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Se afișează postările cu eticheta SF. Afișați toate postările

duminică, 11 februarie 2024

#Fiction Monday (164) -
A fiction thought ?
Un gand fictiune?

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'BUSY'.

'A fi ocupat nu inseamna intotdeauna
munca adevarata'

Where do I hurry when I'm busy with... the hurry?
However, the
possible variants  are quite limited. Either I'm in a hurry to get somewhere or to finish something. Although it sounds creepy simplified, this
is how the activities that represent the intersections of the matrix of the daily
lines of life are carried out. This is the current vision, now, when I write about 
my hurries. Is it possible that between the 'intersections' of this vision, the
other plans of life unfold? Does time exist there? I like to think not, so I nestle
between the lines, trying to escape of hurries as fast as I can, to enjoy the

transformation of peace and rest!

'Viata este ceea ce ti se intampla in timp
ce esti ocupat sa faci alte planuri'.

Oare unde ma grabesc cand sunt ocupata cu... grabitul? Totusi, variantele
posibile sunt destul de limitate.
Fie ma grabesc sa ajung undeva, fie sa termin ceva. Desi suna infiorator de
simplificat, cam asa se deruleaza activitatile ce reprezinta intersectiile matricei
liniilor cotidiene ale vietii. Asta este viziunea de moment, acum cand astern
aceste randuri, a grabirilor mele. Oare intre 'intersectiile' acestei viziuni,
se deruleaza celelalte planuri ale vietii? Acolo o exista timpul?
Imi place sa cred ca nu, asa ca ma cuibaresc printre linii, cautand sa scap
de grabiri cat de repede pot, ca sa ma bucur de magia transformatoare
a linistii si a repaosului!

'Ocupa-te sa faci lucrurile pe care le iubesti si
impreuna cu oamenii pe care ii iubesti, iar
destinul tau de va gasi' (source)

'Viata este despre echilibru.
Fii amabil, dar nu pres.
Ai incredere, dar ramai constient.
Fii multumit, dar nu inceta sa cre

#Fiction Monday (163) - The first Christmas tree


duminică, 14 ianuarie 2024

#Fiction Monday (160) - Thoughts
at the beginning of the year
Ganduri la inceput de an

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'EXPRESS'.

'Fii cu oameni care te incurajeaza
sa te exprimi

How strange it sounds to say that I wrote  the last game an year ago! 😊
So I want to express my joy of sharing our ideas again, in another beginning, which
I hope will be according to our desires. I'll also add wishes of health, joy, peace,
fulfillment and... whatever else you want, but I feel it's not enough.
Why? Because everything in our reality runs by laws that I still don't fully understand,
but intuitively I feel they are right. Everything we think and say rolls into an energy field
that... surrounds us. I believe it's really alive and energetically feeding off of everything
we offer it. With good and bad, love and hate, pain and joy, with all the emotions that
come from our beliefs. And, as it is saying, all these energies put together, create the
surrounding reality. If something is not right, it's a kind of signal of understanding that
we form a WHOLE, we are part of an organism whose functioning depends on each of us.
Just like the billions of cells that make up our body. And even though we don't know much
about the details of how they function, we can observe  their work by looking in the mirror.
I hope we can truly understand the subtle mechanisms around us and create a reality that
is as real as our desires full of light!

'Nu-ti tine sentimentele la adapost,
exprima-le. Nu lasa niciodata viata
sa te faca sa taci

Ce ciudat suna sa spun ca jocul trecut l-am scris acum un an! 😊
Asa ca vreau sa-mi exprim bucuria de a ne impartasi ideile din nou, intr-un alt
inceput, ce sper sa ne fie dupa dorinta. Voi adauga si urari de sanatate, bucurie,
pace, impliniri si... ce mai vreti voi, dar simt ca nu e suficient.

De ce? Pentru ca totul in realitatea noastra se deruleaza dupa legi pe care eu inca
nu le inteleg pe deplin, insa intuitiv le simt corecte.
Tot ceea ce gandim si rostim se rostogoleste intr-un camp energetic care ne
inconjoara. Eu cred ca e chiar viu si se hraneste energetic cu tot ceea ce ii
oferim. Cu bine si rau, dragoste si ura, dureri si bucurii, cu toate emotiile
izvorate din credintele noastre. Si, asa cum se spune, toate aceste energii
adunate, creeaza realitatea inconjuratoare.
Daca ceva nu este bine, este ca un fel de semnal al intelegerii ca noi formam
un TOT, suntem parte a unui organism a carui functionare depinde de fiecare
dintre noi. La fel ca miliardele de celule care ne formeaza corpul. Si chiar daca
nu stim  mare lucru despre detaliile functionarii lor, putem sa le observam
munca uitandu-ne in oglinda.
Imi exprim speranta ca vom putea intelege cu adevarat mecanismele subtile
din jurul nostru si ne vom crea o realitate pe masura dorintelor noastre
pline de lumina!


#Fiction Monday (159) - A short dialog

Communicate with the Universe.
Comunicati cu Universul.

