The United States is required to perform a national count of all people every ten years
[[ note: the deadline to fill out the 2020 census has now passed
The information on this page has been archived ]]
The 2020 Census impacts Maryland in several important ways.
The Census:
determines representation in congress and impacts local legislative districts
provides basis for funding critical programs and services
helps with local decision-making for economic development, school construction and transportation projects, as well as public health, public safety and emergency planning
It is important to complete the census form in order to achieve an accurate representation of the Vietnamese community in Maryland
Census data helps determine the level of federal funding for programs such as SNAP/WIC and Medicaid
The census form can now be done in three ways - by mail, phone, and online
The U.S. Census Bureau keeps all sensitive personal data confidential
Don’t forget to fill out your 2020 census form! Email [email protected] for more information or assistance.
This Project has been financed in part with State funds from Maryland’s 2020 Census Grant Program. Project content or opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the State of Maryland or any of its instrumentalities.