南京大虐殺の捏造写真の元ネタ集 Origin of Nanjin Massacre's Fake Photos

南京大虐殺の捏造写真集。反論に使えます。 "Actual Photographs Chinese Executions Kodak Pictures" and more!
T. S. @tstateiwa

@XHNews Corpses of kimono-clad Japanese courtesans (called Yujo) pulled from Benten Pond in Yoshiwara (1923) pic.twitter.com/GdsoAGYkVf

2018-08-26 18:32:51
Erumi 🌸🎌 @Erumitaj

@tstateiwa @XHNews The photo and wrriten letters are obviously Japanese one. China used Japanese victims of Tungchow incident,cruel massacre against Jaganese girls by China too. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tungchow_…

2019-01-08 15:20:36
ZF ⚡ @ZF_phantom


Erumi 🌸🎌 @Erumitaj

@tstateiwa @XHNews During salvage from Manchurin and Korea,three hundred thousand Japanse citizens were dead. Numerous girls were raped cruely and very good luck survivers returned to Japan got abortion but for lacking of anesthesia, many were dead by pain in Futsukaichi. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futsukaic…

2019-01-08 15:36:05
Bulb Head @head_bulb

Oh dear..., this is very shocking for me to know that some S.Koreans have discredited Japanese #RisingSun flag with this kind of web site so far🐰 BUT if they've got angry with the info that's written in it, I think S.Koreans NEED NOT TO HATE THE FLAG🐰 english.anti-risingsunflag.net

2019-02-23 16:01:33
Bulb Head @head_bulb

For example, this photo of children's dead bodies ORIGINALLY has a caption "土匪之為メ虐殺サレタル鮮人ノ幼兒" which reads "Children of Koreans who were slaughtered by Chinese bandits". The Japanese Army & #RisingSun flag are CLEARLY NOTHING TO DO WITH this tragedy🐰 #FakeNews pic.twitter.com/gRtg0W5EKc

2019-02-23 16:01:33
Bulb Head @head_bulb

This is also NOT a photo of civilians slain by the Japanese soldiers But of casualties of a mass-panic during a Japanese air raid in Chongqing in 1941. Photo by Carl Mydans. So heartbreaking to see that war always brings damage to people, BUT THIS IS NOT A MASSACRE BY THE ARMY🐰 pic.twitter.com/OXE6SEVfzI

2019-02-23 16:01:33
Bulb Head @head_bulb

This photo's also turned out to be a photo of #FakeNews that doubts on its authenticity of the photo's been cast. AP seems to have already admitted that is not true, & even fired a photographer that endorsed that the photo is a genuine one of the scene🐰 digitallibrary.usc.edu/cdm/compoundob… pic.twitter.com/jwVz8fAQQo

2019-02-23 16:01:34
Bulb Head @head_bulb

This is NOT a photo of execution of POWs done by the Japanese Army in #NankingMassacre BUT of execution done by Chiang kai-shek's Chinese Kuomintang Party in 1927 of Shanghai massacre. Their military uniforms are clearly NOT of Japanese military uniforms in the first place🐰 pic.twitter.com/RbjXz7nKl8

2019-02-23 16:01:35
Bulb Head @head_bulb

This is also NOT a photo of Japanese brutal execution BUT of Boxer Rebellion that occurred around 1901. Oh, come on! This is utterly NOTHING TO DO WITH even what is so-called #NankingMassacre!! WHY NOT stop denouncing Japan IF YOU NEED TO USE #FAKENEWS TO ACHIEVE YOUR PURPOSE??🐰 pic.twitter.com/vxyAM8zmgG

2019-02-23 16:01:35
Bulb Head @head_bulb

BTW, we can confirm with the Full Text of "The Nanking Atrocity: Still and Moving Images 1937–1944" that a shocking photo of what Japanese soldiers impaled a baby with a bayonet was NOT A REAL PHOTO & was CONCOCTED based on a CHINESE-MADE PROPAGANDA FILM🐰 cogitatiopress.com/mediaandcommun… pic.twitter.com/fCYXIJ4fmQ

2019-02-23 16:01:36
Bulb Head @head_bulb

These photos that have been believed that prove the atrocity of Japanese army specially #WarCrimes of #Unit731 have ALREADY been FOUND photos of #FakeNews. The photos are NOTHING TO DO WITH #HumanExperimentation BUT just photos of THE GREAT PNEUMONIC PLAGUE during 1910 to 1911🐰 pic.twitter.com/NcfjDVDQWw

2019-02-23 16:01:36
Bulb Head @head_bulb

This photo that's been believed that proves the atrocity of #Unit731 that abused Chinese & American POWs has also been FOUND a photo of #FakeNews. This is a photo of PEST PATIENTS in the RUSSIAN HOSPITAL in THE GREAT PNEUMONIC PLAGUE during 1910 to 1911🐰 dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid… pic.twitter.com/Mc4fETcnxi