Si ceva descoperit azi...
Something discovered today...

sâmbătă, 3 iunie 2023

#Fiction Monday (136) -
Thoughts about bubbles
Ganduri despre bule

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'BUBBLE'

The images have a simple explanation: a bit of mineral water poured into a
plastic cap. I took some pictures of it, as it looked cute. But more interesting was
when I noticed that the game was already open and the new word was 'bubble'.😊
Their physics is less important. But I also remembered the idea expressed by some authors, about 'our reality bubble', which I came to believe, simply by observing
the people around me and myself, obviously. It seems created by beliefs, our
own prejudices and experiences and 'seemingly' surrounds us protectively.
I wondered what properties it might have? Obviously you can't see it, perhaps
only with the mind's eyes. But it is included in the larger reality in which we all
evolve. Only that in these bubbles we see everything filtered by our own thinking.
We see what's going on, but sometimes we don't really understand either
the sight or the cause of it. But inside we receive or create an explanation.
Sometimes satisfactory, sometimes not. Sometimes real, sometimes fake.
I imagine how people go near each other in their own bubbles, just as
cosmonauts evolve in their special suits.
Perhaps they have their own rules depending on our personality.
But do they really protect us?
I keep asking myself, but I don't see any answer other than... no!

Imaginile au o explicatie simpla: putina apa minerala turnata intr-un capac de
plastic. I-am facut cateva poze, ca arata simpatic. Insa mai interesant a fost
cand am observat ca jocul era deja deschis si ca noul cuvant era 'bubble'.😊

Fizica lor e mai putin importanta. Insa am mai amintit de ideea exprimata de
unii autori privind 'bula realitatii noastre', in care am ajuns sa cred, prin simpla
observatie a oamenilor din jurul meu si a mea, evident.
Pare creata de credintele,
prejudecatile si experientele proprii si ne inconjoara 'aparent' protector.
M-am intrebat ce proprietati ar putea avea? Evident ca nu se poate vedea
poate decat cu ochii mintii. Insa este inclusa in marea realitate in care evoluam
cu totii. Doar ca in aceste bule vedem totul filtrat de propria gandire.
Vedem ceea ce se intampla, insa uneori nu intelegem cu adevarat nici
privelistea si nici cauza ei. Insa in interiorul nostru primim sau cream o
explicatie. Uneori satisfacatoare, alteori nu. Uneori reala, alteori falsa.
Imi imaginez cum oamenii trec unii pe langa altii in propriile bule, la fel cum
evolueaza cosmonautii in costumele lor speciale.
Poate ca ele au propriile reguli functie de personalitatea noastra.
Insa chiar ne protejeaza?
Ma tot intreb, insa nu vad alt raspuns decat... nu!

#Fiction Monday (135) - The inner peace

luni, 15 mai 2023

Citate favorite (162) -
Plecand de la o melodie...


"Xanadu, Taramul Nemuritorilor"

Aceasta postare, putin atipica, a aparut ca urmare a unui articol citit in Revista Cosmos
si care porneste de la o melodie interpretata de Olivia Newton-John, Xanadu.

Lirica melodiei este urmatoarea:

"A place where nobody dared to go
The love that we came to know
They call it Xanadu
And now, open your eyes and see what we have made is real
We are in Xanadu
A million lights are dancing and you are, a shooting star
An everlasting world and you're here with me, eternally
Xanadu, Xanadu
(Now we are here) in Xanadu Xanadu,
Xanadu (Now we are here) in Xanadu
Xanadu, your neon lights will shine for you, Xanadu
The love that echoes of long ago
You needed the world to know
They are in Xanadu
The dream that came through a million years
That lived through all the tears
It came to Xanadu
A million light are dancing and you are, a shooting star
An everlasting world and you're here with me, eternally
Xanadu, Xanadu
(Now we are here) in Xanadu, Xanadu,
Xanadu (Now we are here) in Xanadu
Xanadu, your neon lights will shine for you, Xanadu
Now that I'm here, now that you're near, in Xanadu."

~~~(Traducerea in limba romana)
 De la un articol si o melodie, am ajuns la  Shangdu - Xanadu - 'Capitala superioara',
un loc aflat la 350 km de Beijing, capitala de vara a dinastiei Yuan, la un poem,
 Kubla Khan (sau o Viziune intr-un vis), in care tot despre acest taram se vorbeste,
 intr-o exprimare ciudata:
  ..."Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
       Through caverns measureless to man
        Down to a sunless sea..."
  ... "Unde curgea raul sacru, Alph
        prin caverne vaste pentru om,
        pana la o mare fara soare..."

In articol, se spune ca  Xanadu mai era denumit 'Shangri-La'. Asa ca am continuat
cautarile si am ajuns la un site, '', unde cele doua denumiri sunt legate
semantic si au ca sinonime raiul, paradisul, taramul viselor.

Acum ma intreb daca melodia nu cumva incifreaza ideea despre un loc special,
la care am putea avea acces, posibil in anumite conditii de crestere spirituala.

In romanul Lost Horizon al lui James Hilton ajungem tot la Shangri-La, o zona
speciala, inventata de autor pe baza unor articole despre calatorii in Tibet.
Cam atat. As fi pus doar melodia, ca mi-a placut, insa am mai lasat cateva linkuri,
daca tot le-am gasit...😊

Citate favorite (161)

duminică, 10 iulie 2022

#Fiction Monday (91)
A dissapearance... O disparitie...

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'MAGIC'.

A couple was walking in front of her. They suddenly caught her eyes, as it sometimes
happened. She wasn't sure why. They had something harmonious in the way they
walked almost synchronously, holding hands, looking at each other from time to time.
She admired their blouses with a kind of colorful mosaic print. Strings of tiny squares
waved because of the movement of their bodies. She focused on a reddish metallic
square, trying not to lose sight of it. She played like this for a few tens of seconds,
until… She knew she was looking in the right direction because she had been following
the small spot of color that she liked very much. She tried to memorize it, to paint it
on canvas. However, as crazy as it seemed, the square changed color in a strange way.
She realized that it was not really a change but a disappearance. A breach had formed
in the place of the square through which the zone from the front of the body could be
seen. In the next seconds the process accelerates and both bodies, like in an animation
process, simply disappeared. What had the two been? A hologram? She looked
around the area to see if there were devices that could have generated something like
that. Was she the only one who have seen the phenomenon? She did not observed
amazed looks. There must have been an explanation, but she hadn't figured it out.
Could be a miracle, a magic, a special technology? After all, the last two are related
in a way. But a miracle like this seems to be out of the question, at least from her
point of view. It could have been a teleportation?
She took out a notebook to write down some ideas, which she would explore later…

In fata mergea o pereche. Ii atrase privirea brusc, asa cum se mai intampla uneori.
Nu era sigura de ce. Aveau ceva armonios in modul cum mergeau aproape sincron,
tinandu-se de maini, privindu-se cand si cand. Le admira bluzele avand ca imprimeu
un fel de mozaic colorat. Siruri de patratele minuscule se unduiau din cauza miscarii
trupurilor. Isi concentra privirea pe un patratel de culoare rosiatic metalizat, incercand
sa nu-l scape din ochi. Se juca astfel cateva zeci de secunde, pana cand… Stia ca privea
in directia corecta pentru ca urmarise constiincios mica pata de culoare ce ii placuse
nespus de mult.
Incerca sa o memoreze pentru a o reda pe panza. Totusi, oricat de nebunesc i se parea,
patratelul isi schimba culoarea intr-un mod ciudat. Realiza ca de fapt nu era o schimbare
ci o disparitie. In locul patratelului se formase o bresa prin care se vedea planul din fata
corpului. In urmatoarele secunde procesul se accelera si ambele trupuri ca intr-un
proces de animatie, pur si simplu disparura. Ce fusesera cei doi? O holograma?
Se uita atent prin zona sa vada daca exista vreun aparat ce ar fi putut genera asa ceva.
Oare doar ea vazuse fenomenul? Nu observa priviri mirate. Cu certitudine trebuia sa
existe o explicatie, insa nu o dibuise. Putea fi un miracol, o magie, o tehnologie speciala?
