tim: Tim with short hair, smiling, wearing a black jacket over a white T-shirt (Default)
[personal profile] tim
- Election '10 (This Time, Why Not Ask Corporations To Pay More Than $10?) update: last night: 100 calls, one reasonable conversation with an undecided voter. Today it only took 40 calls to get to that one reasonable conversation. There's nothing like the satisfaction of fulfilling one's civic responsibilities. Coming back on Friday.

Overheard from another volunteer: "So I told him if it was Communist, it would be *tanks*, not a *tax*."

- Muddy Waters has changed, but their open mic night is still as crappy. Or maybe they just need to realize that you don't need to turn the volume up to 13 when your venue is the size of my apartment.
- - Oh my god, the "poet" on stage just rhymed "Pentium" with "millenium".

- Tonight I can say, if nothing else, that I'm Massachusetts by birth but Oregonian by choice. (Hey, at least I live in a state that has two Democratic senators.)

- ETA (link thanks to [personal profile] juli): Thank $DEITY that white people can use overpriced crap to make their way to safety while stepping over dead bodies without needing to inconvenience themselves by helping. Truly, it's good to know that in these troubled times, white people are doing all right.

(no subject)

Date: 2010-01-20 05:34 am (UTC)
bibliotomy: (Default)
From: [personal profile] bibliotomy
Oh my goodness, that last link and the flashlight guy's blog are ridiculous and appalling. He also mentions that he got onto the evacuation flight by pretending he had a heart condition and that his travel companion was his cardiologist. WONDERFUL.

(no subject)

Date: 2010-01-20 05:39 am (UTC)
juli: hill, guardrail, bright blue sky (Default)
From: [personal profile] juli
And Woot are just thrilled to use him as a proud point of publicity!

(no subject)

Date: 2010-01-20 05:44 am (UTC)
juli: hill, guardrail, bright blue sky (Default)
From: [personal profile] juli
I just did. Clearly their ideal user is a selfish conspicuous consumer who will manipulate any situation to their advantage and, in case of tragedy, the less fortunate be damned. Well, I don't like to think that I fit that profile. They have made it clear who their customers are, and I am not one of them.


tim: Tim with short hair, smiling, wearing a black jacket over a white T-shirt (Default)
Tim Chevalier

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