2019-02-23 16:01:37
Bulb Head @head_bulb

This is also NOT a photo of #WarCrimes of #Unit731 BUT a photo of a detention room in Mukden Detention house for PEST PATIENTS in THE GREAT PNEUMONIC PLAGUE during 1910 to 1911. This photo can NEVER reveal its most secret part of a hell facility🐰#FakeNews dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid… pic.twitter.com/dtLWAXnu9u

2019-02-23 16:01:37
Bulb Head @head_bulb

Oh, come on! This is NEVER a photo of #WarCrimes of #Unit731 BUT one of photos of THE GREAT PNEUMONIC PLAGUE during 1910 to 1911!! We can confirm from the URL that this kind of photos including this one is what people struggled to deal with the plague!!🐰 hahn.zenfolio.com/manchurian_pla… pic.twitter.com/C0X0YIO6I0

2019-02-23 16:01:38
Bulb Head @head_bulb

This photo even shown in #RapeofNanking is also NOTHING TO DO WITH neither #Unit731 nor #NankingMassacre BUT an autopsy photo of a JAPANESE VICTIM conducted by a Japanese doctor, who was massacred in Jinan Incident. A victim has turned to be a victimizer🐰 jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C1… pic.twitter.com/cLGunjmIqA

2019-02-23 16:01:39
Bulb Head @head_bulb

This photo is also NOTHING TO DO WITH neither #Unit731 nor #NankingMassacre BUT an autopsy photo of a JAPANESE VICTIM conducted by a Japanese doctor, who was massacred in Jinan Incident. We can confirm those original photos from the URL here🐰 #FakeNews jacar.archives.go.jp/das/image-j/C1… pic.twitter.com/kZltrCYPUw

2019-02-23 16:01:39
Bulb Head @head_bulb

BTW, this photo of #NankingMassacre that Chinese news media claim & provide even now is ALSO NOTHING TO DO WITH IT BUT a photo of the Great Kanto Earthquake Japan of 1923. We can confirm the original photo of China's #FakeNews from Hifuku-sho in the URL🐰 digicoll.manoa.hawaii.edu/earthquake/Pag… pic.twitter.com/KMvFLBvEjK

2019-02-23 16:01:40
Bulb Head @head_bulb

These photos of Korean #ForcedLabors that S.Korea has been claiming to the world as a proof of #SlaveWorkers abused by Japan have ALREADY turned out to be #FakeNews. These Korean guys are ACTUALLY JAPANESE WORKERS🐰 ■Who is Distorting the History? youtube.com/watch?v=o6xCs9… pic.twitter.com/9qaHRDAxDX

2019-02-23 16:01:40
Bulb Head @head_bulb

This is NOT a photo of Korean #ComfortWomen BUT a photo of Korean #ComfortWomen for the US soldiers after WW2. Japanese were prohibited using English such as OFF-LIMIT or KEEP OUT during WW2, and American soldiers are seen in the photo in the first place🐰 youtube.com/watch?v=7jlfAq… pic.twitter.com/rP54vZM1om

2019-02-23 16:01:41
Bulb Head @head_bulb

Even this photo that both S.Korea & N.Korea are claiming that is of #ComfortWomen massacred by Japanese soldiers has ALREADY turned out to be #FakeNews. This is a photo that CHINESE SOLDIERS LOOTED JAPANESE DEAD BODIES. A victim turned to be a victimizer🐰 youtube.com/watch?v=zbvwHi… pic.twitter.com/WechxK54Rm

2019-02-23 16:01:41
Bulb Head @head_bulb

We have to remember that these #ComfortWomen captured by Chinese soldiers are NOT #SexSlaves BUT NOTHING MORE THAN #PROSTITUES or #CAMPFOLLOWERS attached to the Japanese Army, which is the conclusion of the US documents say after the interviews with them🐰 youtube.com/watch?v=mdb52G… pic.twitter.com/mfwY5Z2W9h

2019-02-23 16:01:42
Bulb Head @head_bulb

It's true that Japan conscripted Koreans. But it was only from September 1944 to March 1945, which the total number was NEVER 6,126,180. We must know that they were ALL JAPANESE back then, and the myth of #ForcedLabor is denied even by a S.Korean scholar🐰 youtube.com/watch?v=z9rmXC…

2019-02-23 16:01:42
Bulb Head @head_bulb

This is a post in Hangul that some S.Koreans DENY the myth of Korean #ForcedLabors or #SlaveWorkers whose number was over 800,000 and all of them were forcibly taken away by Japan from Korea. Not only Japanese but also S.Koreans deny the myth🐰 mediawatch.kr/news/article.h…

2019-02-23 16:01:43
1 ・・ 4 次へ
lulu2 @lulu_happy2