La urma urmei ultimile doua sunt legate intr-un fel. Dar un miracol de genul acesta
parca era cam fara miza, cel putin din punctul ei de vedere. Ar fi putut fi vorba si de
o teleportare. Isi scoase un carnetel sa-si noteze cateva idei principale, pe care sa
le exploreze ulterior… 

 #Fiction Monday (90) - Seeking in the flow




duminică, 7 noiembrie 2021

#Fiction Monday (57) -
A new friend - O noua prietena

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the  word prompt is 'WARM'
and the image bellow.


Ramsy had never a cat before. But a friend had begged her to host her fluffy for two
weeks, because… Simply the game of chance. Do you believe in it…?
She gave her everything, explaining as much detail as possible, even made her a list
started with the veterinarian’s phone …
For her part, Ramsy began to document herself conscientiously for several days and
as she learns things, she oscillates between fear and the emotion of a new experience.
She kept the last one considering it much more useful.

She received her guest with a great curiosity. A cute kitten with big eyes.
Ramsy had a strange sensation, managing to hold her gaze for a few seconds.
She felt the warm and the cold intertwine in an almost whirlwind way, as if she dived
in another reality, unknown to her. The sensation lasted extremely little, but the
beginning seemed promising.
She started to ‘show’ to her new friend the dedicated spaces: the place where she will sleep,
eat, the litter place and the playground.
In her naivety Ramsy thought that a perimeter with toys and a received support dedicated
to the climbs will be sufficient. It was a big mistake…
Right from the start, Pufy - that was the kitten's name - began on its own, the great
exploration … She did not avoid any space where she could hide. The girl followed her more
and more amazed and had to admit that she was a little bit worried about some wavy motions next to some fragile things that she had forgotten to hide…
Pufy bypassed the plants, but perhaps the time to explore them had not come yet.
Two interesting weeks will follow. A special holiday and definitely an unforgettable one! 


Ramsy nu avusese pana atunci vreo pisica. Insa o prietena o implorase sa-i gazduiasca
pufoasa doua saptamani, pentru ca… Pur si simplu jocul intamplarii! Voi credeti in el...?
Ii daduse de toate, ii explicase cat mai in detaliu, ii facuse chiar si o lista pe care o incepuse
cu telefonul doctorului veterinar…
La randul ei, Ramsy incepuse sa se documenteze constiincios de cateva zile si pe masura ce
afla lucruri, oscila intre teama si emotia unei noi experiente.
O pastra pe ultima considerand-o mult mai utila.

Isi primi musafira cu multa curiozitate. O pisicuta dragalasa, cu ochii mari. Ramsy avu o
senzatie ciudata, reusind sa-i sustina privirea cateva secunde. Simti cum se impletesc caldura si raceala intr-un fel aproape turbionar, plonjand parca intr-o alta realitate, necunoscuta ei.
Dura extrem de putin senzatia, insa inceputul i se paru promitator.
Incepu sa-i ‘arate’ noii prietene spatiile dedicate : locul unde va dormi, va manca,
locul litierei si locul de joaca.
In naivitatea ei Ramsy credea ca un perimetru amenajat cu jucarii si un suport dedicat
cataraturilor, pe care i-l daduse prietena ei va fi suficient. A fost o mare eroare…
Chiar din primul moment, Pufy – asta era numele pisicutei- incepu pe cont propriu marea explorare… Nu ocoli nici un spatiu in care se putea ascunde  Fata o urmari din ce in ce mai
uimita si  usor ingrijorata de niste unduiri pe langa cateva obiecte fragile pe care uitase sa le ascunda… Ocolise totusi plantele, insa poate ca nu sosise timpul lor de explorat.
Urmau doua saptamani interesante. O vacanta mai aparte si cu siguranta de neuitat...!

#Fiction Monday (56) - Feelings and opinions based on 'fire'




duminică, 13 iunie 2021

Jurnalul unui Acum (20) -
De la trandafiri la stele... si o invitatie

Incep direct: am realizat prima mea dulceata de trandafiri. O experienta extrem
de parfumata si un pic prea dulce dupa gustul meu, insa daca vi se intampla,
sa nu vi-o refuzati!


Am citit mai multe retete, insa fiind prea mare diferenta intre ele privind
cantitatile, am cam improvizat, insa rezultatul mi s-a parut multumitor.
Astfel: 1/2 kg trandafiri de dulceata, 1 kg zahar (brut), doua lamai, esenta de vanilie.
(petalele se framanta cu zeama de la lamai; zaharul  l-am dizolvat in aproximativ
1.8 litri de apa si cand a inceput sa fiarba se spumeaza daca e cazul si se adauga
petalele, continuind fierberea; finalul l-am verificat obisnuit, cu o picatura din lichid
in apa rece; din vanilie am pus vreo trei picaturi).

Crampeie colorate din natura! Si mentionez ca am vazut deja tei infloriti.

Aici am modificat o cutie de servetele. Poate aveti nevoie si voi de acest
gen de transformare pentru maruntisuri, creioane, etc...
Lipirea am facut-o cu banda dubla deziva.

Doar o imagine facuta inspre soare si a iesit ceea ce vedeti!

De la o poza prin geam + plasa + ploaie:

a iesit ceva cam stelar:

Va urez o saptamana frumoasa, oriunde v-ati afla!

Si pentru ca am primit pe mail o invitatie speciala, vi-o impartasesc,
daca va intereseaza:

Link-ul de inscriere




PS: Intrebare pentru cei care sunt pe platforma blogger.
