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The Constant map

Map view of a world generated with seed "The Constant". Note the difference in cave generation.

The Constant is a secret world seed introduced in the 1.4.3 update. It is a crossover with Klei Entertainment's Don't Starve Together.

The following seeds can be used to generate a "The Constant" world (case-insensitive):

  • constant
  • theconstant
  • the constant
  • eye4aneye
  • eyeforaneye

World generation changes[]


  • Marble patches occasionally spawn throughout the world on the surface with a few white painted statues.
  • Spider Caves or small patches of Spider walls often generate at or near the surface.


  • The world generates with "spaghetti caves", which travel up and down in sharp zig-zag patterns or travel diagonally downwards.
  • Lead Ore and Platinum Ore will never generate (i.e. only Iron and Gold will appear in Constant worlds).


  • The player has a hunger system, which goes down over time and can be increased by consuming food items. When the player's current hunger level decreases, they will emote.
    • The player's hunger starts at Peckish, which lasts 5 minutes. Then the player becomes Hungry, which lasts 5 minutes and lowers the player's stats similar to Weak.
    • Finally, the player starts Starving, which makes the player lose health equal to 2% of their max health per second indefinitely.
    • Consuming any food immediately replaces the hunger buffs with the respective Well Fed buff. After the buff ends, the player gets the Peckish debuff again. Alternatively, consuming mushrooms will (re)set your hunger back to 'peckish', with a 5-minute duration.
  • The player gains a custom hurt sound from Don't Starve characters. Male characters' hurt sound is the same as Wilson's, while female characters' sound is the same as Willow's.

Other changes[]

The Constant Effect

The Constant's shader effect being shown right after loading into a world.

  • The world has a constant shader which significantly darkens the world. This effect can also be seen when generating the world.
    • The shader will return to normal if the player equips the Radio Thing.
    • The shader will also not work under the Retro or Trippy lighting modes.
  • It will be pitch dark on the surface during normal nights. When Full Moon, or a Blood Moon occurs, the player will be able to see things normally on the surface.
  • When the player enters completely dark areas, the status message "It is very dark...you feel in danger..." will be displayed, and after 4 seconds, the player will take a fixed 250 damage per second. This continuous damage will last until the player is illuminated by any type of light or dies. When the player gets illuminated, they will stop receiving damage from darkness, the 4-second damage timer will be reset, and the status message "The danger of the dark has passed." will be displayed.
  • Cacti will hurt the player when touched or chopped.
  • Torches, Campfires, Tiki Torches, and Lamps exposed to the sky will be "extinguished" when it rains. However, other pieces of furniture that produce light and/or seem to be fire-based, like Candles, Candelabras, Furnaces, Fireplace, Lamp Posts, etc., will remain lit.
  • Certain items will have their drop rate increased, these being the Ham Bat, the Bat Bat, Monster Meat, the Tentacle Spike, and Glommer's Flower. Abigail's Flower has a higher spawn chance as well.
  • The paintings related to Don't Starve sold by the Traveling Merchant will be more common.
  • Enemies except Spiders will be more likely to despawn after they pick up dropped coins in Expert worlds.Verify
  • Rare clouds in the background are more common.
    • In these rare clouds, Don't Starve related clouds are more common.

World icons []

The world icon of a Constant world is an Evergreen from Don't Starve.


Main article: Guide:The Constant


  • Several world generation changes in the Constant seed recreate specific Set Pieces or items in Don't Starve:
  • Several game mechanics in the Constant seed are based on mechanics in Don't Starve, these include:
    • The shader is based on the shader effect in Don't Starve.
    • A world can only have Iron and Gold Ores due to the fact that only Iron Ore and Gold Ore exist in Don't Starve.
    • The hunger mechanic is based on Don't Starve's Hunger mechanic.
    • In Don't Starve, the player is able to see things normally during Full Moons and its complete darkness in New Moons.
      • However, the player cannot see things during New Moons in Don't Starve, which is not the case in Terraria.
    • The mechanic of players getting damaged in dark areas is based on a similar mechanic in Don't Starve, where the player will be attacked by Charlie while in complete darkness.
    • The player getting damaged by Cacti is based on Don't Starve's Cactus, which damages the player when harvesting it.
    • Exposed Torches and Campfires extinguish when Rain starts, as in Don't Starve, Rain will make Torches and Campfires burn out faster.

