Did US Gov’t Murder 3 Agents to Coverup Russian Flight 7K9268 Complicity?

Originally posted on Covert Geopolitics:
More details related to the circumstances surrounding the ill-fated Russian flight 7K9268 are slowly trickling in. Families of two dead US intelligence agents are resorting to GoFundme platform [here, and here] to raise enough funds to allow themselves to transition to their new situation as the US government decided to…

Paris 13/11: Operation Gladio?

“Where no counsel is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.”  ~ Mossad Motto  18th November 2015 On the 13th November 2015 during the Paris attacks, 4.1 million people submitted their personal details to the Facebook Safety App, 360 million people received Facebook messages reassuring them of their friends and…

Avaaz’s hands of darkness.

15th November 2015 Comment on latest Avaaz petition from colleague David Macilwain in Australia. “A note from avaaz – ‘let’s stand with victims of terrorism everywhere’… France and Lebanon being ‘everywhere’. And as they don’t specifically mention Syria, we can presume that it’s not at the top of the list of ‘victims of terrorism’ –…

Palestine: Make your calculations ~ Nahida Izzat

9th November 2015 The total area of the historic Palestine is about 27,000 km 2 * Historic Palestine is very densely populated now, with about 5 million native Palestinians and 6 million invading usurping Jews * The extreme vast majority of those invading Jews are serving or have served in the terrorist army of occupation…

US awards Netanyahu prize for Democracy and Human Rights!

9th November 2015 AEI Award for Netanyahu Is Meant to Repair the US-Israel Split: Prof. Denis Rancourt The conservative Washington D.C.-based think tank American Enterprise Institute has announced that it would grant the Irving Kristol Award 2015 to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in recognition of his contributions to democratic leadership and the role…