       De ceva zile bune functia prin care se afisa ratingul nu mai apare,
       desi exista in layout-ul blogului. Vi se intampla si voua, sau am
       zapacit eu ceva?
       Multumesc anticipat pentru raspuns.

Jurnalul unui acum (19)

luni, 26 aprilie 2021

#Fiction Monday (30) -
A strange dream - Un vis ciudat

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the word prompt is 'FROWN'.


Silvian suddenly woke up and frowned, trying to remember the last sequences
from the dream he had. Something very strange:

He was looking at a large, cubic box, without the top, which appear suspended
by a kind of twisted cables, fixed on the corners. He couldn't see exactly
where they were going, because the area showed blurred, as if it had entered
in a cloud. But he was puzzled by what he saw in the box.

It seemed to be filled with a kind of wooden mannequins, those used by sculptors
to study different positions of the human body. They were crowded and he could
see their rounded heads. The box began to sway, but he did not understand how
the movement was formed.

At a time, one of the heads started to detach from the rest of the group.
Little by little the mannequin became clearer and clearer. As  he stood up,
his head started to take on human features and moved…

The dream was falling apart. Silvian tried  to remember for not loosing it.
Strange and interesting! A special beginning of several possible metaphors…

Silvian se trezi brusc si se incrunta, incercand sa-si amintinteasca ultimile
secvente din visul avut. Ceva foarte ciudat:

Privea spre o cutie mare, cubica, fara partea superioara, ce parea suspendata
de un fel de cabluri rasucite si fixate pe colturi. Nu putea sa vada exact unde duceau, pentru ca zona parea blurata, ca si cum ar fi intrat intr-un nor.
Era nedumerit insa de ceea ce vedea in cutie.

Parea umpluta cu un fel de manechine de lemn, din acelea utilizate de sculptori
pentru a studia diferite pozitii ale corpului uman. Stateau inghesuite si le putea
vedea capetele rotunjite. Cutia incepu sa se legene, insa nu intelegea cum se
forma miscarea.

La un moment dat unul din capete incepu sa se detaseze de restul
grupului. Putin cate putin manechinul se vazu din ce in ce mai clar. Pe masura
ce se ridica, capul incepu sa capete trasaturi omenesti si sa se miste…

Visul se destrama. Silvian incerca sa-l recompuna pentru a si-l aminti mai bine!
Ciudat si interesant. Un inceput aparte al mai multor metafore posibile…

#Fiction Monday (29) - Just a thought

joi, 3 decembrie 2020

#Fiction Monday (10) -
The invisible labyrinth...
Labirintul invizibil...

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the word prompt is 'FEAR'.


It's just a thought that bizarrely crept in. How is that, an invisible labyrinth
called fear? Fear is basically, as defined in the dictionary, a "state of deep
anxiety and disorder, caused by a real or imaginary danger."
But thoughts are energy. So I can imagine how the sum of our energies
generated by such states may even create an invisible maze. We go through
it every day, without knowing that as the fear grows, it also grows and amplifies.
We advance on our paths much too slowly and we are wondering why. Obstacles appear everywhere, smaller or larger and we do not understand that we are actually following the paths of the invisible labyrinth that has its own rules, becoming more and more ‘alive’, fed by our worries and fears.

What do you do with these kinds of thoughts that don't fit anywhere in the
puzzle of life? However, I believe that this was not accidental. It had a purpose.
In this case I can interpret the thoughts as important information in resolving blockages on our path. Or to be more precise, the cause of these blockages. A cause generated primarily by our  mind and because we are energetically interconnected, we all become captive, without realizing it, in the labyrinth of our intertwined fears…
You might say the idea is pure fantasy, but what if it's not?
If getting out of our personal or global captivity may have a solution?
Let's just look at the full side of the glass, let's understand our impasses as
lessons of the school of life, generating the fuel needed to advance or change
wrong decisions or approaches.
Or to feel in the heart the belonging to the Whole!
How hard can be the awakening?
How beautiful it would be to open our eyes every morning with the sentiment
of our inner strength which will generate a wonderful day, instead of thinking
about our own fears that feed the invisible labyrinth…


Este doar un gand care s-a strecurat bizar. De unde si pana unde un labirint
invizibil numit frica? Frica este in fond , conform definitiei din dictionar, o
“stare de adâncă neliniște și de tulburare, provocată de un pericol real sau imaginar”. Insa gandurile sunt energie. Asa ca imi pot imagina cum suma energiilor noastre, generate de astfel de stari, poate crea chiar si un labirint invizibil. Il parcurgem zilnic, fara a sti ca pe masura ce creste frica, creste si el si se amplifica.
Avansam pe cararile noastre mult prea lent si ne intrebam de ce oare.
Obstacolele apar la tot pasul, mai mici sau mai mari si nu intelegem ca de fapt
