《論文集》 海外で検出された福島第一原発由来の放射性物質

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■ アメリカ
T. W. Bowyer, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Elevated radioxenon detected remotely following the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] Xe-131m:1000,Xe-133:41000,Xe-133m:500

E. B. Norman, PLoS ONE
Observations of fallout from the Fukushima reactor accident in San Francisco Bay Area rainwater
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:16,I-132:1,Cs-134:0.4,Cs-137:0.5,Te-132:1

J. D. Leon, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Arrival time and magnitude of airborne fission products from the Fukushima, Japan, reactor incident as measured in Seattle, WA, USA
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:4.4,I-132:0.79,Cs-134:0.22,Cs-137:0.22,Te-132:0.78

A. Priyadarshi, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Evidence of neutron leakage at the Fukushima nuclear plant from measurements of radioactive 35S in California
大気 [atoms/m3] S-35:1501

S. R. Biegalski, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Analysis of data from sensitive U.S. monitoring stations for the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear reactor accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:30,Xe-133:17000

M. Schoeppner, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Estimation of the time-dependent radioactive source-term from the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident using atmospheric transport modelling
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:約10,Cs-137:約1

S. MacMullin, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Measurement of airborne fission products in Chapel Hill, NC, USA from the Fukushima Dai-ichi reactor accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:4.2,I-132:0.08,Cs-134:0.02,Cs-136:0.026,Cs-137:0.42,Te-132:0.08

P. Thakur, Journal of Environmental Monitoring
Radioactive fallout in the United States due to the Fukushima nuclear plant accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.85,Cs-134:0.38,Cs-137:0.45,Te-132:0.24

G. A. Wetherbee, Environmental Science & Technology
Wet deposition of fission-product isotopes to north America from the Fukushima Dai-ichi incident, March 2011
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:5100(3/15-29),Cs-134:180(3/16-23),Cs-137:240(3/22-29)

S. L. Manley, Environmental Science & Technology
Canopy-forming kelps as California's coastal dosimeter: 131I from damaged Japanese reactor measured in Macrocystis pyrifera
オオウキモ [Bq/kg dw] I-131:2500

W. Yang, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Depositional fluxes and residence time of atmospheric radioiodine (131I) from the Fukushima accident
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:4.6 (3/23-4/19)
降下物 Po-210/Pb-210:1.5
 ※ 平常時の比 0.02~0.09 より明らかに高い。
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:0.337
河川表層水 [Bq/L] I-131:0.0067

D. J. Madigan, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Pacific bluefin tuna transport Fukushima-derived radionuclides from Japan to California
クロマグロ [Bq/kg dw] Cs-134:6.2,Cs-137:9.4
 ※ 15匹中の最大値

■ カナダ
L. E. Sinclair, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Aerial measurement of radioxenon concentration off the west coast of Vancouver Island following the Fukushima reactor accident
大気 [mBq/m3] Xe-133:70000

W. Zhang, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Development of a new aerosol monitoring system and its application in Fukushima nuclear accident related aerosol radioactivity measurement at the CTBT radionuclide station in Sidney of Canada
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.5,I-132:0.58,Cs-134:0.41,Cs-136:0.06,Cs-137:0.40,Te-132:0.74

■ キューバ
C. M. Alonso-Hernandez, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Observations of fallout from the Fukushima reactor accident in Cienfuegos, Cuba
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:0.135,Cs-137:0.0107 (1日間)

■ イギリス
N. A. Beresford, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Observations of Fukushima fallout in Great Britain
草 [Bq/kg dm] I-131:55,Cs-134:8,Cs-137:20
 ※ dm は dry matter の略。
羊乳 [Bq/kg] I-131:2.3

■ ポルトガル
F. P. Carvalho, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radioactivity from Fukushima nuclear accident detected in Lisbon, Portugal
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:1.39,Cs-134:0.153,Cs-137:0.139,Te-132:0.066
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:0.92,Cs-134:0.591,Cs-137:0.620 (3/11-4/4)

■ スペイン
A. Baeza, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Influence of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident on Spanish environmental radioactivity levels
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.08(粒子),8(ガス),Cs-134:0.62,Cs-136:0.041,Cs-137:0.69,Te-132:0.33
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:2.06
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:3.65 (4/3)
芝 [Bq/kg ww] I-131:9.54,Cs-134:0.23,Cs-137:0.41
草 [Bq/kg ww] I-131:2.84
野菜 [Bq/kg ww] I-131:1.42
牛乳 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.32
山羊乳 [Bq/kg] I-131:1.11,Cs-134:0.09

