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Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Unicorns and Undergrowing

Pattern of the day is from the coastal sourcing series last month, a 1986 Kalico Kastle Unicorn/Horse sewing pattern.

Seller update: There 36 sewing patterns waiting in the wings to be listed. I really have to concentrate on other categories since I am running out of space in the plastic tubs. What I like about my sewing repository is that these items are small and easy to store. 

I am considering pulling all books from the listings, with the exception of Bibles. 

I hover around 2,600 active listings. I anticipate the summer will be slow. I like to leave town for a few weeks at a time so I put my eBay store on time away. 

I have sold or thrifted my work-related clothing. I had quite a few Hawaiian dresses but I undergrew them. My clothes closet now includes:

8 maxi skirts
10 mid-length/pencil skirts
5 dresses
1 formal gown
10 pairs of pants
Over 20 long sleeve, short sleeve, graphic T shirts each
Over 20 cashmere sweaters

The fan quilt is in celebration of my 65th birthday. I returned to my original fabric pull and went with a lavendar feedsack backing. I also decided to go with a cotton batting, rather than wool, because it really is a summer quilt. I will reveal the finished quilt after its return from the longarmer. 

I purchased another mystery box of patterns from an online auction. For older patterns, I replace the plastic sleeves because they usually look dingey. 

We are concentrating on withstanding this 100 degree heat wave in Northern California. I can't head for the coast because I am still working through the end of the month. 

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