urmam caile labirintului invizibil care are propriile reguli, devenind din ce in ce mai ‘viu’, hranit cu nelinistile si fricile noastre.
Voi ce faceti cu acest gen de ganduri care nu se potrivesc niciunde in
puzzle-lul vietii?
Pot crede ca acest fapt nu a fost totusi intamplator. A avut un scop. Si in acest caz pot interpreta gandurile ca o informatie importanta in rezolvarea unor blocaje pe drumul nostru. Sau mai precis a cauzei acestor blocaje. O cauza generata in primul rand de mintea noastra si pentru ca suntem interconectati energetic, devenim captivi, fara sa realizam acest lucru, in labirintul fricilor noastre intrepatrunse…
Puteti spune ca ideea este pura fantezie, dar daca nu este chiar asa?
Daca iesirea din captivitatile noastre personale sau globale poate avea o solutie?
Sa privim doar partea plina a paharului, sa ne intelegem impasurile ca lectii ale scolii vietii, generatoare de combustibilul necesar inaintarii sau a schimbarii unor decizii sau abordari eronate.
Sau sa simtim in inima apartenenta la Intreg!
Cat de grea poate fi trezirea?
Cat ar fi de frumos sa deschidem ochii in fiecare dimineata cu sentimentul
fortei noastre interioare care va genera o zi minunata, in loc sa ne gandim
la propriile frici care hranesc labirintul invizibil…



#Fiction Monday (9) - Just a question

joi, 29 octombrie 2020

#Fiction Monday (5) - Remember...

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the word prompt is 'REMEMBER'.


When we are kids, we don't remember anything about the world around us.
We just explore with joy and passion, with opened eyes full of sparkles, like
as everything we see are miracles. We are pure love and light.

When we grow up, due to a very strange 'mechanism' that is not described
in the books,  our memory is blurred and even if we remember some pieces of
ideas, the miracles are forgotten, as well as the excitement of the discoveries.
Usually, our own kids are the one who brake the mesh that keeps our memory
locked, but we need power and tenacity to rediscover our own miracles.

I really don't know what is the deep cause of this phenomena, but if we
continue not to remember what is important for our soul, we'll not
remember that we are part of the Nature, of the Planet and that everything
is a whole Entity very much alive and We are part of It!


Când suntem copii, nu ne amintim nimic despre lumea din jurul nostru. Explorăm
doar cu bucurie și pasiune, cu ochii deschiși plini de sclipiri, ca și cum tot ceea ce
vedem sunt minuni! Suntem iubire pură și lumină.

Când creștem, datorită unui „mecanism” foarte ciudat care nu este descris în cărți,
memoria noastră este estompată și chiar dacă ne reamintim câteva bucățele de idei,
miracolele sunt uitate, la fel ca și entuziasmul descoperirilor. Deobicei copiii noștri
sunt cei care rup rețeaua care ne ține memoria blocată, dar avem nevoie de putere și
tenacitate pentru a redescoperi propriile miracole.

Chiar nu știu care este cauza profundă a acestui fenomen, dar dacă noi vom continua
să nu ne amintim ce este important pentru sufletul nostru, nu ne vom aminti că suntem
parte a Naturii, a Planetei și ca totul este o Entitate vie din care facem parte! 



 #Fiction Monday (4)- The reality as a puzzle

sâmbătă, 17 octombrie 2020

#Fiction Monday (3) -
The echo / Ecoul

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the word prompt is 'ECHO'.
I use also the picture prompt.



The teacher enters the classroom relaxed, embracing his students
at a glance. For a fraction of a second everyone had a feeling of quick
and deep eye contact.

An image of a deserted classroom was displayed on the board. He told them
to write on a single sheet of paper the first impression of what they saw.
They knew him well enough not to be too surprised by this introduction
after the summer break. They took out a sheet of paper and started writing…
After five minutes he told them to stop and to write their name on the paper.
He began to gather them quickly, already making his first impression.
After that, the class went on as usual, with recapitulatory ideas and
announcements about the program and the projects of the new year.
He began to read the pages, once the students left the amphitheater.
On one of them he found the following text:

When the mind calms down enough not to hear its own echo,
the Truth will appear on its screen.


Profesorul intra in clasa degajat, cuprinzandu-i dintr-o privire pe studentii sai.
Pentru o fractiune de secunda, fiecare a avut senzatia unui contact vizual rapid
si profund.
Pe tabla era afisata o imagine cu o sala de clasa pustie. Le-a spus sa scoata o singura
foaie de hartie si sa scrie prima impresie despre ceea ce vedeau. Il cunosteau suficient
ca sa nu fie prea surprinsi de aceasta introducere dupa vacanta de vara. Si-au scos o
foaie de hartie si au inceput sa scrie…. Dupa cinci minute le-a spus sa se opreasca si
sa-si puna numele pe foaie. A inceput sa le adune rapid, facandu-si deja prima impresie.
Apoi ora se derula obisnuit, cu idei recapitulative si cu anunturile despre programa si
proiectele noului an. Dupa ce ora s-a terminat si studentii au parasit amfiteatrul, a inceput
sa citeasca paginile. Pe una dintre ele a gasit urmatorul text:

Cand mintea se linisteste suficient de mult pentru a nu mai auzi propriul ecou,
