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Friday, May 31, 2024

May Weird and Wacky

Leading off with a couple of artistic gems from a Fort Bragg, California thrift shop. 

These boots are made for ...

I frequented the Freestyle Clothing Exchange in Sacramento to discover those kinky boots. 

These weird and wacky paintings were displayed at Scout Living in Sacramento. 

I made it as far as snapping a picture of this album cover. I gots no explanation!

Ending the post with something wonderful - a button sun catcher.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Almost But Not Quite - Patchwork Cupcake quilt reveal

I had saved the Patchwork Cupcake reveal for the California State Fair in the Almost Edible special crafts category but it was not chosen for exhibition. Approximate total time invested on the patchwork piecing, quilting, and beadwork: 50 hours. 

Ah well, dealt another blow but that is what a competition is about there are winners and losers. 

Fabric as a medium in crafting is not the easiest. The material will skew as it is quilted maybe even more so when it is straight-line. You can see some of that in the lead-off image. 

On improving technique, I am on a notification list for sewing lessons at the sewing center. Since I am self-taught, there is always something I can learn. I am looking forward to taking classes during the day, any day of the week. One month to go until I am a newly-minted retiree. 

Enjoy Patchwork Cupcake's reveal. I am striving for a State Fair ribbon, maybe it will happen someday. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Sunday Chat and the Fan Quilt

I saw Sunday Chat on another blog and enjoyed her post. Her format is similar to mine. She had a skosh of quilting tidbits and a bit of gardening news. 

Garlic chives in bloom. A deer-proof item in my greenhouse. 

I have been dragging my feet on the completion of this Fan Quilt. I have changed my mind three times on the design of the outer border. 

First, I had these blocks I was going to add. But their purple was too purple and they overshadowed the purple inner border.  

Then, I had a couple of jelly rolls that I combined thinking it would make up a piano key border. It just didn't mesh. I will save that piece for another project. 

I decided on a 2" batik border. This fabric I had pulled from the very beginning but wasn't sure how to work it in. 

I completed the backing long before I completed the quilt top. Photographed sideways, you get the drift. The middle section was a pieced portion bought in an online auction lot. 

Next quilt project queued up are these colorful blocks I bought recently at auction. Also pulled are some jelly roll strips auditioning for inclusion. 

Greenhouse update: All of the plants are coming along fine. Hope and pray an animal won't break in and ravage them, thus the chicken wire. The front entrance to the greenhouse is open but blocked by the former greenhouse door. Nearly all of the roof panels are missing so sunflowers can grow right through the roof. 

Heading to a bridal show today with my daughter, her bridesmaid, and the groom's mother. My first bridal show event! 👰

Vacation begins in a couple of days, I intend on doing no work. Taking a couple of books to read out on the deck. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!

My mom at a skating rink in Portland, Oregon (1995). I am about halfway through our family photo archive from her estate.

Pattern of the Day from 2009 - the best of the bunch from my latest eBay listing session of 36 sewing patterns. So colorful and spring-like.

The Mr. and I came late to the party using an air fryer to cook food. What a delight! Grilled cheese sandwiches are now air fried. A great invention. 

A month to go to retirement. Actually, less days working days as there is a 9-day vacation planned for the end of this month. 

I am taking another couple of bags of clothing and shoes to the clothing exchange. Winnowing down my clothing even further. My go-to outfits are winter: corduroy pants, lightweight long-sleeved t-shirt, cashmere sweater; summer: T-shirt, skirt (preferably made in an irresistible print fabric), and Birki sandals. 

My Women in Art college class is completed. I really enjoyed this one. It was a revisit of those female artists I already knew, and some new ones. 

Treated myself to thrifted piece of artwork. I paid $24.99, framed, matted, and under glass. An unusual piece - I love it 😍 

I also updated my home office with the following textile art. Maybe my place-to-be in France? 💞

Plans are for lunch at a local restaurant with the fam. Enjoy your day!

Monday, May 6, 2024

Thrifting the Day Away and Deep Drop Fishing

Outfitting the summer place is the focus now. This ship's porthole clock was a $20 hospice thrift shop find.  

I have gone through a spate of buying at online auctions. This purchase nearly $50, included some really nice quilt blocks, a couple of packaged fabrics, and a jelly roll. 

Those blocks are destined for my fan quilt if my instincts prove right that they will fit right in. 

Pattern of the Day is from 1974. A keeper because it is cut and in such bad shape. Patterns from the seventies have moved into the rare category. 

On a totally different subject but related to vacation and retirement, the Mr. and I will be entering the world of Deep Drop Fishing. For us, that means ocean sport fishing at depths of 200 feet or more. We will also be using electric reels and other fancy lures and bait. I will report back on our success on that new type of fishing.