The Uvod River, a tributary of the Klyazma, flows from north to south, dividing the city in to two halves. There are also two rivers in Ivanovo: the Talka and the Kharinka.
The city is first mentioned in 1561, when it was given to the Cherkassky princely family by IvanIV, after the latter's marriage to Maria Cherkasskaya. However, the relevant document has since been lost.
The modern city was created by merging the old flax-processing village Ivanovo with the industrial Voznesensky Posad in 1871. Yakov Garelin—a patron of arts, historian, manufacturer, and public figure—is considered to be the founder of the city and its first head. Under his government, the city began to develop, industrialise, and grow.
First mentioned in the 14th century, initially it was a village named Porkhovo. In 1423 it was granted by the king Władysław Jagiełło to the cathedral in Lutsk. Renamed to Janów, in 1465 it was granted with city rights. A small town in Polesia, it shared the fate of the region. On May 16, 1657 it was the seat of the martyrdom of Saint Andrzej Bobola. Annexed by Russia during the Partitions of Poland in 1795, the town did not develop much, mostly because of the proximity of much more populous town of Pinsk. At the end of the 19th century it had circa 3000 inhabitants, mostly peasants and workers in a local minor textile works.
Between 1915 and 1918 occupied by Germany, in 1919 it was transferred to Poland. During the Polish-Bolshevik War it was briefly occupied by the Russians between July and October 1920. After retaken by Poland, the town was the centre of mobilization of Gen. Jarosławcew's 3rd Volga Infantry Division, part of Gen. Stanisław Bułak-Bałachowicz's forces. Between the wars, the town remained a minor and rather non-notable centre of commerce in the area. In 1926 it was linked with the world by a new railroad. This however did not lead to fast development as the industry preferred other regions of Poland.
Babylon 5 - Ivanova: Death Incarnate (Season 4, Episode 19 - Between the Darkness and the Light)
A great scene from the best show ever on television - Babylon 5!
This scene features Claudia Christian as Commander Susan Ivanova, and Jason Carter as Ranger Marcus Cole.
Hopefully, someday, Babylon 5 will get an HD makeover. We can dream, right?
published: 06 Jan 2020
Ivanova Has Such a Way With Words (Babylon 5 Fan Tribute)
A follow-up character tribute to my "Ivanova is Scary" video where I show a bit more of her humorous side while including a couple scenes that didn't make it into the previous version.
*All video clips are the property of Warner Bros.*
Watch the first video here:
These videos are meant as tributes from me to my favorite show, but I also make original content. Keep up to date by subscribing to my pages and help me make more by pledging on Patreon!
published: 25 Jun 2021
Ivanava Top # 12 Facts
Ivanava Top # 12 Facts
published: 28 Oct 2015
Susan Ivanova - "I Am Death Incarnate"
Ivanova's last epic verbal throwdown in the Babylon 5 series - my favorite scene of hers. It still gives me goosebumps to this day.
"Babylon 5", Season 4, Episode 19, "Between the Darkness and the Light"
Susan Ivanova - Claudia Christian
published: 31 Mar 2011
"Uniéndome al trend de BEETLEJUICE"🪲 Espero les guste | #trend #ivanova_bm #beetlejuicebeetlejuice
Convirtiéndos en Uncanny Valley ¿Los conocían?👁️👄👁️@raultoo @PAWYMTZ | #uncannyvalley
published: 06 Oct 2024
"Green. Purple." - Susan Ivanova and Drazi
Scene from "The Geometry of Shadows" - Babylon 5 S2 E3
I thought this scene was funny and I couldn't find it on the internet, so here it is.
Sorry for the random bit of the intro at the beginning. Thought I had gotten all of that out. :/
All rights belong to WB and JMS. No copyright infringement intended. Only for reference and personal use.
published: 21 Apr 2012
"El secreto del Reino" 👑🏰 (Un lazo especial) | Mini serie | Ivanova BM | @alexatorrex
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A great scene from the best show ever on television - Babylon 5!
This scene features Claudia Christian as Commander Susan Ivanova, and Jason Carter as Ranger M...
A great scene from the best show ever on television - Babylon 5!
This scene features Claudia Christian as Commander Susan Ivanova, and Jason Carter as Ranger Marcus Cole.
Hopefully, someday, Babylon 5 will get an HD makeover. We can dream, right?
A great scene from the best show ever on television - Babylon 5!