pe ecranul ei va aparea Adevarul.


Have a beautiful weekend!


 #Fiction Monday (2) -Finding the sense


vineri, 9 octombrie 2020

#Fiction Monday (2) -
Finding the sense-
Gasirea sensului

This game is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog  'Reflections' and
I discovered it on Esha's  blog. This time  the word prompt is  'SENSE'.


It was a warm and clear September evening. Silvian sat in the rocking-chair, on the balcony, preparing himself for meditation, a special moment which he was
consistently doing, since something strange had happened to him on his first attempt:

It was also evening. With his eyes closed, following his breath, he tried to detach himself from all the emotions and thoughts of the day. Suddenly, he sensed something strange.
A sort of presence. He thought it was just a sensation, but some words followed:

"-It was the time to start ..."
An emotion gripped him. It certainly wasn't his thought! So he risked an answer:
Are you my guide?"
"-You can call me that too, if your instinct suggested this. What you do, it's one of the possible ways of knowing. ... Because you want to know. Correct?
… And find out that it is enough just to think the words, to understand each other… ”
-Obviously I want to know if the Universe allows me to do so!"
"-I see you've done your homework, but these things aren't that simple. It's not like preparing for an exam and picks a ticket with a specific subject. The whole perspective on life changes. You have to reevaluate everything! Do you feel capable?
-Honestly, I have no idea! I just know that I want that. And I know it's up to me." "-That's how it is! But the intention is also extremely valuable.
    It somehow gives you a sense finder.” 

That's how the first attempt went. And he was convinced he was on the right track! 



Era o seara calda si senina de septembrie. Silvian se aseza in scaunul balansoar de pe balcon, pregatindu-se de meditatie, un moment special pe care-l facea consecvent de cand i se intamplase ceva ciudat la prima lui incercare: 

Era tot seara. Cu ochii inchisi isi urmarea respiratia, incercand sa se detaseze de toate emotiile si gandurile zilei. Brusc, simti ceva ciudat. Un fel de prezenta. Crezu ca este doar o senzatie, dar urmara cuvintele: 

“-Era si timpul sa incepi...”
O emotie il cuprinse. Cu certitudine nu era gandul lui! Asa ca risca un raspuns:
“- Esti ghidul meu?”
“- Imi poti spune si asa, daca instinctul ti-a sugerat asta… E una din caile posibile pentru a sti. ...Pentru ca tu vrei sa stii. Corect? …
Si afla ca e suficient doar sa gandesti cuvintele, pentru a ne intelege…”
“- Evident ca vreau sa stiu, daca Universul imi permite acest lucru!”
“- Vad ca ti-ai facut lectiile, numai ca aceste lucruri nu sunt chiar atat de simple. Nu este ca si cum te pregatesti pentru un examen si tragi un bilet cu un subiect anume.
Intreaga ta perspectiva asupra vietii se schimba. Trebuie sa reevaluezi tot! Simti ca esti in stare?
“-Sincer, habar nu am! Stiu doar ca vreau asta. Si mai stiu ca depinde doar de mine.”
“-Asa este! Dar si intentia este extrem de valoroasa. Iti da cumva un indicator de sens.”
Cam asa s-a derulat prima incercare. Si s-a convins ca era pe drumul cel bun! 




 #Fiction Monday (1)


sâmbătă, 3 octombrie 2020

#Fiction Monday (1) -
A dream with shadows -
Un vis cu umbre

I discovered this game on Esha's  blog, but it is hosted by Vinitha Dileep, on her blog
Reflections..., and it is based on the word prompt 'SHADOW'.



Before going to bed, Silvian checked if the phone had signal in his bedroom.
He had experimented a method of covering the WiFi modem with aluminum
foil from cake trays. Surprisingly, since practicing this tactic, he not only slept
more peacefully, but dreamed differently. The actions from dreams seemed to
connect more coherently. He was amazed of the effect and could hardly wait
for night to come and dream…

… He was sitting on a translucent chair, in a fairly comfortable position.
A transparent sphere began to form around him, filled with a kind of golden
steam that could be breathed normally. He didn't feel anything special.
All around it was a compact silence and many shadows moving outside the
sphere in a strange game, like the play of shadows on the asphalt when the wind caresses the leaves of the trees. He did not understand what was beyond
the sphere or what was happening with him and especially where was he!
Suddenly he felt that the chair he was sitting on, began to lose its consistency.
He got up on time, before its complete disappearance.
The same thing happened with the sphere. He stood up. It was like he was
in a kind of animation: the sky above, the earth beneath his soles and he
alone between the two spaces.
He tried to move, but he failed. He became part of a kind of a rope, which
seemed to have grounded him and which, clasping his hands, snaked
upwards without being able to see the end.
When the string began to vibrate, Silvian awoke. 



Inainte de culcare, Silvian verifica daca telefonul avea semnal in dormitor. Experimentase
o metoda de acoperire a modemului Wi-Fi, cu folia de aluminiu de la tavile de prajituri.
Surprinzator, de cand practica aceasta tactica, nu numai ca dormea mai linistit, dar visa si
