The contestants compete in a game of Capture the Skull. One person takes control of the challenge's obstacles, while another uses a teammate as a human shield. Several contestants get chased by a creepy contestant on a jackhammer, who later costs her team the challenge for giving the skull a make-over instead of to the host, and is eliminated as a result.
The episode begins with Priya and Millie stretching, with Millie complaining about the muscles she didn't know she had being sore. Chase comes in and talks about how the challenge was tough before congratulating one person: Nichelle for being "brutally bad." Priya says not to be mean and Millie says that it's not Nichelle's fault, as she is a hot celebrity who never had to do anything. However, Chase compares that to putting Emma in danger, but Millie points out how the two situations are nothing alike and tells him that he's in the wrong. Chase gets annoyed and points out that he's agreeing with Millie, saying she needs to try harder to make friends. Priya defends Millie by telling her that she's her friend, and genuinely, not for the game, telling Chase he should try harder. Chase simply leaves in a huff. Priya suggests that she and Millie should ally, but Millie is hesitant, as Priya is more prepared compared to her. Priya offers to train Millie, in which Millie accepts.
Millie |
“ | Priya likes me so much I almost feel bad for eviscerating her and her parents in my book. But, science is the pursuit of facts, not friends. | ” |
Outside, Wayne and Raj were still feeling disappointed about Nichelle being unable to perform stunts. MK tells them that's how TV works and none of it is real. Raj believed that Nichelle stopped an alien invasion, but since Nichelle's stunts weren't real, he becomes fearful about the aliens still coming. MK adds that's also on TV and it's also not real. Wayne then realizes that they're on TV themselves and wonders if he and Raj aren't real. The two start having an existential crisis once they realize the implications.
MK |
“ | All right, I like messing with people's minds but, come on, some minds just mess with themselves. | ” |
In the mess hall, Priya needs to find another ally. But Millie points out that Damien only votes himself off, Chase and Ripper had a bromance going on, and Zee is a total wild card. so Priya asked Scary Girl to be her friend, but she told Priya to spell nervous.
Priya |
“ | Yep. and when I get nervous, My awkwardness went about 40% about to 75000 bazillion. | ” |
Priya is still trying, but Zee cut her off.
Emma retrieves the skull only to be hit by a water blast that sends her rolling down a hill. The water blast continues to push her down the hill before she lands painfully on the ground in front of Chris with the skull in hand, prompting Chris to announce the Frogs of Death as the winners. The team celebrates, but when MK joins in to celebrate, Julia promptly points out that MK didn't help at all and Bowie accuses her of ghosting them, unaware that MK had been controlling the shields behind the scenes. Emma is the only one who thanks MK for her help, and MK thanks her at first, but then scolds her for thanking her after the rest of the team left. Meanwhile, Ripper yells at Scary Girl for not taking the skull to Chris right away, the latter explaining that she gave the skull a makeover before handing it over. Ripper declares his intent to get Scary Girl eliminated when Priya comes in with the plunger still on her face pointing at Scary Girl's direction. Ripper believes Priya is agreeing with him but Millie scolds Ripper for using her as a shield as she tries to pull the plunger off of Priya's face. Ripper argues that his move almost won the challenge for the team. When Millie gets the plunger off, Priya's face is swollen. Priya tells Ripper that he's a bad person and that anyone who does that to a teammate should be off the team. Zee tries to tell Ripper that he went too far but Chase disagrees, saying it's either Ripper, who almost won it for them, or Scary Girl, who cost them the challenge, who should be eliminated. Damien comes in and starts volunteering himself for elimination, pleading for people to vote for him.
At the elimination ceremony, Chef starts explaining why certain campers are at risk of elimination. For Damien, it's because he spent most of the challenge running and screaming instead of taking the Frog of Death's skull or defending his team's skull. Despite wanting to go home, Damien is still surprised and insulted.
Damien |
“ | Why is he saying that like I had a choice!? | ” |
When Chef gets to Ripper, he anticipates getting scolded. Chef states that Ripper nearly won the challenge for his team, which excites him, but then Chef adds that he did it by using Priya as a shield.
Ripper |
“ | Ugh! He's saying exactly what I did but making it sound bad! | ” |
Scary Girl tells Priya that she does not deserve what Ripper did to her and tells her that she'll vote for Ripper, calling Priya her friend.
