
振動している部分(振動変異大)→塩がはじかれる 振動していない部分(小)→節に塩が集まり、模様が描かれる 模様は固有振動に拠る。 周波数が高いほど、より複雑で細かいパターンになり、周波数が低いほど、より単純で大きなパターンになる。
Pareekh Jain @pareekhjain

This is what happens to a salt plate when you vibrate it at different frequencies. This phenomenon is called Cymatics. More on Cymatics on Wikepedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cymatics #EIIRInteresting #engineering Credit: Unknown, ViaWeb pic.twitter.com/9PD0iM2URI

2021-11-22 14:54:03
リンク Wikipedia サイマティクス サイマティクス(英: cymatics)とは、砂や水などの媒質によって物体の固有振動や音を可視化すること、またはその現象の研究。この語はギリシア語で波を意味する κῦμα に由来し、人智学思想を信奉していたスイス人のハンス・ジェニー(1904年-1972年)によって考案された。 サイマティックな現象を観察する一般的な方法は、平板や膜、ダイアフラム(振動板)などを振動させ、その表面に撒かれた粒子やペースト、液体などを動かすことによって、振動変位が大きい場所と小さい場所を可視化するというものである。この方法で 5 users 20
Science girl @gunsnrosesgirl3

A remarkable demonstration involving salt, a metal plate, and the manipulation of sound frequencies through a tone generator and a wave driver, creates a mesmerizing resonance experiment. I just found the source and it’s 📹BC stargazer on Y.T

2023-10-23 21:23:28
Science girl @gunsnrosesgirl3

It can happen with other things but here the person used salt

2023-10-23 21:24:34
Edward Parkes @CherokeeParkes

@gunsnrosesgirl3 any granular substance that flows would work. sugar or sand. better not to mix the two.

2023-10-23 21:30:08
Lado Bitnar @LadoBitnar

@gunsnrosesgirl3 Sound technology is something we should be studying more... The things we can do with it are extraordinary! 🔊

2023-10-23 21:34:30
Brings @bringsnft

When you vibrate salt at different frequencies, it can form intricate and visually stunning patterns known as Chladni patterns. This phenomenon is named after Ernst Chladni, an 18th-century German physicist and musician who pioneered the study of acoustics. When a surface (such as a metal plate or a membrane) is covered with a layer of salt and then subjected to vibrations, the salt grains move and accumulate in specific regions of the surface. These regions correspond to the nodes and antinodes of the standing waves created by the vibrations. Nodes are points on the surface that remain stationary, while antinodes are points where the surface vibrates with the maximum amplitude. The salt grains are drawn toward the nodes, creating beautiful and often symmetrical patterns on the surface. The patterns vary depending on the frequency of the vibrations. Higher frequencies lead to more complex patterns with finer details, while lower frequencies result in simpler, larger patterns. Chladni patterns are not limited to salt; similar patterns can be observed with other fine particles such as sand or even liquid droplets. This phenomenon is not only visually fascinating but also has practical applications in fields like acoustics and vibration analysis, where researchers use these patterns to study the resonant frequencies of different materials and structures.

2023-10-23 21:30:04
リンク Wikipedia クラドニ図形 クラドニ図形(Chladni figure)は、ドイツの物理学者エルンスト・クラドニの名にちなんだ図形であり、物体の固有振動の節を可視化する方法である。この図形は1680年7月8日、ロバート・フックによって見出された後、1787年にクラドニの著書に初めて記載された。 金属・プラスチック・ガラス・ボウルなどにピンと張ったラップなどの平面にスピーカーなどで振動を与え音程を変えると、共鳴周波数において平面の強く振動する部分と、振動の節となり振動しない部分が生じる。ここへ例えば塩や砂などの粒体を撒くと、振動によっ 5 users
AstroDude @__AstroDude

This phenomenon is called Cymatics When you vibrate a salt plate at different frequencies, the salt will settle into different geometric patterns. This is because the vibrations cause the salt to move around on the plate, and the salt particles will naturally arrange themselves in a way that minimizes the energy of the system.

2023-10-23 21:17:49
Insight Inc @InsightIncMiami

@gunsnrosesgirl3 Chladni plates are a great way to visualize vibration mode patterns. americanhistory.si.edu/science/chladn…

2023-10-23 21:40:49
Redd🇳🇬🇨🇦 @redd_savvy

@gunsnrosesgirl3 Facscinating, the smoothness of the black surface would also play a role in this

2023-10-23 21:25:49
jppeterson @JPtheTattooer

@gunsnrosesgirl3 This affect is featured in the Apple TV series ‘Invasion’ too. Iirc, you see it happening on the ground, potting soil and the surface of water whenever the alien’s communications are played at high volume

2023-10-23 21:42:04
Paul Frandano (范敦诺) 🇺🇦 @paolodajersey

@gunsnrosesgirl3 I have a tattered book from the 1950s, "Stranger Than Science," the title of which came to mind when I saw these remarkable frequency patterns. And thanks, @_AstroDude, for the explication.

2023-10-23 21:27:10
InfiDale ⚡️ @InfiDale3476

@gunsnrosesgirl3 Why doesn’t McDonald’s just use vibrating floors? It would always be changing beautiful decorations.

2023-10-23 21:16:33
Caner @johnnyweak

@gunsnrosesgirl3 resonance is the secret key of the universe..

2023-10-23 21:22:36
Seymour Clearly @SeymourClearly5

"Cymatics - The study of wave phenomena and the process of manipulating matter with energy waves (sound or otherwise)." resonantdevices.com/cymatics-defin… pic.twitter.com/vNdZcFF44t

2022-11-30 07:32:23
Lightworker 337 @KeriSmi45622035

@SeymourClearly5 It's called the transmutation of matter or Alchemy

2023-01-19 06:53:18
J @janus_ianus

@SeymourClearly5 Mutual on here (not currently active) done a great thread on this that maybe of interest twitter.com/Whitey_Willabe…

2022-12-01 00:36:55
𝚆𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚢 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚎𝚎 @Whitey_Willabee

The vibe has shifted. A 🧵 on Cymatics - the study of visible effects of sound. Although this field has been mired in woo-woo, it's a real phenomenon that reveals the underlying order of reality and has profound implications. The complex beauty of a woman singing diatonically: pic.twitter.com/pCKe23dhNA

2022-07-12 15:19:33
けいさんき @zelda_cal

ゼルダで論理回路・計算機 / togetterまとめ https://t.co/lIsdx7O6Fe