altfel. Actiunile din vise parca se legau mai coeerent. Era uimit de efect si de abia astepta
sa vina noaptea si sa viseze…

…Statea pe un scaun translucid, intr-o pozitie destul de comoda. In jurul sau incepu sa se
formeze o sfera transparenta, plina cu un fel de abur auriu, ce putea fi respirat normal.
Nu simtea nimic deosebit. In jur era doar o tacere compacta si multe umbre care se miscau
in exteriorul sferei, intr-un joc ciudat. Ca jocurile de umbre pe asfalt, cand vantul mangaie
frunzele copacilor. Nu intelegea ce era dincolo de sfera si nici ce se intampla cu el si mai
ales unde era! Brusc, simti ca scaunul pe care statea incepu sa-si piarda din consistenta.
Se ridica la timp, inainte ca sa dispara cu totul. La fel se intampla si cu sfera. Ramase in
picioare. Parca era intr-un fel de animatie: deasupra cerul, sub talpi pamantul si el intre
cele doua spatii, singur. Incerca sa se miste, dar nu mai reusi. Devenise parte dintr-un fel
de coarda, ce parca il impamantase si care, cuprinzandu-i mainile, serpuia in sus, fara
ai putea vedea capatul.
Cand coarda incepu sa vibreze, Silvian se trezi. 






vineri, 13 decembrie 2019

Duzina de cuvinte (231-232-235) -
Un triptic ciudat...

Cuvintele duzinii 231, cu tema: 'Scrisoare din viitor':
bombeu, pazmanterii, ornamente, cana, cidru, placinta, oaspeti, poveste, semineu,balansoar, patura, descoperire.
Cuvintele duzinii 232, cu tema: 'Cuvinte uitate pe o foaie':
buton, clopotel, biscuiti, reactivat, spectacol, exclus, dulce, cojoc, trezit, bezea, dragon, ghioc.
Cuvintele duzinii 235, cu tema inspirata din poza 'Midnight swing'
carusel, cadou, bland, aburind, cant, alegere, suflet, schimbare, dorinta, copii, poveste, ascuns.


Primele doua jocuri s-au lasat cumva nefacute. Am crezut ca din cauza 
unui noiembrie cu pazvanterii, adica ii pot spune luna felicitarilor, ca daca  
tot nu stiu ce inseamna cuvantul, pot face si aceasta alegere! Apoi mi-am spus
ca poate in suflet exista o dorinta de a primi o scrisoare din viitor, dar  gandurile 
in loc sa topaie intre ieri si maine sau sa se inspire dintr-un ghioc, se tot dadeau 
intr-un carusel si invartitul in cerc le cam ametea, facandu-se de poveste!

Schimbare de decor!

Dar cand al treilea joc a aparut cu imaginea lui,  un clopotel a sunat si am avut 
certitudinea ca s-au trezit si ceva s-a reactivat
Este la fel de adevarat ca putea fi si dorinta mea care isi cerea o noua poveste, in 
timp ce eu imi vedeam de treaba si ma ocupam de ornamente. Asa ca a fost musai 
sa ma calce pe bombeu ca sa-mi dea un minim impuls, ca pentru cojoc avea nevoie 
de ace si le ascunsesem, pentru orice eventualitate! 😅

Un spectacol in efecte de gri

Si gandul care a venit tiptil a fost urmatorul: gasirea sursei imaginii. 
Am fost profund recunoscatoare ca nu mi-a trecut prin cap ideea unor biscuiti 
cu crema de bezea ademenitoare si dulce,  sau o cana cu cidru alaturi de o
...Si am inceput apasarile pe buton! Dupa cateva tentative nereusite folosind anumite
cuvinte cheie  (fetita, balansoar, pisica, luna...) dar si anumite cuvinte de legatura,
am facut o descoperire: exclus cuvinte de legatura cat si frumoasa noastra limba!
Alegand varianta de cautare in engleza: 'girl, swing, cat, moon, comet', poza a aparut
pe primul loc!  

Am incercat pentru amuzament sa schimb 'cat' cu 'dragon' si imaginea miscatoare
cu ceva ascuns prin ea, a fost castigatoare! Acum, ce sa zic, nu stiu cat de bine 
ar fi ca sa fie vazuta de copii inainte de a adormi cuibariti in patura, ca nici nu 
se aude vreun cânt bland de leagan, nici nu seamana cu un semineu prin care sa
intre Mosu' cu daruri!  Dar imaginatia lor e nesfarsita, asa ca poate ca isi vor crea
propria conexiune cu marele Univers si vor adormi linistiti, visand oaspeti din viitor!

                                         "Eu sunt AL. Am venit de pe Luna!"
                                         "Din ce zona anume a Lunii?"
                                         'Din zona pe care pamantenii n-o vad niciodata.' 
                                         "Atunci asa se explica ca nu te-am vazut pana acum... 
                                           Oricum, bine ai venit, AL. Si adaug... in sfarsit!"
                                         'Ma asteptai?'
                                         "In ciuda oricarei logici, DA!"
                                          'Nu ti-e frica de mine?'
                                         "Nu-mi pun aceasta intrebare. Ea nu exista.
                                           Mi se pare gandul cel mai frumos pe care il pot oferi..."

 Acest text l-am gasit pe o foaie uitata intr-un caiet. De ce l-am scris in aceasta
 forma sau pur si simplu de ce l-am scris, cu foarte multi ani in urma, nu va pot 
 spune, pentru ca pur si simplu nu stiu. Poate o atractie pentru fictiuni, pe care
 uneori le mutam in realitate...
 Acum, acest text s-a mutat intr-o noua dimensiune, intr-un joc, sau poate nu!
 A vrut sa fie gasit si asa s-a intamplat!

 Si pentru ca am descoperit acest cadou aburind, inchid cercul cuvintelor,


 si va urez un weekend placut si plin de bucurii!

Doar jumatatile unui ardei simpatic!

Tabelele lui Eddie pentru jocul 231
Tabelele lui Eddie pentru jocul 232
Tabelele lui Eddie pentru jocul 235