Creating custom installation packages
You can use custom installation packages for the following:
- To install any application (for example, a text editor) on a client device involving Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, for example by means of a task.
- To create a stand-alone installation package.
A custom installation package is a folder with a set of files, including an executable file. A source to create a custom installation package is an archive file. The archive file contains file or files that have to be included in the custom installation package. Creating a custom installation package, you can specify command-line options, for example, to install the application in a silent mode.
You cannot create custom installation packages in the trial mode of Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console.
To create a custom installation package:
- Do one of the following:
- In the main menu, go to Discovery & deployment → Deployment & assignment → Installation packages.
- In the main menu, go to Operations → Repositories → Installation packages.
A list of installation packages available on the Administration Server is displayed.
- Click Add.
The New package wizard starts. Proceed through the wizard by using the Next button.
- Select Create an installation package from a file.
- Specify the installation package name and click the Browse button.
A standard Open window lets you choose an archive file to create the installation package.
- Select an archive file located on the available disks.
You can upload a ZIP, CAB, TAR, or TAR.GZ archive file. It is not possible to create an installation package from an SFX (self-extracting archive) file.
Files are downloaded to the Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console Administration Server.
If Administration Server detects that the archive includes Kaspersky application, an error message is displayed. You can download installation packages for Kaspersky applications from Kaspersky Web Servers. This operation is available by selecting Operations → Kaspersky applications → Current application versions.
- If the selected archive file includes several executable files, select one executable file that has to be run to install the application using the created installation package.
- If you want, specify an executable file command-line parameters.
You can specify command-line parameters to install the application from the installation package in silent mode. Refer to the application vendor's documentation for details of the command-line parameters.
Creation of the installation package starts.
The wizard informs you when the process is finished.
If the installation package is not created, an error message is displayed.
In Kaspersky Security Center Cloud Console, the total size of all installation packages on the Administration Server is limited to 500 MB. If in the process of creating an installation package the total size limit is exceeded, delete the installation packages created earlier. The size of an installation package is displayed in its properties.
- Click the Finish button to close the wizard.
The created custom installation package is downloaded to the Administration Server. After downloading, the installation package appears in the list of installation packages.
In the list of installation packages, you can view the following properties of a custom installation package:
- Name. Custom installation package name.
- Source. Application vendor name.
- Application. Application name packed into the custom installation package.
- Version. Application version.
- Language. Language of the application packed into the custom installation package.
- Size (MB). Size of the custom installation package.
- Operating system. Operating system for which the custom installation package is created.
- Created. Installation package creation date.
- Modified. Installation package modification date.
- Type. Kaspersky application or third-party application.
In the list of installation packages, by clicking the link with the name of a custom installation package, you can change command-line parameters and the custom installation package name.