Priya |
“ | We lost the challenge but I gained a terrifying friend. Cool. | ” |
Finally, Scary Girl is at risk because she got the skull, but instead of giving the skull to Chris, she ran off to give it a makeover.
Scary Girl |
“ | I had to do something. She looked dead. | ” |
Millie, Priya, Chase, and Zee receive their marshmallows. When Chris calls out Damien's name, Damien gets excited as he thinks he’s been eliminated. However, Chris gives him a marshmallow and tells him that he’s safe, adding that Damien only had one vote and it was obvious it came from himself. The last marshmallow goes to Ripper, who farts on it and eats it, which grosses out Damien. Scary Girl gets eliminated as she vows vengeance on her fellow teammates for voting her off as well as threatening to find them and make them wish they'd never been born, before causally skipping off to the Dock of Shame. Chris states that she took that better than he thought she would. Priya, who voted for Ripper, is confused about how the votes were changed to eliminate Scary Girl. Millie, lying to hide the fact she voted Scary Girl, says Scary Girl is unpredictable. Damien points out that he voted for himself, which of course Priya and Millie are aware of.
Scary Girl says that she didn’t win, but, she met a lot of people and knew their names, which is good if she ever needed an organ. Scary Girl opens her umbrella and the Drone of Despair grabs it as Scary Girl leaves the island, with the skull in tow.
Voice actor | Role |
Terry McGurrin | Chris |
Deven Mack | Chef Hatchet |
Brandon Michael Arrington | Bowie |
Julius Cho | Chase |
Daniel Keith Morrison | Damien |
Melanie Leishman | Emma |
Julia Sype | Julia |
Barbara Mamabolo | Millie |
Kimberly-Ann Truong | MK |
Eman Ayaz | Priya |
Varun Saranga | Raj |
Fred Kennedy | Ripper |
Katie Griffin | Scary Girl |
Jack Copeland | Wayne |
Gerardo Gismondi | Zee |
Elimination Ceremony[]
Elimination Ceremony 4: Ferocious Trout | |
Status | Contestant |
Safe | Chase, Millie, Priya, Zee |
Low | Damien, Ripper |
Out | Scary Girl |
Still in the running[]
| ||||||||
- Bowie compares Ripper with a skunk, and ironically, Ripper would end on a Skunk-themed team in his second season, which Bowie would coincidentally be the captain of.
- Damien wondered if Wayne and Raj ever heard an actual owl when hearing their battle cry. Snowy owls actually make a whistling screech. The mostly likely owl that goes "Hoot" is a great horned owl.
- Even if Millie had voted for Scary Girl, there would be a tie between her and Ripper. Damien voted for himself, while Ripper, Zee, and Chase, along with Millie, voted for Scary Girl, and Priya and Scary Girl voted for Ripper. Ripper and Scary Girl would have a three vote tie against each other. (That would have been the case if Chris didn't immediately say that Scary Girl was eliminated.)
- The Frogs of Death's shelter is similar to Pimâpotew Kinosewak's treehouse from Total Drama: Pahkitew Island.
- The way Bowie lays on top of Raj is similar to when Heather was accidentally thrown onto Alejandro in Planes, Trains, and Hot Air Mobiles.
- Ripper using Priya as a human shield is similar to what Scott did with Mike in Grand Chef Auto.
- The title of this episode is possibly a reference to Skull Island, home to King Kong.
- There are several moments where Scary Girl scares her team in similar vain to the 1973 horror film The Exorcist.
- How she turns her head 180° to Priya before the challenge and Damien during the challenge.
- Her voice becomes demonic after she is eliminated.
- In the scene with Priya and Scary Girl in the Main lodge, Priya's hair clip momentarily disappears when Scary Girl threatens her with a spoon.
See also[]
- "Meet the Victims"
- "Pirates of the Cabbagean"
- "Drown Town Abbey"
- "Numbskull Island"
- "Jurassic Fart"
- "Launch Back of Notre Game"
- "Severe Eggs and Pains"
- "The Wheel of Vomit"
- "Paddle Field Earth"
- "The Truth, The Pole Truth and Nothing But the Truth"
- "Tortoise Rigamortis"
- "Caved by the Bell"
- "Magma Cum Laude"