Enabling and disabling automatic updating and patching for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console components

March 3, 2025

ID 180747

Automatic installation of updates and patches for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console components is enabled by default during Network Agent installation on the device. You can disable it during Network Agent installation, or you can disable it later by using a policy.

To disable automatic updating and patching for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console components during local installation of Network Agent on a device:

  1. Start local installation of Network Agent on the device.
  2. At the Advanced settings step, clear the Automatically install applicable updates and patches for components that have Undefined status check box.
  3. Follow the instructions of the wizard.

Network Agent with disabled automatic updating and patching for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console components will be installed on the device. You can enable automatic updating and patching later by using a policy.

To disable automatic updating and patching for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console components during Network Agent installation on the device through an installation package:

  1. In the main menu, go to OperationsRepositories → Installation packages.
  2. Click the Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent <version number> package.
  3. In the properties window, select the Settings tab.
  4. Turn off the Automatically install applicable updates and patches for components that have the Undefined status toggle button.

Network Agent with disabled automatic updating and patching for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console components will be installed from this package. You can enable automatic updating and patching later by using a policy.

If the check box in step 4 was selected (or cleared) during Network Agent installation on the device, you can subsequently enable (or disable) automatic updating by using the Network Agent policy.

To enable or disable automatic updating and patching for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console components by using the Network Agent policy:

  1. In the main menu, go to Assets (Devices)Policies & profiles.
  2. Click the Network Agent policy.
  3. In the policy properties window, select the Application settings tab.
  4. In the Manage patches and updates section, turn on or off the Automatically install applicable updates and patches for components that have the Undefined status toggle button to enable or disable, respectively, automatic updating and patching.
  5. Make sure to set (Enforce) the lock (The lock icon.) for this toggle button.

The policy will be applied to the selected devices, and automatic updating and patching for Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console components will be enabled (or disabled) on these devices.

See also:

Scenario: Regular updating of Kaspersky databases and applications

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Business Advanced: Adaptive security of your company
Web and device controls. Data encryption. Centralized and convenient management from a single console.
Kaspersky Premium Support (MSA): High‑priority incident processing
Telephone and web ticket support. Fast response, monitoring and health check. Submit a request and activate the contract (MSA).