
Documentation versions (currently viewingVaadin 24)

Building Applications the Vaadin Way

How to build real-world business applications with Vaadin.
Work in Progress
This section of the documentation is still being written. Its content is useful, but several parts have not yet been added.

Vaadin is a powerful tool for building real-world business applications. However, as with many versatile tools, it can be used in several different ways and some of these lead to better outcomes than others.

Big business applications often have small beginnings. You can determine things as you go along, but it might be easier if someone showed you how to use new tools from the start. In this section of the documentation, you’ll learn the Vaadin Way of building business applications.

The Vaadin Way is not a tutorial. Rather, it is an opinionated and holistic look at building modern business applications with Vaadin. It’s not limited to the user interface: it also covers other aspects, like business logic, persistence, integration with external systems, and even deployment. It scales progressively from a demo to a personal project, to serving even the most demanding enterprise needs.

The Vaadin Way isn’t the only way to build Vaadin applications. Experienced developers and maintainers of existing applications can continue using Vaadin in their preferred way, or choose the parts of the Vaadin Way that works for them.


Spring Boot
The role Spring Boot plays in Vaadin applications.
Learn how to architect business applications with Vaadin.
Project Structure
The basics of structuring and packaging Vaadin projects.
Presentation Layer
How to build the presentation layer of Vaadin applications.
Application Layer
How to build the application layer of Vaadin applications.
Code snippets for common tasks