilium).
RY X live from Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, in Brazil for Cercle
RY X playing live from Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, in Brazil for Cercle.
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☞ Cercle Records
RY X - Lençóis (Love Me):
☞ RY X
2°29'11.6"S 43°07'55.9"W
☞ About the location
Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is a graceful composition of shapes of land and water, located in the "majestic and sensual world of Northern Brazil" - as RY X musingly expresses it. The 155 thousand h...
published: 15 Sep 2022
TAKEADITO! Brazil enter the World Cup as FAVORITES! Insane similarities! 🇧🇷 | ESPN FC
ESPN’s Luis Miguel Echegaray is back with this second edition of “TAKEADITO” to compare the 2002 and 2022 Brazil squads ahead of this year’s World Cup.
#ESPNFC #TAKEADITO #Brazil #Neymar #WorldCup
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published: 22 Sep 2022
Black Stars Final Full Training Ahead Of The Brazil Game - International Friendly 🇬🇭Vs🇧🇷
published: 22 Sep 2022
Lil Nas X - STAR WALKIN' (League of Legends Worlds Anthem)
Check out the official anthem and music video for Worlds 2022. (Lil Nas X - STAR WALKIN’)
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Written by: Montero Hill, Omer Fedi, Henr...
published: 22 Sep 2022
Black Stars Final Training Ahead Of The Brazil Friendly Game - Ghana 🇬🇭Vs 🇧🇷 Brazil
published: 22 Sep 2022
15 Years Old ENDRICK is The Future of Brazil 🇧🇷 Goals & Skills
Endrick Palmeiras, Endrick Brazil/Brasil, Endrick Felipe Moreira de Sousa 2022, Endrick 2022, Endrick goals & skills 2021/2022
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This content is both in Transformative and Educational nature.
Video is in compliance with Content Quality section of YPP Policies as the editing adds creative value which makes the content unique.
published: 08 Jan 2022
Brazil, England or France: Who will win the 2022 World Cup?! 🏆 | ESPN FC
The ESPN FC crew look at the current 2022 World Cup favorites.
#ESPNFC #Soccer #WorldCup
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published: 22 Sep 2022
The Brazilian Trucking Experience
IVECO is an Italian brand I have no idea why I said it was Japanese, must've got my wires crossed between Isuzu and Iveco. Apologies to the Italians.
Thanks for watching. This video is a bit different than some of my past ones, one of my main sources for this video was a sociological study (2nd link in sources below) into the lives of Brazilian truck drivers, hence the emphasis on the personal issues many drivers face. The intention of this video isn't to offend, simply to inform and if you take issue with any of the statements presented in the video, feel free to correct me as I'm sure this video isn't 100% accurate.
Sorry about the visual glitches during the video, my computer is on its last legs. Also this video broke all the bones in my body during the editing process. Not even sure...
published: 21 Sep 2022
ARTBAT at Bondinho Pão de Açúcar in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for Cercle
ARTBAT playing an exclusive DJ set at Bondinho Pão de Açúcar in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for Cercle.
☞ Join Cercle Odyssey immersive events:
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22° 56' 57.9" S 43° 09' 24.0" W
Video credits:
Artist: ARTBAT
Venue: Bondinho Pão de Açúcar
Produced by Cercle
Founder & Creative Director: Derek Barbolla
Music Director: Philippe Tuchmann
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Directors of photography: Mickael Fidjili & Mathieu Glissant
Sound engineer: João (CPRO)
Sound mastering: Michel Av...
RY X playing live from Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, in Brazil for Cercle.
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RY X playing live from Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, in Brazil for Cercle.
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☞ Cercle Records
RY X - Lençóis (Love Me):
☞ RY X
2°29'11.6"S 43°07'55.9"W
☞ About the location
Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is a graceful composition of shapes of land and water, located in the "majestic and sensual world of Northern Brazil" - as RY X musingly expresses it. The 155 thousand hectares is unique for its white sand dunes and topaz lagoons that the wind reshapes endlessly.
☞ About RY X - Lençóis (Love Me)
RY X initially composed Lençóis (Love Me) for his live performance at the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park for Cercle. Writing the song, he "wanted to feel like it belonged to both (his) heart, and the waters and hills of this place:" "Creating and producing the song took on a life of its own spurred on by the images in my mind of these shapes of land and water". In his interview for Cercle, he portrayed the nature around him as "feminime". Lençóis (Love Me) became both "a cry of the heart to be understood deeply, especially to be taken in and held by the feminine unconditionally", and "a lament out to those lands in that same way too".
