Ph.D. Alumni
John W. Adams
“Autoregressive Models and Testing of Hypotheses Associated with these Models“
Advisor: S.N. Roy
Anna Admirdjanova
“Topics in Stochastic Fluid Dynamics“
Advisor: G. Kallianpur
Placement: Department of Statistics, University of Michigan (2000-)
Jeongyoun Ahn
“Geometrical Approches to High Dimensional, Low Sample Size Data Anaylsis“
Advisor: J.S. Marron
Placement: Assistant Professor, University of Georgia
Brian Aldershof
“Estimation of Integrated Squared Density Derivatives“
Advisor: J.S. Marron
Charles Alexander
“Statistical Tests Based on the Levy and Prokhorov Metrics“
Advisor: G. Simons
Sigmund J. Amster
“A Modified Bayes Stopping Rule“
Advisor: W.J. Hall
Hyowon An
“Gaussian Centered L-Moments“
Advisor: J.S. Marron and Kai Zhang
Placement: Postdoc, UNC Lineberger Cancer Center
Burcu Aydin
“Principal Component Analyses for Tree Structured Objects“
Advisor: Gabor Pataki and J.S. Marron
Placement: HP Research, Palo Alto
Changryong Baek
“Second Order Properties of Distribution Tails & Estimation of Tail Exponents in Random Difference Equations“
Advisor: Vladas Pipiras
Placement: Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, Sungkyunkwan University
R. Raj Bahadur
“On a Class of Decision Problems in the Theory of R Populations“
Advisor: H. Robbins
Ping Bai
“Temporal-Spatial Modeling for fMRI Data“
Advisor: Kinh Truong and R.L. Smith
Placement: Risk Analyst at PayPal, San Jose, CA.
David Baldwin
“Topics in the Theory of Stochastic Processes Taking Values in the Dual of A Countably Hilbertian Nuclear Space“
Advisor: G. Kallianpur
Rolf Bargman
“A Study of Independence and Dependence in Multivariate Normal Analysis“
Advisor: S.N. Roy
Aman Barot
“Techniques in Network Embedding and Gaussian Comparison for High-Dimensional Statistics“
Advisor: Shankar Bhamidi and Andrew Nobel
Placement: American Credit Acceptance
Sujit Basu
“Improved Density Versions of the Central Limit Theorem“
Advisor: W.L. Smith
Samopriya Basu
“Inverse Problems for a Class of Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations in a Generalized Fiducial Framework“
Advisor: Jan Hannig
Placement: Postdoc, Simon Fraser University
Kamal Benchekroun
“Association-Balanced Arrays with Applications to Experimental Design“
Advisor: I.M. Chakravarti
Karim Benhenni
“Sampling Designs for Estimating Integrals of Stochastic Processes“
Advisor: S. Cambanis
Vasant P. Bhapkar
“Contributions to the Statistical Analysis of Experiments with One or More Responses“
Advisor: S.N. Roy
Helen Bhattacharyya
“On Some Nonparametric Estimations of Scale and Large Sample Distribution of Sample Median Adjusted Rank Order Statistics“
Advisor: N.L. Johnson
Richard P. Bland
“A Minimum Average Risk Solution to the Problem of Finding the Largest Mean“
Advisor: D.B. Duncan
Isadore Blumen
“The Estimation of the Means of the Multivariate Normal Distribution: Minimax Solutions“
Advisor: H. Hotelling
Kelly Bodwin
“Mining of Variable Associations“
Advisor: Andrew Nobel and Kai Zhang
Placement: Assistant Professor, California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo
Robert E. Bohrer
“On Bayes Sequential Design of Experiments“
Advisor: W. Hoeffding
Nomesh Bolia
“Scheduling in Wireless Cellular Data Networks“
Advisor: Vidyadhar Kulkarni
Placement: IIT, Delhi
Guillaume Bonnet
“The Burgers Superprocess“
Advisor: R. Adler
Placement: Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
Jacqueline Borgert
“Foundational methods in object oriented data analysis and statistical inference“
Advisor: Jan Hannig and J.S. Marron
Petro Borysov
“Local Classification of Clinical Data“
Advisor: J.S. Marron and Jan Hannig
Placement: SAS Institute
Ralph A. Bradley
“Sampling Distribution for Non-Normal Inverses“
Advisor: H. Hotelling
Anita Brogan
“Mutual Fund and Security Selection Through an Operations Research Lens“
Advisor: Shaler Stidham
Placement: Research Triangle Institute