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Jairus "JD" Robinson is a contestant from Survivor 41.

JD struggled with earning the trust of his tribemates. He earned an Extra Vote and lied about it to his tribe, only for Shan Smith to find out and use it to keep him loyal. His loyalty to Shan led him to allow her to hold onto his advantage. This would prove fatal however, as Shan decided to vote him out in order to keep the Extra Vote for herself.


Retrieved from

Age: 20
Hometown: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Current Residence: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Occupation: College student
Hobbies: Obviously Survivor, working with kids/pediatric nursing, athletics (jiu jitsu, running, dance)
Three Words to Describe You: High energy, charming, charismatic
Pet Peeves: I really hate bullies, and I don't like loud eating.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of?  I'm so proud to be a two-time state track champion because it is the culmination of seven years of absolute passion, but also pain. Literal blood, sweat and tears! Everyone will tell you running is hard, but running with the fastest people in the state running sub five minute miles and pole vaulting is a story of its own.
What is something we would never know from looking at you? When people first meet me they always assume I'm the goofy, go with the flow bro who's here to make you laugh. But I'm also a lot smarter than people think until they see my grades or hear me speak in front of a crowd. I did Toastmasters, a nonprofit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership, when I was in 6th grade up until high school, so I can speak eloquently. Public speaking has never been a problem for me.
Who is your hero and why? Every now and then I volunteer at the children's hospital because pediatric nursing is what I want to do with the rest of my life. Those kids are absolutely my heroes. To know and see what they go through hurts, and yet they still have a smile on their faces. Why would I — someone in perfect health — spend so much time being angry at dumb stuff like bad weather, girls or no more milk in my fridge? I'm so much more privileged than they are. I will always have a smile on my face and a laugh on the way because why not, right?
Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? I would love to play the game like the culmination of some great Survivor winners, specifically Parvati, Fabio and Jeremy Collins. No one in the history of Survivor can charm like Parv. I'm going to change that. I would love to have Fabio's ability to be underestimated, which I believe is the best thing you can be in Survivor. Lastly, I want to work Jeremy's shield management into my gameplay while still having my own king spin on it.
Why do you believe you can win Survivor? I believe that there are numerous aspects of Survivor. You'll drive yourself mad trying to do one of them perfectly. If I can do everything well enough, I know I can win. I have great social awareness and in high school I was very popular.  I had my hand in every clique with the jocks, the band kids, musical theatre kids, popular kids, rappers, academic kids, ROTC kids, quiet kids, and even the teachers loved me. Even now, I have a great relationship with the president of our college. I have that "it" factor that some people just have. I think JT had it and Kim Spradlin, now I have it too.[2]


With Survivor being a lifelong passion of JD's, he hit the ground running trying to make social connections with every member of the Ua tribe. The rest of the tribe was aware of this behavior and started to lose trust in him, particularly after JD returned from the summit on Day 2 with an unconvincing recount of his journey. During this time away from camp, JD met Xander Hastings and Danny McCray. Danny's decision to protect his vote resulted in JD receiving an Extra Vote. JD's reputation as a sketchy player made him an initial target for Ua's first Tribal Council alongside Brad Reese and Sara Wilson. As the dynamics developed, culminating in a live Tribal Council, JD and Shan Smith ended up sparing Brad to take out Sara.

Thinking he had an ally in Shan and by extension Ricard Foyé, JD pitched Brad as the next target. Brad overheard this conversation, but it backfired on the rancher when Shan relayed Brad's espionage to Ricard. Meanwhile, JD's target grew following his role in an Immunity Challenge loss on Day 7. Worse, JD accidentally let his Extra Vote slip from his pants; Shan caught this and manipulated him into letting her hold it to build trust. Fortunately for JD, Ricard and Shan trusted Brad less and they voted him out 3-1 (with Brad unable to vote due to the beware advantage), leaving Genie Chen on the outside. Shan then returned JD his advantage that night.

Ua lost the third Immunity Challenge on Day 9, which the tribe blamed on JD's distracted performance during the ring toss. Although Genie was an easy target, Shan wanted to eliminate the possibility of JD using his Extra Vote. Playing up her paranoia, Shan convinced JD to give her the Extra Vote again to hold as a sign of loyalty. Now with the advantage in her possession, Shan realized that she could keep it by voting out JD that night. JD felt confident in his alliance, not using the Shot in the Dark. That confidence would be misplaced as JD was voted out 3-1, finishing in 14th place.

Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Ua Marooning Reward No Won
Bonus Track Immunity No Lost
2 Water Sports Reward/Immunity No 2nd
3 Victory in the Bag Reward/Immunity No Lost
4 Running Down a Dream Reward No 1st
Kenny Log-Ins Immunity No Lost
Voted Out, Day 9

Episode JD's
Voted Against
1 Sara -
2 Ua Tribe Immune
3 Brad Genie
4 Genie Genie,
Ricard, Shan
Voted Out, Day 9


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Survivor 41 Castaways
S41 abraham t
S41 brad t
S41 danny t
S41 deshawn t
S41 erika t
S41 evvie t
S41 genie t
S41 heather t
S41 jd t
S41 liana t
S41 naseer t
S41 ricard t
S41 sara t
S41 shan t
S41 sydney t
S41 tiffany t
S41 voce t
S41 xander t