Video credits:
Artist: RY X accompanied by Gene Evaro Jr & Tim Gardner
Quartet: Graziela Fortunato, Paula Brunelli
, Natalia Visoná
, Thais Duarte
Venue: Lençóis Maranhenses National Park
Produced by Cercle
Executive producers: Derek Barbolla & Philippe Tuchmann
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Director of photography & Post-production: Mathieu Glissant (Saison Unique Production)
Cameramen: Mickaël Fidjili, Augustin Thai
Drone pilots: Alexis Olas & Jérémie Tridard
FPV drone: Arthur Maneit
Production team: Anaïs De Framond, Dan Aufseesser, Armand Prouhèze
Technical Manager: Aurélien Moisan
Sound mastering: Laurent de Boisgisson
Photographer: Raul Aragao
Communication: Pol Souchier, Lola Lebrati, Emie Monnier et Jeremy Maurin
Graphic Design: Anaëlle Rouquette
Label Manager: Clémence Maillard
Finance: Andy Cheremond & Kevin Benisty
Official Partners:
Satellite connection by SES
Special thanks to:
Lucca Delanieze and all the SNTS team
Leon Alexander
Danny Angove
Alice Shale
Elodie Maurer
Paul Pierson
Casablanca Online
Camilla Zecchin Muniz
Carolina Gonzalez Baldessar
Felipe Bittencourt
Guilherme Augusto
Joane Ely Momo
Leonardo Marchezini Fumagalli
Luisa Lopes
Rodolfo Gerard Tavares
Rodrigo Escorcio
Victor Aued
This artistic performance has been recorded live.
00:00:00 String Intro
00:01:11 Sweat
00:09:10 Salt
00:16:33 Let You Go
00:21:11 Bound
00:26:33 Colorblind
00:32:11 Berlin
00:35:56 Lençóis (Love Me)
00:41:10 Spiral
00:46:35 Dawn
00:48:08 Shortline
00:53:27 The Water
00:59:54 Howling
01:07:07 Only
01:12:55 Interview with RY X
Follow us on
#ryx #cercle
RY X playing live from Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, in Brazil for Cercle.
☞ Support us and get access to exclusive videos & perks:
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☞ Cercle Records
RY X - Lençóis (Love Me):
☞ RY X
2°29'11.6"S 43°07'55.9"W
☞ About the location
Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is a graceful composition of shapes of land and water, located in the "majestic and sensual world of Northern Brazil" - as RY X musingly expresses it. The 155 thousand hectares is unique for its white sand dunes and topaz lagoons that the wind reshapes endlessly.
☞ About RY X - Lençóis (Love Me)
RY X initially composed Lençóis (Love Me) for his live performance at the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park for Cercle. Writing the song, he "wanted to feel like it belonged to both (his) heart, and the waters and hills of this place:" "Creating and producing the song took on a life of its own spurred on by the images in my mind of these shapes of land and water". In his interview for Cercle, he portrayed the nature around him as "feminime". Lençóis (Love Me) became both "a cry of the heart to be understood deeply, especially to be taken in and held by the feminine unconditionally", and "a lament out to those lands in that same way too".
Video credits:
Artist: RY X accompanied by Gene Evaro Jr & Tim Gardner
Quartet: Graziela Fortunato, Paula Brunelli
, Natalia Visoná
, Thais Duarte
Venue: Lençóis Maranhenses National Park
Produced by Cercle
Executive producers: Derek Barbolla & Philippe Tuchmann
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Director of photography & Post-production: Mathieu Glissant (Saison Unique Production)
Cameramen: Mickaël Fidjili, Augustin Thai
Drone pilots: Alexis Olas & Jérémie Tridard
FPV drone: Arthur Maneit
Production team: Anaïs De Framond, Dan Aufseesser, Armand Prouhèze
Technical Manager: Aurélien Moisan
Sound mastering: Laurent de Boisgisson
Photographer: Raul Aragao
Communication: Pol Souchier, Lola Lebrati, Emie Monnier et Jeremy Maurin
Graphic Design: Anaëlle Rouquette
Label Manager: Clémence Maillard
Finance: Andy Cheremond & Kevin Benisty
Official Partners:
Satellite connection by SES
Special thanks to:
Lucca Delanieze and all the SNTS team
Leon Alexander
Danny Angove
Alice Shale
Elodie Maurer
Paul Pierson
Casablanca Online
Camilla Zecchin Muniz
Carolina Gonzalez Baldessar
Felipe Bittencourt
Guilherme Augusto
Joane Ely Momo
Leonardo Marchezini Fumagalli
Luisa Lopes
Rodolfo Gerard Tavares
Rodrigo Escorcio
Victor Aued
This artistic performance has been recorded live.
