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五輪開会式ディレクターのラーメンズ・小林賢太郎さんが、「ユダヤ人大量虐殺ごっこをやろう」とホロコーストをネタにしてる動画です。 nico.ms/sm3545193 pic.twitter.com/KJx02obaC7
2021-07-21 22:45:46Check it hurry.. #Tokyo2020 's opening ceremony will be Directing by Kentaro kobayashi. The important thing, He makes the Holocaust as bad joking on Japanese TV show. @simonwiesenthal twitter.com/BUNKA_taboo/st…
2021-07-22 00:22:26小山田圭吾は起用された作曲家の一人に過ぎないが、この人は五輪開会式全体のディレクターだよね? twitter.com/BUNKA_taboo/st…
2021-07-22 00:33:39開会式はなくなったんじゃないか、これで。 twitter.com/I_hate_camp/st…
2021-07-22 00:40:11「ユダヤ人大量惨殺ごっこをやろう」の英訳を @simonwiesenthal に向けてタイプする勇気は、私にはない。pic.twitter.com/PtGFEEFyD4
2021-07-22 00:53:05"ラーメンズ" で検索してみたら、案の定、20年も前のネタだの、劇中の役だのいう擁護ツイートがずらり並んでいた。「ブラック・ジョーク」にはなり得ないことがあるということを知らない日本人、多過ぎる。
2021-07-22 01:41:43全部中止で。それが世界のため、人類のため。 twitter.com/TrinityNYC/sta…
2021-07-22 01:42:41This I have to seek judgment of the @simonwiesenthal. It was revealed the #Tokyo2020 Opening Ceremony Director #KentaroKobayashi has in the past (90’s) in his comedy act referred to the #Holocaust by ‘playing massacring of the jews’. However, there is a context. A thread🧵 twitter.com/bunka_taboo/st…
2021-07-22 01:55:16In this longer version of the video, they are trying to create some educational material from a hypothetical paper they’re holding; first one being a wooden bat with the word ‘bat’ written and people with ‘people’ written. They’re trying to create a baseball stadium for kids. twitter.com/gantanrrr/stat…
2021-07-22 01:55:17In bring up multiple samples of these 'people' figures, the man on the right tries to bring in the figures that they hypothetically used when they tried "playing the massacring of the jews," so they can use them as spectators for the baseball stand. pic.twitter.com/sCWBqc4ABg
2021-07-22 02:03:15Even with this full context, the way they referred to the ‘massacre’ is completely out of line and the fact remains that they used it to make people laugh in their act. So even though their reference was indirect, it was offensive enough to visualize what they have ‘played’ with.
2021-07-22 02:07:06Here is some more context and what is still believed to be problematic even bearing in mind the lax pop culture at the time this act was performed. But this is not something a thirdly party should determine. I trust you will act upon your good judgment. re-geinou.com/archives/5343
2021-07-22 02:15:30By the way, the man on the right with a green hat is Kobayashi. He makes the direct reference to the 'play' that was too offensive that a hypothetical director of the program said, "I cannot possibly put this on air!". That's all I can say. pic.twitter.com/sCWBqc4ABg
2021-07-22 02:25:16This is a video of Kentaro Kobayashi, who is in charge of directing the opening ceremony of the Olympics, making a comedy out of the Holocaust, saying, "Let's do a Jewish massacre. Tokyo 2020 It's not just Oyamada They're all like this. nicovideo.jp/watch/sm3545193
2021-07-22 02:16:38I'm not good at English. His tweet is more accurate than my explanation, which is in English. twitter.com/tkatsumi06j/st…
2021-07-22 02:23:39Will Mr. Bach leave the people who used the Holocaust as a laughing stock? twitter.com/kero_jiji/stat…
2021-07-22 02:55:39タイトルそのままじゃ、ツイート出来ないほど非道い 五輪開会式演出・小林賢太郎に浮上した「ホロコーストいじり」の過去 re-geinou.com/archives/5343
2021-07-22 03:08:11SWC Condemns #Antisemitic Remarks by Director of Opening Ceremony of Tokyo #Olympics2021 wiesenthal.com/about/news/swc…
2021-07-22 03:56:49311以後、原発関連の情報を追うように。 違和感を覚えるアカウントは通告無しにブロックします。