



Jeffrey @jeffwoot_alt

just gonna keep a thread of AI artists for anyone who wanted to block/mute since i check every profile nowadays anyways:

2024-01-04 15:53:16



Joanna Maciejewska @AuthorJMac

You know what the biggest problem with pushing all-things-AI is? Wrong direction. I want AI to do my laundry and dishes so that I can do art and writing, not for AI to do my art and writing so that I can do my laundry and dishes.

2024-03-29 20:50:48
Joanna Maciejewska @AuthorJMac

So, just to clarify. This post isn't about wanting an actual laundry robots. It's about wishing that AI focused on taking away those tasks we hate (doing taxes, anyone?) and don't enjoy instead of trying to take away what we love to do and what makes us human.

2024-03-30 09:34:44



Summer Ray @SummerRay

Teenagers have started calling AI art “boomer art” and consider it cringe. I honestly couldn’t be happier.

2024-05-23 21:15:03


9.1万いいね (2024/05/24時点)

🏮Zakuga Art🏮 @ZakugaMignon

If your “artist creativity” is solely based on stealing from artists and having a computer mash it up and re-generate it for you… then maybe you aren’t as “creative” as you think. pic.twitter.com/08Th0FN8zM

2024-05-30 06:21:16



Apselene @Apselen_e

It really frustrates me when people like this who make AI images not have it in their bio or something. It’s tricking people into thinking you are painting these yourself to get more reach. Like you know what you are doing and frankly it’s cringe as fuck

2024-06-01 02:07:36



DiscussingFilm @DiscussingFilm

Chris Miller says there will never be generative AI usage for the ‘SPIDER-VERSE’ films. “One of the main goals of the films is to create new visual styles that have never been seen in a studio CG film, not steal the generic plagiarized average of other artists’ work” pic.twitter.com/3nYWd0nY4P

2024-06-02 10:25:18



Abeba Birhane @Abebab

“we find that while the term open source is widely used, many models are ‘open weight’ at best and many providers seek to evade scientific, legal and regulatory scrutiny by withholding information on training and fine-tuning data.” pure.mpg.de/rest/items/ite… this paper is 🔥🔥🔥 pic.twitter.com/RMmvECD3NJ

2024-06-02 20:13:14



リンク YAMDAS現更新履歴 AI企業がオープンソースという言葉を都合よく利用する「オープンウォッシング」の問題をNew York Timesも取り上げる - YAMDAS現更新履歴 www.nytimes.com一部の AI 企業が「オープンソース」の看板をユルユルに使っていることに対する批判を取り上げた記事だが、まさにワタシが WirelessWire News 連載やこのブログで以前に取り上げた問題ですね。 オープンソース AI の支持者たちは、その方が社会にとってより公平で安全だと言うが、一方で反対者たちは悪意をもって悪用される可能性が高いと言う。この議論にはひとつ大きな問題がある。オープンソース AI が正味のところ何なのか合意された定義が存在しないのだ。それに AI 企業を 12 users 3
Studio Smokescreen @studiosmkscreen

THIS. With the rise of AI on generalist social media platforms, finding real art has been harder and harder. Cara's finally given us the home for artists we've been looking for forever. As a studio, we'll definitely be recruiting from here in the future. x.com/arvalis/status…

2024-06-06 03:29:18
RJ Palmer @arvalis

Oh okay I get it now, Cara is actually the art platform I've been wanting for years. You can treat it like here but it also has a portfolio component(which you can reorder whenever!) This feels kinda huge for our fractured community of artists. pic.twitter.com/K0i99ny9RE

2024-06-04 23:47:19


リンク GIGAZINE MetaのAI施策に反発する形でアンチAIプラットフォーム「Cara」のユーザー数が1週間で17倍超に増加 Metaが推し進める「コンテンツをAIトレーニングの素材として使っていく」施策に反発する形で、アーティストが中心となって設立したプラットフォーム「Cara」のユーザー数が、直近の1週間で4万人から70万人へ、17.5倍に増えたことがわかりました。 8 users 51
D. HuskyTron @DHuskytron

The so called "AI race" has devolved from "Who can cure cancer first" to "Who can launder data, thought police, spy, and generate bozo spam the best". This is an absolute mockery of everything AI was meant to be. pic.twitter.com/B1OQkQSElZ

2024-06-08 03:59:59



Lamron🖇🅱Iueskyに行こう @lamrongol

本業では無いのですが最近は生成AIについてばかり書いています。 🦋でトレンド解析botを運用中: x.gd/HMRSR プログラマ( lapras.com/public/lamrong… )にして小説家(迫真): xfolio.jp/portfolio/lamr…