00:00:00 String Intro
00:01:11 Sweat
00:09:10 Salt
00:16:33 Let You Go
00:21:11 Bound
00:26:33 Colorblind
00:32:11 Berlin
00:35:56 Lençóis (Love Me)
00:41:10 Spiral
00:46:35 Dawn
00:48:08 Shortline
00:53:27 The Water
00:59:54 Howling
01:07:07 Only
01:12:55 Interview with RY X
Follow us on
#ryx #cercle
ESPN’s Luis Miguel Echegaray is back with this second edition of “TAKEADITO” to compare the 2002 and 2022 Brazil squads ahead of this year’s World Cup.
ESPN’s Luis Miguel Echegaray is back with this second edition of “TAKEADITO” to compare the 2002 and 2022 Brazil squads ahead of this year’s World Cup.
#ESPNFC #TAKEADITO #Brazil #Neymar #WorldCup
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ESPN’s Luis Miguel Echegaray is back with this second edition of “TAKEADITO” to compare the 2002 and 2022 Brazil squads ahead of this year’s World Cup.
#ESPNFC #TAKEADITO #Brazil #Neymar #WorldCup
✔ Subscribe to ESPN+:
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Check out the official anthem and music video for Worlds 2022. (Lil Nas X - STAR WALKIN’)
LISTEN NOW - https://lil...
Check out the official anthem and music video for Worlds 2022. (Lil Nas X - STAR WALKIN’)
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Written by: Montero Hill, Omer Fedi, Henry Walter, and Atia "Ink" Boggs
Produced by: Cirkut, Omer Fedi, and Lil Nas X
Recorded by: Cirkut and Omer Fedi at Cirkut City in Los Angeles, CA
Mixed by: Serban Ghenea at MixStar Studios, Virginia Beach, VA
Mastered by: Randy Merrill at Sterling Sound, NJ
Musician Credits:
All Instruments and Programming by Cirkut and Omer Fedi
Created in partnership with The Line
Director: Wesley Louis
Producer: Eva Dahlqvist
Additional Direction: Bjørn-Erik Aschim
Art Directors: Juancho Crespo, Kévin Roualland, Shen Yi
Animation Lead: Mourad Elias Seddiki
CG Lead / Technical Director: Pete Addington
Compositing Lead: Freddie Lewis-Wall
Watch #Worlds2022 live at on Sept 29 - Nov 5.
Follow LoL Esports on social to stay up-to-date with the best of competitive LoL around the world:
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
On a mission to get high up I know that Imma die reachin for a life that I don’t really need at all
Never listened to replies learned a lesson from the wise you should never take advice from somebody
That ain’t try
They said I wouldn't make it out alive
They told me I would never see the rise
That’s why I gotta get ‘em every time
Gotta watch ‘em bleed too
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
Been that *ha* since I came out my mama
Thanking g-d daddy never wore a
Prove ‘em wrong every time til it’s normal
Why worship legends when you know that you can join ‘em
These demons don’t like me, they don’t like me
Likely, they wanna fight me
Come on try it out, try me
They put me down but I never cried out
Why me, words from the wise
Don’t put worth inside somebody
That ain’t try
They said I wouldn't make it out alive
They told me I would never see the rise
That’s why I gotta get ‘em every time
Gotta watch ‘em bleed too
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
star walkin’
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
#Worlds2022 #LoLEsports #LeagueOfLegends
Check out the official anthem and music video for Worlds 2022. (Lil Nas X - STAR WALKIN’)
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YouTube -
Written by: Montero Hill, Omer Fedi, Henry Walter, and Atia "Ink" Boggs
Produced by: Cirkut, Omer Fedi, and Lil Nas X
Recorded by: Cirkut and Omer Fedi at Cirkut City in Los Angeles, CA
Mixed by: Serban Ghenea at MixStar Studios, Virginia Beach, VA
Mastered by: Randy Merrill at Sterling Sound, NJ
Musician Credits:
All Instruments and Programming by Cirkut and Omer Fedi
Created in partnership with The Line
Director: Wesley Louis
Producer: Eva Dahlqvist
Additional Direction: Bjørn-Erik Aschim
Art Directors: Juancho Crespo, Kévin Roualland, Shen Yi
Animation Lead: Mourad Elias Seddiki
CG Lead / Technical Director: Pete Addington
Compositing Lead: Freddie Lewis-Wall
Watch #Worlds2022 live at on Sept 29 - Nov 5.