F. P. Garcia, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Traces of fission products in southeast Spain after the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:2.63,Cs-134:0.10,Cs-137:0.09
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:1.10,Cs-134:0.022,Cs-137:0.05 (要旨の単位は間違い)
チャード [Bq/kg] I-131:0.97
山羊チーズ [Bq/kg] I-131:0.52

R. L. Lozano, Environment International
Radioactive impact of Fukushima accident on the Iberian Peninsula: Evolution and plume previous pathway
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.69,I-132:0.162,Cs-134:0.88,Cs-137:0.95,Te-132:0.175

■ イタリア
M. Clemenza, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Measurement of airborne 131I, 134Cs and 137Cs due to the Fukushima reactor incident in Milan (Italy)
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.4,Cs-134:0.08,Cs-137:0.09

A. Ioannidou, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Fukushima fallout at Milano, Italy
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.467,Cs-134:0.061,Cs-137:0.063
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:0.891,Cs-134:0.057,Cs-137:0.859
降下物(湿性沈着) [Bq/m2] I-131:3.51(3/28),Cs-134:0.10(4/15),Cs-137:0.48(3/28)
降下物(乾性沈着) [Bq/m2] I-131:0.4,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:0.24 (4/6)
雪 [Bq/L] I-131:0.277,Cs-134:0.067,Cs-137:0.068
土壌 [Bq/kg] I-131:1.99,Cs-134:0.83,Cs-137:85.17
草 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.135,Cs-134:0.021,Cs-137:0.089
牛乳 [Bq/L] I-131:0.208,Cs-134:0.067,Cs-137:0.684
山羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:0.246,Cs-134:0.069,Cs-137:0.796
 ※ 土壌、草、乳については Cs-134/Cs-137 比の低いサンプルが多いため、Cs-137の大半は核実験やチェルノブイリ由来だろうとのこと。
M. Barsanti, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Environmental radioactivity analyses in Italy following the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.8
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:17.8(3/24-28),Cs-134:0.11(4/1-30),Cs-137:0.17(4/1-30)
羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:4.9,Cs-137:0.33(平均)

L. Tositti, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Comparison of radioactivity data measured in PM10 aerosol samples at two elevated stations in northern Italy during the Fukushima event
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.250,Cs-134:0.220,Cs-137:0.250

■ フランス
P. Loaiza, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Air radioactivity levels following the Fukushima reactor accident measured at the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane, France
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.56,Cs-134:0.035,Cs-137:0.031,Te-132:0.006
草 [mBq/m2 fw] I-131:241,Cs-134:68,Cs-137:69
 ※ 1 m2 当たりに生えた草の総放射能量。
キノコ [Bq/kg fw] Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:1.82
 ※ Cs-134がNDのため、チェルノブイリ由来と思われるとのこと。

V. Parache, Environmental Science & Technology
Transfer of 131I from Fukushima to the vegetation and milk in France
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:9.6
草 [Bq/kg fw] I-131:9
レタス [Bq/kg fw] I-131:0.12
ほうれん草 [Bq/kg fw] I-131:1.0
レタス・ほうれん草 [Bq/kg fw] I-131:1.2
 ※ レタスとほうれん草の数値を区別せずに並べている箇所があり、どちらのものか判別できない。
牛乳 [Bq/L] I-131:0.659
山羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:2.120

F. Perrot, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Evidence of 131I and 134,137Cs activities in Bordeaux, France due to the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:2.4,Cs-134:0.17,Cs-137:0.2
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:3.5
草 [Bq/kg fw] I-131:15.4,Cs-134:0.63,Cs-137:0.69
牛乳 [Bq/L] I-131:0.9

O. Evrard, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Evidence of the radioactive fallout in France due to the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.20,Cs-134:0.007,Cs-137:0.01
草 [Bq/kg fw] I-131:11,Cs-134:1.6,Cs-137:1.6
土壌 [Bq/kg dw] I-131:0.4,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:3.2
浮遊砂 [Bq/kg dw] I-131:60,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:8
 ※ 土壌と浮遊砂についてはCs-134がNDのため、Cs-137の大半は大気圏核実験やチェルノブイリ由来だろうとのこと。

■ モナコ
M. K. Pham, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Detection of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident radioactive traces in Monaco
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.354,Cs-134:0.030,Cs-137:0.037
降下物 [Bq/m2] Cs-134:0.0137,Cs-137:0.0191 (1日間)

■ ドイツ
D. Pittauerova, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Fukushima fallout in Northwest German environmental media
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:2
雨水 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.43,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND
土壌 [Bq/kg fw] I-131:0.068,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:3.0
川砂 [Bq/kg fw] I-131:0.45,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:2.67
 ※ 土壌と川砂についてはCs-134がNDのため、Cs-137の大半は大気圏核実験やチェルノブイリ由来だろうとのこと。
草 [Bq/kg fw] I-131:3.58,Cs-134:0.32,Cs-137:1.59
牛乳 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.08,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND

■ ポーランド
M. Dlugosz-Lisiecka, Journal of Environmental Monitoring
Aerosol residence times and changes in radioiodine-131I and radiocaesium-137Cs activity over Central Poland after the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear reactor accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:8.301,Cs-134:0.6072,Cs-137:0.7530

■ スロバキア
P. P. Povinec, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Aerosol radioactivity record in Bratislava/Slovakia following the Fukushima accident - A comparison with global fallout and the Chernobyl accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.50,Cs-134:0.0537,Cs-137:0.0668, Te-132:0.0171
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:1.130,Cs-134:0.090,Cs-137:0.012
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:1200,Cs-134:100,Cs-137:13 (4/1)
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:570,Cs-134:88,Cs-137:114 (4/14-30)
 ※ 降下物は恐らく単位が間違っている。正しくは mBq/m2 かと。
 大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:14000,Cs-134:2000,Cs-137:4000
 降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:15000,Cs-137:1100

■ ギリシャ
M. Manolopoulou, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radioiodine and radiocesium in Thessaloniki, Northern Greece due to the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.497,Cs-134:0.126,Cs-137:0.145
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:0.7
羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:1.2

P. Kritidis, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radioactive pollution in Athens, Greece due to the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.49,Cs-134:0.16,Cs-137:0.18
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:34 (総降下量)
土壌 [Bq/kg] I-131:ND,Cs-134:1.7,Cs-137:7.0
草 [Bq/kg] I-131:2.1,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:1.5
羊乳 [Bq/kg] I-131:1.7,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:0.6
 ※ 草と羊乳についてはCs-134がNDのため、Cs-137の大半はチェルノブイリ由来だろうとのこと。
C. Potiriadis, Radiation Protection Dosimetry
Environmental radioactivity measurements in Greece following the Fukushima Daichi nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.585(粒子),2.20(ガス),Cs-134:0.158,Cs-137:0.181
草 [Bq/kg] I-131:2
羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:2,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:0.34
 ※ Cs-134がNDのため、Cs-137はチェルノブイリ由来だろうとのこと。

M. Manolopoulou, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Radiation measurements and radioecological aspects of fallout from the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.497,Cs-134:0.126,Cs-137:0.145
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:0.69,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND
降下量 [Bq/m2] I-131:1.21 (3/28-29)
土壌 [Bq/kg] I-131:ND,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:46
草 [Bq/kg ww] I-131:0.84,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:0.38
草 [Bq/kg dw] I-131:1.31,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:0.33
牛乳 [Bq/kg] I-131:1.2,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:0.15
 ※ 土壌・草・牛乳についてはCs-134がNDのため、Cs-137は大気圏核実験やチェルノブイリ由来だろうとのこと。

■ リトアニア
G. Lujaniene, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radionuclides from the Fukushima accident in the air over Lithuania: measurement and modelling approaches
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.70,I-132:0.12,Cs-134/Cs-137比:約1,Cs-136:0.08,Cs-137:1.04,Te-129:0.40,Te-129m:0.75,Te-132:0.13
大気 [nBq/m3] Pu-239+240:44.5
 ※ Pu-238/Pu-239+240 = 1.2で、福島第一原発由来と思われるとのこと。
 ※ ちなみに、チェルノブイリ原発事故時には日本でもチェルノブイリ由来のPuが検出されている:
 K. Hirose, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
 Plutonium isotopes in the surface air in Japan: Effect of Chernobyl accident
 大気 [nBq/m3] Pu-239+240:97 (1986/5/8-10),Pu-238/Pu-239+240 = 0.33 (1986/5/25-28)
A. Gudelis, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radionuclides in the ground-level atmosphere in Vilnius, Lithuania, in March 2011, detected by gamma-ray spectrometry
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.45,I-132:0.083,Cs-134:0.896,Cs-136:0.065,Cs-137:0.893,Te-129m:0.594,Te-132:0.077

■ ルーマニア
C. Cosma, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Indicators of the Fukushima radioactive release in NW Romania
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:1.69,Cs-134:0.054,Cs-137:0.078
牛乳 [Bq/L] I-131:0.37,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND
羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:9.22,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND
羊肉 [Bq/kg] I-131:0.36,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND
羊の甲状腺 [Bq/kg] I-131:180.7,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND
牧草 [Bq/kg fw] I-131:2.55,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND

■ セルビア
I. Bikit, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Airborne radioiodine in northern Serbia from Fukushima
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:2.7,Cs-134:0.17
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:1.8
山羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:2.4
羊乳 [Bq/L] I-131:1.7,Cs-137:0.37
ほうれん草 [Bq/kg fw] I-131:1.2,Cs-137:2.2
 ※ 羊乳とほうれん草についてはCs-134がNDのため、Cs-137はチェルノブイリ由来だろうとのこと。

■ スヴァールバル諸島(ノルウェー)
J. Paatero, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Airborne fission products in the high Arctic after the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.810,Cs-134:0.659,Cs-137:0.675

■ ヨーロッパ複数国
P. Bossew, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radioactivity from Fukushima Dai-ichi in air over Europe; part 1: spatio-temporal analysis
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:約5

G. Kirchner, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radioactivity from Fukushima Dai-ichi in air over Europe; part 2: what can it tell us about the accident?

