
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24)

Context Menu

Context Menu is a component that you can attach to any component to display a context menu.

Context Menu is a component that you can attach to any component to display a context menu. The menu appears on right (default) or left click. On a touch device, a long press opens the context menu.

Open the Context Menu by right-clicking (mouse) or long-pressing (touch) a Grid row.
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GridContextMenu<Person> menu = grid.addContextMenu();
menu.addItem("View", event -> {
menu.addItem("Edit", event -> {
menu.addItem("Delete", event -> {


You can use dividers to separate and group related content. Use dividers sparingly to avoid creating unnecessary visual clutter.

Open the Context Menu by right-clicking (mouse) or long-pressing (touch) a Grid row.
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GridContextMenu<Person> menu = grid.addContextMenu();
menu.addItem("View", event -> {
menu.add(new Hr());
menu.addItem("Edit", event -> {
menu.addItem("Delete", event -> {
menu.add(new Hr());
menu.addItem("Email", event -> {
menu.addItem("Call", event -> {

Checkable Menu Items

Checkable Menu Items can be used to toggle a setting on and off.

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assignee = new Span();
menu = new ContextMenu();

List<Person> people = DataService.getPeople(5);
for (Person person : people) {
    MenuItem menuItem = menu.addItem(person.getFullName(), event -> {



private void setAssignee(Person person) {
    // Update checked state of menu items
    menu.getItems().forEach(item -> item


Hierarchical Menu

Context Menu, like Menu Bar, supports multi-level sub-menus. You can use a hierarchical menu to organize a large set of options and group related items.

Open the Context Menu by right-clicking (mouse) or long-pressing (touch) a Grid row.
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GridContextMenu<File> menu = grid.addContextMenu();
GridMenuItem<File> export = menu.addItem("Export");
GridSubMenu<File> exportSubMenu = export.getSubMenu();
exportSubMenu.addItem("Portable Document Format (.pdf)", event -> {
exportSubMenu.addItem("Rich Text Format (.rtf)", event -> {
exportSubMenu.addItem("Plain text (.txt)", event -> {

Custom Items

You can customize the items to include more than a single line of text.

Open the Context Menu by right-clicking (mouse) or long-pressing (touch) a Grid row.
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GridContextMenu<Person> menu = grid.addContextMenu();
GridMenuItem<Person> assign = menu.addItem("Assign");

GridSubMenu<Person> assignSubMenu = assign.getSubMenu();
people.subList(5, 10).forEach(person -> {
    assignSubMenu.addItem(createPersonItem(person), event -> {

// ...

private Component createPersonItem(Person person) {
    Avatar avatar = new Avatar();

    Span name = new Span(person.getFullName());
    Span apps = new Span(getApplicationCount());
    apps.getStyle().set("color", "var(--lumo-secondary-text-color)")
            .set("font-size", "var(--lumo-font-size-s)");

    VerticalLayout verticalLayout = new VerticalLayout(name, apps);

    HorizontalLayout horizontalLayout = new HorizontalLayout(avatar,
    return horizontalLayout;

Styling Menu Items

Individual menu items can be styled by applying custom class names to them, and writing CSS style blocks targeting those class names.

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MenuItem item = menu.addItem("Delete");
Use theme names instead of class names in V24.2 and older
In versions prior to 24.3, theme names must be used instead (theme property / addThemeNames Java method). The CSS syntax for targeting a theme name is [theme~="custom-theme"]

Disabled Menu Items

You can disable menu items to show that they are unavailable.

Open the Context Menu by right-clicking (mouse) or long-pressing (touch) a Grid row.
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GridContextMenu<File> menu = grid.addContextMenu();

GridMenuItem<File> export = menu.addItem("Export");
GridSubMenu<File> exportSubMenu = export.getSubMenu();
GridMenuItem<File> exportPDF = exportSubMenu
        .addItem("Portable Document Format (.pdf)", event -> {

GridMenuItem<File> delete = menu.addItem("Delete", event -> {


You can use left-click to open Context Menu in situations where left-click doesn’t have any other function, for example a Grid without selection support.

Open the Context Menu by clicking a Grid row.
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GridContextMenu<Person> menu = grid.addContextMenu();
menu.addItem("View", event -> {
menu.addItem("Edit", event -> {
menu.addItem("Delete", event -> {

Best Practices

Context Menu is used to provide shortcuts to the user. You shouldn’t use it as the only or primary means to complete a task. The primary way should be accessible elsewhere in the UI.

Open the Context Menu by right-clicking (desktop) or long-pressing (mobile) a Grid row, or use the Menu Bar in the last column.
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grid.addComponentColumn(file -> {
    MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar();
    menuBar.addItem("Preview", event -> {
    menuBar.addItem("Edit", event -> {
    menuBar.addItem("Delete", event -> {
    return menuBar;

GridContextMenu<File> menu = grid.addContextMenu();
menu.addItem("Preview", event -> {
menu.addItem("Edit", event -> {
menu.addItem("Delete", event -> {

Context Menu vs Menu Bar

You should use Context Menu when there is no dedicated button for opening an overlay menu, such as right-clicking a grid row. When there is a dedicated element/component, such as an overflow menu, use Menu Bar.


Use icons when applicable to help improve recognition. It’s recommended to use commonly recognized icons to avoid confusion. Use icons consistently throughout a list of options.


Suffix a menu item with “…​” when the associated action won’t be executed, but instead reveal some UI, like a dialog, for completing the action.

Component Usage recommendations

Menu Bar

Component for displaying a horizontal menu with multi-level sub-menus.


A generic overlay whose position is anchored to an element in the UI.