Follow LoL Esports on social to stay up-to-date with the best of competitive LoL around the world:
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
On a mission to get high up I know that Imma die reachin for a life that I don’t really need at all
Never listened to replies learned a lesson from the wise you should never take advice from somebody
That ain’t try
They said I wouldn't make it out alive
They told me I would never see the rise
That’s why I gotta get ‘em every time
Gotta watch ‘em bleed too
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
Been that *ha* since I came out my mama
Thanking g-d daddy never wore a
Prove ‘em wrong every time til it’s normal
Why worship legends when you know that you can join ‘em
These demons don’t like me, they don’t like me
Likely, they wanna fight me
Come on try it out, try me
They put me down but I never cried out
Why me, words from the wise
Don’t put worth inside somebody
That ain’t try
They said I wouldn't make it out alive
They told me I would never see the rise
That’s why I gotta get ‘em every time
Gotta watch ‘em bleed too
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
star walkin’
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
#Worlds2022 #LoLEsports #LeagueOfLegends
The ESPN FC crew look at the current 2022 World Cup favorites.
#ESPNFC #Soccer #WorldCup
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The ESPN FC crew look at the current 2022 World Cup favorites.
#ESPNFC #Soccer #WorldCup
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The ESPN FC crew look at the current 2022 World Cup favorites.
#ESPNFC #Soccer #WorldCup
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IVECO is an Italian brand I have no idea why I said it was Japanese, must've got my wires crossed between Isuzu and Iveco. Apologies to the Italians.
Thanks f...
IVECO is an Italian brand I have no idea why I said it was Japanese, must've got my wires crossed between Isuzu and Iveco. Apologies to the Italians.
Thanks for watching. This video is a bit different than some of my past ones, one of my main sources for this video was a sociological study (2nd link in sources below) into the lives of Brazilian truck drivers, hence the emphasis on the personal issues many drivers face. The intention of this video isn't to offend, simply to inform and if you take issue with any of the statements presented in the video, feel free to correct me as I'm sure this video isn't 100% accurate.
Sorry about the visual glitches during the video, my computer is on its last legs. Also this video broke all the bones in my body during the editing process. Not even sure how it happened. I'm lying on the floor typing this like when Peter Griffin (of family guy fame, of course) also lost his bones and became more or less a puddle with conscious thought. Except I lack the conscious thought.
Trucker Strike:
Royalty-free Music by Giorgio Di Campo for FreeSound Music
original video:
Peter Griffin (no bones):
IVECO is an Italian brand I have no idea why I said it was Japanese, must've got my wires crossed between Isuzu and Iveco. Apologies to the Italians.
Thanks for watching. This video is a bit different than some of my past ones, one of my main sources for this video was a sociological study (2nd link in sources below) into the lives of Brazilian truck drivers, hence the emphasis on the personal issues many drivers face. The intention of this video isn't to offend, simply to inform and if you take issue with any of the statements presented in the video, feel free to correct me as I'm sure this video isn't 100% accurate.
Sorry about the visual glitches during the video, my computer is on its last legs. Also this video broke all the bones in my body during the editing process. Not even sure how it happened. I'm lying on the floor typing this like when Peter Griffin (of family guy fame, of course) also lost his bones and became more or less a puddle with conscious thought. Except I lack the conscious thought.
Trucker Strike:
Royalty-free Music by Giorgio Di Campo for FreeSound Music
original video:
Peter Griffin (no bones):
ARTBAT playing an exclusive DJ set at Bondinho Pão de Açúcar in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for Cercle.
☞ Join Cercle Odyssey immersive events: https://Cercle.lnk.t...
ARTBAT playing an exclusive DJ set at Bondinho Pão de Açúcar in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for Cercle.