O. Masson, Environmental Science & Technology
Tracking of airborne radionuclides from the damaged Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear reactors by European networks
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:6(ベラルーシ),6(ポーランド),3.7(リトアニア),3.6(ドイツ),3.2(スペイン),2.8(ノルウェー),2(フランス),1.8(フィンランド),1.6(チェコ)など
大気 [mBq/m3] Cs-137:0.75(ポーランド),1.0(リトアニア)
大気 [mBq/m3] Cs-134:0.072,Cs-137:0.076 (3/20-4/12の欧州での時間・空間平均値)
1 PBq程度(総放出量の 1%弱)のI-131がヨーロッパを通過したと試算している。

■ ロシア
A. Bolsunovsky, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Evidence of the radioactive fallout in the center of Asia (Russia) following the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
雪水 [Bq/L] I-131:0.62,Cs-134:0.095,Cs-137:0.075
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:0.058,Cs-134:0.006,Cs-137:0.007
松葉 [Bq/kg dw] I-131:3.28,Cs-134:0.74,Cs-137:1.03
エアフィルター [Bq] I-131:0.63,Cs-134:0.11,Cs-137:0.20

V. S. Kosykh, Atomic Energy
Radiological assessment of the South Sakhalin Region during the Fukushima-1 accident (Japan)
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.67(粒子),Cs-134:0.192,Cs-137:0.247
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:10.24(4/1-2),Te-132:8(3/17)

M. S. Melgunov, Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Fallout traces of the Fukushima NPP accident in southern West Siberia (Novosibirsk, Russia)
雪水 [Bq/L] I-131:0.83,Cs-134:0.092,Cs-136:0.002

■ 台湾
C.-A. Huh, Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Fukushima-derived fission nuclides monitored around Taiwan: Free tropospheric versus boundary layer transport
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.5,Cs-134:1.1,Cs-137:1.5

S.-C. Hsu, Geophysical Research Letters
Hemispheric dispersion of radioactive plume laced with fission nuclides from the Fukushima nuclear event
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.1,Cs-134:0.003,Cs-137:0.003 (チベット高原)

■ 韓国
C.-K. Kim, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Radiological impact in Korea following the Fukushima nuclear accident
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3.12,Cs-134:1.19,Cs-137:1.25
雨水 [Bq/L] I-131:2.81,Cs-134:1.67,Cs-137:2.02
降下物 [Bq/m2] I-131:2.35,Cs-134:0.97,Cs-137:0.99 (4/1-30)
表層海水 [mBq/kg] I-131:ND,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:2.55,Sr-90:1.24
表層海水 [μBq/kg] Pu-239+240:6.36
深層海水 [mBq/kg] I-131:ND,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:2.21,Sr-90:1.21
深層海水 [μBq/kg] Pu-239+240:25.8
 ※ Pu-240/Pu-239 = 0.2前後で、事故前と同程度とのこと。
魚 [Bq/kg fw] I-131:ND,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:0.25
海藻 [Bq/kg fw] I-131:0.32,Cs-134:ND,Cs-137:ND

■ ベトナム
N. Q. Long, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity
Atmospheric radionuclides from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear reactor accident observed in Vietnam
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:0.193,Cs-134:0.033,Cs-137:0.037

■ アイスランド
Summary of radionuclide concentrations in air: March 19th - April 13th, Reykjavik, Iceland
大気 [mBq/m3] I-131:3,I-132:0.057,Cs-134:0.7,Cs-136:0.059,Cs-137:0.87,Te-129:0.35,Te-129m:0.64,Te-132:0.13,Ba-136m:0.0017
※ アイスランドは福島原発由来の放射性物質をヨーロッパで最も早く検出した(3月19-20日)。上記資料は論文ではないが、重要であるため収録。

■ 日本、世界
米沢仲四郎・山本洋一, ぶんせき

Masato Ida, PhD @miakiza20100906

理系研究者 《原子力災害モード》 理学の博士号を持っていて,放射線に関するお仕事もしています。とある巨大加速器プロジェクトのメンバーでもあります。音楽と猫が大好きです♪ メール: [email protected]