This scene features Claudia Christian as Commander Susan Ivanova, and Jason Carter as Ranger Marcus Cole.
Hopefully, someday, Babylon 5 will get an HD makeover. We can dream, right?
A follow-up character tribute to my "Ivanova is Scary" video where I show a bit more of her humorous side while including a couple scenes that didn't make it in...
A follow-up character tribute to my "Ivanova is Scary" video where I show a bit more of her humorous side while including a couple scenes that didn't make it into the previous version.
*All video clips are the property of Warner Bros.*
Watch the first video here:
These videos are meant as tributes from me to my favorite show, but I also make original content. Keep up to date by subscribing to my pages and help me make more by pledging on Patreon!
A follow-up character tribute to my "Ivanova is Scary" video where I show a bit more of her humorous side while including a couple scenes that didn't make it into the previous version.
*All video clips are the property of Warner Bros.*
Watch the first video here:
These videos are meant as tributes from me to my favorite show, but I also make original content. Keep up to date by subscribing to my pages and help me make more by pledging on Patreon!
Ivanova's last epic verbal throwdown in the Babylon 5 series - my favorite scene of hers. It still gives me goosebumps to this day.
"Babylon 5", Season 4, Epis...
Ivanova's last epic verbal throwdown in the Babylon 5 series - my favorite scene of hers. It still gives me goosebumps to this day.
"Babylon 5", Season 4, Episode 19, "Between the Darkness and the Light"
Susan Ivanova - Claudia Christian
Ivanova's last epic verbal throwdown in the Babylon 5 series - my favorite scene of hers. It still gives me goosebumps to this day.
"Babylon 5", Season 4, Episode 19, "Between the Darkness and the Light"
Susan Ivanova - Claudia Christian
Scene from "The Geometry of Shadows" - Babylon 5 S2 E3
I thought this scene was funny and I couldn't find it on the internet, so here it is.
Sorry for the rand...
Scene from "The Geometry of Shadows" - Babylon 5 S2 E3
I thought this scene was funny and I couldn't find it on the internet, so here it is.
Sorry for the random bit of the intro at the beginning. Thought I had gotten all of that out. :/
All rights belong to WB and JMS. No copyright infringement intended. Only for reference and personal use.
Scene from "The Geometry of Shadows" - Babylon 5 S2 E3
I thought this scene was funny and I couldn't find it on the internet, so here it is.
Sorry for the random bit of the intro at the beginning. Thought I had gotten all of that out. :/
All rights belong to WB and JMS. No copyright infringement intended. Only for reference and personal use.
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¿Qué les ha parecido esta mini serie?
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A great scene from the best show ever on television - Babylon 5!
This scene features Claudia Christian as Commander Susan Ivanova, and Jason Carter as Ranger Marcus Cole.
Hopefully, someday, Babylon 5 will get an HD makeover. We can dream, right?
A follow-up character tribute to my "Ivanova is Scary" video where I show a bit more of her humorous side while including a couple scenes that didn't make it into the previous version.
*All video clips are the property of Warner Bros.*
Watch the first video here:
These videos are meant as tributes from me to my favorite show, but I also make original content. Keep up to date by subscribing to my pages and help me make more by pledging on Patreon!
Ivanova's last epic verbal throwdown in the Babylon 5 series - my favorite scene of hers. It still gives me goosebumps to this day.
"Babylon 5", Season 4, Episode 19, "Between the Darkness and the Light"
Susan Ivanova - Claudia Christian
Scene from "The Geometry of Shadows" - Babylon 5 S2 E3
I thought this scene was funny and I couldn't find it on the internet, so here it is.
Sorry for the random bit of the intro at the beginning. Thought I had gotten all of that out. :/
All rights belong to WB and JMS. No copyright infringement intended. Only for reference and personal use.
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The Uvod River, a tributary of the Klyazma, flows from north to south, dividing the city in to two halves. There are also two rivers in Ivanovo: the Talka and the Kharinka.
The city is first mentioned in 1561, when it was given to the Cherkassky princely family by IvanIV, after the latter's marriage to Maria Cherkasskaya. However, the relevant document has since been lost.
The modern city was created by merging the old flax-processing village Ivanovo with the industrial Voznesensky Posad in 1871. Yakov Garelin—a patron of arts, historian, manufacturer, and public figure—is considered to be the founder of the city and its first head. Under his government, the city began to develop, industrialise, and grow.