☞ Join Cercle Odyssey immersive events:
☞ Join our next events:
☞ Listen to our playlists, tracks & sets:
22° 56' 57.9" S 43° 09' 24.0" W
Video credits:
Artist: ARTBAT
Venue: Bondinho Pão de Açúcar
Produced by Cercle
Founder & Creative Director: Derek Barbolla
Music Director: Philippe Tuchmann
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Directors of photography: Mickael Fidjili & Mathieu Glissant
Sound engineer: João (CPRO)
Sound mastering: Michel Avannier
Drone: Jérémie Tridard
Special thanks to all the Sintese Agency team, Gabriel Saran, Lucca Delanieze, Anna Woortmann, Yuri Mendonça, Marcela Epprecht from Bondinho Pão de Açúcar and Galerie Joseph.
00:00 Rampa ft. WhoMadeWho - Tell Me Are We
05:28 Damian Lazarus & The Ancient Moons - All I Need To Get High (Ae:ther Dreaming Dub Remix)
10:28 Arm In Arm - Hunger For Your Vibe (Moonwalk Remix)
16:01 ARTBAT - Papillon
21:33 ARTBAT & Dino Lenny - Fading
27:31 ARTBAT - Upperground
33:27 Monolink - Return To Oz (ARTBAT Remix)
40:02 Shall Ocin - Boreal
44:52 ARTBAT - Element
50:33 ARTBAT ft. Dino Lenny - Atlas
57:02 Matador & ARTBAT - Apollo 11
1:02:49 ARTBAT - Aquarius
1:09:49 ARTBAT - Orbital
1:16:08 ARTBAT ft. WhoMadeWho - Closer
1:22:51 Interview
This artistic performance has been recorded live.
Follow us on
#artbat #cercle
ARTBAT playing an exclusive DJ set at Bondinho Pão de Açúcar in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for Cercle.
☞ Join Cercle Odyssey immersive events:
☞ Join our next events:
☞ Listen to our playlists, tracks & sets:
22° 56' 57.9" S 43° 09' 24.0" W
Video credits:
Artist: ARTBAT
Venue: Bondinho Pão de Açúcar
Produced by Cercle
Founder & Creative Director: Derek Barbolla
Music Director: Philippe Tuchmann
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Directors of photography: Mickael Fidjili & Mathieu Glissant
Sound engineer: João (CPRO)
Sound mastering: Michel Avannier
Drone: Jérémie Tridard
Special thanks to all the Sintese Agency team, Gabriel Saran, Lucca Delanieze, Anna Woortmann, Yuri Mendonça, Marcela Epprecht from Bondinho Pão de Açúcar and Galerie Joseph.
00:00 Rampa ft. WhoMadeWho - Tell Me Are We
05:28 Damian Lazarus & The Ancient Moons - All I Need To Get High (Ae:ther Dreaming Dub Remix)
10:28 Arm In Arm - Hunger For Your Vibe (Moonwalk Remix)
16:01 ARTBAT - Papillon
21:33 ARTBAT & Dino Lenny - Fading
27:31 ARTBAT - Upperground
33:27 Monolink - Return To Oz (ARTBAT Remix)
40:02 Shall Ocin - Boreal
44:52 ARTBAT - Element
50:33 ARTBAT ft. Dino Lenny - Atlas
57:02 Matador & ARTBAT - Apollo 11
1:02:49 ARTBAT - Aquarius
1:09:49 ARTBAT - Orbital
1:16:08 ARTBAT ft. WhoMadeWho - Closer
1:22:51 Interview
This artistic performance has been recorded live.
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RY X playing live from Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, in Brazil for Cercle.
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RY X - Lençóis (Love Me):
☞ RY X
2°29'11.6"S 43°07'55.9"W
☞ About the location
Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is a graceful composition of shapes of land and water, located in the "majestic and sensual world of Northern Brazil" - as RY X musingly expresses it. The 155 thousand hectares is unique for its white sand dunes and topaz lagoons that the wind reshapes endlessly.
☞ About RY X - Lençóis (Love Me)
RY X initially composed Lençóis (Love Me) for his live performance at the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park for Cercle. Writing the song, he "wanted to feel like it belonged to both (his) heart, and the waters and hills of this place:" "Creating and producing the song took on a life of its own spurred on by the images in my mind of these shapes of land and water". In his interview for Cercle, he portrayed the nature around him as "feminime". Lençóis (Love Me) became both "a cry of the heart to be understood deeply, especially to be taken in and held by the feminine unconditionally", and "a lament out to those lands in that same way too".
