This five-year RTG award (NSF DMS-2134107) from the NSF to the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will develop a comprehensive training and mentoring program, for undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral associates, centered around the theme of theory and applications of Networks.
Team members bring a broad range of expertise to this effort, including stochastic analysis, random discrete structures, discrete and continuous optimization, time series and mathematical statistics, and machine learning. Research activities of the group intersect with many other fields, such as engineering, social sciences, business, biological and medical sciences, epidemiology, and ecology.
The research themes of this RTG will span a broad range of topics, including:
- foundational large network asymptotics (using tools from stochastic analysis, percolation theory, and large deviations theory)
- algorithmic approaches to detection and reconstruction, resource allocation, and computational questions on networks (using tools from applied probability and optimization theory)
- estimation and learning questions on networks (using tools from statistics and machine learning).