Video credits:
Artist: RY X accompanied by Gene Evaro Jr & Tim Gardner
Quartet: Graziela Fortunato, Paula Brunelli
, Natalia Visoná
, Thais Duarte
Venue: Lençóis Maranhenses National Park
Produced by Cercle
Executive producers: Derek Barbolla & Philippe Tuchmann
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Director of photography & Post-production: Mathieu Glissant (Saison Unique Production)
Cameramen: Mickaël Fidjili, Augustin Thai
Drone pilots: Alexis Olas & Jérémie Tridard
FPV drone: Arthur Maneit
Production team: Anaïs De Framond, Dan Aufseesser, Armand Prouhèze
Technical Manager: Aurélien Moisan
Sound mastering: Laurent de Boisgisson
Photographer: Raul Aragao
Communication: Pol Souchier, Lola Lebrati, Emie Monnier et Jeremy Maurin
Graphic Design: Anaëlle Rouquette
Label Manager: Clémence Maillard
Finance: Andy Cheremond & Kevin Benisty
Official Partners:
Satellite connection by SES
Special thanks to:
Lucca Delanieze and all the SNTS team
Leon Alexander
Danny Angove
Alice Shale
Elodie Maurer
Paul Pierson
Casablanca Online
Camilla Zecchin Muniz
Carolina Gonzalez Baldessar
Felipe Bittencourt
Guilherme Augusto
Joane Ely Momo
Leonardo Marchezini Fumagalli
Luisa Lopes
Rodolfo Gerard Tavares
Rodrigo Escorcio
Victor Aued
This artistic performance has been recorded live.
00:00:00 String Intro
00:01:11 Sweat
00:09:10 Salt
00:16:33 Let You Go
00:21:11 Bound
00:26:33 Colorblind
00:32:11 Berlin
00:35:56 Lençóis (Love Me)
00:41:10 Spiral
00:46:35 Dawn
00:48:08 Shortline
00:53:27 The Water
00:59:54 Howling
01:07:07 Only
01:12:55 Interview with RY X
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ESPN’s Luis Miguel Echegaray is back with this second edition of “TAKEADITO” to compare the 2002 and 2022 Brazil squads ahead of this year’s World Cup.
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Check out the official anthem and music video for Worlds 2022. (Lil Nas X - STAR WALKIN’)
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Written by: Montero Hill, Omer Fedi, Henry Walter, and Atia "Ink" Boggs
Produced by: Cirkut, Omer Fedi, and Lil Nas X
Recorded by: Cirkut and Omer Fedi at Cirkut City in Los Angeles, CA
Mixed by: Serban Ghenea at MixStar Studios, Virginia Beach, VA
Mastered by: Randy Merrill at Sterling Sound, NJ
Musician Credits:
All Instruments and Programming by Cirkut and Omer Fedi
Created in partnership with The Line
Director: Wesley Louis
Producer: Eva Dahlqvist
Additional Direction: Bjørn-Erik Aschim
Art Directors: Juancho Crespo, Kévin Roualland, Shen Yi
Animation Lead: Mourad Elias Seddiki
CG Lead / Technical Director: Pete Addington
Compositing Lead: Freddie Lewis-Wall
Watch #Worlds2022 live at on Sept 29 - Nov 5.
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Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
On a mission to get high up I know that Imma die reachin for a life that I don’t really need at all
Never listened to replies learned a lesson from the wise you should never take advice from somebody
That ain’t try
They said I wouldn't make it out alive
They told me I would never see the rise
That’s why I gotta get ‘em every time
Gotta watch ‘em bleed too
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
Been that *ha* since I came out my mama
Thanking g-d daddy never wore a
Prove ‘em wrong every time til it’s normal
Why worship legends when you know that you can join ‘em
These demons don’t like me, they don’t like me
Likely, they wanna fight me
Come on try it out, try me
They put me down but I never cried out
Why me, words from the wise
Don’t put worth inside somebody
That ain’t try
They said I wouldn't make it out alive
They told me I would never see the rise
That’s why I gotta get ‘em every time
Gotta watch ‘em bleed too
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
star walkin’
Don’t ever say it’s over if I’m breathing
Racing to the moonlight and I’m speeding
I’m headed to the stars, ready to go far
I’m star walkin’
#Worlds2022 #LoLEsports #LeagueOfLegends
The ESPN FC crew look at the current 2022 World Cup favorites.
#ESPNFC #Soccer #WorldCup
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IVECO is an Italian brand I have no idea why I said it was Japanese, must've got my wires crossed between Isuzu and Iveco. Apologies to the Italians.
Thanks for watching. This video is a bit different than some of my past ones, one of my main sources for this video was a sociological study (2nd link in sources below) into the lives of Brazilian truck drivers, hence the emphasis on the personal issues many drivers face. The intention of this video isn't to offend, simply to inform and if you take issue with any of the statements presented in the video, feel free to correct me as I'm sure this video isn't 100% accurate.
Sorry about the visual glitches during the video, my computer is on its last legs. Also this video broke all the bones in my body during the editing process. Not even sure how it happened. I'm lying on the floor typing this like when Peter Griffin (of family guy fame, of course) also lost his bones and became more or less a puddle with conscious thought. Except I lack the conscious thought.
Trucker Strike:
Royalty-free Music by Giorgio Di Campo for FreeSound Music
original video:
Peter Griffin (no bones):
ARTBAT playing an exclusive DJ set at Bondinho Pão de Açúcar in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for Cercle.
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22° 56' 57.9" S 43° 09' 24.0" W
Video credits:
Artist: ARTBAT
Venue: Bondinho Pão de Açúcar
Produced by Cercle
Founder & Creative Director: Derek Barbolla
Music Director: Philippe Tuchmann
Film directed by: Pol Souchier & Derek Barbolla
Directors of photography: Mickael Fidjili & Mathieu Glissant
Sound engineer: João (CPRO)
Sound mastering: Michel Avannier
Drone: Jérémie Tridard
Special thanks to all the Sintese Agency team, Gabriel Saran, Lucca Delanieze, Anna Woortmann, Yuri Mendonça, Marcela Epprecht from Bondinho Pão de Açúcar and Galerie Joseph.
00:00 Rampa ft. WhoMadeWho - Tell Me Are We
05:28 Damian Lazarus & The Ancient Moons - All I Need To Get High (Ae:ther Dreaming Dub Remix)
10:28 Arm In Arm - Hunger For Your Vibe (Moonwalk Remix)
16:01 ARTBAT - Papillon
21:33 ARTBAT & Dino Lenny - Fading
27:31 ARTBAT - Upperground
33:27 Monolink - Return To Oz (ARTBAT Remix)
40:02 Shall Ocin - Boreal
44:52 ARTBAT - Element
50:33 ARTBAT ft. Dino Lenny - Atlas
57:02 Matador & ARTBAT - Apollo 11
1:02:49 ARTBAT - Aquarius
1:09:49 ARTBAT - Orbital
1:16:08 ARTBAT ft. WhoMadeWho - Closer
1:22:51 Interview
This artistic performance has been recorded live.
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#artbat #cercle
Noch 2017 hatte Kader Loth an der 11 ... In diesem Jahr bietet sich Kader Loth und allen anderen zwölf Teilnehmern die Chance, den Titel Dschungelkönig oder Dschungelkönigin in der Sonderausgabe zu ergattern ... Kader Loth im „Sommer-Dschungelcamp“ 2024.
Am Lagerfeuer, im Interview im Dschungelcamp oder danach - die Promis geben gerne vieles von sich Preis, wie etwa ElenaMiras, die über ihre Depressionen spricht, oder auch Kader Loth ... Dschungelcamp-Legende Kader Loth bangt um ihre Rente.
Lauren Lothes grew up in Marion... She has taught me how to take a little and do much with it!” Lothes said. Lothes loves her hometown ... Lothes graduated from Marion Harding High School in 2009 ... In 2018, she married Zach Lothes, another Marion native.
Sabine’s Loth-Cat is an episode of the Star WarsLofi series. It features the character Sabine Wren’s Loth-cat, Murley, and offers a relaxing ambiance with music ... Sabine’s Loth-Cat via streaming services such as DisneyPlus.
We first meet Murley, SabineWren's adorable Loth-cat, in Ashoka season 1 episode 1, "Master and Apprentice." The fury beasts are native to Lothal, where they hunt and eat Loth-rats in the grassy plains of the Outer Rim planet.
When Star WarsRebels fans reunited with SabineWren in the first episode of Ahsoka earlier this year, they learned that the character, now being played in live-action by Natasha Liu Bordizzo, was taking care of a Loth-cat named Murley.
Natalie Bassingthwaighte has gone Instagram official with her new partner Pip Loth. The entertainer, 48, shared a heartwarming photo of herself and Loth, both beaming with happiness, as they enjoyed what appeared to be a pair of dirty margaritas.